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Semester Course9.4 Renting an ApartmentStudent Activity PacketName: In this lesson, you will learn to: Identify important factors to consider when deciding where to live Find an apartment that meets their priorities and fits into their budgetRead the fine print on a housing rental agreement ResourcesQuestions1 Discussion PromptsDiscuss this question with your classmates or with a partner.Estimated time: 5 minsImagine you are renting your first apartment after college. What top three criteria would you use to evaluate if the apartment is/is not a good fit for you? 2Where Should I Live? 14 Important Factors When Deciding the Best Place to Live graduation, you need to consider where you want to live -- with your parents? close to home? a whole new city or state? Skim through these 14 factors to consider, and answer the question. Estimated time: 5 minsWhich 2-3 criteria from the article would be most relevant to you as a young, independent adult? Explain. 3COMPARE: Find an ApartmentFollow the directions on the worksheet to complete this activity. Estimated time: 15 mins4Do These 9 Things Before Signing a LeaseFINE PRINT: Residential LeaseNow that you have selected an apartment, it’s time to sign the lease! Watch the video, and then use the sample housing rental agreement to answer the 10 questions that follow. Estimated time: 15 mins5Exit TicketEstimated time: 5 minsYour cousin has just graduated from college and is starting her search for an apartment to rent. What are three steps you think she should take during her search? What is one benefit of having renter’s insurance? True or False: You pay a security deposit before signing your lease agreement so you can secure your spot for the apartment. ................

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