
?Contensis User Training ManualApril 2012 Manual Version 1.8-19053745230Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction to Contensis PAGEREF _Toc295734289 \h 4Overview PAGEREF _Toc295734290 \h 4Logging On PAGEREF _Toc295734291 \h 4Browsers PAGEREF _Toc295734292 \h 4Help & FAQ’s PAGEREF _Toc295734293 \h 4Home Page / Launch View PAGEREF _Toc295734294 \h 5Top Toolbar PAGEREF _Toc295734295 \h 6Contensis Work Area PAGEREF _Toc295734296 \h 7The Navigator PAGEREF _Toc295734297 \h 7Logging off PAGEREF _Toc295734298 \h 8Creating & Editing Web Pages PAGEREF _Toc295734299 \h 9Using the Create Content Wizard PAGEREF _Toc295734300 \h 9Breadcrumb Trail PAGEREF _Toc295734301 \h 12Opening a Page to Edit PAGEREF _Toc295734302 \h 12Editor Toolbar PAGEREF _Toc295734303 \h 12Making a simple text change PAGEREF _Toc295734304 \h 13Undo – Redo PAGEREF _Toc295734305 \h 13Bold & Italic PAGEREF _Toc295734306 \h 13Inserting Symbols PAGEREF _Toc295734307 \h 13Alignment PAGEREF _Toc295734308 \h 14Copy, Cut & Paste PAGEREF _Toc295734309 \h 14Show / Hide Editor Borders PAGEREF _Toc295734310 \h 14Bullet List, Numbering and Indents PAGEREF _Toc295734311 \h 14Headings and Styles PAGEREF _Toc295734312 \h 14Links and Anchors PAGEREF _Toc295734313 \h 15Spelling PAGEREF _Toc295734314 \h 15Workflow & Permissions PAGEREF _Toc295734315 \h 15Saving a Web Page PAGEREF _Toc295734316 \h 15To Save a Page PAGEREF _Toc295734317 \h 16To Save (Create a Copy) PAGEREF _Toc295734318 \h 16Shadow Pages PAGEREF _Toc295734319 \h 17Metadata PAGEREF _Toc295734320 \h 17Previewing a Web Page PAGEREF _Toc295734321 \h 19Submitting a Web Page PAGEREF _Toc295734322 \h 19Revoking a Web Page PAGEREF _Toc295734323 \h 19Passing the Web Page to another user PAGEREF _Toc295734324 \h 20Checking In Work PAGEREF _Toc295734325 \h 21Page or Content Status PAGEREF _Toc295734326 \h 22Authorising Pages PAGEREF _Toc295734327 \h 23To Authorise a Single Page PAGEREF _Toc295734328 \h 23To Multi-Authorise PAGEREF _Toc295734329 \h 23Images PAGEREF _Toc295734330 \h 23Central Image Library PAGEREF _Toc295734331 \h 24Inserting an Image PAGEREF _Toc295734332 \h 24Uploading a New Image into the Navigator PAGEREF _Toc295734333 \h 25Editing an Image PAGEREF _Toc295734334 \h 26Cropping an Image PAGEREF _Toc295734335 \h 27To Save a Copy of the Image PAGEREF _Toc295734336 \h 28Resizing Images PAGEREF _Toc295734337 \h 28Hyperlinks PAGEREF _Toc295734338 \h 29Creating a Hyperlink to an External URL PAGEREF _Toc295734339 \h 29Creating a Hyperlink to other Contensis content PAGEREF _Toc295734340 \h 30Creating a Hyperlink to Documents PAGEREF _Toc295734341 \h 32Uploading a New Document into the Navigator PAGEREF _Toc295734342 \h 32Revised or modified Documents PAGEREF _Toc295734343 \h 33Page Management PAGEREF _Toc295734344 \h 35Changing the Navigator View PAGEREF _Toc295734345 \h 35Making Folder Homepages PAGEREF _Toc295734346 \h 35Page Information PAGEREF _Toc295734347 \h 36Web Page Properties PAGEREF _Toc295734348 \h 36Publishing Options PAGEREF _Toc295734349 \h 37Set Publishing Schedule PAGEREF _Toc295734350 \h 37Set Thumbnail Image PAGEREF _Toc295734351 \h 38Set Aliases PAGEREF _Toc295734352 \h 38General Information PAGEREF _Toc295734353 \h 38Content Information PAGEREF _Toc295734354 \h 38Stylesheet Inclusions PAGEREF _Toc295734355 \h 38Template Inclusions PAGEREF _Toc295734356 \h 39Versions PAGEREF _Toc295734357 \h 39Version History PAGEREF _Toc295734358 \h 39Components / Sub Templates PAGEREF _Toc295734359 \h 41To insert a sub template into a page PAGEREF _Toc295734360 \h 44To add data to a sub template PAGEREF _Toc295734361 \h 44Extra Features PAGEREF _Toc295734362 \h 44Tables PAGEREF _Toc295734363 \h 44Adding a Table PAGEREF _Toc295734364 \h 44To Edit the Table or Cells PAGEREF _Toc295734365 \h 45Table Captions and Summaries PAGEREF _Toc295734366 \h 46Editing a Table Cell PAGEREF _Toc295734367 \h 46Merging Cells PAGEREF _Toc295734368 \h 47Videos PAGEREF _Toc295734369 \h 47HTML Snippets PAGEREF _Toc295734370 \h 48News & Events PAGEREF _Toc295734371 \h 48To create News & Event content: PAGEREF _Toc295734372 \h 48Contensis Content Tool Type Icons PAGEREF _Toc295734373 \h 51Introduction to ContensisOverviewContensis is the Web Content Management system that you will use to Create and Edit your web pages.Logging OnUse the following URL to login in to Contensis. your Royal Holloway User name and password to Login to Contensis.If you are not on Campus you can only access this URL through the VPN client.Use the following link for more information and instructions. can be used with the following browsers.Internet Explorer 7 and 8Firefox (at least version 3.5)ChromeSafariHelp & FAQ’sUse the following link to access Contensis FAQ’s the following link to access the Web Guide Page / Launch View / DashboardWhen you first login to Contensis, you will see the Home Page (Launch View)This view can be used to quickly find summaries of information relative to your work in Contensis:I Want To …From here you can launch the Wizard to: Create a webpage; Upload a document (e.g. Word doc or PDF) or an image; Bulk import zipped documents or images; and Edit your own user profile in the system. My Content …Here you can see the content that you are permitted to work with, and actions, by you and others, such as Saved; Checked In; Submitted; Checked Out; Approved etc. By cursoring over each item a pop-up will display 4 buttons to choose from (according to permissions) to: Edit, Delete, (view) Info, and Preview. Under ‘Content to Approve’ you also have an Approve/Decline button. An error message will display if you attempt an action