Patrice Preston-Grimes, Ph



University of Virginia - Curry School of Education

Department of Curriculum, Instruction & Special Education (CISE)

417 Emmet Street South, PO Box 400273

Charlottesville, VA 22904-4273

Voice: (434) 243-2298; Fax: (434) 924-0747




Associate Professor-CISE, General Faculty: 2012-present

Assistant Professor-CISE, 2005–2012


Associate Dean, University Office of African-American Affairs (OAAA): 2011-present

Interim Associate Dean-OAAA: 2010–2011


Emory University, Atlanta, GA

Doctor of Philosophy: Educational Studies, May 2005

Dissertation: Teaching Democracy: Civic Education in Georgia’s African American Schools: 1930-1954

Adviser: Vanessa Siddle Walker, Ed.D

Emory University, Atlanta, GA

Master of Arts in Teaching: Educational Studies, May 1992

Concentration: Middle Grades (4-8) and Social Studies (4-12)

Adviser: Carole Hahn, Ed.D

Northwestern University, Evanston, IL

Bachelor of Science, June 1975

Major: Communication Studies (Speech); Minor: Radio-Television-Film

Social Science Major: Political Science


Instructor and Supervising Teacher, Mercer University, Tift College of Education, Macon & Atlanta (GA), 2001-2005

Taught, advised and field-supervised undergraduate students seeking initial teaching degrees and certification in the Douglasville and McDonough Regional Academic Centers

Partnership Advisory Council Coordinator, Emory University (GA), 2003-2005

Planned and implemented communication, plenary sessions, board meetings and activities for the Partnership-in-Education program through the University’s Office of Governmental and Community Affairs

Research & Teaching Assistant, Department of Educational Studies, Emory University (GA), 2001-2003

Collected and analyzed data on study of 20th-century African-American educational systems and leaders; taught undergraduate courses in US/American education and a graduate course in social studies teaching methods (Grades 4-12)

Public School Classroom Teacher, DeKalb County Schools (GA), 1992–1999

Grade level chairperson (1995-1997)

Taught content subjects in self-contained and departmentalized classrooms at Terry Mill (Title I) and Kittredge Magnet (gifted) Schools

Chairperson, 73-member county social studies textbook adoption committee (1993)

Instructional Assistant, Atlanta Board of Education (GA), 1989–1991

Language Arts and Technology Lab support: Managed urban elementary school’s computer classroom laboratory and directed instruction for the IBM Writing-to-Read program.


Recipient of the John Baker Community Education Award. (2016). Given annually by the African-American Teaching Fellows Foundation (VA), for instilling the “love of learning in students of all abilities and backgrounds.”

Recipient of the Champion of Diversity Faculty Mentoring Award. (2015). Given annually by the University of Virginia’s Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs for dedication to serving and supporting diverse graduate students.

Leadership in Academic Matters Fellow. (2012). University of Virginia.

Recipient of the EOP Champion Award. (2011). Given by the University of Virginia’s Office of Equal Opportunity Programs (EOP), for promoting equal opportunity and exhibiting leadership that contributes to social justice and equal rights at the University.

Invited participant in USA delegation for International Professors’ Study Tour. (2011). Traveled to Yad Vashem (Israel) to study with world renowned scholars on the Holocaust; coordinated by the USA Anti-Defamation League, University of Southern California’s Shoah Foundation Institute, and Yad Vashem.

Collaborator. (2009). Worked with G. Bull, B. Ferster, & T. Hammond on Primary Access [Computer software], which was named one of the Top 25 Web Sites for Teaching and Learning by the American Association of School Librarians () was used on the Smithsonian American Art Museum’s educational website, “Picturing the 1930s” ()

Recipient of Exemplary Research in Social Studies Award for “substantive scholarly inquiry.” (2007). Given by the National Council for the Social Studies, Washington, DC, for Teaching democracy: Civic education in Georgia’s African American schools, 1930-1954.

