|CLTA Form 100 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss by reason of present or |

| |future violations of CC&R's, encroachment of improvements or by reason of surface entry for mineral |

| |development. |

|CLTA Form 100.1 |Intended for issuance with CLTA Standard Coverage Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss by reason|

| |of present or future violations of CC&R's, encroachment of improvements or by reason of surface entry |

| |for mineral development. |

|CLTA Form 100.2 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss by reason of present or |

|ALTA Form 9 |future violations of CC&R's, encroachment of improvements or by reason of surface entry for mineral |

| |development. |

|CLTA Form 100.4 |Intended for issuance with loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of present violation|

| |of identified provisions of CC&R's. |

|CLTA Form 100.5 |Intended for issuance with owners’ policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of present |

| |violations of identified covenants of CC&R's. |

|CLTA Form 100.6 |Intended for issuance with owners’ policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of present or |

| |future violations of identified CC&R's. |

|CLTA Form 100.7 |Intended for issuance with owners’ policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of present |

| |violations of specific provisions of identified CC&R's. |

|CLTA Form 100.8 |Intended for issuance with owners’ policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of enforcement of|

| |specific provisions of identified CC&R's. |

|CLTA Form 100.9 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Owner’s Policy on unimproved land. Provides insurance against loss by |

|ALTA Form 9.1 |reason of present violations of CC&R's, encroachment of improvements or by reason of surface entry for |

| |mineral development. |

|CLTA Form 100.10 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Owner’s Policy on improved land. Provides insurance against loss by |

|ALTA Form 9.2 |reason of present violations of CC&R's, encroachment of improvements or by reason of surface entry for |

| |mineral development. |

|CLTA Form 100.12 |Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the |

| |enforceability of reverter rights contained in CC&R's. |

|CLTA Form 100.13 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the priority |

| |of any lien for assessments made pursuant to identified CC&R's over the lien of the insured mortgage. |

|CLTA Form 100.17 |Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. Provides insurance against loss in the event |

| |identified CC&R's have not been properly modified. |

|CLTA Form 100.18 |Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the |

| |exercise or attempted exercise reverter rights contained in identified CC&R's. |

|CLTA Form 100.19 |Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of present|

| |violations of identified CC&R's. |

|CLTA Form 100.20 |Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the |

| |enforcement or attempted enforcement of identified CC&R's based upon present violations. |

|CLTA Form 100.21 |Intended for issuance with loan policies. Provides insurance against loss in the event plans and |

| |specifications have not been approved as required by identified CC&R's. |

|CLTA Form 100.23 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the exercise |

| |of surface rights for the extraction or development of minerals leased under identified oil and gas |

| |lease. |

|CLTA Form 100.24 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss in the event lessee under |

| |identified lease has a right to enter upon or use the surface of the land. |

|CLTA Form 100.25 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss by reason of present |

| |violation of identified CC&R's occasioned by subsurface oil drilling operations. |

|CLTA Form 100.26 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss by reason of damage to |

| |proposed or completed improvements under a FHA Project resulting from the exercise of surface or |

| |sub-surface rights for the extraction or development of minerals excepted from the description of the |

| |land. |

|CLTA Form 100.27 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the invalidity|

| |of the lien of the insured mortgage or the marketability of title following foreclosure occasioned by |

| |present violations of identified CC&R's. |

|CLTA Form 100.28 |Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of a final|

| |judgment enforcing specific provisions of identified CC&R's based upon present or future violations. |

|CLTA Form 100.29 |Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of damage |

| |to existing improvements resulting from the exercise of surface rights for the extraction or development|

| |of minerals excepted from the description of the land or shown as a reservation in Schedule B. |

|CLTA Form 101 |Intended for issuance with CLTA Standard Coverage Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss by reason|

| |of the lack of priority of the lien of the insured mortgage over mechanics liens. |

|CLTA Form 101.1 |Intended for issuance with owner’s policies. Provides insurance against loss due to mechanics liens |

| |arising from work of improvement referred to in identified Notice of Completion. |

|CLTA Form 101.2 |Intended for issuance with loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the priority of |

| |mechanics liens arising out of work of improvement referred to in identified Notice of Completion over |

| |the lien of the insured mortgage. |

|CLTA Form 101.3 |Intended for issuance with loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the priority of |

| |mechanics liens arising out of work of improvement under construction or completed at date of policy |

| |over the lien of the insured mortgage. |

|CLTA Form 101.4 |Intended for issuance with CLTA Standard Coverage Owners Policy. Provides insurance against loss by |

| |reason of mechanics liens arising out of work of improvement under construction or completed at date of |

| |policy. |

|CLTA Form 101.5 |Intended for issuance with loan policies. Sets forth information with respect to recording of a notice |

| |of completion and provides insurance against loss with respect to recorded mechanics liens except as |

| |stated in the endorsement. Liability limited to amount set forth in endorsement. |

|CLTA Form 101.6 |Intended for issuance with loan policies. Sets forth information with respect to recording of a notice |

| |of completion and provides insurance against loss with respect to recorded mechanics liens except as |

| |stated in the endorsement. |

|CLTA Form 101.8 |Intended for issuance with CLTA Standard Coverage Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss by reason|

| |of the priority of mechanics liens over the lien of the insured mortgage arising out of work of |