that you are not permitted to do.My To-Dos …This section allows you to select a list view from: Currently Working On …; Content Passed To Me …; Content To Approve …; Comments To Approve …; and Forum Points To View … As above, by cursoring over each item a pop-up will display 4 buttons to choose from (according to permissions) to: Edit, Delete, (view) Info, and Preview.Live Feed …Continually displays and updates a list of actions that have taken place on the System. Site Activity …As indicated by the title, this displays activity on the website in the Categories of: Visits; Forum Posts; Comments; Content and Registered Users. This also gives Increased / Decreased or Static Movement and Comparison by Day, Week, Month or Year.Project Stats …Graphical representations can be viewed to see: Project Status of Items that are Live, in Edit mode, Awaiting Approval or Checked Out. Also here you can see the number of Items you have Checked Out to you; a breakdown of Content Types making up the Site; and Content that Passed Quality Check, Failed or Not Validated.The Go Home iconTo return to this page at any time, click on the Go Home icon on the top ToolbarThe top toolbar is present throughout, from login to logout. This displays relevant information on the right side, such as: who you are logged in as and what Project is currently selected. From here you can return at any time to see information that displays on initial login, about Project Summary or Items checked out by you. Also you can select from a list of Reports using Content Filters to view content you are involved with.To the left side of the top toolbar are the following buttons:Contensis Info When you cursor over this Icon you can see information on the version of Contensis that you are currently using.See Content Awaiting Your Approval Displays a list of your submitted content that is waiting to be Authorised and then Published. If you are an Authoriser this list will include content ready for you to Approve.Open the Image Library A powerful image editing tool in its own right the Contensis Image Library can be quickly accessed by clicking this button.Set User Preferences View and/or edit Information and Preferences related to your login.Go the Management ConsoleSystem Administrators can quickly enter the Management Console from hereLogout ButtonLogout of Contensis using this button. If you have any pages Checked out to you it will prompt you to Check them in.Contensis Work AreaThe Work Area shows the Template content, i.e. Royal Holloway Logo, coloured tabs etc.,Place holders that divide the screen (page) up into areas where you can add your content.The NavigatorThe Navigator is your main point of reference to a project structure. It displays your project tree menu - allowing you to access any available project and the content associated with that project.It contains a structure of folders, documents, web pages, components, images etc.Some of the folders are provided for you but you can then add your own folders to the Navigator structure.When you click on a folder or a page a pop up menu displays actions that are available to you. These will vary depending on the content that you have selected. To expand the folders Click on the + SignTo compress the folders Click on the - SignTo alter the width of the Navigator area:Drag the double arrow to the left or rightTo hide/unhide the Navigator area:Click on the Small arrow Logging off You must Log Off from Contensis when you have finished working on your web pages. Click on the Log Off button in the Top ToolbarIf you have content that is Checked Out you will be prompted to Check them in before you Log Off.If you do not Check In these items other users will not be able to work on them, they will only be able to work on a Read Only Copy.Creating & Editing Web PagesContensis works on the basis of a template system to create pages.A set of templates have been created to provide the layout for those pages.Using the Create Content Wizard All Content Types in Contensis are created using the Wizard.You have a choice of ways to access these Wizards to create web pages, image content, news etc.If you choose to use the Wizard button at the foot of the Navigator view you will see a range of items you can create based on your overall permissions (which may be different from one folder to another).If you choose to go directly to a Folder to create then this will only show you the Items that you can create for that particular folder.If you are starting directly at the required folder level Click on the folder to display these options (or similar dependant on your permissions)Click on New ContentorClick the Wizard button at the foot of the NavigatorWhichever method you choose you will now see the following screen.Select the required content type by clicking the required option Click Next Step (down to the bottom right) Throughout this process the Wizard keeps track and offers help over on the left side of this view.Select the template type from the one/s available. Click Next StepEnter a Title for your webpage in lower caseWhen you click to put your cursor into the next field (Filename) you will notice that the Title has carried over into this, and the Menu Name field. Filenames must be in lower case as they appear in the URL browser name, but the Title can be changed later to a mixture of Upper and Lower case.The non-acceptable characters for a Filename are shown in the Help panel to the left.In the Filename field the text has closed up and does not include any spaces. This is correct, as the Filename is what appears in the address bar of