Participant in the National Geographic Society’s Workshop on Wilderness, Portland, OR. (1994). Selected on a nationally competitive basis from teacher candidates from 50 US states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and Canada.

Recipient of the Outstanding First-Year Teacher Award. (1993). DeKalb County (GA) School Board of Education


Journal Articles: Refereed Publications

Apprey, M., Preston-Grimes, P., Bassett, K.C., Lewis, D. W., & Rideau, R. M. (2014). From crisis management to academic achievement: A university cluster-mentoring model for Black undergraduates. Peabody Journal of Education, 89(3), 318-335.

Apprey, M., Poe, S., & Preston-Grimes, P. (2014). Key issues from policy and strategy to program implementation. Peabody Journal of Education, 89(3), 411-414.

Apprey, M., Bassett, K. C., Preston-Grimes, P., Lewis, D.W., & Wood, B. (2014). Strategy precedes operational effectiveness: Aligning high graduation rankings with competitive graduation grade point averages. Peabody Journal of Education, 89(3), 305-317

Broome, J.P., & Preston-Grimes, P. (2011). Open for business: Learning economics through social interaction in a student-operated store. The Journal of Social Studies Research, 35(1), 1-25.

Preston-Grimes, P. (2010). Fulfilling the promise: African American educators teach for democracy in Jim Crow’s South. Teacher Education Quarterly, 37(1), 35-52.

Broome, J.P., & Preston-Grimes, P. (2009). “Doing” community civics: Connecting pre-service teaching and social studies standards to study local problems. Social Studies Research and Practice, 4(1), 1-9. Retrieved from

Van Hover, S., Selverstone, M., & Preston-Grimes, P. (2008). Window into the White House, Social Education (72)3, 130-136.

Preston-Grimes, P. (2007). Teaching democracy before Brown: Civic education in Georgia’s African-American schools, 1930-1954. Theory and Research in Social Education, 35(1), 9-31. Recipient of Exemplary Research in Social Studies Award for “substantive scholarly inquiry” given annually by the National Council for the Social Studies, Washington, DC.

Journal Articles: Non-Refereed

Preston-Grimes, P. (2010). Teaching elementary social studies methods: Looking back to move forward. Social Studies Research and Practice, 4(3), 185-191. Retrieved from

Preston-Grimes, P. (2009, Fall). Teacher educators as servant-leaders: Why I teach. AERA Teaching and Teacher Education – Division K Newsletter.

Preston-Grimes, P. (2007, Winter). Ready-to-teach (social studies). Social Studies Research and Practice, 501. Retrieved from

Book Chapters

Poe, S., Preston-Grimes, P., Martin, M., & Faulkner, M. (2017). Opening the door: A Reflection and a call to action for an inclusive academic community. In M. Apprey & S. M. Poe, (Eds.), The key to the door: Experiences of early African-American students at the University of Virginia (pp. 159-169). Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia Press.

Preston-Grimes, P. (2014). Caring in the classroom: Georgia’s Black women teachers build character on the eve of Brown. In K. A. Johnson & A. Pitre (Eds.), African American women educators: A critical examination of their pedagogies, educational ideas, and activism from the nineteenth to the mid-twentieth centuries (pp. 153-170. Lanham, MD): University of America Press (imprint of Rowman & Littlefield).

Thieman, G.Y., O'Brien, J. E., Preston-Grimes, P., Broome, J., & Barker, T. W. (2013). From the field: What social studies teachers in three states report on their practice. In J. Passe & P. G. Fitchett (Eds.), Research on the status of social studies: Views from the field. Charlotte, NC: Information Age.

Preston-Grimes, P. (2013). A song within our hearts: Remembering the Jefferson School of Charlottesville, Virginia. In A. Douglas (Ed), Pride overcomes prejudice: A history of Charlottesville's African American School (pp. 72-91). Charlottesville, VA: Jefferson School African American Heritage Center.

Preston-Grimes, P., & Amato, W.W. (2012). Are English-only models the most appropriate means for teaching English to English language learners? Counterpoint. In C.J. Russo & A.G Osborne (Eds.), Debating issues in American Education. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Inc.

