First Amendment Project Grading Rubric: (33% of English ...


Print Making 50% of grade

| |Unacceptable (F) |Developing (D) |Proficient (C) |Advanced (B) |Excellent (A) |

|Learning Objective: a minimum of|Expectations have not been met |Unclear message of print. |Honest attempt has been made but|Print meets all expectations |Print exceeds all expectations |

|one learning objective is | | |objective and/or 5 freedom is | | |

|clearly & artistically | | |unclear | | |

|expressed. One of the 5 | | | | | |

|freedoms is shown through art & | | | | | |

|text. | | | | | |

|Layout: balance of text & art on|Expectations have not been met |Text and art is not balanced |Text and art is not balanced |Print meets all expectations |Print exceeds all expectations |

|8 ½ x 11 or 11 x 17 paper | |(too much or too little); wrong |(too much or too little) | | |

| | |size paper | | | |

|Art: rule of thirds, 2 colors of|Expectations have not been met |Missing 3 criteria |Missing 2 criteria |Print meets all expectations |Print exceeds all expectations |

|ink, strong focal point | | | | | |

|Artist Statement: a one-page |Expectations have not been met |Statement is unclear and/or does|Statement mentions the working |Statement is well-written & |Statement is very well-written,|

|typed, error-free statement that| |not describe the working process|process but lacks detail |describes the student’s working |& clearly describes the |

|describes the artistic | | | |process |student’s working process |

|process--submitted for EACH | | | | | |

|STUDENT. | | | | | |


Performance Art: First Amendment Project Grading Rubric 50% of grade

| |Unacceptable (F) |Developing (D) |Proficient (C) |Advanced (B) |Excellent (A) |

|Research: historical, legal case|Expectations have not been met |Research is vague |Research is incomplete |Detailed research of legal & |Very thorough research of legal |

|involving art and 1st Amendment | | | |historical case |& historical case |

|has been adequately researched | | | | | |

|Content: significance of case, |Expectations have not been met |Significance of case and |Significance of case and/or |Detailed explanation of case and|Very thorough explanation of |

|including how it supports at | |learning goal is not included |learning goal is unclear |learning goal |case and learning goal |

|least one project learning goal | | | | | |

|is included | | | | | |

|Props/costumes: props and/or |Expectations have not been met |Props & costumes do not make any|Props & costumes are ineffective|Appropriate props and costumes |Very creative props and costumes|

|costumes logically & effectively| |sense | | | |

|support the script | | | | | |

|Performance: performance piece |Expectations have not been met |This isn’t very good |This is okay but could |Very nice |Wow! This is a fantastic |

|is rehearsed, professional, | | |definitely have been better | |performance |

|audible, & memorized. | | | | | |

|Other: typewritten script | | | | | |

|submitted to teachers: your | | | | | |

|grade automatically drops a | | | | | |

|letter if you don’t turn in the | | | | | |

|script (one copy/group given to | | | | | |

|EITHER Cunnane or Erby) | | | | | |

ZINE: First Amendment Project Grading Rubric: 50% of grade

| |Unacceptable (F) |Developing (D) |Proficient (C) |Advanced (B) |Excellent (A) |

|Research: life and work of an |Expectations have not been met |Research is vague |Research is incomplete |Detailed research |Very thorough research |

|artist has been adequately | | | | | |

|researched. | | | | | |

|Editorial: critical, written |Expectations have not been met |This is not an editorial |Editorial is vague--student |Detailed editorial--student |Very thorough editorial--student|

|analysis of student opinion of | | |opinion unclear and use of |opinion is clear & includes some|opinion is very clear & includes|

|artist impact on social change; | | |evidence is unclear |evidence |evidence |

|evidence | | | | | |

|Creative Writing meets one |Expectations have not been met |This is not creative writing |Creative piece: learning |Creative piece: learning |Very creative piece: learning |

|learning objective, original | | |objective is vague and not too |objective is critically explored|objective is very critically |

|ideas & a medium for creative | | |original |& addressed with originality |explored and addressed with |

|writing (speech, poem, short | | | | |originality |

|story) 500 words | | | | | |

|Creative Writing meets one |Expectations have not been met |This is not creative writing |Creative piece: learning |Creative piece: learning |Very creative piece: learning |

|learning objective, original | | |objective is vague and not too |objective is critically explored|objective is very critically |

|ideas & a medium for creative | | |original |& addressed with originality |explored and addressed with |

|writing (speech, poem, short | | | | |originality |

|story) 500 words | | | | | |

|Art: each art piece is original |Expectations have not been met |Several requirements have not |Several requirements have not |Good interpretation and all |Very artistic interpretation; |

|& reflects creative writing; | |been met; little effort |been met; honest effort |requirements met |exceeds expectations |

|neat, rule of thirds, effective | | | | | |

|use of color/shading | | | | | |

|Art: each art piece is original |Expectations have not been met |Several requirements have not |Several requirements have not |Good interpretation and all |Very artistic interpretation; |

