State of the ParishParish Finance Report2019The parish financial priorities given to Fr. Stalla by Bishop Lennon include: 1) Be current with your bills, 2) get the parish staff pay-scale up to diocesan standards, 3) create a plan for the parish mortgage, 4) address the capital needs of the parish, and only then, when funds are available 5) create a payment plan for back-assessments owed to the Diocese of Cleveland.We have been current with our bills since 2015 (priority 1). Our parish staff has had their pay-scale adjusted to the diocesan standards as of 2016 (priority 2). There have been many changes in the parish staff this year. First, Tom Ashdown has been recovering from illness and has stepped down from his role as the parish Project Manager. Kim Lynch has left her position in parish administration to pursue full-time employment elsewhere. Rachel Pollack has moved from the Evangelization Minister position to a new position, called Communications. Her role will pick up the bulletin, website, and some evangelization responsibilities. Amanda Clune has been hired as a parish Administrative Assistant. Her role will be to assist Fr. Michael in his scheduling and follow-ups with regard to Finance Council and parish projects, as well as assisting with maintaining marriage preparation files and Human Resources Files.Deacon Ed Chernick plans to retire from his position as the parish Business Manager on February 1, 2020. He will continue as the parish Deacon. Interviews will begin shortly for a new parish Business Manager. With the hiring of the new Business Manager, Carol Twigger, our volunteer Twinhaven Manager, will be stepping down from her position. The responsibility will be shared by the new Business Manager and the Administrative Assistant.July 1st of 2020, Wally Bednarz plans to retire from his position as Liturgy Coordinator. Interviews will begin shortly for a Coordinator for Music Ministry. The Capital Campaign has been very successful so far (priority 3). We have raised $862,347 thus far. Parishioners have pledged a further $653,017. 75% of the collected Capital Campaign is being used to reduce the mortgage on the church building. We have paid $587,203 on the mortgage. We currently owe $575,921 on the mortgage with an interest rate of 3.7% with Ohio Catholic Credit Union. 25% of the collected Capital Campaign is being used for parish capital needs (priority 4). It is not too late to participate with the parish Capital Campaign.This past year, we have replaced the windows of the Parish Center. We have new lights in the parish Parking Lot. We have renovated the rectory Kitchen. We have also replaced the roof on the Multi-Purpose Room. We have painted the Multi-Purpose Room. With regard to the roof in the Multi-Purpose Room: Last year, the parish had contracted with Bella Roofing (no relation to our Twinhaven caterers). After a significant time of inactivity, we have decided to make a legal claim against Bella Roofing. We are seeking compensation for: water damage in the gym, a temporary roof, and a return of the down payment we have given to Bella Roofing. We contracted Absolute Roofing to complete the roof at a higher cost. The project is completed. In addition, the Diocesan Insurance covered the damage to the inside of the gym. Finally, the Diocese of Cleveland was able to lend us $117,000 to help us complete this task in a timely manner. We followed all the diocesan processes for contracting and the diocese has been very supportive. We are grateful for their help, especially with an interest-free loan.Our short-term projects include: Repaving the parish parking lot, renovating the walkway in front of the church, creating an area of memorial bricks and benches in front of the church, replace the lights around the Parish Center outside, add a statue of St. Francis Xavier to the church interior (donation), and some minor decorations in the church gathering area. Our medium-term projects include: renovating the church pews and kneelers, addressing the ventilation system in the church, Twinhaven improvements, and minor renovations to the Exposition Chapel. Our long-term goals include addressing the aging sound system in the church, the carpeting in the church gathering area, and replacing the air conditioning units in Twinhaven.Fr. Friedel left the parish a significant amount of money. After consultation with Bishop Perez, we have decided to save most of those funds for a long-term savings. Our Finance Council is helping to determine where such a savings would be most appropriate. Final Summary: Our bills are current and our budget is balanced.We owe $575,921 in the church mortgage at a rate of 3.7% with Ohio Catholic Credit Union. We are scheduled to repay this mortgage by 2022.We owe $117,000 to the Diocese of Cleveland for the interest-free emergency assistance for the Multi Purpose Room Roof. We are scheduled to repay this loan by early 2020.We owe $700,000 to the Diocese of Cleveland for interest-free Back-Assessments. After the mortgage is fully paid off, we will create a repayment plan.Our operations cash flow is good.Our long-term savings is very good.May God continue to bless you all for your generosity and bless our parish in our efforts to be good stewards of the Kingdom of God.______________________Fr. Michael Stalla, Pastor______________________Deacon Ed Chernick, Business Manager______________________John Blust, Finance Council______________________Dave Papajcik, Finance Council______________________James Smith, Finance Council______________________Gregg Rall, Finance Council______________________Richard Kurowski, Finance Council______________________Bill Soltis, Finance Council______________________Mary Beth Beck, Finance Council______________________John Eberling, Finance Council______________________Joseph Pollack, Finance Council______________________Mark VasitiawVasialauskasokas, Finance Council______________________Adam Gockowski, Finance Council ................

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