

Profa. Me. Juliana Burguez Tonon

Ano/ Turmas: 9º anos A e B

Período Referente: 16 a 20 de novembro       

Carga horária contemplada: 120 minutos

Desenvolvimento: Encontro online (60 minutos) e resolução de atividades (60 minutos)


Habilidades da BNCC:EF09LI01; EF09LI02; EF09LI03; EF09LI07; EF09LI08.

Material didático referência:

WAY TO ENGLISH for Brazilian Learners – 9º ano

(FRANCO, Cláudio; TAVARES, Kátia. WAY TO ENGLISH for Brazilian learners. 8º ano. 2ª edição. Barueri [SP]: IBEP, 2018. PNLD 2020)

ATIVIDADE XXIX – Great African-Americans Quiz

ORIENTAÇÃO: Dear student, o roteiro de estudos/atividades desta semana aborda o tema da Consciência Negra. No Brasil, o evento é celebrado no mês de novembro; enquanto que nos Estados Unidos, essa celebração ocorre no mês de fevereiro sob o título de BLACK HISTORY MONTH or AFRICAN-AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH. Assim, a atividade proposta tem por objetivo, além do estudo da língua inglesa (leitura e compreensão), conhecer personalidades que marcaram momentos importantes da história americana, contribuindo não somente para o desenvolvimento dessa sociedade, como de outras, incluindo a brasileira.

Faça a pesquisa de vocabulário que for necessária para a compreensão dos textos e atividades.

➢ Read the page on great African-Americans and then answer the quiz below.

(Leia a página indicada para responder o quiz ou qualquer outra fonte de informação que desejar).

1. What is the name of the great civil rights leader who won the Nobel Peace Prize and was assassinated in 1968? __________________________________

2. What is the name of the first African-American who served on the US Supreme Court? _____________

3. What is the name of the woman who helped hundreds of other escaped slaves flee to freedom in the North via the Underground Railroad? __________________________________

4. What is the name of the Haitian-French pioneer and trader who founded the settlement that would later become Chicago? __________________________________

5. What is the name of the scientist who developed hundreds of products from peanuts, sweet potatoes, pecans, and soybeans, revolutionizing agriculture in the South? _________________________________

6. What is the name of the scientist who developed the idea of the blood bank, saving innumerable human lives? __________________________________

7. What is the name of the explorer and colleague of Robert E. Peary who was in the first group of people to visit the North Pole? __________________________________

8. What is the name of the ex-slave who founded the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama? ________________

9. What is the name of the first African-American woman to go into space? ________________________

10. What is the name of the first African-American to play major league baseball? ___________________

11. What is the name of the woman who refused to give up her bus seat, prompting a city-wide bus boycott? This eventually resulted in a Supreme Court ruling that segregation on city buses is unconstitutional. __________________________________

12. What is the name of the African-American athlete who won many medals in the 1936 Berlin Olympic games? __________________________________

13. What is the name of the inventor whose high-quality industrial inventions were the basis for the expression "the real McCoy"? __________________________________

14. What is the name of the first African-American woman to be elected as a U.S. congresswoman from the deep South? __________________________________

15. What is the name of the slave who sued for his freedom and lost, in a major Supreme Court case before the Civil War? __________________________________


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