a browser, but spaces are replaced by %20 each time. For the purposes of Accessibility %20 should not appear in the URL addressMenu Name can contain any of the non-acceptable characters mentioned earlier. You may choose a different name for showing in the menu on your site, e.g. something more helpful to people trying to find the pageClick Finish and your page is createdYou will be able to see the page listed in your chosen Folder in the Navigator.You can now start adding the content to the pagesClick on Edit the newly created Web PageBreadcrumb TrailThe breadcrumb trail?appears horizontally across the top of the web page.It provides a trail back to each previous page the user navigated through to get to the current page.It is automatically created on each page and is based on the folder structure that you set up (so think carefully about naming your folders and pages)Opening a Page to EditClick on the page in the NavigatorSelect Edit to open up the page in the Editor modeEditor ToolbarThe Editor Tool bar has the icons that you need to create and add content to your web pages.Example 1 Internet Explorer 7 ToolbarExample 2 Firefox Toolbar The Editor toolbar may vary depending on the browser that you are using.Making a simple text changeTo change the format of a whole paragraph of textSelect the text that needs formatting or Click your Cursor in a section of text and then select the formatting feature tool from the Editor toolbarTo change the format of a word or part of sentence or paragraphSelect the text that needs formatting, and then select the formatting feature from the Editor toolbarTo Select all the text press Ctrl+AUndo – RedoContensis?has the ability to Undo & Redo certain functions within the Editor.General?word processing & editing?functions?including text insertion/deletion, alignment, embolden, italicise, underline and?text colour changes are supported.Bold & ItalicBold and Italic icons are available for you to format you textUse them sparinglyUse italics for foreign words or phrases (unless they are so familiar that they have become anglicised)Use italics for works or art/literary works (titles of books, plays, paintings, newspapers/magazines)Do not use italics for films title, exhibiton names, TV/radio prgrammes, research project tiles and names of awards. Instead use single inverted commas; e.g Professor Smith’s article Pictures in Modern Exhibition appeared in The Guardian last week.Formatting added within Contensis and formatting that was automatically pasted across can be removed by using the Eraser icon.Inserting Symbols Some of the less regularly used symbols such as (€, β, ) can be added into a pageAlignmentText is left aligned as you type.Do not Justify type as this may result in large spaces between words.Copy, Cut & PasteThe Editor Copy, Cut & Paste toolbar icons will vary depending on the browser that you are using.You can copy, cut and paste most content within your page, from one page to another or from an external source directly into the Contensis Editor.The following methods can be used to Copy & Paste and are dependant on the browser that you are usingCtrl C, Ctrl X & Ctrl VEdit Copy, Edit Cut & Edit PasteRight Mouse Click Copy, Cut, Paste & Paste Plain Text iconsBullet List, Numbering and IndentsUse Bullet or Numbering styles for list, not manually typed hyphens or numbers.Use Indent styles not typing multiple spaces.Headings and StylesContensis offers predefined headings and styles. Headers need to be used consistently across the site to help guide the visitor and to improve your rankings in search engines.Ensure that all headings and web pages titles use sentence case, whereby capital letters are used for the first letter of the first word; proper nouns; and abbreviations/acronyms. All other words are lower case.Ensure that headings do not include a full stop at the endEnsure that headings are short and clear as they will serve as your URLYou should use Headings sequentially. i.e. After the Page Title your next level of headings (sub headings) should be H2 Headings, and the next level down (sub-sub headings) should be H3 Headings etc. Don’t jump from H2 to H4 or use in reverse orderLinks and AnchorsHyperlinks have been set up in Contensis to appear blue and not underlined, and should not be manually underlined.SpellingUse the house style rules for the following commonly used words or phrasesOnline/websiteone word, no hyphenInternet / web / world wide web /netlower caseEmailone word, no hyphen, lower case epostgraduate / undergraduateOne word, lower caseA-leveltwo words, hyphen, lower case lPercentwritten in full as one word, not as %Founder’s Buildinguse apostrophe, capital F, BAndwhere possible should be used instead of &Mastersno apostropheBA (Hons); BSc: MSciWorkflow & PermissionsSaving a Web PageContensis gives you?the option to Save or Save a Copy. Saving can only be done from the Editor toolbar. Saving will store the saved page information in Contensis and publish a local version,?but will not publish?a live version of the page until you submit and authorise.To Save a PageWith a page open in the EditorClick the?Save button or Press Ctrl+S?To Save (Create a Copy)Save (Create a Copy) will create a new page in the Navigator that is a copy of the page and it will have a file name to that effect. Your original page will still exist. This is a quick way of creating several pages that might start very similarly, but then need slight alterations to each copy and be used as another webpage on your site.Click on the?Save button drop down arrow to the rightClick on Create a CopyType in a new