Los Angeles Mission College

Child Development 1- Observation Assignment # 1: Babies (25 points)Select a child to observe from the movie “Babies” by Thomas Balmes and answer the following questions based on your observations.?You can stream the movie for free here.?(Links to an external site.)Answer the following questions in complete sentences and provide detailed observations to support your answers. This assignment must be typed, saved as a?Microsoft Word document, PDF document, or DOCX?and submitted? as a file upload on Canvas. ??Emailed assignments will not be accepted.Please follow the format of the assignment and type your responses after each question. You must include the questions. Select one baby to observe and answer the questions based on the baby you selected:?1. Ponijao:?female?from Namibia, Africa2. Bayar: male from? Mongolia3. Mari: female from Tokyo, Japan4. Hattie: female from San Francisco, CAPart A- Background InformationWhat is the child’s first name?Where does the child live?Is the child a male or a female?Who does the child live with?Does the child have brothers or sisters?Who is the primary caregiver of the child?Describe the meals/snacks the child has. Include everything you observe the child eating.Does the child appear healthy or not? What makes you think so? Observe the child’s energy level, skin appearance for bruises/discoloration, and appetite. Address all of these areas.Part B-Physical Development (Review Chapter 4)Give 3 examples of child’s gross motor skills. Are they age appropriate? Provide 2 examples of cultural practices or materials in the environment that helped your baby develop his/her gross motor skills Give 3 examples of child’s fine motor skills . Are they age appropriate? Provide 2 examples of cultural practices or materials in the environment that helped your baby develop his/her fine motor skills.Part C-Cognitive Development (Review Chapter 5)What stage is the child in according to theorist Jean Piaget? Provide 3 examples of how the child engages in sensorimotor activity/play.Provide 3 environmental factors and/or practices that helped your baby develop his/her language skills?Part D-Socioemotional Development (Review Chapter 6)What seems to be the child’s temperament(easy, difficult, slow to warm up)? Provide evidence from the movie to support your conclusion.Describe how the child bonded with his/her caregivers.Was the child engaged in play? Please describe how and what the child played with.a. Does the infant/toddler show evidence of basic emotions (happiness, interest, surprise, fear, anger, sadness, disgust)? b. How does the infant show this? c. What is the stimulus( what causes the emotion)? Grading CriteriaSpelling, grammar, correct format, objective observations 5 pointsAll questions in parts A-D are answered completely and have detailed examples from the observations to support each question.Part A. Background information 3 pointsPart B. Physical Development 6 pointsPart C. Cognitive Development 6 pointsPart D. Socioemotional Development 5 pointsLate assignments can be turned in 1 week late from the due date with a 20% reduction after corrections have been made. Email me through Canvas or directly by my email address if you have any questions. ................

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