The Big Book


STEP 5 Into Action pp 72 – 75

Step 5 Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.

We have a written inventory and we are prepared for a long talk. (75: 1)

Step 5 written inventory Take Step 5

I ON YOUR OWN: STUDY – What did the Big Book authors say?

• READ Read about Step 5 in Chapter 6, Into Action, pp. 72 – 75. Many read Step 5 in the 12 & 12. Step 5 is a step out of our isolation.

• WRITE Review the work you did on Step 4. Steps 4 and 5 are action Steps that explore denial and self-deception, and contribute to self acceptance. Have you left anything out? Write it down.

• TALK Find someone with whom to take Step 5. Let your higher power guide you in finding the right person in the program. You may choose to share different parts of your story with different people. Make an appointment and take the Step.


II WITH THE GROUP: PRACTICE – What does the Big Book say to me about my practice of Step 5?

• We may read and discuss Chapter 6, pp. 72- 75 having to do with Step 5.

• The actual taking of Step 5 is private and will not occur within the group. However, group members may speak generally about their experiences and share some of their reflective writings about taking Step 5 by the Big Book.

• Suggestion: Be specific and thorough when responding to the session questions. Try to avoid rote 'yes' and 'no' answers.

Points of Focus and Reflection (Consider 72-75: 3) Cross off the bulleted points.

1.) We are only as sick as our secrets.

a.) Fear

• Step 4 and Step 5 are the most discussed and the most skipped Steps. Why?

• Do I have any fears or reservations about doing this Step? What are they?

• How has working the first four Steps prepared me for taking Step 5?

• Was I so numb that I did not realize my wrongs?

b.) Admitted to God [of our own understanding]

• Have I opened myself to the presence of a higher power before going over my inventory with my Fifth Step sponsor? How do I do this?

• How is my Third Step decision reaffirmed by working the Fifth Step?

c.) Admitted…to ourselves

• How am I very much the actor? (73: 1)

• Had I been under constant fear and tension, and did that make for more drinking? (73: 2)

d.) Admitted…to another human being

• What may happen to those who hang on to some of the worst items in stock, or have not told someone else all their life story? (73: 0)

• How will working Step 5 help me to begin to develop new ways of having relationships?

• Am I in complete readiness to talk to the right person, (74: 2) and to listen to their response?

2.) The exact nature of our wrongs

• Can I …get down to causes and conditions? (64: 0)

• Have I inventoried my grosser handicaps? (71: 0)

• What does the exact nature of our defects mean? (72: 1) What is behind my alcoholism and the reasons I acted out in the ways I did?

• Why do I need to admit the exact nature – my own basic starting point / motive – of my wrongs and not simply the wrongs themselves?

• What is the distinction between my motives (86: 2) and my actions or behaviors?

• The 5th Step promises: Do I now feel I can look the world in the eye? (75: 2)


• How may I practice being honest with myself, accepting who I am, both the good and the harm that I do, and living up to my potential?

• Where am I responsible and where am I not responsible? What patterns would I rather not repeat in the future?

• How may I practice the courage to share the parts of myself that should never see the light of day? (73: 2)

• How may I practice being committed to trusting this process, trusting another person, and trusting myself to do it?

• How may I practice relying on my higher power, relying on the program of recovery and relying on the fellowship?

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When we decide who is to hear our story, we waste no time…. We pocket our pride and go to it, illuminating every twist of character, every dark cranny of the past. (75: 1, 2)

When we have admitted to God of our understanding, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs, then according to the Big Book and under the conditions of this day, we have taken Step 5.

An optional written Step 5 inventory is on p. 91 of this workbook. The actual taking of this Step will occur outside the group. The group may decide to observe taking Step 5 in a manner similar to the way some AA groups celebrate anniversaries.

STEP 5 WRITTEN INVENTORY [optional] (Step 8 inventory on reverse)

Step 5 Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.

Items to share in the Fifth Step that are not listed in the Step 4 inventories.

Make multiple copies or expand this template in your own notebook.

-Am I identifying the exact nature of my wrongs, that is, what is behind my alcoholism and the reasons I acted out in the ways I did?

-Am I listing all those behaviors and parts of myself that I had vowed would never see the light of day? (73: 2)


















STEP 8 WRITTEN INVENTORY [optional] (Step 5 inventory on reverse)

Step 8 Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.

Make multiple copies or expand this template in your own notebook.

-I complete the list of people I have harmed that I compiled in Step 4.

-I list what I did.

-I list and discuss with my sponsor what an amend might look like.

(I do not yet concern myself with whether or not I should, or will be able to, actually make the amends.)

All persons harmed. What I did. What amends might be.

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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