page name Contensis will save this copy in the same folder as the original or you can choose an alternativeClick on the Browse icon to open the CMS Content Browser screenLocate the folder where the copy should be storedClick on the Save buttonShadow PagesIf you do not want these copied pages to be editable you can?create them as Shadow Copy pages.??Editing the original will then update all the shadow copies. Tick the Create A Shadow Copy boxClick on the Browse icon to open the CMS Content Browser screenLocate the folder where the copy should be placedClick on the Save buttonIf the same folder is being used a new name will have to be typed in as duplicate file names cannot be used in a folder If you do try and Edit this shadow copy you will see the following screen.MetadataMetadata is data about data and is information that is held but not displayed, for web pages. There are many types and standards used.The Metadata that must be added in Contensis are:DescriptionKeywordsThese directly affect the way that search engines, such as Contensis own, or external types such as Google, find and rank your pages.Whenever you create a page within Contensis you must fill in the description and keywords fields under the Metadata tab; it will actually stop you publishing the page if you do not.The description should be succinct, describing the purpose of the page:The news page for the Department of Drama & theatre Studies at Royal Holloway, University of London.The description is used in search results to help people decide whether it is the right page to go to so every page should have a unique description.Keywords should be a collection of words that you would expect people to use when searching for the information in the page. For the example above you could have:Drama, theatre, news, events, currentThey should always be separated by a comma and a space, and single words if possible. There is no limit to the number you can have but, as with the description, it is best to be concise.In other instances of metadata input a CMS?administrator, may set up a?list of possible metadata entries to be chosen from a list box.Alternatively, you may be presented with a category tree to choose the appropriate metadata value(s) for optional fields.?Previewing a Web PageThere are various ways that you can Preview a webpage.When editing a webpageClick the Preview dropdown arrow Under Version History you can Preview the selected versionClick on the Preview buttonA webpage can also be previewed from the Navigator.Click on a webpageSelect the Preview Pop Up option Submitting a Web PageSubmitting a page sends it to the next step in the workflow (usually to be approved). Once submitted, the page is read-only and cannot be edited,?unless the submission is revoked.Open the page in the editor. Click the?Workflow dropdown arrowSelect either Submit or Submit with MessageRevoking a Web PageWhen you have submitted a page to the next step in the workflow, it will sit awaiting the next user's action (for example to be approved). You will find that Editing on this page has been disabled. You can revoke this submission at any time before the next user begins their action. By revoking a page?you are basically saying "I have changed my mind about submitting this page, I would like to edit it again".If you open the already submitted page,?the Warning Confirmation screen opensYou can choose to Open as Read Only and then choose the Revoke option from the Workflow Drop Down list which will allow you to continue editing this page.Passing the Web Page to another userWhen working on a page within a workflow environment you may wish to pass the page on to another Contensis user, if they have specific knowledge or skills needed to complete the page.Click the Workflow dropdown arrowSelect Pass To Another User Select from the list of users to open the Pass To Another User screenSelect the Name of the person you are passing this page toAdd any helpful messageClick the Pass To Selected User buttonChecking In WorkWorking in a collaborative environment will mean that at some point more than one user will?want to edit the same item, at the same time.To stop potential confusion, Contensis automatically checks-out an item to you when you begin editing.The item will then remain checked-out to you until:you submit it for approvalyou choose to check in?the work?you?logout of Contensis and are prompted to check in any work that is checked out to youChecking out an?item tells another user?"I am currently working on this".?If they still want to edit the item?you must check it?back into the system?or, alternatively, contact a System Administrator to check your work in.Checking in an item makes it available for other Contensis users to?edit it.You have three methods for checking in your work:Select the page?in the NavigatorSelect Check in from the menuor if you already have the item open in Edit modeClick on the Workflow button Select Check inor if you are on the Home Page / Launch ViewSelect the Currently Working On panel in the My To-Do’s sectionSelect the page to display the icons Click on the Check In icon You will always be prompted to Check in any items before you Log Out.Page or Content StatusThe status of your page can be viewed at-a-glance using the Information Screen. These indicators take the form of Traffic Light colours. Each traffic light colour corresponds to a different status of the page and will give you a quick understanding of what your page is doing: Is it live?Is it being edited?Is there more than one version available?Has it been submitted?Traffic Light ColoursRed The?page