Preschool Handbook

Brevard Community Church

Handbook For

Preschool Ministry Leaders


Where we are caring, sharing and

learning about God’s love for us and preparing to walk and talk with God from the beginning…

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|Foundational Truths |

The Structure

At Brevard Community Church, the goal of our Preschool Ministry is to communicate on a preschooler’s level the truths that create a foundation for a lifetime relationship with our Lord.

After Jesus, parents are the most important component in a child’s spiritual development. We will strive to maximize opportunities to encourage and equip parents to utilize the resources their children receive at BCC as a springboard to their spiritual development at home.

Your kids will have a firm understanding of these three basic truths by the time they reach elementary school….

← God made them (

← God loves them (

← Jesus wants to be their friend forever (

Our Teaching Style at BCC……….

|Teach less for more | |Repeat one key truth all month long |

|Engage the five | |Help a child master concepts through |

|senses | |creative activities |

|Teach with the | |Lead with an expectation for ongoing |

|end in mind | |spiritual development |

|Model a life of | |Encourage children to live out a life of faith |

|Worship | | |

|Partner with | |Support parents as the primary spiritual |

|Parents | |leader of their child |

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|Expectations on Serving |

Areas of Service in Preschool

| Turtles and Ducks |Fireflies and Minnows |

|Less than 2 years old: |Ages 2 through 4: |

|Caregivers |Storyteller |

|Greeter |Small Group Leader |

| |Worship Leader |

| |Conductor |

Length of Commitment:

The Preschool Ministry has two opportunities each year to serve.

Each service period is 6 months in length, as follows

1. The 1st Sunday in September through the last Sunday in February.

2. The 1st Sunday in March through the last Sunday in August

You are Commiting to:

1.  Regular attendance for those six months. If you cannot attend please securing your sub, notify the Preschool Coordinator and your team.

2.  Early arrival of 20 minutes before service and 20 minutes after.

3.  Attending trainings and meetings key to the success of your area (usually only 1 per six months)

4.  Communicating effectively with your team.

5.  Preschool Leaders are encouraged to seek their replacement at the end of a service period in time to train replacement to serve.  If you know someone who would be good at what you please ask them!

Requirements to Lead:

Membership in the body of BCC, a Ministry Application with an approved background check, Preschool Training and a passed test are all requirements for one to lead. Qualified referrals are gladly accepted. Please see our Preschool Coordinator if you are aware of a possible Preschool Ministry Leader.

Finding a Substitute:

We encourage you to parter with someone in your circle (your life group, bible study group…) to be your substitute for when you will be unable to serve during your commitment period. Your substitute has to meet the same requirment that you where ask to meet (If teaching – be a member, have a background check…) See the Preschool Coordinator only if there is difficulty locating a substitute. Please ensure your substitute has all the necessary information to serve in your place.

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|Expectations on Serving |

|Age |Teacher:Child ratio |Max. Group Size |

|Birth – 18 months |1:3 |6 |

|19 -24 months |1:4 |8 |

|2’s |1:5 |10-15 |

|3’s and 4’s |1:5 |20-30 |

|*Note that once “Max. Group Size” is met, then a new group will need to be formed. |

Age appropriate teacher to child ratio charts

Confidentiality Agreement

Information regarding children, parents, staff or volunteers shall be

respected and handled confidentially. All information concerning

children, parents, staff, or volunteers shall be confidential and shall

not be disclosed to or discussed with anyone other than those

authorized to receive such information, unless disclosure is

authorized by law. This applies to children, staff, parents, or


Arrival and Departure Times

Since we begin receiving children 15 minutes before a worship begins in the preschool environment, you must be in place and ready to go 20 minutes before your service begins. Please plan to continue serving 15 minutes after the end of your hour of service to assist with transition to the next teacher.

Lesson Preparation:

The Curriculum Coordinator gathers all materials needed for each lesson. Leaders are expected to read all the lesson materials to understand their role in the activity prior to that morning. Please see the Curriculum Coordinator for the location of your group’s materials and supplies.

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|Expectations on Serving |

Room Preparation / transition:

At the end of your shift, please prepare the room for the next shift as follows:

← Wipe all surfaces with Clorox Anywhere spray.

← Pick up any trash on the floor. Ensure all snack foods are cleaned off floors.

← Put away all toys and books in a neat & organized manner in labeled spaces.

← Return any supplies taken from the cabinets.

← Help gather children in a specific place for playdough, story...

← Communicate with the next teachers before leaving.