Preston-Grimes, P. (2010). Wired to act: Black youth’s civic engagement and technology use in 21st century elections. In M. Berson & R. Diem (Eds), Technology in retrospect: Social Studies place in the Information Age, 1984-2009.Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Bull, G., Hammond, T., & Grimes, P.P. (2007). Podcasting in the social studies classroom. In L.B. Berson & M.J. Berson (Eds.), Digital age: Technology-based k-12 lesson plans for social studies (pp. 185-189). Silver Spring, MD: National Council for the Social Studies.

Book Reviews

Preston-Grimes, P. (2010). [Review of the book Quest for equality: The failed promise of black brown solidarity.] Teachers College Record.

Preston-Grimes, P. (2009). [Review of the book, Raising freedoms child: Black children and visions of the future after slavery.] History of Education Quarterly, 49(3), 400-403.

Conference Proceedings

Preston-Grimes, P. (2008, March). Making good future citizens: Cultural capital and curricular reform in Georgia’s segregated schools, 1930-1939. In Cultural capital and black education: New historical perspectives. Proceedings of the presidential symposium of the annual joint meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) and Organization of American Historians (OAH), New York, NY. AERA Line Learning Center

Grimes, P. P., & Hammond, T. (2007, March). Teaching beyond state standards: Using technology to enhance elementary teachers’ social studies preparation. In C. Crawford et al. (Eds.), Proceeding of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2007 (pp. 1040-1041). Chesapeake, VA: AACE

Carnegie Corporation of New York. (2006, June). The next generation of history teachers: A challenge to departments of history at American colleges and universities [White Paper]. Charlottesville, VA: American Historical Association.

Newspaper, Newsletter and Magazine Articles

Reich, G., Stoddard, J., Hicks, D., Preston-Grimes, P.* (2014, August 30). Testing times: Teaching history, social science creates informed citizenry. Richmond Times-Dispatch. Retrieved from

* Only Reich and Stoddard were named on the article, which had a total of 17 contributors.


Bull, G., Ferster, B., Grimes, P.P., & Hammond, T. (2005-2009). Primary Access [Computer software] Digital video editor designed for curriculum sharing in social studies / history instruction and classroom use. Named one of the Top 25 Web Sites for Teaching and Learning by the American Association of School Librarians (), and used on the Smithsonian American Art Museum’s educational website, “Picturing the 1930s” ()

Scholarship in Progress

Alridge, D. (Principal Investigator-UVA Curry School of Education) Foster, C., & Preston-Grimes, P. (2016-2019). Teachers in the Movement: Pedagogy, Activism, and Freedom. Lyle Spencer Foundation Research Award. ($999,998)

Alridge, D., Preston-Grimes, P., Foster, C. et al. Education and Race: The Curry School – History and Legacy. Research, manuscript papers and exhibit supported by the Office of the Dean, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia.

Preston-Grimes, P. Beyond Beta Bridge: The Curry (VA) Desegregation Center and its role in southern public school reform, 1967-1981.

Preston-Grimes, P. Creating educational access and opportunity during Massive Resistance: The legacy of Howard W. Allen and the University of Virginia, 1973-1981.

Grants and Contracts - Funded

Preston-Grimes, P. (2012-2014). Bridging for success: The OAAA Faculty-Student Mentoring Program. University of Virginia Parents Committee. Total funding received: $3,800.

Preston-Grimes, P., Lee, J., Pusser, B., Spreen, C.A., Trent, S. Wathington, H., Whaley, D., & Deutch, N. (2010-2011). Mapping diversity learning through curricular innovation. A research project grant on diversity in higher education curriculum and instruction submitted to the Curry Teaching and Program Development Innovation Initiative, supported by the University of Virginia’s Commission on the Future of the University ($10,860).