displayed is in the editing process and no version has been authorised / publishedAmber The?page displayed is awaiting authorisation / publicationGreen The page being viewed is currently liveRed & Green There is a live (authorised) version of the page being displayed. There is also a version currently in the editing processAmber & Green There is a live (published) version of the page being displayed. There is also a version that is awaiting authorisation / publicationIf at any time you forget the meaning of the traffic light colours you can roll-over the icon for more informationApproving PagesApproving a page sends that page to the publisher to make it live. A user can only approve a page when it has been submitted for approval, and you can only approve pages if you have been given approval permissions.To Approve a Single PageLocate and open the required page in the Navigator menuClick on the Workflow drop down arrow and select Submit and Approveor if you are on the Home Page / Launch ViewSelect the Content to Approve panel in the My To-Do’s sectionSelect the page to display the iconsClick on the Approve/Decline icon To Multi-ApproveSelect the folder in the NavigatorSelect Approve All Content from the menu ImagesImages are a powerful means of conveying messages and it is important that institutional values such as valuing learning, celebrating diversity and promoting inclusiveness are communicated through the images used on the website.In addition, images can significantly enhance your content.Ensure that you only use images that are relevant to the text on the pageEnsure that you limit the number of images on a page as they make the page slow to load for usersEnsure that the image dimensions are kept in proportion to the page content. normally no greater than 300 pixels. Full page width images should be used sparinglyAll images published on the web are subject to copyright. Ensure that you have obtained permission to publish an image on your page unless it has been obtained form the Central image LibraryCentral Image LibraryA library of approved images is held and maintained by the Design Studio and is available for use on the College website. These images have been approved and all required consent forms obtained.Inserting an ImageImages that have been uploaded can then be inserted into a pageOpen your page in the EditorLocate the image in the NavigatorDrag & drop the image icon into required location When dragging into?a page you must drag into an editable region defined by a green placeholder.In Contensis. placeholder properties will prompt you to create a resized version if an image is too large; e.g it exceeds the page width.Release the mouse to open the Image Insert Options screen Image ConstraintsSet size restrictions of the placeholder (set by the template designer)Select an Existing VersionSelect one of the previously created sizes versions displayed in the listCreate a New VersionDefine your own size versionAuto-Resize the image to fit the placeholderWill automatically constrain the proportions of the imageEdit the image to fit the place holderOpens the image in the Image Processor for cropping and editingUploading a New Image into the NavigatorThe following formats should be used for images; PNG, JPEG and GIF.Always?ensure that you have obtained permission to publish an image on your page, if the image comes from the?Central Image Library, these permissions have obviously been obtained.Images can only be uploaded to areas (placeholders), which have the correct content permissions. A folder called graphics has been set up for you but you can/should also create extra graphics folders in the page folders to store the relevant imagesClick on the Graphics folderSelect Create New ContentThe Select File screen will appearClick the Browse button to find the image and it’s location. The Path will then appear in the box Click Next Step to display a thumbnail view of the imageType in the Title of your image in the Name fieldsThe same limitations over certain characters not allowed apply, as with other content types and pages.Add Alt Text to help with description of the image Click Next StepClick on the Finish buttonYour image will be stored in the selected folder, as indicated by the Thumbnail view and path.Images that have been uploaded can then be inserted into a page.Editing an Image Depending on your permissions you will be able to see folders containing images held in Contensis, via the Image Library Navigator.Open the Image Library by clicking the?Image Library icon on the Top ToolbarClick on the name of a visible folder in the NavigatorAny images that you have permissions to see/edit, will display as thumbnail views Locate the required imageRight Click on the required imageSelect Create VariationCropping an ImageAny image in the?Image Library can be cropped using the crop tool in the Image Processor. This is a useful way to resize an image without changing its proportions, pick out areas of details or generally tidy up the edges of the imageOpen the image in Image EditorClick on the image and you will see the image darkens and a small white box appears where you clicked. This is the cropping mask.Click on the cropping mask placed on your image and drag open the boxThis displays the cropping area (clear) and the anchor points around the box Click and drag any of the anchor points on the outline of the cropping mask to change its dimensions.Click and hold the left-hand mouse button?to move the mask around Preview & Apply the Changes to your imageClick Preview to open a new window?with a preview of?the edited imageTo