We seek your prayers for the role you serve in and for the children and their families that God will send each week. Please make prayer a regular part of your weekly preparation to serve.

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|The Basics of Safety |

No leader Alone Policy:

Whenever possible, prevent situations where you are alone with a child for extended periods of time. We seek this standard because we want to maintain an environment where the child and the leader are protected.

If you find yourself alone with a child, we strongly encourage you to:

← Ensure the main door to the room you are in is open

← When sitting at a table, do not sit on the same side as the child

← Be cautious about initiating any physical contact

Bathroom Procedures:

Preschoolers in the 2’s, 3’s and 4’s classroom are sent to the bathroom as needed.

All other preschool classes are to ask the reception desk attendant to help with supervising or escorting the child to the bathroom and then wait on the child at the door. If the child needs assistance then the adult should prop open the bathroom door as well as the stall door, then aid the child.

If a child has a bathroom accident, spare clothes will be kept at the preschool reception desk. Wipes, gloves and trash bags are located in the bathrooms for clean up. Request the Preschool Receptionist page the parents and assist parents by locating spare clothes and any other supplies needed for clean up.

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|The Basics of Safety |

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At the Playground

Supervision, Supervision, Supervision

Playgrounds and outdoor play equipment provide fun, fresh air, and exercise, but they also can pose some safety hazards. Many of these can be prevented with the proper supervision. You can make the playground a place that’s entertaining and safe for your kids by adequately supervising them, following safety guidelines, and teaching kids how to play safely.

Rules of the Playground

← Riding toys stay on the pavement not on the mulch.

← Benches are for sitting, not standing.

← Mulch is for ground cover not throwing.

← You may climb up the ramp or steps, but not on the top of the playground or slide.

It is important for adults get a radio from the receptionist before going outside. Leaders need to spread out throughout the playground so that all areas are able to be seen. Please communicate with your teammates if you need to move from your spot or take a child in for any reason so that the area can still be supervised. Be careful that your conversations do not distract from keeping a vigilant eye. If an injury does occur, an adult can assist the child and administer any needed first aid right away.

If you are outside during worship dismissal, please make sure all gates are closed, even the largest one. Please post one adult at the gate to help children leave and take stickers from parents.

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|Emergency Procedures: Fire (911) |

Fire Extinguishers:

Fire Extinguishers are located in the following places on the first

floor of the building.

← At the end of the hall near Room 100 (Chris’s office)

← At the end of the hall near room 130/131 (Minnow’s room)

← Outside the kitchen

← At the main entrance next to the glass double doors

← Inside room 132 (the Fireflies room)

← At the end of the hall near Pastor Todd’s office

Fire Alarm:

Fire alarm pull boxes are located next to every external door with one exception (the door inside the Movers’ room).

In the event of a fire or the sound of a fire alarm:

← Stay calm. Children take their cue from your reaction.

← The greeter / storyteller needs to know the # of children in the class.

← Each SGL is to lead the children to the nearest exit from the building.

o All leaders are required to be familiar with all exits from the building.

o If you are not sure where all exits are, consult the exit plan in your room.

← Feel the closest exit door to your room (if it is shut).

o If the door is hot to the touch, use another door to exit the room

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|Emergency Procedures: Fire(911) |

|(Continued) |

In the event of a fire or the sound of a fire alarm (continued):

← After exiting the building, walk directly with your kids to the designated assembly point (see chart below) and remain inside until the Preschool Coordinator authorize you to leave.

← The Greeter / Storyteller is the last person to leave the room and must shut the door behind them.


← Wait for the Preschool Coordinator to confirm all your kids are accounted for at the designated assembly point (see chart below). The Children’s Pastor or the Preschool Coordinator will dismiss the child to the parent at the appropriate time.

|Primary Assembly Location |Grassy area behind the Student Center will be the Primary assembly Location. In the event of a |

| |fire in the Student Center, go instead to the Secondary Assembly Location. |

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|Secondary Assembly Location |Front yard of the brown house. |

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|Emergency Procedure: Injury and Illness(911) |

Level One:

These emergencies include minor cuts and bruises, minor swelling, upset stomachs, or similar problems. If you are unsure of the nature of the emergency, please consult with the Preschool Coordinator.

|Special Note: First Aid & Cold Packs |

|First Aid kits are located in each classroom and in the first floor kitchen. Cold packs are kept in the first floor kitchen |

|freezer. |

After assessment of the nature of the emergency, continue with the following procedures if deemed to be Level One:

← Using a First Aid kit or Cold Pack, address the needs of the child.

