News and Notes from St


News and Notes from St. Stephen Lutheran School April 28th, 2021


TO ALL FAMILIES: When sending in payments, (ex: latchkey, tuition, hot lunch) please make out separate checks. All of these go to different categories and checkbooks. This will make it much easier for us. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your help.

PreK News: Please see the note about Called Worker Appreciation Week below. This week we are focusing on the Farm. We learning about farm animals, farm machines, farmers, crops they plant, and what we get from farm animals. They will be creating their own farm poster with all the things they learn about on the farm. We will have fun playing with farm animals in dirt and mud. We will have fun singing farm songs and making animal noises. This will be fun to learn so they are ready for our Farm Fieldtrip in May. Our Bible stories this week are Hannah Loves Her Son, and God Speaks to Samuel. In our sensory table we will explore coffee beans, letters, Insects, and other hidden treasures. In sensory bowls we will be creating bubbles in soapy water with hand mixers. We will also create insects out of homemade playdough. In Math we continue to learn our dot to dots, working on our shapes book, Saxon Math and 100 chart (Kindergarten), counting skills, mazes, matching and graphing games. In Science we are learning about plants, God’s World book on Seed. In Gym class we are learning Tumbling skills. Each day we learn to not give up and do our best. In Science we will be continuing our Plants unit by learning about the life cycle of plants. Next week we will learn more about Ocean Life.

Kindergarten & 1st & 2nd News : Please see the note below for Called Worker Appreciation Week. . Monday we exercised our hearts doing all manner of activities for jump rope for heart. This Friday is hot lunch, library and Skit/Talent Night! We will be rehearsing this week and look forward to seeing you! Please have your young scholar at school in their classroom by 6:50pm. First grade is working on reading and comprehension skills since they have finished their reading books, we are also reviewing science concepts we’ve learned by doing extra activities daily. They are doing well writing their 2 point paragraphs! Grade 2 has begun writing descriptive paragraphs. Kindergarten is working on letter sounds review, writing and reading skills. In Word of God (1&2) we are learning about Naaman and Jonah. Upcoming Memory Work: (Grades 1 & 2) Due Thurs. 4/22: Set 3 8 B / Due Friday 4/23: Hymn 573:2 “Hark, the Voice of Jesus Crying”. Vs 2 / Due Tues. 4/27: Set 3 9A / Due Thurs. 4/29: Set 3 9 B / Due Friday 4/30: Hymn 573: 3 “Hark, the Voice of Jesus Crying” vs. 3 / Due Tues. 5/4: Set 3 10 A / Due Thurs. 5/6: Set 3 10 B / Due Friday 5/7: Hymn 588:1 “Abide With Me” / Our field trip to the Goetz farm has been scheduled for Monday, May 24. Because of the covid regulations, every parent must drive their own child, we are not allowed to car pool. Thank you. Siblings of our PreK-2 graders also cannot attend the field trips. Thank you for understanding. The Scholastic Book Fair is all set up. Your child has already filled out a wish list and their lists will be waiting for you on Talent Night should you choose to browse or purchase anything. Thank you. May God guide guard and bless our confirmands! May He always keep them faithful and close to Him. 1st graders have finished their Reading series, so there will be no more “little books’ coming home, instead, they are to read 10-15 minutes on their own or to someone else to receive daily stickers. Chapel offerings can be brought in any day if they are forgotten on Wednesdays. We have changed Arbor Day to next Thursday with a rain date of Friday. Thank you and God bless your week!

2nd - 4th Grade News : Please see the note below for Called Worker Appreciation Week. Hymn 737 vs. 1 and 5 is due this Friday, April 23. This Friday will be the all part of the Midwest state test. Be sure to study! Capital letters count. A new map will be sent home Friday. Please send in your child’s towel that was used last year when we had class outside. As it is warming up again we will take advantage of the nice days outside. Arbor Day will be May 6th with May 7th as a rain date. Please send along garden gloves if your child wishes. We are eager for the children to give of their time this way. Grades 3-4 will be taking the ACT Aspire testing during the next few weeks. Continue to work on getting a good amount of sleep each night.