Save a Copy of the ImageSave images in Contensis in the appropriate graphics folder set up under root folders or in sub-folders in the central image library.Click on the Save button Type in the New Image Name Click on the Save buttonResizing ImagesAs well as creating size versions,?you can manually resize images to create new image versions (variations) using the Image Editor tools.Select the image in the NavigatorSelect Create VariationUse the Image Size slider (top-right of the Image Editor) to scale your image up or downor Enter the pixel dimensionsYou can size any cropping screen to an exact pixel measurement using a similar set of boxes.Click Preview to open a new window?with a preview of?the edited imageClick on the Save button Type in the New Image Name Click on the Save buttonAfter one or more edited versions of an image have been saved, these will show in the Navigator as Altered Versions or Sized Versions under the original image. HyperlinksHyperlinks appear as underlined text and, when clicked, will activate the target automatically. The following types of hyperlinks can be inserted into Web Pages.A link to an External URLA link to other Contensis (CMS) content within the current project, including web pages or documentsAn email link to a new Outlook message editorAn named anchor point on the current pageCreating a Hyperlink to an External URLSelect the text or image in the page which requires the link adding to itClick on the ?Create/Edit Link buttonorRight-click and choose Insert HyperlinkYou are presented with the Hyperlink Management screenSelect URL from the Select Link Type drop down menuIn the Address field type in the URL of the required web page In the Title field add meaningful and descriptive textSelect Yes to Open the Link in a new window to open the Pop Up Link Options screenSelect the required optionsClick Save SelectionCreating a Hyperlink to other Contensis contentThe following methods can be used to link to other Contensis contentUsing the Hyperlink ManagerDragging & dropping a page from the NavigatorThe linked CMS?Page will still retain its link when moved to a different folder or if it is renamed - deleting the CMS page will also remove any corresponding links (the actual text must be removed manually though).Using the Hyperlink ManagerSelect the text or image in the page which requires the link adding to itClick on the ?Create/Edit Link buttonorRight Click and choose Insert Hyperlink You are presented with the first Hyperlink Management WindowSelect CMS Content from link typeFrom this screen you can either Search or Browse for the content you wish to link to by clicking the relevant button. If you choose Browse you will then see the Navigator to select from Locate the content by opening the Navigator folder/s until you can tick in the box alongsideEnter a Title, this needs to be Helpful and Descriptive, particularly in relation to Accessibility and Screen ReadersSelect Yes to Open the Link in a new window to open the Pop Up Link Options screenSelect the required optionsClick Save Selection to close the Pop Up Link Options screenClick Save Selection to close the Edit Hyperlink screenCreating a Hyperlink to DocumentsContensis will accept uploaded documents in the following formats: DOC PDF PPT XLS XML Document hyperlinks can then?be drag and dropped?to areas (placeholders) which have the correct content permissions, i.e will accept documents.?Document hyperlinks appear as underlined text and when clicked, will activate the target automatically. The Navigator contains a predefined structure of document?folders to organise and store your documents based on their file type but you can?also create sub folders?to mange the documents. Uploading a New Document into the NavigatorClick on the Documents folder Select Create New Content from the menu? The Select File screen will appear ? Click the Browse button to find the document and it’s location The path will then appear in the box?? Click the Next Step button The original file name will have autopopulated the Title, Filename and Menu name text fields. ? Retype the field names if required The same limitations over certain characters not allowed apply, as with other content types and pages Click on the Finish button Your document?will be stored in the selected Navigator folder. Documents?that have been uploaded can then be inserted by dragging and dropping them into a page.Revised or modified Documents If and when a document that is being linked to in Contensis is modified or updated it must be re-uploaded?and then re-published (i.e submitted and authorised) for the latest version to be linked to.Select the?page in the Navigator Select Edit?from the menu The Upload a New Version screen will?appear? Click the Browse button to find the document and it’s location The path will then appear in the box?Click on the Save button Click on the Workflow drop down arrow Select Submit and Authorise Dragging & dropping a page from the NavigatorSelect the text or image in the page which requires the link adding to itAlternatively, if you do not select any text you can drag the new link straight into the page. This will automatically create the name of the document with the corresponding link already applied to it.Locate the content by opening the Navigator folder/sDrag & Drop the required page icon onto your selected text or alternatively straight into a blank area of the pagePage ManagementChanging the Navigator ViewYou can change how content in the Contensis Navigator is displayed, either Alphabetically or in Menu Order..Click on the Root Folder Select Sort by