← If the child is suffering from an upset stomach, console them and offer crackers and water (normal snack stuff) to settle their stomach.

← Inform the parent of the child’s special care needs at the end of class.

|Special Note: Incident Reports |

|If treating a safety-related injury, please complete an incident report. See the Preschool Receptionist for the report form. |

|Please complete a report form even if you are unsure one is required. Please ask the parent to read and sign the incident report. |

Level Two:

Level Two emergencies are Level One injuries or illnesses that continue to be a problem or are getting worse after performing Level One procedures. In this case….

← Please page the Preschool Coordinator.

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|Emergency Procedure: Injury and Illness(911) (Continued) |

Level Two (Continued):

← If you are observing the child’s participation in the class is no longer possible, bring the child to the sitting area at the receptionist desk or welcome center. Stay with them, comfort them, ensure of their comfort and then page the Preschool Coordinator, who will further assess the situation and decide on a course of action.

Level Three:

Characteristics of Level Three emergencies are when a child or Team Member:

← Becomes unconscious

← Has an obstructed airway

← Has uncontrolled bleeding

← Serious illness

← Serious condition such as shock, heart attack, or stroke.

In this case, use the phone at the Preschool Receptionist’s desk to call 911.

|Special Note: Calling 911 |

|At no time should children be left alone in the classroom. One adult should proceed to the Preschool Receptionist’s desk to make |

|the 911 call and one adult should stay in the room with the children. |

← The adult who stays in the room should begin providing First Aid care to the level of their training. If untrained, do what you can to help the situation and wait for emergency personnel.

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|Emergency Procedure: Injury and Illness(911) (Continued) |

Level Three (continued):

← As soon as it is possible, page the Preschool Coordinator. The person calling 911 should be able to do this or ask the Preschool Receptionist to help. The Children’s Pastor and Preschool Coordinator are both trained to provide First Aid care and advise staff on the next course of action.

← DO NOT PAGE OR ALERT THE CHILD’S PARENTS. The Preschool Coordinator will do this at the appropriate time.

← An adult should remove the other children from the room and take them to another adjoining room; ask leaders in those rooms to help.

← Work with the Preschool Coordinator to coordinate with EMS, manage the other kids, and alert the parents.


Barf Boxes

Special “Barf Box” have been assembled in the event a child vomits in the classroom or common area. A barf box contains:

|Kitty litter |Trash bags |Rubber gloves |

|Lysol |Paper towels |Small broom |

|Dust pan | | |

The Preschool Ministry has a Barf Box: located at the Preschool Receptionist’s desk.

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|Procedures For Cleaning Up Vomit |

Please consult the following procedures for cleaning up vomit:

← Put on the rubber gloves.

← Pour a liberal amount of cat liter on the vomit. Let it soak up the liquid for a few moments.

← Sweep up the liter into the dust pan, place it in the trash bag, tie it closed and discard in the downstair kitchen trash can.

← Use the paper towel to further absorb any moisture that may remain, especially if the child vomited on carpet.

← Use the Lysol to disinfect the area that was vomited on.

← If a child vomited on furniture, or some splashed onto a wall, use paper towels and Lysol to clean the mess as best as possible.

← If the child vomited on themselves than use the “bathroom accident” resources to clean up the child.

← Inform the Preschool Coordinator where the location of the vomit was for inspection and which Barf Box was used to clean up the mess so it can be restocked.

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|Discipline Situations |

Environmental Factors

The Preschool Ministry Team aims to create environments where discipline situations are at a minimum by providing an engaging, loving, and fun place were children can learn about God. Well communicated expectations for behavior help children conduct themselves in a positive manner within their environment.

← Train Children

For preschoolers, focusing on the behavior you want to see is a great way to communicate boundaries.

← Engage Children

In every segment of time from the moment they arrive to the moment they leave, preschool kids should have some kind of activity to be engaged in. Each child should have clear and simple expectations communicated to them about what they are to be doing in each activity.

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|Discipline Situations |

|(Continued) |

← Provide Routine for Children

Some segments of a class may occur on a weekly basis. For example: story time or worship time with music. Expectations for these routine segments should be established and adhered to each week so children can learn what is expected of them.

|News Flash: Kids will be Kids! |

|Even with clearly communicated expectations, kids will be kids! They are going to test the limits of the boundaries we set. |

|They do this to know that we are going to hold them to those boundary lines. |

← Provide Boundaries for Children

The following steps should be taken when a child exhibits inappropriate behavior:

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|Discipline Situations |

|(Continued) |

Provide Boundaries for Children (continued)

• Ensure that your expectations of the child were stated clearly.

