Unit 1: Absolutism Review

1675130-85090total control over subjectseconomic system: mercantilism/high taxationreduced power of nobleslarge military/fought many warscontrolled ChurchPatron of the ArtsReligious unity/religious persecution/Divine Right00total control over subjectseconomic system: mercantilism/high taxationreduced power of nobleslarge military/fought many warscontrolled ChurchPatron of the ArtsReligious unity/religious persecution/Divine Right4699068786Absolutism00Absolutism1675518196707Belief power to rule came from GodQuestioning decisions of the monarch was questioning GodKept peasants in line/wanted to go to heaven00Belief power to rule came from GodQuestioning decisions of the monarch was questioning GodKept peasants in line/wanted to go to heaven46990134191Divine Right00Divine Right1675519135217Spanish MonarchyDefender of the Catholic ChurchUsed Spanish Inquisition to persecute Muslims, Jews and ProtestantsDrove middle class non catholics out of Spain.Used MercantilismFought many wars/Netherlands and Spanish Armada against Britain/Ottoman Empire at LepantoSpanish Colonies/imported large amounts of Gold and Silver/inflation /ignored agricultureRuled during Spain’s Golden age/Cervantes and El Greco00Spanish MonarchyDefender of the Catholic ChurchUsed Spanish Inquisition to persecute Muslims, Jews and ProtestantsDrove middle class non catholics out of Spain.Used MercantilismFought many wars/Netherlands and Spanish Armada against Britain/Ottoman Empire at LepantoSpanish Colonies/imported large amounts of Gold and Silver/inflation /ignored agricultureRuled during Spain’s Golden age/Cervantes and El Greco-635003137741Mercantilism00Mercantilism16755192686546Accumulate gold and silver in your treasuryControl economy through tariffsColonies: exist for benefit of mother countryColonies can only trade with mother countryExport expensive finished goods/import cheap raw materialsHigh taxation0Accumulate gold and silver in your treasuryControl economy through tariffsColonies: exist for benefit of mother countryColonies can only trade with mother countryExport expensive finished goods/import cheap raw materialsHigh taxation-67945408305Philip II00Philip II ................

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