Classroom Activity

|Classroom Activity |Homework |

|Monday: |Monday: |

|English |English |

|Daily Skill builder |Read “The Disobedient Child” pgs. 788-793 in the Literature Book |

|Chapter 3 Test | |

|Select Literature Circle books |History |

|History |Bring information for the Mesopotamian Inspiration Project |

|Geography Warm-up | |

|Chapter 6 Test | |

|Characteristics of Civilization Inspiration of Mesopotamia | |

|Tuesday: |Tuesday: |

|English |English |

|Daily Skill builder |Finish story mapping “The Disobedient Child” pgs. 788-793 |

|Read and Story Map the folk tale “The Disobedient Child” pgs. |Finish coloring and creating the storyboard. |

|788-793 |History |

|What is the Theme of this fable or what lesson is being taught? |Finish your draft of the Mesopotamian Inspiration Project |

|Begin creating a storyboard, make sure everything is colored | |

|History | |

|Geography Warm-up | |

|Act out the 4 Mesopotamian Empires | |

|Wednesday: |Wednesday: |

|English |1. English |

|Daily Skill builder |Finish creating the storyboard for “The Bamboo Beads” pgs. |

|Read and Story Map the folk tale “The Bamboo Beads” pgs. 794-799 |794-799 and finish the Story Map |

|What is the Theme of this fable or what lesson is being taught? |2. History |

|Create a storyboard for “The Bamboo Beads” pgs. 794-799 |Finish your draft of the Mesopotamian Essay |

|History | |

|Geography Warm-up | |

|Pass out Mesopotamian Essay Information | |

|Read it together as a group and begin Prewriting and work on | |

|drafting | |

|Thursday: |Thursday: |

|English |English |

|Daily Skill builder |Finish “The Circuit” in the Interactive Reader pgs. 94-107 |

|Interactive Reader workbook—Work on the story “The Circuit” | |

|pgs.94-107 | |

|History |History |

|Geography Warm-up |Finish your final written draft |

|Edit and write your final written draft of the Mesopotamian Essay| |

|Friday: |Friday: |

|English |English |

|Daily Skill builder |Read |

|Story Map the story “The Circuit” and identify the theme. |History |

|Create a storyboard for “The Circuit” |No Homework |

|History | |

|Geography Warm-up | |

|Work on the Essay Poster | |

English Focus Standards:

Narrative Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text

R 3.2 Analyze the effect of the qualities of the character (e.g., courage or cowardice, ambition or laziness) on the plot and the resolution of the conflict.

R 3.6 Identify and analyze features of themes conveyed through characters, actions, and images.

W 2.1 Write narratives:

A. Establish and develop a plot and setting and present a point of view that is appropriate to the stories.

B. Include sensory details and concrete language to develop plot and character.

C. Use a range of narrative devices (e.g., dialogue, suspense).

History Standards:

6.2 Students analyze the geographic, political, economic, religious, and social structures of the early civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Kush.

1. Locate and describe the major river systems and discuss the physical settings that supported permanent settlement and early civilizations.2. Trace the development of agricultural techniques that permitted the production of economic surplus and the emergence of cities as centers of culture and power. 3. Understand the relationship between religion and the social and political order in Mesopotamia and Egypt. 4. Know the significance of Hammurabi's Code. 5. Discuss the main features of Egyptian art and architecture. 6. Describe the role of Egyptian trade in the eastern Mediterranean and Nile valley. 7. Understand the significance of Queen Hatshepsut and Ramses the Great. 8. Identify the location of the Kush civilization and describe its political, commercial, and cultural relations with Egypt. 9. Trace the evolution of language and its written forms.


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