Menu OrderTo reverse thisClick on the Root Folder Select Sort AlphabeticallyMaking Folder HomepagesFor viewers of a website to easily find things, a Menu should be able to access the content of any folders displayed. To do this there must be a Homepage selected for any given folder. Without this, the system would not know which page in the folder to open when the folder is chosen at Menu level.This option is only available if you have Folder Administrator permissions enabled.Click on the Page in the Navigator Select Make Folder HomepageAfter refreshing the Navigator you will see that the Page Icon has changed to indicate this is now the Folder Homepage.Page InformationInformation is stored and made available for every page in the system. This applies to all Content Types (Images, Word docs, Pdf’s etc). You can find out useful information such as:Who the editor isWhat the page CV_ID isWhen the page was created The page location within the Navigator.?Click on the Page in the Navigator Select Information to open the Content Information screenWeb Page PropertiesThis provides similar information about the page you have open in the editorClick on the Properties tab to open the Properties screenPublishing OptionsThe filename that is included in the published webpage URL is shown here. It was autopopulated to show the same information as the web Page title when the page was created but can be changed to something different from the web page title. Use lower case characters and do not include spaces or punctuation characters.You can make changes to the tick boxes selecting if a webpage is included in the: Menu (Left Hand Side)Site MapA to ZSearch on a webpageSet Publishing ScheduleThe publishing schedule controls when your Authorised?page goes live. Default publish setting is set to Immediate.Set New ScheduleYou can set a New Publishing Date and Time Schedule to control when the page is actually published: e.g 10.00 am on Friday 1st OctoberSelect a publishing schedule from the dropdown menu i.e. A Specific date, Every Thursday, Beginning of Month etc. You can also set your own publishing date as a one off. Having set it for this page it does not remain as an option for you or others to select in future. If you wish to have an Event that can be used several times and by other users, you would need to have your Administrator set this up?Expiry Type & Review TypeYou can also set an Expiry & a Review Schedule.These can be specific dates and times or an interval from the published date and time ; e.g 30 days from publish date.Set Thumbnail ImageSet AliasesWe recommend that you do not set up any aliases as they might cause a conflict within searches and redirection rules.General InformationContent InformationStylesheet InclusionsTemplate InclusionsVersionsContensis supports multiple version control. Every time a page is published it becomes a new version, but the previous versions are still available.The version no can be seen in the top right hand corner.Version HistoryThe Version History tab will open the following screen showing Version numberDate createdLive or edited versionThe latest (Current Edit Version) appears at the top of the list. You can see that this version no. tallies with the version no. showing on the page that is open in edit mode.To select another version Click on the required version no. in the list on the left hand sideThe relevant version information displays on the right side.Under Version History you can Preview a version, by clicking the Preview button when a version has been selected down the left side of this viewDual View enables you to compare one version of a page with another version. It allows you to view any version of the page selected (including the current editing version), alongside any other version.Click on the Dual View button to open the Dual View screenOnce the 2 views open you can select other version/s you wish to compare.To change the versions being viewedSelect from the box (dropdown list) at the foot of each dual view screenUsers of Contensis are able to see a list of every major action that has taken place with a page or content type:Number of times an action took placeDate when an action was carried out Who carried out that action The actions that are recorded are: Page CreatedWorkflow check outCheck inSubmittedRevokedApprovedYou can never edit a previous version; however you can Revert to a previous version Click the Version History tabSelect the Revert button After you have selected the version you wish to revert to this will create a New version (with the next sequential version number then being displayed when the screen refreshes). This version will be a copy of the selected previous version, but this new version will now be ponentsComponents are available in Contensis to help you layout pages with varying but precise designs.They enable you to:Change the appearance and layout of your web pageIncrease the amount of data that is included on your web page without having to scroll downTabulate and split data Include extra place holders on your web page Control the display of the data. They are located in the Components folder in the Navigator.Here are some examples of components inserted into web pages.To insert a component into a pagePosition the cursor at the point where the component is required Drag and Drop the required component into the relevant Editor place holderTo add data to a componentClick in the Title areas and type in your titlesAdd the relevant information to the placeholdersEdit the hyperlinksEdit the TableExtra FeaturesTablesUse tables for tabular data, but not for text