| |improvement which is to be paid for in whole or in part from the proceeds of the indebtedness secured by|

| |said mortgage. |

|CLTA Form 101.9 |Intended for issuance with owners’ policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of mechanics |

| |liens arising out of work of improvement referred to in identified Notice of Completion with respect to |

| |land referred to therein. Liability limited to the amount set forth in endorsement. |

|CLTA Form 101.10 |Intended for issuance with loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the priority of |

| |mechanics liens over the lien of the insured mortgage arising out of work of improvement referred to in |

| |an identified Notice of Completion with respect to the land referred to therein. Liability is limited to|

| |the amount set forth in endorsement. |

|CLTA Form 101.11 |Intended for issuance with loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the priority of |

| |mechanics liens over the lien of the insured mortgage arising out of work of improvement under |

| |construction or completed at Date of Policy on specifically described land. Liability is limited to the |

| |amount set forth in endorsement. |

|CLTA Form 101.12 |Intended for issuance with owners’ policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of mechanics |

| |liens arising out of work of improvement under construction or completed at Date of Policy with respect |

| |to specifically described property. Liability is limited to the amount set forth in endorsement. |

|CLTA Form 101.13 |Intended for issuance with loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of mechanics liens |

| |arising out of a work of improvement referred to in identified Notice of Completion. |

|CLTA Form 102.4 |Intended for issuance with loan policies. Provides coverage that the foundations of the structure under |

| |construction at date of endorsement are within the boundary lines of the land and do not violate the |

| |CC&R's referred to in Schedule B. |

|CLTA Form 102.5 |Intended for issuance with loan policies. Provides coverage that the foundation of the structure under |

| |construction at date of endorsement are within the boundary lines of the land, do not violate the CC&R's|

| |and do not encroach upon easements referred to in Schedule B. |

|CLTA Form 102.6 |Intended for issuance with loan policies. Provides coverage that the foundations of the structure under |

| |construction at date of endorsement on an identified portion of the land are within the boundaries of |

| |identified portion of said land and do not violate the CC&R's referred to in Schedule D. Liability is |

| |limited to the amount set forth in the endorsement. |

|CLTA Form 102.7 |Intended for issuance with loan policies. Provides coverage that the foundation of the structure under |

| |construction on identified portion of the land are within the boundaries of the said identified portion |

| |of said land, do not violate the CC&R's referred to in Schedule B or encroach upon the easements |

| |referred to in Schedule B. Liability is limited to the amount set forth in endorsement. |

|CLTA Form 103.1 |Intended for issuance with loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the exercise of |

| |the right of use or maintenance of an identified easement. |

|CLTA Form 103.3 |Intended for issuance with loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the enforced |

| |removal of improvements on the land which encroach upon an identified easement. |

|CLTA Form 103.4 |Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the |

| |failure of an easement described in Schedule A to provide ingress and egress to a designated street. |

|CLTA Form 103.5 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Owners or Loan Policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of |

| |damage to existing improvements resulting from the exercise of surface rights for the extraction or |

| |development of water excepted from the description of the land or shown as reservation in Schedule B. |

|CLTA Form 103.6 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss in the event that any of |

| |the improvements located on the land encroach upon an identified easement. |

|CLTA Form 103.7 |Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the |

| |failure of the land to abut an identified physically opened street. |

|CLTA Form 103.8 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss by reason of damage to |

| |improvements constructed or to be constructed in accordance with identified FHA Project resulting from |

| |the exercise of the right to use the surface of said land for the extraction or development of water |

| |excepted from the description of said land or shown as a reservation in Schedule B. |

|CLTA Form 103.9 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the enforced |

| |removal of improvements constructed in accordance with identified plans which encroach upon an |

| |identified street. |

|CLTA Form 103.10 |Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the |

| |exercise of the right of surface entry by the owner of land lying below the surface. |

|CLTA Form 103.11 |Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. This endorsement provides much greater access |

|ALTA Form 17 |coverage than that provided by any ALTA policy. This form provides coverage for loss if the insured |

| |doesn't have both actual vehicular and pedestrian access to and from a specifically identified street or|

| |road and if the street is not physically open and publicly maintained. |

|CLTA Form 103.12 |Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. This endorsement is similar to Form 17, but insures |

|ALTA Form 17.1 |access over an easement. This form provides coverage for loss if an insured easement does not provide |

| |both actual vehicular and pedestrian access to and from a specifically identified street or road and if |

| |the street is not physically open and publicly maintained. |

|CLTA Form 104 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides coverage to a lender relating to the validity of |

| |an assignment of the insured mortgage, the existence of tax or assessment liens or other matters |

| |affecting the validity or priority of the lien of the insured mortgage and the existence of U.S. Tax |

| |Liens or bankruptcy proceedings affecting title to the estate or interest covered by the policy. |

|CLTA Form 104A |Intended for issuance with CLTA Standard Coverage Loan Policy. Provides the same assurances and |

| |insurance as CLTA Form 104. |

|CLTA Form 104.1 |Intended for issuance with loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the failure of an|

| |identified assignment to transfer the beneficial interest in the insured mortgage or the existence of |

| |any recorded reconveyances, modifications or subordinations thereof. |

|CLTA Form 104.4 |Intended for issuance with loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the failure of an|