Preston-Grimes, P. (2010-2011). Professors as Writers Grant, Teaching Resource Center, University of Virginia. A competitive award designed to support faculty in scholarly writing and publication, funded by the University of Virginia’s Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty Advancement. ($1,000)

Preston-Grimes, P. (2008-2011). A history of the Curry Desegregation Center, 1967-1987. Archival and oral history research project on a federally funded program that provided assistance to Chesapeake area public schools on K-12 school desegregation. ($32,500; $31,500 from the UVA Office of the President; $1,000 from the Curry School of Education).

Preston-Grimes, P., Broome, J., & Wathington, H. (2009-2011). National study on the state of social studies teaching and learning. Multi-state empirical study of US social studies classrooms and instruction conducted by the College and University Faculty Assembly of the National Council for the Social Studies. Virginia component conducted jointly with Mary Washington University.

Grant-Related Technical Work

Consultant. (2016-2019). Teachers in the Movement: Pedagogy, Activism, and Freedom. Lyle Spencer Foundation Research Award. Principal Investigator: Derrick Alridge, University of Virginia-Curry School of Education. ($999,998).

Consultant. (2009-2014). Teaching Fellows Program, Challenges, Civil War and Cold War confrontations. Teaching American History Grant Program. U.S. Department of Education. Principal Investigators: Victor Luftig & Bonnie Hagerman. Partners: University of Virginia-Center for Liberal Arts, Norton (VA) City Schools, Southwest Virginia Public Education Consortium. ($1,654,534)

Consultant. (2009-2014). Teaching Fellows Program, America on the world stage, Teaching American History Grant Program, U.S. Department of Education. Principal Investigator: Andrew Mink. Partners: University of Virginia, Virginia Center for Digital History, City of Charlottesville and Albemarle, Greene, Madison and Orange County school districts. ($980,191)

Consultant. (2006-2009). Teaching Fellows Program, The Virginia experiment: Growing seeds of democracy in 400 Years of American history, Teaching American History Grant Program. U.S. Department of Education. Principal Investigator: Andrew Mink. Partners: University of Virginia, Indiana University-Purdue, Montpelier, Monticello Foundation, Virginia Council on Indians, Virginia Foundation for the Humanities, Virginia Historical Society, five Central Commonwealth of Virginia public school districts. ($997,509)

Papers & Presentations at Professional Meetings

Note: In the field of History and Social Science (Social Studies) Education, there are conferences for academics – teacher educators and researchers (where papers are typically given) and conferences for professional practitioners --- teachers (where presentations are more typically given). Proposals for both forms of conference are peer-reviewed.

Peer-Reviewed – International/national presentations and workshops

Preston-Grimes, P., Daugherty, B., & Su, Y. (2016, November). Teaching “Tough to Tackle” history: DOVE & Civil Rights. Poster presentation at the 2016 annual meeting of the National Council for the Social Studies, Washington, DC.

Thieman, G. O-Brien, J., Preston-Grimes, P. Passe, J., & Broome, J. (2012, April). From the field: What K-12 social studies teachers say they do in their classroom. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Social Studies Research Special Interest Group (SIG), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Preston-Grimes, P. (2011, October). Creating access and opportunity during Massive Resistance: The legacy of Howard W. Allen at the University of Virginia, 1973-1981. Paper presentation at the 96th annual meeting of the Association for the Study of African American Life and History, Richmond, VA.

Broome, J.P., & Preston-Grimes, P. (2010, November). Open for business: Learning economics through social interaction in a student operated store. Paper presentation at the 2010 annual meeting of the College and University Faculty Assembly of the National Council for the Social Studies, Denver, CO.

Preston-Grimes, P. (2010, April). Beyond Beta Bridge: The Curry Desegregation Center and its role in public school curricular reform, 1967-1981. Paper presentation at the 2010 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Division B, Denver, CO

Preston-Grimes, P. (2009, November). Building civic communities before Brown: Perspectives of African-American educators and scholars. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the College and University Faculty Assembly of the National Council for the Social Studies, Atlanta, GA.