layout as using tables for the purpose of layout makes it difficult for people who are accessing the page with a screen reader.? Alternatively you can use style sheets to control layout and presentation rather than tables.Adding a TableSelect an insertion point in your pageClick the ?Insert table icon?from the Editor tool bar. A grid will appear beneath the iconBy dragging the mouse across the grid, and clicking on the blanked out cells, you can initially set the cell dimensions for the tableOnce the initial table has been created it will appear at the insertion point on your page, with dotted lines for borders.You can now click on the edge of your table to show the drag ears, then drag your table to the required dimensions.Initially the table will show dotted lines to indicate the table cells and size. Enter some text into some of the cells.Click the Show/Hide Table Borders button on the editor toolbar, to show how this appears. You can also Save the page and Preview to see how this will look live.You will notice that the table cells will expand as you type into a cell, this is because the cell widths have not yet been set.To further edit your table layout, go to Table Properties.To Edit the Table or CellsPut your cursor in the table Click the Update table button on the Editor toolbar to open the Table Editor screenSelect the Edit Table tabFrom this screen Choose the layout of Table HeadingsEdit the number of rows or columnsSet the Table width; Border size; Cell padding or spacingClick Save SelectionTable Captions and SummariesWhen editing tables within Web Pages, it is important to consider that to meet accessibility requirements, a table needs a summary and a captionOpen the Edit Table view as aboveType in a Caption (title) for your tableSelect how you wish this to display using the Caption Style options availableFor people using a Screen Reader to hear the content of your page and how to access this, add in a helpful description in the Summary boxUsing the example above of a Local Bus Timetable - a helpful Summary would be:This is a Table of Local Bus Times. Route numbers are across the top row. Destinations down the left column. Arrival times are where the Column and Row bisectThe summary is not displayed in the browser window; it is only made available to screen readers.Editing a Table CellYou can Edit a specific Cell by placing your cursor within a cell and using the Update table button on the Editor toolbar.Select the Edit Cell tab.If you selected one of the top row cells this will dictate the initial width of other cells down the same column, but only those cells with specific parameters set will abide by them.Height and Width can be set as Pixels (use px) or percentage of the overall width or height of the table e.g 20% for each of the top row cells, in a 5 column table, will make them of equal width.Merging CellsMerge in Contensis is refereed to as Span.You can Span down 2 or more rows or across 2 or more columns.VideosUpload a Video content type (e.g. MOV; WMV etc)Submit & Authorise the CMS for use on the websiteDrag & Drop the video content icon to the required placeholder on the webpageVarious Control Properties can now be set.Right Click on the video contentSelect Control Properties to open the Web Control Editor screenVideos must be sent to to be put on the streaming server.He then supplies the url.He can convert the video to FLV and put it on the streaming server and edit the control.A still of the video can then be used as a kind of “album cover”.HTML SnippetsThe same content can be used in numerous pages, and can be centrally edited and updated, using HTML content.?HTML must be allowed as a content type at Folder level. (See your System Administrator)Create an HTML content within your folder and name itOpen the HTML in editor mode, and enter your contentSave and Submit for AuthorisationTo include this snippet on a webpageDrag & Drop the icon onto the webpage (assuming placeholder allows HTML, and user permissions allow)The original can be edited and resubmitted for Authorisation at any time the content needs updating.Once this has been done then all Pages using this snippet will be updated with the changes.News & EventsDefault Folders and Pages have been set up in the Navigator.To create News & Event content:Locate and open the news folder in the Navigator Open the newsarticles folderClick & select Create New Content to start the wizard Select the News Page TemplateClick on Next Step Complete the Title, Filename and Menu Name boxes in lower caseClick on Finish to compete the Create New Content WizardSelect Edit the newly created Web Page iconComplete the text and include any URL’s that are required by either using the Hyperlink Manager button on the tool bar or by Dragging and Dropping a Hyperlink content item from the NavigatorScroll down the screen to add the Metadata Description and Key WordsClick on the Save buttonClick on the Preview button to see the new News ItemAll of the News Items can be seen on the Home PageContensis Content Tool Type IconsThe following is a list of the main Content Types used within Contensis and the relevant icon used to illustrate the content type within the Contensis navigator.? Contensis web page Contensis homepage (root or folder) Page - Checked out by you Homepage – Checked out not you MS Word MS Excel MS Powerpoint PDF HTML Hyperlink Image Movie/Audio Online Poll Contensis Template Stylesheet Database Data View CMS Data View Flash Video WMV Video MOV Video ShockWave Flash Zip Archive RAR Archive ................

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