| |identified assignment to transfer the beneficial interest in the insured mortgage as collateral security|

| |or the existence of any recorded reconveyances, modifications or subordinations thereof. Liability is |

| |limited to the amount set forth in endorsement. |

|CLTA Form 104.6 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss by reason of defects in the|

| |execution of identified documents or the existence of prior assignments of lessors interest in leases |

| |referred to in identified documents. |

|CLTA Form 104.7 |Intended for issuance with loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the existence of |

| |any assignment of rents which are prior to the assignment contained in the insured mortgage. |

|CLTA Form 104.8 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides the same coverage as CLTA Form 104 but excludes |

| |loss resulting from lack of possession of the original note secured by the insured mortgage or the |

| |absence of proper endorsement to the assignee. |

|CLTA Form 104.9 |Intended for issuance with CLTA Standard Coverage Loan Policy. Provides the same coverage as CLTA Form |

| |104 Endorsement but excludes loss resulting from the lack of session of the original note secured by the|

| |insured mortgage or the absence of proper endorsements to the insured assignee. |

|CLTA Form 104.10 |Intended for issuance with loan policies. Provides the same coverage CLTA Form 104.1 but excludes loss |

| |resulting from the lack of possession of the original note secured by the insured mortgage or the |

| |absence of proper endorsements to the insured assignee. |

|CLTA Form 104.11 |Intended for issuance with loan policies. Provides the same coverage as CLTA Form 104.4 but excludes |

| |loss arising from the lack of possession of the original note secured by insured mortgage or the absence|

| |of proper endorsements to the insured assignee. Liability is limited to the amount set forth in the |

| |endorsement. |

|CLTA Form 104.12 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Amends the name of the insured and provides insurance |

|ALTA Form 10 |against loss by reason of the failure of an assignment to vest title to the named insured and of any |

| |recorded reconveyances or modifications thereof. The endorsement is only effective if the note secured |

| |by the insured mortgage has been properly endorsed and delivered to the insured. |

|CLTA Form 104.13 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Amends the name of the insured and provides the same |

|ALTA Form 10.1 |insurance and subject to same limitation as the CLTA From 104.12. In addition, it provides insurance |

| |against loss by reason of taxes and assessments, lack of priority over defects, liens and encumbrances |

| |and notices of federal tax liens and bankruptcies. |

|CLTA Form 105 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policies. Modifies policy to insure two deeds of trust identified |

| |in Schedule A. |

|CLTA Form 105.1 |Intended for issuance with CLTA Standard Coverage Loan Policy. Modifies policies to insure two deeds of |

| |trust. |

|CLTA Form 106 |Intended for issuance with owners’ policies insuring the State of California. Provides insurance against|

| |loss by reason of the failure of the record owner to have released or relinquished access rights by |

| |identified conveyance with respect to land retained by grantor. |

|CLTA Form 106C |Intended for issuance with owners’ policies insuring the State of California. Provides insurance against|

| |loss by reason of the failure of the record owner to have release or relinquished access rights with |

| |respect to identified property by reason of identified condemnation proceedings. |

|CLTA Form 106.1 |Intended for issuance with owners’ policy insuring the State of California. Provides insurance against |

| |loss by reason of the failure of the record owner to have released or relinquished access rights by an |

| |identified conveyance with respect to land abutting freeway or limited access highway. |

|CLTA Form 106.1C |Intended for issuance with owners’ policies insuring the State of California. Provides insurance against|

| |loss by reason of the failure of the record owner to have release or relinquished access rights through |

| |an identified condemnation proceeding with respect to land abutting a freeway or limited access highway |

|CLTA Form 106.2 |Intended for issuance with owners’ policies insuring the State of California. Provides insurance against|

| |loss by reason of the failure of the record owner to have released or relinquished access rights by |

| |identified conveyance with respect to grantors remaining land. |

|CLTA Form 106.2C |Intended for issuance with owners’ policies insuring the State of California. Provides insurance against|

| |loss by reason of the failure of the record owner to have released or relinquished access rights with |

| |respect to identified property pursuant to identified condemnation proceedings. |

|CLTA Form 107.1 |Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. Allocates liability under the policy with respect to|

| |identified parcels. |

|CLTA Form 107.2 |Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. Increases the amount of insurance. |

|CLTA Form 107.5 |Intended for issuance with loan policies or leasehold owners policies. Provides that loss under policy |

| |will include the interest of insured in improvements located on the land notwithstanding provisions of |

| |identified lease. |

|CLTA Form 107.9 |Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. Adds additional insureds. |

|CLTA Form 107.10 |Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. Adds additional insured. |

|CLTA Form 107.11 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the invalidity|

| |or unenforceability of the lien of the insured mortgage occasioned by title being vested as shown in |

| |Schedule A, the result of merger following acquisition of title. |

|CLTA Form 108.7 |Intended for issuance with CLTA Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss by reason of title being |

| |vested according to public records at date of endorsement other than in the maker of the notes |

| |evidencing the referenced additional advance, priority of liens and encumbrances over the insured |

| |mortgage insofar as the same secures the additional advance and any recorded reconveyances, |

| |modifications or subordinations of mortgage. |

|CLTA Form 108.8 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of title to the|

| |estate or interest being vested at date of endorsement other than in the maker of the notes evidencing |

| |the identified additional advance, priority of liens and encumbrances over the insured mortgage insofar |

