Kindergarten Social Studies Pacing Guide

Kindergarten Social Studies Pacing Guide

First Nine Weeks Harcourt

Social Studies Social Studies | |

|Standard | Skill |Textbook: |Notes / Extra |Assessments |

|Indicator | |Harcourt |Resources | |

|SS: K-2.2, K–2.3, K6.3 |Describe tools found in a classroom. |H Unit 1 | | |

| |Explain how tools help us learn. | | | |

| |Use tools appropriately | | | |

|SS: K2.2, K2.3, K6.3 |Identify the occupations of school personnel. |H Unit 1 | | |

| |Explore the ways others are helpful to children in their everyday | | | |

| |lives. | | | |

|SS: 4.2 |Demonstrate examples of choice and consequence through stories and role-playing. |H Unit 1 | | |

|SS: K5.1,K5.2, K5.3 |Identify familiar school settings. |H Unit 1 | | |

| |Locate places on the school campus and describe relative locations. | | | |

| |Tell how to get from one place to another in your school. | | | |

|SS: K1.1 |Tell how you are the same as or different from people who live far |H Unit 1 | | |

| |away. | | | |

| |Compare long ago and today. | | | |

|SS: K4.1, K4.2 |Identify the purpose of having rules. |H Unit 2 | | |

| |List classroom and school rules. | | | |

| |Recognize consequences of breaking rules. | | | |

|SS: K2.1, K4.2 |Identify rules that provide order, security, and safety in the home and school. |H Unit 2 | | |

| |Explain how rules help people get along with one another. | | | |

| |Recognize the need for rules in the community. | | | |

|SS: K2.1, K4.2 |Describe the benefits of cooperating or sharing. |H Unit 2 | | |

| |Identify ways to resolve conflict. | | | |

| |Define respect. | | | |

|SS: K2.2 |Identify authority figures in the home, school, and community. |H Unit 2 | | |

| |Explain how authority figures make and enforce rules. | | | |

| |Suggest situations where leaders are needed. | | | |

|SS: K4.1, K4.2 |Identify ways children can help at home, at school, and in the |H Unit 2 | | |

| |community. | | | |

| |Recognize responsibility for oneself and one’s belongings. | | | |

| |Understand behaviors of a good citizen. | | | |

|SS: K3.1 |Identify the name of our country. |H Unit 2 | | |

| |Identify the flag of the United States. | | | |

| |Recognize the flag as a symbol of our country. | | | |

| |Recite the Pledge of Allegiance. | | | |

|SS: K5.1 |Recognize a map of the United States. |H Unit 2 | | |

| |Locate South Carolina on a map. | | | |

| |Identify South Carolina Flag | | | |

|SS: K 3.1, K4.1 |Recognize national and state symbols. |H Unit 2 | | |

| |Identify patriotic behavior. | | | |

| |Recognize the national anthem. | | | |

*Labor Day * Columbus Day

*Grandparents’ Day * Fire Prevention

*Constitution Day

*Johnny Appleseed

| Kindergarten Social Studies Pacing Guide |

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|Second Nine Weeks Harcourt |

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|Social Studies Social Studies |

|Standard | Skill | Textbook: |Notes/Extra |Assessment |

|Indicator | | |Resources | |

| | |Harcourt | | |

|SS: K-5.4 |Identify the globe as a model of the Earth. |H Unit 3 | | |

| |Distinguish between land and water on a map and globe. | | | |

| |Locate the North and South Poles. | | | |

|SS: K6.3 |Identify the human characteristics of places, such as types of houses and ways of earning a |H Unit 3 | | |

| |living. | | | |

|SS: K5.1, 5.2, 5.4 |Recognize that maps show where places are. |H Unit 3 | | |

| |Distinguish land and water on a map. | | | |

|SS: K5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 |Compare and contrast models and maps. |H Unit 3 | | |

| |Use models and maps to describe real places. | | | |

|SS: K5.2, 5.4 |Identify the physical characteristics of places such as land forms. |H Unit 3 | | |

| |Compare and contrast different kinds of land. | | | |

|SS: K5.4 |Identify the physical characteristics of places such as bodies of water. |H Unit 3 | | |

| |Explore the various forms water takes. | | | |

| |Explain the dependence between living things and water. | | | |

*Veteran’s Day

*Thanksgiving Holiday




*New Year’s Day

*Lincoln’s Birthday

| Kindergarten Social Studies Pacing Guide |

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|Third Nine Weeks Harcourt |

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|Social Studies Social Studies |

|Standard | Skill | Textbook: |Notes/Extra |Assessment |

|Indicator | | |Resources | |

| | |Harcourt | | |

|SS: K 1.1 |Identify similarities and difference in families around the world. |H Unit 4 | | |

| |Describe one’s place in a family. | | | |

|SS: K1.1 |Identify family customs and traditions and explain their importance. |H Unit 4 | | |

| |Compare family customs and traditions. | | | |

|SS: K 5.4 |Obtain information about a topic by using a variety of visual sources such as maps. |H Unit 4 | | |

|SS: K 3.2, 3.3 |Explain the reasons for national patriotic holidays such as President’s Day and Independence|H Unit 5 | | |

| |Day. | | | |

| |Identify customs associated with national patriotic holidays, such as parades and fireworks | | | |

| |on Independence Day. | | | |

| |Recognize people honored by American Holidays. | | | |

|SS: K 1.1, 1.2 |Compare a family long ago and now. |H Unit 5 | | |

| |Relate events that have happened in the past, are happening now, and will happen in the | | | |

| |future. | | | |

|SS: K 1.1 |List ways in which technology meets needs, such as transportation. |H Unit 5 | | |

| | | | | |

| |Identify contributions of historical figures. | | | |

|SS: K 3.2, 4.1 |Identify ordinary people who shape the community. |H Unit 5 | | |

| |List examples of admired character traits. | | | |

*Martin Luther King’s Birthday *Black History Month

*Dental Health Month *Lincoln’s Birthday

*Washington’s Birthday *President’s Day

| Kindergarten Social Studies Pacing Guide |

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|Fourth Nine Weeks Harcourt |

|Social Studies Social Studies |

|Standard | Skill | Textbook: |Notes/Extra |Assessment |

|Indicator | | |Resources | |

| | |Harcourt | | |

|SS: K 6.3 |Identify jobs in the home, school, and community. |H Unit 6 | | |

| |Recognizes types of jobs people do to earn money versus volunteer work. | | | |

|SS: K 1.1, 2.2, 2.3, 6.1, 6.3 |Identify jobs in the home, school, and community. |H Unit 6 | | |

| |Compare jobs that provide goods with those that provide services. | | | |

|SS: K1.1, 1.2, 6.3 |Compare and contrast jobs long ago and now. |H Unit 6 | | |

| |Recognize that some jobs are no longer needed. | | | |

| |Identify ways technology can change jobs. | | | |

|SS K: 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 |Explain how basic human needs for food, clothing, and shelter can be met. |H Unit 6 | | |

| |Explain why people have jobs. | | | |

| |Recognize the relationship between work and money. | | | |

|SS: K 6.2 |Explain the practice of exchanging money for goods or services. |H Unit 6 | | |

| |Explore trading as a way to get what you want. | | | |

| |Discuss the benefits of sharing and saving money. | | | |

|SS: K 6.2 |Illustrate ways people of the world depend on one another. |H Unit 6 | | |

*Mother’ Day

*Father’s Day


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