March 16th, 2003 - Roman Catholic Diocese of Hallam

November 29th 2020. First Sunday of Advent. Month of devotion to the Holy Souls. MASSES:Sunday: 10am Mass. You can join the Mass on ZOOM on your computer or smart phone by pressing the link below and if requested enter the passcode.pp.mog@hallam- is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.Join Zoom Meeting ID: 933 8939 1946Passcode: 015682Please share this email around the parish and if you are able to, assist anyone to log on who may have difficulties with computers.Mass from St Marie’s Cathedral Monday: 10am in the Presbytery.Tuesday: 10am Mass in the Presbytery.Wednesday: 10am in Church.Thursday: 10am in Church.Friday: 10am in Church.Saturday: 10am & 6.30pm First Mass for Sunday. Confessions; 10.30-11am & 5.30-6.30pm (in the day chapel).Please pray for the Sick: The Sick in Nether Edge Hospital, Martin Doyle, Beverley Hope, Philip Jones, James Baker, Robert Baker, Robert Goodwin, Harry Bishop, Leanne Chesney, Eleanor Goring, Mary Alderson, Beverley Clayton, Nichola Martin, Des McCann, Nichola Ross, Steve Horn, Sally Riley, Asia Bibi, Ofelia Ramos, Isabel Bela, Rob Bradley, Elizabeth Coakley, Anya Crook, Jane Scott, John Kirk, Norman Jones, Christopher Gallagher, Christopher Browne, Jackie Davison, James O’Neill, James Reilly, Helen Carroll, William O’Connor, Michael Garth, Gerry McDonagh, Nuala Jones.Lately Dead: Aubrey McNeelance; Hazel Gomersall; Eric Ramshaw.Anniversaries: Walter Roberts; Kathleen Hutchinson; Therese Haverin; Ann Scully.Masses Received: Thanksgiving; Teresa & William Wolstenholme; Frank & Andrew Young; Int. of Sarah & Ben Tew; Get well for Alan Bert; Brown, Jackson & Townsend families.Offertory collection: Envelopes ?107. Loose Plate ?20. Thank you.The current account deals with all bills. It is continually supported by direct debit from parishioners. If you have an offertory envelope, please continue to put your offering in this and bring it when you next come to Mass. You can also contribute by telephone/online banking: Parish name: St Wilfreds&Mother of God SheffieldSort Code: 40 41 07 Account Number: 51 09 47 26 THANK YOU.SVP: Next weekend (Sunday 6th Dec) the SVP are going to have a special collection to help in their work, both in the parish and further afield. Obviously during the pandemic our services are needed more than ever. We will leave a basket (and Gift Aid envelopes) at the back of church all that week. Alternatively, you may wish to donate directly, if that’s more convenient for you. Our bank account details are Name E070103 St WilfridSort Code 60-60-04Account Number 46083324. Many thanks.TOTE winning numbers were 23 & 25 with 1 winner receiving ?34. You are welcome to join, 10p for 2 numbers between 1 and 30.Mother of God has a news announcements section on its webpage. If you have asocial media account such as Facebook, please share this link with your contacts. Visit . This will help us to keep in touch, especially during this difficult time.Credit Union: Despite the current restrictions we are continuing to manage the credit union on your behalf. Don’t forget that it is here to help in these difficult times. If you think there is any way we can help you - perhaps a cheap loan to tide you over or to discuss any difficulties with repayments - do get in touch. You can either call Karen Dyche on 07580273924 or email mogcreditunion@ Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies (CCRS): This will start in January 2021, if you wish to register, email adulteducation@hallam- or by phone 2566410. For further information visit the Catholic Paper: Universe and Catholic Times combined ?1.90. Can be picked up outside the day chapel and pay for them when we return to church in December.CAFOD: WORLD GIFTS: for brilliant, ethical, alternative gifts for Christmas (& all year round!) click on?.uk/world?gifts?FRATELLI TUTTI: Pope Francis’s recent encyclical. Watch a 4 min video ?? OR read about it at ?.uk?Fratelli Tutti Explained ?OR ?watch a 10 min reflection by Durham University Assoc. Prof Dr Anna Rowlands ?. ................

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