CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - Lakefield, Minnesota


January 17, 2017 ~ 7:00 PM




Council Present: Brian Rossow, Bruce Bakalyar, Andrea Monson, Nathan Hall, Brent Pavelko

Council Absent: NONE

Others Present: Kelly Rasche-Clerk, Lance Frerichs-Street Foreman, Laura DeKok-Media, Sue Jansma, Andrew Konechne-Police, Kristie Frerichs-Liquor, Cheryl Ulferts-Finance Manager, Mike Forde, Lori Kolander, Kevin Andreson, Ryan Freking, Erica Freking, Brenda Behrends, Chase Schmucker, Jessica Schmucker, Patrick Anderson, Chris Forde, Chuck Behrends

Minutes Approval – Motion to approve the minutes of January 3, 2017, meeting, made by Bakalyar/Hall, all yes, motion carried.

Accounts payable –Motion to approve the payments as presented, in the amount of $405,783.03 made by Pavelko/Monson, all yes, motion carried.



Guests with input on Idling Ordinance

1. Mike Forde of Black River Trucking – Truck runs all night when temps are sub-zero, plugged in at other temps. Diesels need to warm up at 60 minutes in sub-zero temps. Cameras are in place to secure the truck at the home. Concern with truck tampering. Truck doesn’t run all of the time. Misc. leave times as loads require. No heated shop available to keep the tractors.

2. Ryan Freking – Concern of windows rattling when trucks are running in the yard. The running of the truck for all night is the concern, not a 30/60 minute of warm up time.

3. Chuck Behrends – Rattling in the house. Pipes pointed at their house.

4. Erica Freking – Difficult to sleep when truck is running, being in the medical field needs sleep, to be most effective. Ordinance is for all residents in Lakefield not just the neighborhood of discussion at this time.



1. Vehicle Idling Ordinance 90.17 (v)(1)(e) Consideration – No action taken at the time. The truck company agreed to put trucks in a commercial district when the need to run the truck overnight, near the truck company owner’s home. The council will revisit the ordinance if the agreement between the neighbors fails.

2. MILO Firearms and Force Options Simulator for the Police Department Cooperative Purchase –Motion to approve the payment of Lakefield’s share at $4,832 for the simulator made by Pavelko/Hall, all yes, motion carried. The simulator will be in Lakefield during a shared time period each year, allowing all Lakefield Officers time to utilize the training. The system is expected to have a 10 year life; different scenarios are available for the unit to make the system continue to be useful to Lakefield during changing times.

3. Banking Fees – Finance Manager Ulferts shared information on the banking fees to be charged to the City of Lakefield. In the past these fees were waived, this waiving of fees will no longer occur. A monthly fee is expected to be between $300 and $400. Some of the costs will be offset by investment proceeds. No action taken at this time. Provided to the council as informational.


1. Street Signs – Street Foreman Frerichs has been researching costs of new signs and options to use the sign blanks of the signs that have faded. Lance has been working with Jackson County for exploration of the options..


1. Schools Choice Mayor Proclamation – Lakefield and Jackson County have great schools and promoting all of the schools is a positive option. The council appreciates the schools that are located in Lakefield. Having schools in the community is a great thing. Lakefield is fortunate to have a choice of schools located here. Motion to support the Mayor’s Proclamation made by Pavelko/Bakalyar, all yes, motion carried.


1. Ambulance -- Call out review: calls for service in 2016 service had 244 calls, 2015 service had 219 and 2014 service had 209.


1. Department Head Report

2. Police Department Report

3. PeopleService Report


1. Next council meeting Monday, February 6, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. in City Hall.

2. Waste Water/Water Project Public Meeting Wednesday, January 18, 2017, at 6:00 p.m. at the Multi-Purpose Center

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 p.m. made by Pavelko/Monson, all yes, motion carried.


_________________________ _____________________________

Kelly R. Rasche, Clerk Brian Rossow, Mayor


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