Finding Main Idea Using Life on the Ice - Weebly

Main Idea

|Name: Ashley Kirchgessner Date of lesson: February 3, 2015 Lesson #1 |

|Lesson Title: Finding Main Idea Content Area & Topic: Reading |

|Grade: 3rd School: Central Elementary School |

| Introductory |Multicultural Goal(s): Build social action skills (working in a group) |

|Type of Lesson: Practice/Review | |

|Mastery | |

|Learning Objective: Students will be able to identify the |Artifact(s) to Assess Objective: Students’ |Criteria for Assessment of Objective: Students should |

|main idea in a nonfiction story (Bloom’s level of |exit ticket will be used as an informal |correctly identify the main idea and 3/3 details with |

|comprehension). |assessment. Students’ main idea nonfiction |100% accuracy. |

| |passage activity page they complete during | |

| |center work will also be assessed. | |

| | | |

|Academic Standard(s): 3.RN.2.1-Determine the main idea of a text; recount the key details and explain how they support the main idea. |

|Differentiation: |

|Approaching level students-I will work with three students to practice finding main idea during small-group using a leveled reader and nonfiction passage activity |

|page. |

|Above-level students-Five students in the gifted and talented program will go to Mrs. Whiteford’s classroom for enrichment. |

|Accommodations: No accommodations are needed for this lesson. |

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|Multiple Intelligence(s): |

|Visual-spatial-watching the video |

|Interpersonal-working with a group |

|Background Knowledge/Prerequisite Skills: Students need to be familiar with main idea and be able to find details that support main idea. Students need to be able |

|to read and comprehend grade appropriate nonfiction stories. |

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|Materials: Reading books, “Polar Bears” nonfiction text, graphic organizer to go |Technologies Implemented: The smart board will be used to watch the BrainPOP jr. |

|with the “Polar Bears” text, graphic organizer for page 171 of Life on the Ice, |video; the lady bug will be used to display graphic organizers. |

|“Snowflakes” nonfiction text and graphic organizer, and pencils. | |

|Anticipatory Set: The lesson will begin with students watching the following video on brainPOP jr. |

|. Students will be called to sit in the front of the room around the smart board so |

|they can view the movie. This video will be used as a review mini-lesson on finding main idea. |

|Procedures: Students will continue to sit around the smart board with their reading books. |

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|Model |

|I will ask students, “What is main idea?” A sample answer should be, “main idea is what the story is mostly about.” I will then ask, “What are supporting details?”|

|A sample answer should be, ‘Supporting details tell you more about the main idea and make the main idea stronger.” |

|I will display the Polar Bears nonfiction reading passage underneath the lady bug so students can see it on the smart board. I will explain to students that I am |

|going to read the passage out loud. When I am finished reading I am going to underline the main idea in red and underline supporting details in blue. |

|After I have finished reading, I will explain to students that I am going to reread the first sentence (Polar bears live in a snowy-white world, but their fur |

|isn’t actually white) and the last sentence (They learned these algae were found not on the surface of the hairs but inside the hollow hairs!) After reading these |

|sentences, I have determined that the main idea is that polar bears live in a snowy-white world, but their fur isn’t actually white. I will write the main idea in |

|the graphic organizer. |

|Next, I need to find details to support the main idea. I will explain to students that I need to find at least three details that support the main idea. |

|I will underline the third and fourth sentences (These hairs are hollow and clear. The thinner hairs of their undercoat are also colorless). I will include these |

|two sentences in my supporting detail #1 box. |

|I will then underline the following sentence; “Polar bear hair looks white because they have air spaces in the hairs that scatter light of all colors.” I will |

|include this in my supporting details #2 box. |

|I will ask students if they can come up with one detail from the passage that supports the main idea. I will include this sentence in the supporting details #3 |

|box. |

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|Guided Practice |

|Students will turn to page 186 in their reading books. I will ask for a volunteer to read the passage about main idea out loud. |

|We will then turn to page 171 in the story, Life on the Ice. I will ask for a volunteer to read the analyze the text box. The box states, “ Main ideas and |

|details-Which details on this page help support the main idea that Antarctica is an extremely cold place.” |

|I will write the main idea in the graphic organizer that will be displayed on the smart board. I will ask students for details that support the main ideas. The |

|following are details that support the main idea that Antarctica is an extremely cold place: |

|This region is even colder than the Arctic. |

|In winter, parts of the oceans surrounding Antarctica freeze over, doubling its size. |

|Antarctica is the coldest, driest, windiest place on Earth. |

|I will write these details on the graphic organizer. |

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|Independent Practice |

|Students will return to their seats. |

|I will pass out the Main Idea part one activity page. |

|I will read the directions out loud, “For each selection write the main topic described from Life on the Ice. Then use the topic to write a sentence that explains |

|the main idea of that section.” |

|The first one has been completed for students. I will read this out loud. It is on page 171 and the topic is South Pole. The main idea sentence is, “The south pole|

|is the coldest place on Earth.” |

|Students will work with their group to complete numbers 2-6. I will check for understanding by having students complete number two and give them the opportunity to|

|share their answers. This will inform me if I should complete more work with students, or if they are ready to work with their group to complete the activity page.|

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|When everyone has finished, we will review each selection. Students will share what their group came up with. |

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|Small-Group Reading Lesson |

|Students in the gifted and talented program will to go Mrs. Whiteford |

|KS will go to the resource room with Mrs. Brayton |

|I will work with group one and read the leveled reader Beating the Heat to practice finding main idea |

|Remainder of class will complete a main idea activity where they read a nonfiction passage on snowflakes and write the main idea with three supporting details. |

|They will also complete the vocabulary fill in the blank activity page. |

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|Closure: Students will complete an exit ticket where they list the key ideas from the lesson and why they were important. |


BrainPOP jr.


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