| |as the same secures said additional advance and any recorded reconveyances, modifications or |

| |subordinations of said mortgage. |

|CLTA Form 108.9 |Intended for issuance with CLTA Owners Policy insuring the California Department of Veterans Affairs. |

| |Provides insurance against loss by reason of title to the estate or interest covered by the policy being|

| |vested at date of the endorsement in other than the California Department of Veterans Affairs and the |

| |vendee under contract of sale and any defect, lien or encumbrance shown by the public records at date of|

| |endorsement. |

|CLTA Form 108.10 |Intended for issuance with an ALTA loan policy. Provides coverage with respect to modification of |

| |revolving credit loans to increase limit. |

|CLTA Form 109 |Intended for issuance with CLTA Standard Coverage Owners or Loan Policies. Provides assurances as to |

| |assignment of interest under identified oil and gas leases and provides insurance against loss by reason|

| |of the incorrectness of said assurances. Liability is limited to the amount set forth in the |

| |endorsement. |

|CLTA Form 110.1 |Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. Amends policy by deleting specific exceptions in |

| |Schedule B. |

|CLTA Form 110.3 |Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the |

| |failure of the mineral owner to relinquish the right of surface entry by identified conveyance. |

|CLTA Form 110.4 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the failure |

| |of an identified agreement to properly modify the insured mortgage. |

|CLTA Form 110.5 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the failure |

| |of an identified agreement to properly modify the insured mortgage and the priority of any liens |

| |encumbrances over the lien of the insured mortgage as modified except as to matter shown in Schedule B |

| |and other identified matters. |

|CLTA Form 110.6 |Intended for issuance with CLTA Standard Coverage Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss by reason|

| |of the failure of an identified agreement to properly modify the insured mortgage and the priority of |

| |any liens encumbrances over the lien of the insured mortgage as modified except as to matter shown in |

| |Schedule B and other identified matters. |

|CLTA Form 110.7 |Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the |

| |enforcement or attempted enforcement by identified lien or encumbrance. |

|CLTA Form 110.9 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the lack of |

|ALTA Form 8.1 |priority of the lien of the insured mortgage over environmental protection liens recorded in the public |

| |records at date of policy and any state environmental protection lien provided for by any state statute |

| |in effect at date of policy except as indicated in endorsement. |

|CLTA Form 110.10 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides insurance with respect to vesting, priority and |

| |reconveyances, modifications and subordinations of the insured mortgage in connection with modifications|

| |and additional advances of the loan secured by insured mortgage. |

|CLTA Form 110.11 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides insurance with respect to vesting, priority and |

|ALTA Form 11 |reconveyances, modifications and subordinations of the insured mortgage in connection with modification |

| |of and additional advances of the loan secured by the insured mortgage. Contains a “Creditors’ Rights” |

| |exception. |

|CLTA Form 111 |Intended for issuance with loan policies. Provides insurance against loss of priority of the lien of the|

| |insured mortgage on the remainder of the land following an identified partial reconveyance. |

|CLTA Form 111.1 |Intended for issuance with loan policies. Provides assurances that policy liability has not been reduced|

| |by reason of identified partial reconveyance except to the extent of consideration received therefore. |

|CLTA Form 111.2 |Intended for issuance with loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the impairment of|

| |the lien of the insured mortgage as a result of identified subordination agreement except to the extent |

| |provided in said agreement. |

|CLTA Form 111.3 |Intended for issuance with loan policies. Provides insurance against loss due to the impairment of the |

| |lien of the insured mortgage on the remainder of land following identified partial reconveyance. In |

| |addition, provides coverage with respect to encroachments and designation of improvements on remaining |

| |land. |

|CLTA Form 111.4 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides insurance to insured and HUD against loss by |

| |reason of the invalidity or loss of priority of the lien of the insured mortgage following an identified|

| |conveyance or the release of an identified individual from liability. |

|CLTA Form 111.5 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the |

|ALTA Form 6 |invalidity, unenforceability or loss of priority of the insured mortgage resulting from changes in the |

| |rate of interest in accordance with the formula provided for in the insured mortgage at date of policy. |

|CLTA Form 111.6 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the |

|ALTA Form 6.1 |invalidity, unenforceability or loss of priority of the lien of insured mortgage resulting from changes |

| |in the rate of interest provided for in the formula contained in the insured mortgage at date of policy.|

| |The endorsement does not insure against loss by reason of failure to comply with identified statutes or |

| |regulations. |

|CLTA Form 111.7 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides insurance against the invalidity, unenforceability|

| |or loss of priority of the lien of the insured mortgage caused by changes in the rate of interest |

| |pursuant to the formula contained in the insured mortgage or renewal of the mortgage pursuant to the |

| |terms thereof. |

|CLTA Form 111.8 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the |

|ALTA Form 6.2 |invalidity, unenforceability or loss of priority of the lien of the insured mortgage resulting from |

| |provisions contained therein providing for changes in the rate of interest, addition of unpaid interest |

| |to principal and/or interest on interest. |

|CLTA Form 111.9 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policies issued in connection with Fannie Mae Balloon Mortgage |

| |Program. Provides insurance against loss by reason of invalidity, unenforceability or loss of priority |

| |of the lien of the insured mortgage resulting from provisions therein providing for a conditional right |