Preston-Grimes, P. (2009, November). Teaching social justice in Jim Crow’s Georgia: Lessons for today. Presentation at the 2009 annual meeting of the National Council for the Social Studies, Atlanta, GA.

Preston-Grimes, P. (2009, October). Civic engagement in the lives and work of 20th century African American women educators. Paper presentation at the 2009 annual meeting of Association for the Study of African American Life and History, Cincinnati, OH.

Preston-Grimes, P., & Fields-Smith, C. (2009, April). Parents as civic agents: New directions in Black parents’ engagement in K-12 schooling. Paper presentation at the 2009 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Division G, San Diego, CA.

Preston-Grimes, P. (2007, November). The unfulfilled promise: African-American educators teach for democracy in the Jim Crow South. Paper presentation at the 2007 annual meeting of the College and University Faculty Assembly of the National Council for the Social Studies, San Diego, CA.

Preston-Grimes, P. (2007, November). Teaching social studies methods in an age of accountability: The Commonwealth of Virginia. Paper presentation at the 2007 annual meeting of the College and University Faculty Assembly of the National Council for the Social Studies, San Diego, CA.

Preston-Grimes, P. (2007, November). Teaching through a social studies lens: Rethinking the elementary methods course. Panel presentation at the annual meeting of the College and University Faculty Assembly of the National Council for the Social Studies, San Diego, CA.

Preston-Grimes, P. (2007, April). Life lessons from the teacher ladies: Teaching citizenship in Southern African American schools before Brown. Paper presentation to the American Educational Research Association Lives of Teachers Special Interest Group, Chicago, IL.

Grimes, P.P., & Hammond, T. (2007, March). Teaching beyond state standards: Using technology to enhance elementary teachers’ social studies preparation. Roundtable presentation and technology demonstration at the annual meeting of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, San Antonio, TX.

Preston-Grimes, P. (2006, November). Teaching for social justice: Linking the past to the present. Panel presentation at the annual meeting of the National Council for the Social Studies, Washington, DC.

Preston-Grimes, P. (2006, April). Teaching democracy: Civic education in Georgia’s African-American schools, 1930-1954. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the Society for the Study Curriculum History, San Francisco, CA.

Grimes, P.P. (2004, November). Teaching democracy before Brown: Voices from Georgia’s African American classrooms. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the College and University Faculty Assembly of the National Council for the Social Studies, Baltimore, MD.

Grimes, P.P. (2004, November). Historical issues and civic education. Paper presentation at the International Conference on Civic Education Research, Reno. NV.

Grimes, P.P. (2004, April). Tensions and contradictions after Brown: Changes in curriculum, teaching and African-American parenting. Symposium organizer and panel participant at American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA

Grimes, P.P. (2004, April). Teaching democracy: Education for citizenship in Georgia’s African American high schools, 1940-1954. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, Division F, San Diego, CA.

Grimes, P.P. (2000, November). Civic education in selected nations: Extending the IEA phase I study. Chair/paper presenter/discussant at the annual meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society, San Antonio, TX.

Peer-Reviewed - Regional, state, local presentations and workshops

Preston-Grimes, P., & Broome J. P. (2012, October). From the field: What Virginia's K-12 social studies teachers say they do in their classroom. Workshop presentation at the 2012 annual meeting of the Virginia Conference of Coordinators of Social Studies Education, Williamsburg, VA.

Preston-Grimes, P., & Curtis, P. (2010, October). Bringing history close to home: The Montpelier (VA) train depot “In the Time of Segregation.” Workshop presentation at the 2010 annual meeting of the Virginia Conference of Coordinators of Social Studies Education, Williamsburg, VA.

Preston-Grimes, P., & Broome, J.P. (2008, October). Doing community civics: Connecting students and social studies standards to solve local problems. Workshop presentation at the 2008 annual meeting of the Virginia Conference of Coordinators of Social Studies Education, Richmond, VA.

Grimes, P.P. (2005, January). Stories from our past” Learning and teaching using oral histories. Workshop presentation at the annual meeting of the Georgia Leadership Association for the Social Studies, Lake Oconee, GA.

