In accordance with the libraries values, the Teen Outpost ...

Rainey Wyatt

Teen Outpost

Louisville Free Public Library

Creating an Interactive Space

The Teen Outpost would like to develop the chat room into an interactive space. In accordance with the library values, the Outpost will create a space more conducive to active learning and that will act as a reflection of the neighborhoods values and culture.

The first stage of developing this room will be creating a mural under the guidance of artist Shayne Hull. The mural will be a minimalist scene of a desert island. This mural will encourage teens to explore the natural world and travel in their imagination using books as their guide. The imagery used in the mural will be created solely by the teenagers. Using the libraries collections, the teens will research murals and other visual arts to develop a fundamental understanding of what is aesthetically pleasing and will positively reflect their ideas in this space. The desert island idea was chosen because it helps lead into other parts of the interactive space as well as acting as a catalyst for their "travels". As an example, teens will be encouraged to ask themselves, "what book(s) would I take with me to a desert island.

In stage two of this project, all remaining walls in the chat room will be painted with magnetic paint. This enables the Outpost staff and teens to create a multitude of changing displays, including mounted book reviews and book covers. It also encourages teens to use these walls as an outlet for their imagination and creative thinking. The outpost will provide magnetic poetry and other mounted magnetic games (tic tac toe, crossword puzzles, etc.) to encourage the teens to use this space for hands on learning.

The final step in this process will be a reception to introduce the space to the public and provide the teens with a sense of completion and reward. Both the neighborhood associations and the teens' families and friends will be invited to celebrate the completion of this project and discovery of our new space.

Needs Assessment

During the summer teens are often left without a constructive outlet for their energy. Because the summer reading program ends at the age of 14, the library does not have as many opportunities for teens to participate in library programs as they do for children. This workshop will give teens a chance to extend their relationship with the library by providing a safe and structured environment for teens to use their artistic energy. It also allows them to explore their artistic abilities on a very visible canvas, giving them a sense of pride in their library and their artwork. It will encourage teens that are unfamiliar with the Outpost to use and explore the new space. The interactive room will also extend long beyond the timeline of the project. Programs can be developed around the room and teens will be utilizing its assets on a daily basis.

Target Audience- 8-10 Teens ages 14-18 will complete the mural. An additional 5-10 teens will be asked to help paint the magnetic wall, and many more teens will be involved in writing the book reviews and creating displays for the walls.

Evaluation: Teens will be asked to evaluate the workshop series with an anonymous questionnaire at the end of the series. Visitors to the unveiling will also be given a questionnaire to evaluate the new space, and a comment box will be placed in the new interactive space. The Teen Advisory Board will also be asked to reevaluate the space after 3 years to make sure it is still a pleasing environment.


• Create a unique space that will attract new patrons

• Create a sense of ownership among teens who worked on the project

• Develop and foster the artistic ability of teens

• Promote the library and teen services by creating a fresh and unique space

• Help build self esteem in teens by introducing them to new form of self expression


• Provide materials that inform and educate patrons about mural artwork

• Teach teens about the process of creating a mural

• Create an appealing visual space


• Provides a creative learning experience for teens during summer months

• Access to cultural programs at the library

• Creates a connection between teens and their community

• Allows them to participate in a cooperative artistic experience with visible tangible outcomes.

Community Partner-

Because the program has a very limited number of participants and the project is so permanent, it would be helpful for the teens to have a background in art. The Teen Outpost would like to seek out individual at risk kids with artistic talent. We will be contacting community centers and area schools looking for teens with artistic promise and at risk lifestyles. Their teachers and community center leaders from around the city will nominate them. 5-10 teens will be chosen this way, while 5-7 will be chosen from Outpost regulars.

The Outpost staff will also utilize outreach visits to create the book covers and reviews. Reviews will be collected from outreach visits, and specific visits will be set aside to collect and mount book jackets.


The project will take approximately 3 weeks during the month of June with (3) 2-hour sessions per week. Shayne Hull will be present during the first two weeks and for a total of 12 hours.

Week 1

Day 1- Planning and Development

Shayne Hull will direct the teens in researching potential ideas for the mural and help the teens to collaborate to create a collage of their ideas

Day 2- Teens will approve the final draft and begin to outline the mural

Day 3- finish outline, begin painting

Week 2- paint and fill

Day 1-painting

Day 2-painting

Day 3-finish painting mural

Week 3-finishing touches and unveiling

Day 1- begin painting magnetic wall

Day 2-painting magnetic wall

Day 3- create magnetic book covers and reviews; add games and book covers to wall

Grand Opening- a reception will be held to unveil the new space and allow teenagers to foster a sense of pride and show off their work to friends and family as well as present the new space to the community


Project Expenses

Artist fees $35/hr @ 12 hours $420

Paint for mural $150

Magnetic Paint $60

Magnetic Games $50

Refreshments $50

Book Covers in kind

Magnetic strips in kind

Tarp (borrowed) in kind

Projector provided by artist


Grand Total $730

Project Income

Artsreach Grant $400

Donations from Dick Blick Art and Supply $150

Outpost Programming Funds $180


Grand Total $730

Artist- His work can be viewed at

Shayne Hull


Master of Fine Arts-Painting:: 1994

Maryland Institute, College of Art (MICA), Baltimore, MD

Bachelor of Fine Arts- Painting:: 1985

Corpus Christi State University, Corpus Christi, TX

Work/Teaching Experience

Director of Education:: Kentucky Art and Craft Foundation, Louisville, KY:: 1996-present

Instructor:: Jefferson Community College, Louisville, KY:: 1997-2000

Instructor:: Louisville Visual Art Association, Louisville, KY:: 1995-1997

Solo Exhibitions

2004. Swanson-Reed Contemporary, Louisville, KY

2003. galerie hertz, Louisville, KY

2002. Center Art Gallery, Shreveport, LA

1997. Floyd County Museum, New Albany, IN

1995. University Art Gallery, Scranton, PA

1994. Capitol Art Gallery, Landover, MD

Awards and Grants

2004. Kentucky Visions 2004 Purchase Award, Kentucky Arts Council

2003. Critic’s Choice Awards, “Best New Visual Artists”, Louisville Magazine

2003. Frank Weisberg Excellence in Painting Award, LVAA

2000. Individual Artist Professional Development Award, KAC

1998. Al Smith Artist Fellowship, KCA


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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