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Addition and Subtraction Unit 4Problem solving and reasoning questions Year 5Write the missing number in this bar model45383894?Find the missing digits in this subtraction:Find the answer to 5060 – 4935 using either Frog or column subtraction. Check using the other method. Write which you prefer and why.Write a subtraction of two 4-digit numbers where the answer is the first number in reverse. Year 6How many times must 33,217 be subtracted from 100,000 to leave a number less than 33,217? What is the number left?Find the missing digits in this subtraction:How would you subtract 28,560 from 90,600? Explain why…Addition and Subtraction Unit 4Problem solving and reasoning questions Year 5Write the missing number in this bar model45383894644 Find the missing digits in this subtraction:2 0 5 7- 8 3 81 2 1 9Find the answer to 5060 – 4935 using either Frog or column subtraction. Check using the other method. Write which you prefer and why.The answer is 125. Children will have their own preferences but most would consider this easier by Frog since the numbers are both close to 5000. Using column subtraction would involve 2 column exchanges.Write a subtraction of two 4-digit numbers where the answer is the first number in reverse. e.g. 4521 – 3267 = 1254 This would be difficult to solve by trial and improvement and children may need a hint. It is best solved by starting with a 4-digit number, reversing it then finding the difference between the two numbers, this will then be the same as the number subtracted from the first to get the answer. Note that the 1s digit of the first number should be smaller than the 1000s (to avoid a negative number). Year 6How many times must 33,217 be subtracted from 100,000 to leave a number less than 33,217? What is the number left?It can be subtracted 3 times leaving 349. The sequence is:66,783 33,566 349Errors are most likely due to difficulties exchanging between columns. Find the missing digits in this subtraction: 3 4 4 2 6 6 1 2 9 2 8 2 9 7When solving problems like this remind children to check their answer by addition.How would you subtract 28,560 from 90,600? Explain why…The answer is 62,040. Solve by column subtraction, counting up (Frog) or other mental strategies, e.g. realising 600 – 560 is 40 and 90,000 – 28,000 is 62,000. ................

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