Grimes, P.P. (2004, March). Civic education in the south before Brown: A review of common themes and features. Paper presentation at the Southeastern Association of Educational Studies, University of Georgia, Athens, GA.

Grimes, P.P. (2001, November). Citizenship education in Georgia’s segregated schools, 1940-1970. Paper presentation at the Georgia Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Clayton County, GA.

Grimes, P.P. (2001, February). Speaking of…diversity: Reconciling differences, resolving conflict. Session discussant, Southeastern Undergraduate Sociology Symposium, Atlanta, GA.

Grimes, P.P. (2001, February). Beyond nostalgia: Empirical studies in African-American educational history. In P.P. Grimes (chair), symposium conducted at the Dogwood Educational Conference, Emory University, Atlanta, GA.


Invited Speaker: International & National

Preston-Grimes, P. (2008, March). Making good future citizens: Cultural capital and curricular reform in Georgia’s segregated schools, 1930-1939. In V.P. Franklin (Chair), Cultural capital and black education: New historical perspectives. Invited paper for the Presidential symposium conducted at the annual joint meeting of the American Educational Research Association and Organization of American Historians (OAH), New York, NY.

Preston-Grimes, P. (2008, 2006 November). Landing your first job in the academy. Panel presentation conducted at the annual meeting of the College and University Faculty Assembly of the National Council for the Social Studies, Washington, DC.

Preston-Grimes, P. (2007, November). Teaching democracy: Civic education in Georgia’s African-American schools, 1930-1954. Exemplary research in social studies awards presentation at the annual meeting of the National Council for the Social Studies, San Diego, CA.

Preston-Grimes, P. (2007, Spring). Invited session leader: Preparation of elementary teachers: Sustaining and disseminating change. Teachers for a New Era Spring Institute, Washington, DC. Sponsored by the Carnegie Corporation of New York with additional support from the Annenberg and Ford Foundations.

Grimes, P.P. (2006, April). Curriculum in segregated schools: Perspectives on 20th century American education. Symposium moderator and discussant, SSCH, San Francisco, CA.

Invited Speaker: State & Regional

Preston-Grimes, P. (2016, October). Cultural uplift: Stories from the administrative journey. Panel speaker at the Black Women in Academia Conference, James Madison University. Harrisonburg, VA.

Preston-Grimes, P. (2013, April). Voices of the Civil Rights Movement. Panel moderator and commentator at the UVA Center for Politics Golden Anniversary Symposium, Jefferson School City Center, Charlottesville, VA.

Preston-Grimes, P. (2013, March). Looking back, moving forward: A conference on race, class, opportunity and school boundaries in the Richmond region. Moderator/commentator for academic symposium sponsored by the University of Richmond School of Professional and Continuing Studies, University of Richmond and Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA.

Preston-Grimes, P. (2013, January). Remembering the road to civil rights: Brown v. Board of Education. Featured panelist, academic symposium sponsored by the University of Virginia Library for the 2013 Martin Luther King Community Commemoration, Harrison Small Collections Library Auditorium, University of Virginia.

Preston-Grimes, P. (2012, Fall). African-American education in Virginia and the South, 1865-1920. Guest keynote speaker at the monthly meeting of the Central Virginia Historical Society, Kenwood: The Thomas Jefferson Library, Charlottesville, VA.

Preston-Grimes, P., & Broome, J.B. (2012, Fall). What teachers say they do in social studies: The Virginia preliminary report. Presentation to the semi-annual meeting of the Virginia Consortium of Social Studies Supervisors and Curriculum Educators, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA.

Stewart, L., & Preston-Grimes, P. (2009, January). Teaching elementary social studies methods: Challenges and opportunities. Workshop presentation conducted at the bi-annual meeting of the College and University Faculty Assembly of the National Council for the Social Studies, Charlottesville, VA.

Invited Professional Development Workshops: State & Regional

Preston-Grimes, P. (2016). Soaring towards success: What do you value? Workshop for the 2016 Cohort of the African-American Fellows annual training program, Charlottesville & Albemarle County, Va.