| |to refinance and changes in the rate of interest. |

|CLTA Form 111.10 |Intended for issuance with loan policies. Provides coverage with respect to revolving line of credit |

| |loans when the advances are optional or obligatory. Also provides coverage with respect to variable |

| |interest rates. |

|CLTA Form 111.11 |Intended for issuance with loan policies. Provides coverage with respect to revolving line of credit |

| |loans when the advances are obligatory. Also provides coverage with respect to variable interest rates. |

|CLTA Form 111.14 |Intended for issuance with loan policies. This is a revolving line of credit or credit line endorsement.|

|ALTA Form 14 |It provides coverage to a lender for loss the lender might sustain in the event a future advance by that|

| |lender does not have the same priority as the original mortgage as though the advance had been made at |

| |the time the mortgage was made. It also covers the lender's loss if each advance does not create a valid|

| |and enforceable lien on the title secured by the insured mortgage. |

|CLTA Form 111.14.1 |Intended for issuance with loan policies. This is a revolving line of credit or credit line endorsement |

|ALTA Form 14.1 |very similar to the Form 14. However this form was designed to be used for loan programs under which the|

| |loan documents contemplate future advances but the lender has the option of not making an advance for |

| |any reason. |

|CLTA Form 111.14.2 |Intended for issuance with loan policies. This endorsement was designed to be issued when the insured |

|ALTA Form 14.2 |mortgage secures repayment of future advances made under a letter of credit, surety agreement (bond) or |

| |reimbursement agreement. Its coverage is broader in certain respects than the other two Form 14 series |

| |endorsements. |

|CLTA Form 112 |Intended for issuance with CLTA Standard Coverage Loan Policy. Amends Conditions and Stipulations to |

| |provide insurance for the trustee and the bondholders under deed of trust or trust indenture given to |

| |secure bonds. |

|CLTA Form 112.1 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Amends Conditions and Stipulations to provide insurance for|

| |the trustee and the bondholders under deed of trust or trust indenture given to secure bonds. |

|CLTA Form 112.2 |Intended for issuance with CLTA Standard Coverage Loan Policy. Amends Conditions and Stipulations to |

| |provide for insurance for holders of revenue bonds referred to in Schedule A. |

|CLTA Form 114 |Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. Provides for coinsurance by identified insurers with|

| |separate liability for each insurer. |

|CLTA Form 114.1 |Intended for issuance with owners and loan policies. Provides for coinsurance by identified insurers |

| |with provision for specified joint and several liability. |

|CLTA Form 114.2 |Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. Provides for coinsurance by identified insurers |

| |where each coinsurer will have joint and several liability. |

|CLTA Form 115 |Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the |

| |failure of the estate or interest described in Schedule A to constitute a condominium in fee or to be |

| |entitled to be assessed and taxed as separate parcel. |

|CLTA Form 115.1 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss with respect to statutory |

|ALTA Form 4 |compliance, violations of CC&R's lien for charges and assessments, separate assessment of real property |

| |taxes, encroachments and rights of first refusal with respect to condominium units. |

|CLTA Form 115.2 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss with respect to violation |

|ALTA Form 5 |of CC&R's, liens for Homeowners Association charges and assessments, encroachments and rights of first |

| |refusal relating a unit in a planned unit development. |

|CLTA Form 116 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the failure |

| |of identified improvements known as an identified street address to be located on the land or the |

| |failure of the attached map to correctly show the location and dimensions of the land according to the |

| |public records. |

|CLTA Form 116.1 |Intended for issuance with owners and loan Policies. Provides insurance against loss in the event that |

| |the land is not the same as delineated on identified survey and provides insurance against loss by. |

|CLTA Form 116.2 |Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the |

| |failure of the dimensions of the exterior boundaries of the common area portion of the land to be |

| |correctly shown on the recorded condominium plan and of the estate or interest referred to in Schedule A|

| |to include the designated elements. |

|CLTA Form 116.3 |Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the |

| |failure of the land to now constitute all or part of an identified subdivision. |

|CLTA Form 116.4 |Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. Provides insurance against loss in the event that |

|ALTA Form 19.1 |the land described in the policy is not contiguous to other land not described or insured in the policy.|

|CLTA Form 116.4.1 |When the land described in the policy is made up of several separately described parcels that appear to |

|ALTA Form 19 |have somewhat contiguous boundaries, the insured and its counsel are quite often concerned about whether|

| |the parcels are contiguous and, if so, what boundary of a given parcel is contiguous to what boundary of|

| |another. |

|CLTA Form 116.5 |Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. Provides that the definition of land in the policy |

|ALTA Form 7 |includes the manufactured housing unit located thereon at date of policy. |

|CLTA Form 116.6 |Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. Provides that the manufactured housing unit |

| |described in the endorsement is included within the term land as used in the policy. |

|CLTA Form 116.7 |Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the |

| |failure of the land to constitute a lawfully created parcel under the Subdivision Map Act. |

|CLTA Form 117 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides for aggregate liability of policies issued to a |

|ALTA Form 12 |lender in connection with a loan secured by more than one property. Known as an “Aggregation” |

| |Endorsement and also as a “Tie-in” Endorsement. |

|CLTA Form 119 |Intended for issuance with loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of defect in the |