5th -8th Grade News: Please see the note below for Called Worker Appreciation Week.

5/6: We just finished an in depth study of what God’s Word says to us concerning the 6th commandment. We will begin our studies of the 7th and 8th commandments this Thursday. Our passage from Lesson 21 will be due Thursday.

7/8: We continue our studies of our Asian missions in church history this week. Finished Nation Notebooks will be due this Monday. They will be given back so the students may use them for their power point presentation the last week of school. Each day they are late the grade will be docked.

6-8: April book reports will be this Thursday and Friday. May book reports are as follows: 6th-Newspaper articles: 7th: Biography/autobiography; 8th-Science Fiction.

5-8: We have started our ACT Aspire testing. We will continue them over the next couple of weeks.

Talent Night: Those who are in the Talent Night this Friday should arrive by 6:50. We ask that only immediate family attend. Please wear masks and sit in your family groups in the bleachers with space between family groups. We hope to record the show so others are able to watch it.

Arbor Day: Will be next Thursday with a rain date of next Friday.

Called Worker Appreciation Week: Friday is the last day to return donation envelopes for Called Worker Appreciation. Thank you to all who have already helped with this! Appreciation week will be held next week May 3-7th. As in past years, if you would like, your child/ren can bring in notes or cards, or small gifts each day and leave them for their teachers and pastors to show them our appreciation for all they do. We sent home an envelope last week for a monetary donation toward a gift and lunch for each of the called workers. If you would like to help with this, please send this back in with your student to the school office ASAP or get it to Mrs. Kemerer. We will need to have these returned by April 28th. If you have any questions regarding anything please speak with Mrs. Kemerer in the school office. Thank you very much for your help with this.

American Heart: Thank you to all who have registered and participated in the Healthy Heart lessons online. We had a great day for our healthy heart event! We can even say we work up a sweat! Thank you again for all the healthy snacks that came in for our event! Please have all checks and cash donations turned in by this Friday. The support shown to the American Heart this year is amazing! This is definitely a record year. What a blessing to support the study and education of heard disease and stroke as well as research.

Shorts Policy: The policy for wearing shorts is that students may begin to wear them to school May 1. So, starting next week, students may wear shorts to school. Please be aware that mornings can still be chilly at recess and a light jacket or sweat shirt might be nice to have if needed.

Athletics: We are not planning to participate in the HVL track and field day. We will continue to have that Friday off since it was already a scheduled day off on the calendar. We will not do a formal athletic banquet at the end of the year. We will plan to hand our certificates out on the last day of school, June 2.

Invitation: Mr. Petoskey would like to invite any of our 4th -8th graders to join Salem for a Nerf war at the Salem Family Ministry Center. It is located at 2095 Strieter Road, Ann Arbor, MI. The gathering will run from 1-3 on Saturday May 15th. We will provide pizza and drinks. The children are asked to bring their own Nerf guns and darts. While we will have some spares, we would ask that any darts brough by the children are marked with their initials so we can make sure they home with the correct person. If you are planning to attend or have any questions please contact Mr. Jason Petoskey.

Jason Petoskey, Family and Youth Minister 616-389-7883

Upcoming Events:

Friday, April 30: Mac & Cheese Hot Lunch/ Talent Night/ Scholastic Book Fair

May 3-May 7: Called Worker Appreciation Week

Friday, May 7: Sloppy Joe Hot Lunch

Friday, May 14: No School

Friday, May 21: Taco Hot Lunch

Friday, May 28: No School

Monday, May 31: No School

Wednesday, June 2: Olympic Day and 11:15 Dismissal

Thursday, June 3: 7:00 PM Graduation

Mission Offerings: Total: 917.77. This year our chapel offerings will be sent to Children’s Ministry Outreach.



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