• Restate your behavioral expectations for the child.

• Attempt to redirect the child’s inappropriate behavior to something that is more suitable for the situation.

• If the behavior persists, give the child some time in the “sit and think” chair.

• Explain to the child their behavior is wrong and what behavior you want to see from them.

• If this option is taken, notify the parents upon their return.

• If the behavior continues to persist, or is severe in nature, use the pager and alert system to page the Preschool Coordinator. They will request the parent’s immediate attention to the matter if needed.

Of course individual situations will exist where the above steps will need to be adapted or modified for the specific situation. Some children may need extra attention to ensure they can be successful in the class.

|News Flash: Some Kids are Demanding! |

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|Please keep in mind you have limited time to impact ALL the children in your group during the normal |

|course of a Sunday morning class. |

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|If one child monopolizes your time due to inappropriate behavior, the rest of the children in your |

|class lose. |

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|Page the Children’s Pastor or Preschool Coordinator if you think special attention from either of them |

|would benefit the demanding child. |

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|Teaching Roles and Responsibilities |

Age 0-24 Months

Role: Caregiver


• Greet children and families as they arrive,

• Check for name sticker and allergies,

• Check to see that diaper bag and sippy cup are labeled,

• Help parents with separation,

• Provide an interactive playtimes,

• Put any mouthed toys away in the basket,

• Communicate with the next leader before leaving.

Ages 2-5 Years

SGLs will create centers for activity, providing for two or three small groups per classroom. Engage in conversation that provides a focus for the lesson that day.

Role: Conductor


• Greet children and families as they arrive,

• Check for name sticker and allergies,

• Help children get into a small group,

• Plan to execute transitions between activities – welcome, moving to story time, worship, and back to small groups,

• Communicate with team about the activities for each week,

• Greet parents at the end and hand out small talk cards,

• Communicate with the next leader before leaving.

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|Teaching Roles and Responsibilities |

|(continued) |

Role: Small Group Leader


• Know how small group activities relate to each lesson’s story,

• Help set up room and snack,

• Connect with 6-7 children assigned to your group,

• Lead small group activities,

• Assist children in participating in all activities throughout the morning,

• Lead your group in prayer time at the end of class,

• Assist with activity during parent pick up,

• Clean up before leaving.

Role: Story Teller


• Help prepare room,

• Assist small group leaders (SGL) with snack,

• Tell (not read,) the Bible story in an engaging and interactive way,

• Assist SGL in craft time when needed,

• Clean and ready room before leaving.

Role: Worship Leader


• Same as the Story Teller without the story telling part,

• Teach children about worship using 3-4 songs each week.

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|The Ebb and Flow of Children at Preschool |

When a child arrives in the classroom, Conductors:

← Greet the child and the family.

← Verify the label with full child related information has been placed on the back of the child.

NOTE: if a child is not registered, request the family return to the Preschool Reception desk to register the child.

← Review special instructions on the label, if any.

Parents Instructions

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|Remind parents that their unique family identifying number will flash on the screen during Worship Services if there is an |

|emergency requiring their attention. When that happens they are to immediately go to the Reception Desk. |

|~ |

|Remind parents that pickup procedures allow them to go directly to the child’s classroom at the end of Worship Service rather |

|than the drop-off desk to get their child. |

When the child is being picked up

← Conductors are to obtain from the parent/guardian picking up the child their unique family identification number sticker.

← Conductors are to peel off the name identifying sticker from the back of the child and attach to it the parent’s sticker then place it in the basket in the room.

← If the parent does not have the smaller sticker, do not release the child to them. Ask them to return to the Preschool Reception desk.

← Update the parent on how the day went for their child and what the topic of the lesson was when applicable.

← Ask the parent if they have received this month’s small talk card.

Updated 12/5/16



If you are the first group to exit the building because of a fire, and the alarm has not yet

been triggered, pull the alarm as you exit.


( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( Grassy area behind the Student Center –

Primary Assembly Location




( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( Front Yard of the Brown House –

Secondary Assembly Location



( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( Church



( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( Student Center



Use words that communicate in a positive way.






Hands are for hugging

and helping,

not hitting

We use our words to

Make people feel good, not sad

Kids are to be taught

to put away toys

when they are done


Clear and



Kids playing with

table toys must

be at a table

Story Time Rule

Children sit on the floor with legs crossed and hands in lap

Story Time Rule

No one can use the bathroom during

story time




And Rules

Story Time Rule

Children must raise

hand to ask question



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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