| |execution of identified lease and the record priority thereof. |

|CLTA Form 119.1 |Intended for issuance with CLTA Standard Coverage Owners or Leasehold Loan Policies. Amends policy by |

| |adding additional general exception with respect to matters affecting title to the leasehold estate |

| |covered by the policy. |

|CLTA Form 119.2 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss in the event that an |

| |identified lease is not a valid and subsisting lease at Date of Policy and does not have the priority |

| |indicated. |

|CLTA Form 119.3 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides coverage as to the priority of an identified lease|

| |following the subordination of a deed of trust to the insured mortgage. |

|CLTA Form 119.4 |Intended for issuance with CLTA Standard Coverage Loan Policies insuring bondholders. Provides coverage |

| |as to the validity of an identified sub-lease. |

|CLTA Form 119.5 |Converts an ALTA Owners Policy into an ALTA Leasehold Owners Policy. |

|ALTA Form 13 | |

|CLTA Form 119.6 |Converts an ALTA Loan Policy into an ALTA Leasehold Loan Policy. |

|ALTA Form 13.1 | |

|CLTA Form 120.2 |Intended for issuance with Owners or Loan Policies. Provides coverage as to the subordination of an |

| |identified mortgage to identified lease. |

|CLTA Form 122 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy in connection with construction loan advances. Provides |

| |coverage as to matters affecting title to the estate or interest covered by the policy subsequent to the|

| |Date of Policy, the priority of identified advances and the lack of priority of mechanics liens over the|

| |lien of the insured mortgage. |

|CLTA Form 122.2 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy in connection with construction loan advances. Provides same|

| |assurances as CLTA Form 122 but liability is limited to the amount set forth in endorsement and prior |

| |endorsements and the face amount of the policy. |

|CLTA Form 122.3 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Similar to Form 122 Endorsement except coverage for |

| |mechanic's liens arising from work in progress or recently completed construction is excluded. |

|CLTA Form 122.4 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Similar to Form 122.2 Endorsement except coverage for |

| |mechanic's liens arising from work in progress or recently completed construction is excluded. |

|CLTA Form 123.1 |Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of |

|ALTA Form 3 |incorrectness of identified zoning classification and allowed uses. |

|CLTA Form 123.2 |Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. Provides the same coverage as CLTA Form 123.1 and |

|ALTA Form 3.1 |further insures against loss by reason of a final decree prohibiting the use of the land as specified in|

| |the endorsement or requiring removal or alteration of existing structures. |

|CLTA Form 124.1 |Intended for issuance with owners or loan polices. Provides coverage with respect to the enforceability |

| |of identified covenants contained in deed or agreement between landowners. |

|CLTA Form 124.2 |Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. Provides coverage as to the enforceability of |

| |identified covenants contained in lease. |

|CLTA Form 124.3 |Intended for issuance with leasehold owners or loan policies. Provides coverage as to the enforceability|

| |of covenants contained in identified lease. |

| | |

|CLTA Form 125 |Intended for issuance with loan policies. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the exercise of |

|ALTA Form 2 |the right of recession under the Federal Truth and Lending Act. |

|CLTA Form 126 |Intended for issuance with CLTA Standard Coverage Owners Policy covering property improved with a single|

| |family residence. Provides insurance against loss by reason of lack of a right access, mechanics liens, |

| |enforced removal by reason of encroachments onto easements or violations of CC&R's, applicable zoning |

| |ordinances and surface entry for mineral development. |

|CLTA Form 126.1 |Intended for issuance with CLTA Standard Coverage Owners Policy covering property improved with a |

| |one-to-four family residential structure. Provides similar coverage to CLTA Form 126. |

|CLTA Form 126.2 |Intended for issuance with CLTA Standard Coverage Owners Policy covering a residential condominium unit.|

| |Provides similar insurance to CLTA Form 126 and provides insurance that the condominium unit is assessed|

| |and taxed as a separate parcel. |

|CLTA Form 126.3 |Intended for issuance with CLTA Standard Coverage Owners Policy covering property improved with a |

| |residential structure. Provides similar coverage to CLTA Form 126. |

|CLTA Form 127 |This endorsement was designed to be issued with a new owner's policy that insures the existing entity |

|ALTA Form 15 |that owns the land. It can be very important coverage in a situation where the owning entity is losing |

| |all of its partners, members or shareholders (prior equity holders) and gaining new equity holders in a |

| |sale of the entity. |

|CLTA Form 127.1 |This endorsement was designed to serve a similar function as the Form 15 but under different facts. It |

|ALTA Form 15.1 |is to be issued to an existing owner's policy insuring the owning entity. The circumstance giving rise |

| |to the need for this endorsement could be that after the policy was issued someone is coming in as a new|

| |partner, member or shareholder (new equity holder) of the insured entity. |

|CLTA Form 127.2 |This endorsement was designed to serve a similar purpose as the other two Form 15 series endorsements |

|ALTA Form 15.2 |but under different facts. It could be issued with a new owner's policy in a transaction where an |

| |incoming partner, member or shareholder (new equity holder) is purchasing an equity interest in the |

| |entity that holds title to the land. |

|CLTA Form 128 |This endorsement was designed to be issued to either an existing or a new owner's policy showing title |

|ALTA Form 16 |vested in an entity and naming that entity as the insured. This endorsement would typically be requested|

