Southern California Edison 2020‐2022 Wildfire Mitigation Plan

(U 338\E)

Southern California Edison

2020\2022 Wildfire

Mitigation Plan

Rosemead CA

February 7, 2020


Executive Summary


Persons responsible for executing the WMP


Metrics and underlying data


Baseline ignition probability and wildfire risk exposure


Inputs to the plan and directional vision for wildfire risk exposure


Wildfire Mitigation Strategy and Programs for 2019 and for Each Year of the 3-year WMP Term


Utility GIS attachments


Appendix A - List of Acronyms

Appendix B - WMP GIS Dashboard Descriptions

Appendix C - WMP GIS Dataset Descriptions

Executive Summary


Executive Summary ....................................................................................................................................... 1

SCEs Foundational Strategy for Wildfire Mitigation Remains Sound ...................................................... 1

More than a Sequel: SCE is Advancing New Technologies and Data Analytics Capabilities ..................... 4

Risk Analysis Guides SCEs Planning and Prioritization ............................................................................. 5

SCE Supports A Capability Maturity Model with Modifications ............................................................... 6

SCE Drives Improvements Through Appropriate Use of Metrics.............................................................. 8

SCE Worked Diligently To Respond To The New WMP Guidelines ........................................................... 8


Southern California Edison (SCE)1 is dedicated to the safety of the communities we serve. In

this filing, we set forth our second comprehensive Wildfire Mitigation Plan (WMP) covering the

years 2020 through 2022. This WMP builds on SCEs 2019 WMP, its successes, and lessons


As in SCEs 2019 WMP, the 2020-2022 plan includes infrastructure hardening, vegetation

management, detailed inspections and remediations, and situational awareness. SCEs WMP

also emphasizes Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) resilience and community engagement,

particularly for under-represented groups and our access and functional needs (AFN) customers.

The 2020-2022 plan increases the use of data, advanced risk analytics and innovative

technologies to help the company prioritize the activities with the greatest potential to mitigate

wildfire risks and improve public safety. While SCE has considerably matured in our wildfire

mitigation capabilities, we will continue to look for opportunities to improve.

We want to thank Californias leadership lawmakers and various agency personnel for

addressing this critically important public safety issue. SCE is proud of our partnership with local

governments, first responders and the general public, in reducing the risk of potentially

devastating wildfires.


The primary objective of SCEs WMP is to protect public safety, and includes an actionable,

measurable, and adaptive plan for 2020 through 2022 to reduce the risk of potential wildfirecausing ignitions associated with SCEs electrical infrastructure in High Fire Risk Areas (HFRA)

through enhanced system hardening, situational awareness, and operational practices.

Additional key objectives include reducing the customer impact of PSPS; implementing measures

that increase resiliency and safeguard SCEs electric system against wildfires irrespective of

ignition source; improving fire agencies ability to detect and respond to emerging fires;

improving coordination between utility, state, and local emergency management personnel;

reducing the impact of wildfires and wildfire mitigation efforts on the public; and effectively

engaging the public about how to prepare for, prevent, and mitigate wildfires in SCEs HFRA.


See Appendix A for a list of acronyms.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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