Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute -- Maryland Fire and ...


TOPIC: Primary and Secondary Search



Pre-connected hose line

Ladder Truck or Squad

Thermal Imaging Camera



Smoke machine or smudge pot

Portable radios

Hand lights



Halligan bar

MOTIVATION: Searching for potential victims trapped in a structure fire is a fundamental and top priority in the fire service. Searching requires coordination and practice in order to ensure it is safe and effective. Many search methods exist for various fire conditions and situations. The officer must decide which method is appropriate for each operation and coordinate the search while completing other fire ground tasks. A search operational plan must be agreed upon prior to entry and must include a primary and secondary search.

OBJECTIVE: Given information from lecture and demonstration, the students will be able to show proficiency in a primary and secondary search for potential victims.


EO-1 Demonstrate an understanding of a primary search.

EO-2 Demonstrate an understanding of a secondary search.

EO-3 Demonstrate effective search techniques.

EO-4 Demonstrate proper size-up of a building.

Overview and Purpose:

1. It is important for firefighters to be proficient in searching for possible victims trapped in a structure fire.

2. Understanding primary & secondary searches and having the opportunity to practice these skills will undoubtedly benefit the progression of events at structure fires and possibly save lives.

3. Firefighter safety will be emphasized and will be enhanced greatly through hands-on practice at a controlled setting.

Lesson Plan:

I. Primary Search

a) The primary search is implemented before or during fire control by first-arriving units. It is quick and systematic and aimed towards locations where the are victims likely to be located. The order of search priority:

• Fire area/room

• Adjacent areas/rooms

• Floor above fire

• Top floor

• Remaining floors: Start with second to top floor and work down.

b) Victims in need of rescue are removed in the following order, based on the level of threat and the greatest benefit to be gained

• Those in the immediate fire area.

• Victims most threatened by the fire or smoke spread

• Victims in the greatest number or groups.

II. Secondary Search

a) Implemented after fire control has been achieved and interior conditions are relatively improved and usually involves looking for fatalities.

b) Very thorough and not speedy.

c) Assigned to a company other than one who performed primary search to ensure is complete and thorough.

d) All structures that have had a fire, even those in which it was unsafe or not possible to conduct a primary search, should receive a secondary search.

e) Check every bathtub, shower, closet, under furniture as well as outdoors in bushes and shrubs and under windows and outside doors.

III. Safety

a) Regularly check your air supply

b) Always operate in teams of two.

c) Maintain contact by: Voice, Visual or Touch

d) Monitor building condition and status

e) Check and make sure there is a floor before you step off ladder or through a door/window

f) Check doors for heat before opening

g) Control opening of any door used

h) Close door when possible to prevent or delay fire spread

i) Remain oriented to your location and the fire’s path.

j) Know where you entered, know where you can exit.

k) Identify all exits and entrances to the search area.

l) Locate doors, windows, and other openings. Vent them if safe and appropriate.


Student Performance Objective:

Given information from lecture and demonstration, the students will be able to show proficiency in an emergency operations scene of a simulated working fire and completing a primary and secondary search.


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