| |in a transaction where an entity owns the land and is borrowing money. |

|CLTA Form 129 |Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. Many of our commercial real estate customers and |

|ALTA Form 18 |their attorneys want some form of coverage that the land described in the policy is a single and |

| |separate tax parcel and not part of a larger parcel of land. The Form 18 endorsement provides that |

| |coverage. |

|CLTA Form 129.1 |Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. This form provides similar coverage to the Form 18 |

|ALTA Form 18.1 |but deals with a situation where there are multiple tax parcels included within the legal description of|

| |the land. This endorsement protects the insured against loss if the land specifically identified is not |

| |assessed for real estate tax purposes under the tax identification numbers listed in the endorsement, or|

| |if those tax numbers include any other land other than what is identified. |

|CLTA Form 130 |This endorsement is designed to be used in situations where a lender is making a loan secured by |

|ALTA Form 20 |multiple parcels of real estate. When this endorsement is issued it allows the lender to prove up a loss|

| |without requiring acceleration of the indebtedness and only dealing with the question of whether as a |

| |sole result of the title defect insured against the aggregate value of the collateral is now worth less |

| |than the outstanding balance of the debt. If it is, the title insurer is responsible for paying the |

| |lender an amount equal to that portion of the diminution in value that is below the outstanding |

| |indebtedness. |

|CLTA Form 131 |This endorsement insures against loss if the title or lien of the insured mortgage, as insured, is held |

|ALTA Form 21 |by a court to be invalid under bankruptcy, state insolvency or similar creditors' rights laws because |

| |reasonable equivalent value was not paid for the interest created in the insured transaction or the lien|

| |of the insured mortgage is ruled to be a preferential transfer. |

|CLTA Form JR1 |Intended for issuance with an ALTA Residential Limited Coverage Junior Loan Policy covering property |

|ALTA Form JR1 |improved with a 1 to 4 family residence or condominium unit. Provides coverage with respect conveyances |

| |and monetary liens recorded subsequent to Date of Policy and identifies the insured mortgage. It can |

| |also incorporate the ALTA Endorsement Form JR2 by reference. |

|CLTA Form JR2 |Intended for issuance with an ALTA Residential Limited Coverage Junior Loan Policy covering property |

|ALTA Form JR2 |improved with a 1 to 4 family residence or condominium unit. Subject to limitations this endorsement |

| |provides insurance with respect to the priority of future advances of loan proceeds secured by the |

| |insured mortgage and with respect to the variable interest rate provisions contained in the insured |

| |mortgage. |

|Special Form No. 203 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Owners Policy. Provides coverage similar to CLTA Form 100 to owners. |

|Special Form No. 206 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. This is a modified version of the CLTA Form 100 Endorsement|

| |with paragraphs 1 (c) & (d) omitted. It is intended for use in connection with unimproved property. |

|Special Form No. 209 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. It provides that the Company will not raise as a defense |

| |that the insured construction lender has “created, suffered, assumed or agreed to” mechanics’ liens, |

| |subject to certain conditions. |

|Special Form No. 212 |Intended for issuance with loan policies. It extends the Date of Policy and makes other amendments to |

| |the policy as needed. It is referred to as a “Date Down” Endorsement. |

|Special Form No. 213 |Intended for issuance with an ALTA Loan Policy. Provides coverage relating to the priority of the lien |

| |of the insured mortgage in connection with the extension of the maturity date of the obligation secured |

| |by the insured mortgage. |

|Special Form No. 214 |Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. Provides for non-imputation of knowledge to insured |

| |from identified individuals or entities. |

|Special Form No. 215 |Intended for issuance with an ALTA Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the |

| |invalidity, unenforceability or loss of priority of the lien of insured mortgage resulting from |

| |provisions for changes in the conversion rate between the U.S. dollar and a stated foreign currency. |

|Special Form No. 217 |Intended for issuance with owners policies. Provides owners inflation protection. |

|Special Form No. 218 |Intended for issuance with an ALTA Loan Policy. Provides coverage in the event of the recharacterization|

| |of the relationship of the insured lender and the borrower as that of partners, joint tenants, joint |

| |venturers or co-owners. |

|Special Form No. 219 |Intended for issuance with loan policies. Provides coverage with respect to shared appreciation loans. |

|Special Form No. 221 |Intended for issuance with an ALTA Loan Policy. Provides coverage with respect to an interest rate |

| |exchange agreement. |

|Special Form No. 224 |Intended for issuance with loan polices. Provides coverage with respect to revolving line of credit |

| |loans. |

|Special Form No. 227 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides coverage that a mobile home is located on the |

| |land, that loss insured against by the policy will include the interest of the insured in such mobile |

| |home and that the term improvements as used in CLTA Form 100 Endorsement shall include the mobile home. |

|Special Form No. 230 |Intended for issuance with owners policies. It adds an additional paragraph 1A to the Conditions and |

| |Stipulations making the policy an “excess coverage” policy for loss in excess of coverage under an |

| |identified prior policy. It is intended for use in cases where a new partner is admitted to an existing |

| |partnership. |

|Special Form No. 233 |Intended for issuance with an ALTA Owners Policy insuring an incoming partner into an existing |

| |partnership. Amends paragraph 7 (a) of the Conditions and Stipulations to limit liability to a |

| |percentage of actual loss equal to the insured’s interest in the partnership. |

