Person Centred Plan 2

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|Insert photo here |

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|My name is: |

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|I was born on: |

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|Preferred name: |

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|Key person/lead professional: |

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|Date of birth: |

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|Year Group: |

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|Gender: |

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|Ethnicity: |

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|Religion: |

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|Parent/Carer Name(s) and home address: |

|(Indicate parental responsibility) |

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|Home Phone: |

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|Mobile: |

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|Email: |

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|Home language: |

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|Parental preferred method of communication: |

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|Any special requirements to consider: |

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|To support me I have: (seating/resources etc.) |

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|Current education setting and full contact details: |

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|Lead practitioner and contact details (may be different to the referrer / key worker): |

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|Social Care status (if applicable): |

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|Child/ young person’s UPN, NHS and Social Care number: |

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|Does the child have an Early Help Assessment? |

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|Primary SEN: |

|(One type only from this DfE list) |

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|Other SEN: |

|(Please number in order.) |


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|The professionals involved in my life are: |

|Name |

|Agency |

|Contact number |

|Email |

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Background/family information

All about me…..

|Information that helps to support my well-being and learning: |

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|Currently I am in staffing ratios of __: __. |

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|To enhance the staffing ratios to support my learning and development, my setting receives _ _ (hours) Early Intervention Allowance. |

|These hours are being utilised to: |

|Resources for example staffing, planning, group size, visual |This gives me the opportunity to: |

|supports: | |

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My Development Profile

|Personal Social and Emotional Development: |

|Support plan |Making Relationships : |Self-confidence and Self Awareness: |Managing Feelings and Behaviour: |

|APDR 1 : | | | |

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|Date: | | | |

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|Support plan |Making Relationships : |Self-confidence and Self Awareness: |Managing Feelings and Behaviour: |

|APDR 2: | | | |

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|Date: | | | |

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|Physical Development |

|Support plan |Moving and Handling: |Health and Self Care: |

|APDR 1: | | |

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|Date: | | |

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|Support plan |Moving and Handling: |Health and Self-Care: |

|APDR 2: | | |

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|Date: | | |

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|Communication and Language: |

|Support plan |Listening and Attention: |Understanding: |Speaking: |

|APDR 1: | | | |

|Date: | | | |

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|Support plan: |Listening and Attention: |Understanding: |Speaking: |

|APDR 2: | | | |

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|Date: | | | |

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|Development at Home: |

|Date: |

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|Characteristics of Effective Learning: |

|Date: |

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|Playing and Exploring |Active learning |Creating and Thinking Critically |

| |Being involved and concentrating |Having their own ideas |

|Finding out and exploring |[pic]Maintaining focus on their activity for a |[pic]Thinking of ideas |

|[pic]Showing curiosity about objects, events and |period of time |[pic]Finding ways to solve problems |

|people |[pic]Showing high levels of energy, fascination |[pic]Finding new ways to do things |

|[pic]Using senses to explore the world around them |[pic]Not easily distracted |Making links |

|[pic]Engaging in open-ended activity |[pic]Paying attention to details |[pic]Making links and noticing patterns in their |

|[pic]Showing particular interests |Keeping on trying |experience |

|Playing with what they know |[pic]Persisting with activity when challenges occur|[pic]Making predictions |

|[pic]Pretending objects are things from their |[pic]Showing a belief that more effort or a |[pic]Testing their ideas |

|experience |different approach will pay off |[pic]Developing ideas of grouping, sequences, cause|

|[pic]Representing their experiences in play |[pic]Bouncing back after difficulties |and effect |

|[pic]Taking on a role in their play |Enjoying achieving what they set out to do |Choosing ways to do things |

|[pic]Acting out experiences with other people |[pic]Showing satisfaction in meeting their own |[pic]Planning, making decisions about how to |

|Being willing to 'have a go' |goals |approach a task, solve a problem and reach a goal |

|[pic]Initiating activities |[pic]Being proud of how they accomplished something|[pic]Checking how well their activities are going |

|[pic]Seeking challenge |- not just the end result |[pic]Changing strategy as needed |

|[pic]Showing a 'can do' attitude |[pic]Enjoying meeting challenges for their own sake|[pic]Reviewing how well the approach worked |

|[pic]Taking a risk, engaging in new experiences, |rather than external reward or praise | |

|and learning by trial and error | | |

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|Scales of wellbeing and involvement : |

|Date: |

|Well-being |Involvement |

|[pic]No assessment |[pic]No assessment |

|[pic]Extremely low |[pic]Extremely low |

|[pic]Low |[pic]Low |

|[pic]Moderate |[pic]Moderate |

|[pic]High |[pic]High |

|[pic]Extremely High |[pic]Extremely High |

|Number of Plan / Review|Date |Involved / Attended |

|1st Support Plan(APDR | | |

|meeting) | | |

|2nd Support plan (APDR | | |

|meeting) | | |

|3rd Support Plan(APDR | | |

|meeting) | | |

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This plan will be reviewed within 3 months of the date it is finalised.

|Agreed Actions |

|Date: APDR: |

|What specific actions, strategies, interventions, |Responsible ? |By when, where, and how |Assessment measures / tools (e.g.|

|equipment, resources and support will be in place?| |frequently? |observation, independent |

| | | |recording, reading assessments, |

| | | |child questionnaire) |

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|Personalised Learning Plan |

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|Date: Cycle: |

|Identified area(s)of need to target: |

|Parents Aspirations: |

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|Long Term desired learning outcomes: |

| Short Term outcome(s) before the next review i.e. the progress we would like to see: |

|1. |

|2. |

|3. |

|What do you want me to learn |What will I do? |What will the adult do? |Resources |

| |When will I do it? | | |

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|How Characteristics of effective learning are demonstrated through the short term outcomes: |

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|Evaluation: |

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|Next steps: |

| Review of Actions from: (Cycle/date) |

|Review Date: |

|Record of (1st, 2nd, 3rd etc.) Review meeting held on DD MM YYYY to evaluate the impact of targeted teaching, support and interventions and progress|

|towards achieving the agreed Outcomes. |

|Appendices should also be updated as part of the review process. |

|Actions |Progress made |Action |Person responsible |

| | |(e.g. refine the Outcome or support) | |

|1. | | | |

|2. | | | |

|3. | | | |

|4. | | | |


My Person Centred SEN Support Plan

Commenced on:

my Education, Health and care

What’s important to me…

Great things about me…

Important people…

Good support is…


It’s important to my development that…

It doesn’t help me if…


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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