A Word to the Newcomer…

A Cheat Sheet of Astrological Symbols for the Signs and Planets

Those of you who are fairly new to astrology might need this cheat sheet. It’s loosely based on the system of equating signs, houses, and planets popularized by Dr. Zipporah Dobyns. Print it out for easy reference as you study charts.

|Zodiac Sign: |Glyph |Ruler |Glyph |Matters of the Related House: |

|Aries: | |Mars | |First House: First impressions and first approach to situations; |

|Fire Sign | | | |image; appearance; self-presentation. |

|Cardinal | | | | |

|Taurus: | |Venus | |Second House: Ways of earning and managing money; things valued |

|Earth sign | | | |more than money; beliefs that create or block abundance. |

|Fixed | | | | |

|Gemini: | |Mercury | |Third House: Communication; style of thinking and learning; |

|Air sign | | | |siblings and near relatives; neighbors; basic education. |

|Mutable | | | | |

|Cancer: | |Moon | |Fourth House: Home and home life; roots; family ties; heredity; |

|Water sign | | | |family influence; the nurturing parent; old age. |

|Cardinal | | | | |

|Leo: | |Sun | |Fifth House: Children; romance; creativity; self-expression; |

|Fire sign | | | |performing; leisure activities; risk-taking. |

|Fixed | | | | |

|Virgo: | |Mercury | |Sixth House: Work and its meaning; work habits; types of jobs; |

|Earth sign | | | |coworkers and employees; health and health habits. |

|Mutable | | | | |

|Libra: | |Venus | |Seventh House: Partnerships—personal and business; close, |

|Air sign | | | |committed relationships; types of people we attract. |

|Cardinal | | | | |

|Scorpio: | |Pluto | |Eighth House: Sexuality; partner’s resources; inheritances, |

|Water sign | | | |grants, etc; taxes; birth, death; transformation; healing. |

|Fixed | | | | |

|Sagittarius: | |Jupiter | |Ninth House: Religion, philosophy of life; higher education, |

|Fire sign | | | |advanced studies; teaching or preaching; law; foreign lands. |

|Mutable | | | | |

|Capricorn: | |Saturn | |Tenth House: Career, long-term goals; how you’re remembered; |

|Earth sign | | | |parental authority; bosses, type of boss you are. |

|Cardinal | | | | |

|Aquarius: | |Uranus | |Eleventh House: Friendship; peer relationships; group membership; |

|Air sign | | | |social activism; aspirations. |

|Fixed | | | | |

|Pisces: | |Neptune | |Twelfth House: Things that are repressed or hidden; self-defeating|

|Water sign | | | |behavior; chronic illness; service; retreats; spiritual quest. |

|Mutable | | | | |






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