|Special Form No. 239 |Intended for issuance to a lender with an ALTA or CLTA Policy. This endorsement provides coverage with |

| |respect to the invalidity of the lien of the insured mortgage as a result of violation of the California|

| |usury laws. |

|Special Form No. 242 |Intended for issuance with owners or loan policies. Amends paragraph 4 of the insuring provisions to |

| |limit access coverage to “abutter’s rights” if land in fact abuts a physically open street or highway. |

|Special Form No. 243 |Intended for issuance to a lender with an ALTA or CLTA Policy. This endorsement provides coverage with |

| |respect to the unenforceability of the insured mortgage in the event of a determination that making the |

| |loan secured thereby constitutes “doing business” in California. It is referred to as a “Doing Business |

| |Endorsement.” |

|Special Form No. 244 |Intended for issuance with either an ALTA Owners or Loan Policy. It converts said policies to the ALTA |

| |leasehold forms of owners or loan policies. |

|Special Form No. 245 |Intended for issuance with owners policies insuring an optionee. Provides coverage with respect to the |

| |enforceability and priority of the identified option. |

|Special Form No. 247 |Intended for issuance with an ALTA Loan Policy. Provides coverage similar to the CLTA Form 100 |

| |Endorsement in cases where there is a mobile home located on the land which is excluded from the |

| |definition of the land. |

|Special Form No. 248 |Intended for issuance to an owner with an ALTA or CLTA Policy. This endorsement amends the definition of|

| |insured to include certain successor partnerships. It is referred to as a “Fairway endorsement.” |

|Special Form No. 249 |Intended for issuance to a lender with an ALTA Policy. This endorsement modifies paragraph 9(b) of the |

| |Conditions and Stipulations with respect to payments on the indebtedness secured by the insured |

| |mortgage. It is referred to as a “last dollar endorsement.” |

|Special Form No. 250 |Intended for issuance with an ALTA Residential Title Insurance Policy. It makes the policy a joint |

| |protection policy insuring an owner and lender secured by a deed of trust excepted in Schedule B. |

|Special Form No. 251 |Intended for issuance with an ALTA Loan Policy. Provides coverage with respect to obligatory advances |

| |under a letter of credit secured by the insured mortgage. |

|Special Form No. 252 |Intended for issuance with an ALTA Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the |

| |invalidity, unenforceability or loss of priority of the lien of insured mortgage resulting from |

| |provisions for changes in the rate of interest including provisions for converting to a fixed rate. |

|Special Form No. 253 |Intended for issuance to an owner or lender with an ALTA or CLTA Policy. This endorsement provides |

| |assurance that the land is assessed for ad valorem real property taxes as a separate Assessor's parcel. |

|Special Form No. 254 |Intended for issuance with an ALTA Loan Policy. It provides the same coverage as the CLTA Form 110.10 |

| |but without the “Creditors’ Rights” exception. |

|Special Form No. 255 |Intended for issuance with an ALTA Loan Policy insuring a lender with multiple pieces of collateral. It |

| |provides for payment of loss, under certain circumstances, without requiring maturity of the |

| |indebtedness secured by the insured mortgage or pursuit of other collateral. |

|Special Form No. 257 |Intended for issuance with an ALTA Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss by reason of the |

|Alta Form 1 |priority of assessments for street improvements over the lien of the insured mortgage. |

|Special Form No. 258 |Intended for issuance to a lender with an ALTA or CLTA Policy. This endorsement changes the coverage |

| |under the policy to which it is attached to excess coverage. It is intended for use with loan policies |

| |issued with respect to a mortgage or deed of trust which was previously insured under a policy issued by|

| |another title insurer (the “Primary Policy”). |

|Special Form No. 259 |Intended for issuance with a Limited Trustee’s Sale Guarantee. This endorsement adds assurances with |

| |respect to taxes, assessments and bonds to the guarantee. |

|Special Form No. 260 |Intended for issuance with a Limited Trustee’s Sale Guarantee. This endorsement adds assurances with |

| |respect to legal publication of the notice of sale pursuant to Civil Code '2924f to the guarantee. |

|Special Form No. 261 |Intended for issuance with a F/F Trustee’s Sale Guarantee. This endorsement adds assurances to the |

| |guarantee with respect to estates, interests, encumbrances and liens (excluding real property taxes and |

| |assessments) which purport to be senior in priority to the lien of the Foreclosing Mortgage and other |

| |monetary liens affecting the land. |

|Special Form No. 262 |Intended for issuance with a F/F Trustee’s Sale Guarantee. This endorsement provides an assurance with |

| |respect to special assessments not billed and collected by the County Tax Collector to the guarantee. |

|ALTA Form 4.1 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss with respect to statutory |

|No CLTA form |compliance, violations of CC&R's lien for charges and assessments DUE AND UNPAID AT DATE OF POLICY, |

| |separate assessment of real property taxes, encroachments and rights of first refusal with respect to |

| |condominium units. |

|ALTA Form 5.1 |Intended for issuance with ALTA Loan Policy. Provides insurance against loss with respect to statutory |

|No CLTA form |compliance, violations of CC&R's lien for charges and assessments DUE AND UNPAID AT DATE OF POLICY, |

| |separate assessment of real property taxes, encroachments and rights of first refusal with respect to a |

| |unit in a planned unit development. |


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