|& reflects creative writing; | |been met; little effort |been met; honest effort |requirements met |exceeds expectations |

|neat, rule of thirds, effective | | | | | |

|use of color/shading | | | | | |

|Presentation: Each student reads|Expectations have not been met |Half the group presents; |Majority of group members |Meets all expectations |Exceeds all expectations |

|a relevant excerpt and shares | |presentation is confusing |present; presentation is hard to| | |

|inspiration ( 2 minutes for EACH| | |follow | | |

|student | | | | | |

|Other: illustrated cover, title,|Expectations have not been met |Missing 1-2 requirements |Missing 2-3 requirements |Meets all expectations |Exceeds all expectations |

|all writing is required length, | | | | | |

|double spaced & error free. | | | | | |


Group Names____________________________________________________________________________________________


| |Unacceptable |Developing |Proficient |Advanced |Excellent |

|Petition: appropriate person at |Expectations not met |Honest attempt but everything is|Honest effort but addressee or |Correct person & level of govt |All requirements are met |

|appropriate level of govt is | |wrong |level of govt is unclear |identified; petition has a | |

|identified; petition is written | | | |couple of problems | |

|correctly | | | | | |

|Content: brief & accurate |Expectations have not been met |Content is confusing & |Content unclear or too long; a |Clear, concise & professional |Extremely clear & concise info |

|description of situation, | |unprofessional . |couple of errors | |is presented; professional |

|student suggestion for | | | | | |

|improvement, & explanation of | | | | | |

|need. All writing is typed & | | | | | |

|error free | | | | | |

|Signatures: minimum of 100 valid|Expectations have not been met |Signatures invalid |Less than 70 signatures valid |70-100 valid signatures--this is|100 or more valid |

|signatures have been collected. | | |signatures--thi s is ready to be|ready to be mailed |signatures--this is ready to be |

|Valid means truthful first & | | |mailed | |mailed |

|last names, zip code, date, age| | | | | |

|& signature are on petition. | | | | | |

INDIVIDUAL GRADE: 25% of project

this is determined by Cunnane, Erby, Stahl, and group members

Your Name____________________________________ # of 10-minute coupons___________

| |Unacceptable (F) |Developing (D) |Proficient (C) |Advanced (B) |Excellent (A) |

|Postitivity: student contributed|Expectations have not been met |Student consistently whined |Student made honest effort at |Meets all expectations |Exceeds all expectations |

|ideas, communicated with group, | |and/or didn’t communicate |giving ideas & communicating but| | |

|and problem solved with project.| |effectively with group |whined from time to time | | |

|Classwork: student completed all|Expectations have not been met |Student missing most assignments|Decent job and effort in most |Decent job and effort in all |Very thorough job and high |

|relevant classwork, including | | |assignments |assignments |effort in all assignments |

|participation in field trip, | | | | | |

|worksheets, skits, lecture notes| | | | | |

|& final reflection | | | | | |

|Peer Evaluation: your peers will|Expectations have not been met |Student consistently took away |Student made honest effort at |Student did more than fair share|Student went above & beyond the |

|give you a grade on how well you| |from group |helping group but had several |to contribute to group |needs of the group and was a |

|contributed to the overall | | |obstacles | |great team player |

|success of the project | | | | | |

Your Individual Grade_________/

Peer Evaluation: please complete this peer evaluation of your group members (you will have class time). This is a CONFDIENTIAL form and will only be seen by your teachers. PLEASE BE HONEST

Your Name________________________________

|Group Member #1___________________________________ |Group Member #2___________________________________ |

| | |

|1) What did s/he do to help make the project a success? (i.e. did fair share of the work, asked |1) What did s/he do to help make the project a success? (i.e. did fair share of the work, asked |

|questions, met after school, etc) |questions, met after school, etc) |

| | |

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| | |

| | |

|2) What did s/he do to take away from the project’s success (i.e. never came to class, didn’t do |2) What did s/he do to take away from the project’s success (i.e. never came to class, didn’t do |

|their part, argued) |their part, argued) |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

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| | |

|3) Give this person a grade: A B C D F |3) Give this person a grade: A B C D F |

Please explain what YOU DID to help the group, AND what YOU DID that took away from the group. Then give yourself a letter grade:

Grading rubrics for your 1st Amendment project. The entire project is one-third of your 2nd quarter grade for English AND History. The work is broken down as such:

• Written work (reflection, artist statement, petition) = 25% of total project

• Individual grade and peer evaluation = 25% of total project

• Final project & process = 50% of total project

Please turn in your rubrics on the day of your exam or 5 points are automatically taken off. Here’s what you need to have on the day of your exam


• All prints

• Artist statement (per student, not per group)

• Rubric

• Petition & petition rubric (per group)

• Individual grading rubric


• Typed script (per group)

• Appropriate costumes/props

• Rubric

• Petition & petition rubric (per group)

• Individual grading rubric


• Complete zine

• Petition & petition rubric (per group)

• Individual grading rubric

• Don’t forget: be ready to present!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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