Hammond Elementary - Microsoft

11520 - 203rd Street, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 4T6

Phone: 604-460-1136 / Fax: 604-40-1137

Website: ()

Twitter: @HammondSD42

Principal: Mr. Wes Reamsbottom

Vice Principal: Ms. Kyla Cameron

Newsletter #2 – October 11, 2019



We would like to welcome all new families to our school community. Ms. Cameron and I are very excited for the new school year as we are looking forward to providing a caring and engaging learning environment for our students.

October is a wonderful month of learning as students are well adjusted in their classes and are well on their way with projects, assignments and extra-curricular activities. There is a wonderful tone to the building this year and I am very excited by the positive attitudes of our students. This is shaping up to be a great year!

School newsletters will be sent out via the Parent Portal, and will be posted on our school website, at the end of each month. Remember to check our school website regularly for updates, calendar information, and general information about what’s happening at Hammond.

Please feel free to say hello to Ms. Cameron and myself while we are outside supervising students before school, recess, lunch and after school.

Wishing all of you a fantastic month at Hammond!


• School will be closed for Thanksgiving Day, Monday, October 14th.

• There is a Non-Instructional Day on Friday, October 25th.

• There is a Non-Instructional Day on Friday, November 8th.

• School will be closed for Remembrance Day, Monday, November 11th.


Please visit our website:

for all current events including fieldtrips, sports and school events. Please click on “View All Events” under Upcoming Events and our school calendar will give you all current information.


We request that you telephone, email HA_reception@sd42.ca, or advise via the parent portal to let us know if your child will be late or absent from school. There is an answering machine to take your messages if calling after hours or early in the morning. Late students are asked to go directly to class if arriving prior to our morning announcements at 8:40 am. If arriving after 8:40 am, students must check into the office to receive a Welcome To School slip before going to classrooms.


Thank you to Ms. Dingwall for organizing our Terry Fox Aerobic Leaders, our M.C.s, our Cheer Squad and our music. Thank you to the parent volunteers who came out to cheer on our students and help keep them safe. And thank you to all the phenomenal Hammond students who were Terry Fox volunteers. Because of your hard work, we had a fantastic day for our Terry Fox Run! Our Hammond School spirit was on full display. In addition, we not only broke last year's record of $750.00 in donations - we collected over $1,500.00 to donate to the Terry Fox Foundation!


After school running is up and “running”. Runners meet Monday and Wednesday at lunchtime until October 22nd. The district race for our intermediate runners is Wednesday, October 22rd at Alouette Lake. Our primary students will race on Thursday, October 23rd at Albion Fields. Permission forms have gone home with students interested in participating. Parents are responsible for arranging transportation to and from the race.


Maple Ridge Fire Department’s Fire Prevention Week theme is “PLAN and PRACTISE your ESCAPE”. Be aware. Fire can happen anywhere”. Fire Fighters visited our primary classrooms delivering information packages for students to take home. Please spend some time with your child to review the information. Once you have drawn a family escape plan and rehearsed it, fill out the entry form for your child to bring in for a chance to win an iPad or to become Fire Chief for a Day! Visit for more information.


A representative from Photo Express will be at Hammond Monday, October 7th taking student photos. Shortly after, previews will come home with your child for you to be able to place an order. A retake opportunity has been scheduled for the morning of Thursday, October 24th. Only those students absent on original photo day, and/or students who have returned their original preview with the retake request portion filled in will have their photo taken.


Many classes will be doing special activities on Halloween, and as always, we will have our Halloween assembly Wednesday, October 31st at 9:30 am. We ask parents to help their children make appropriate decisions around costumes making sure that the costumes are appropriate for elementary school (ie. no weapons, or “adult themed” costumes). Thank you.


Lost and Found boxes always seem to be full. Please pop in, down by the gym area, and take a look through these boxes for items that may belong to your household.


Just a reminder that if you have a child with health related issues that may need medical intervention while at school, proper paperwork is required to be updated each year. Please drop by the office to complete the necessary forms. Thank you.


Please take a few moments to fill out the online consent forms found in your parent portal. These consent forms are vital to the school for such things as Ipad use, yearbooks and consent to go on walking fieldtrips. The emergency release forms are required in case of natural disasters. Please see either your classroom teacher or Ms. Fitzpatrick in the office if you are having parent portal issues.



Hammond PAC will provide each student with a monthly newsletter. The newsletters are also displayed on the Hammond PAC board just outside the school office.



Meeting ~ Next meeting is Thursday, October 11th at 7:00 pm in the library. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.

We use your generous donations to help fund the Montessori program so we thank you in advance for your support!



HOMESTAY FAMILIES: Are you interested in becoming a homestay family? The District is always happy to welcome new families to the International Program! Please phone 604-466-6555 or email homestay42@sd42.ca


The Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows School District (SD42) is looking for qualified Casual-On-Call Lunch Hour Supervisors. For more information, please visit our website: sd42.ca and click on the careers tab)




At Hammond Elementary, students and staff work hard to build a positive school culture. We believe that everyone has a responsibility to create a caring, safe and orderly learning environment.

Upcoming School Events

Oct 2 Grade 6 Immunizations

Oct 4 Hot Lunch – Subway

World Staff Day

Oct 7 Student Photo Day

Oct 10 Spirit Day

Oct 11 Hot Lunch – Hot Dog Day

Oct 14 Thanksgiving Day

Oct 17 Montessori Society Meeting

Oct 18 Hot Lunch – Little Ceasars

Oct 22 Intermediate Cross Country

Oct 23 Intermediate Dance

Cross Country-Primary

Oct 24 Photo Retakes

Oct 25 Non Instructional Day

Oct 28 PAC AGM 9am

Oct 29 K Dental Screening

Oct 31 Halloween Assembly 9:30


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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