Finding Contractions Contractions are formed by joining ...


Finding Contractions--Grades 2 and 3


Contractions are formed by joining two words together and leaving out letters in one or both of the words. An apostrophe is used to show where letters have been omitted. Example: I will = I'll

Will not = won't

Underline any contractions in the sentences.

1. Mary's cousin Jim won't let her play with his new toy.

2. You shouldn't put your feet on the table.

3. There's a lot of juice left in the baby's cup.

4. Won't you come with me to Lois' party?

5. It's cold in here, and it feels like the air's on.

6. If I had the money, I'd buy my mom some of those flowers.

7. She's going to answer the phone because it's ringing.

8. I must've lost my jacket on the playground.

9. That's Joseph's pen.

10. When I get home from school today, we're going to my grandmother's house.



Answers--Finding Contractions--Grades 2 and 3

Contractions are formed by joining two words together and leaving out letters in one or both of the words. An apostrophe is used to show where letters have been omitted. Example: I will = I'll

Will not = won't

Underline any contractions in the sentences.

1. Mary's cousin Jim won't let her play with his new toy.

2. You shouldn't put your feet on the table.

3. There's a lot of juice left in the baby's cup.

4. Won't you come with me to Lois' party?

5. It's cold in here, and it feels like the air's on.

6. If I had the money, I'd buy my mom some of those flowers.

7. She's going to answer the phone because it's ringing.

8. I must've lost my jacket on the playground.

9. That's Joseph's pen.

10. When I get home from school today, we're going to my grandmother's house.


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