Preston-Grimes, P. (2012). What will you become? Closing keynote presenter for 2012 Cohort of the 2011-2012 African-American Teaching Fellows annual training program, Charlottesville/Albemarle County, Va.

Preston-Grimes, P. (2009). Talking about race and education. Guest keynote speaker and panelist at symposium for Grades K-16 educators, students and community leaders in Blacksburg, VA, sponsored by the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, Office of Equity and Inclusion and Department of History, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, and Montgomery County (VA) Public Schools.

Preston-Grimes, P. (2009). Teaching about race and education in America. Blacksburg, VA. Key presenter at a professional development workshop for Montgomery County (VA) K-12 educators, funded through a Teaching American History Grant, with the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, Office of Equity and Inclusion, and Department of History, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and Montgomery County (VA) Public Schools.

Preston-Grimes, P. (2008). Bringing history close to home: Teaching with oral and community histories. Roanoke Center for Higher Education, Roanoke, VA. Professional development workshop for Grades K-5 teachers funded through a Teaching American History Grant, with the Virginia Center for Digital History, University of Virginia and Roanoke City Public Schools.

Preston-Grimes, P. (2008). More than maps and timelines: The history-geography connection. Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center, Abingdon, VA. Professional development workshop for Grades 4-12 teachers funded by a Teaching American History Grant, with the UVA Center for Liberal Arts, Miller Center for Public Affairs and SW Commonwealth of Virginia regional school districts.

Preston-Grimes, P. (2007). Using geographic tools in the American history classroom, Southern Virginia Higher Education Center, Halifax County, VA. Professional development workshop for K-12 teachers funded by a TAH Grant, with the UVA Virginia Center for Digital History, Virginia Foundation for the Humanities, and five Commonwealth of Virginia public school districts.

Preston-Grimes, P. (2007). Using oral histories in the classroom. Virginia Beach, VA. Public Schools Professional Development Program funded by a Teaching American History grant through the UVA Virginia Center for Digital History.

Bull, G., Hammond, T., & Preston-Grimes, P. (2006). Tidewater Community College, Virginia Beach, VA. Professional development workshop for Norfolk (VA) K-12 educators, TCC administrators and history professors on technology integration in teaching history, funded by a TCC Teaching American History grant project.

Grimes, P.P. (2003). In the wake of Brown: Atlanta schools’ integration, 1950-1960. Guest lecturer at Emory College’s History of Journalism Freshman Seminar, Atlanta, GA.

Grimes, P.P. (1999). Looking through a different lens. Reporting from the elementary school classroom. Symposium conducted at the Hechinger Institute on Education and the Media, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY.

Professional Development Workshop Materials: State & Regional

Preston-Grimes, P. (2014-2017). Introduction to project management; A GradSTAR seminar series for aspiring leaders. Spring semester professional skills development program for undergraduates, University of Virginia, Office of African-American Affairs, Charlottesville, VA.

Preston-Grimes, P. (2014-2017). Building your personal brand: A GradSTAR seminar series for aspiring leaders. Fall semester professional skills development program for undergraduates, University of Virginia, Office of African-American Affairs, Charlottesville, VA.

Preston-Grimes, P. (2009). Teaching about race and education in America. Blacksburg, VA. Grades 4-12 lesson plans and supplemental materials for a professional development workshop for Montgomery County (VA) K-12 educators, funded through a Teaching American History Grant, with the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, Office of Equity and Inclusion, and Department of History, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and Montgomery County (VA) Public Schools.

Van Hover, S., & Grimes, P.P. (2006). 225TH anniversary of the Battle of Yorktown project. Grades 4-8 lesson plans for the Virginia School-University Partnership, Alliance Francaise of Charlottesville and Ash Lawn-Highland Educational Association.

Grimes, P.P., & Hammond, T. (2006). Lesson plans and supplemental materials for EDIS 534: Social Studies in Elementary Schools course to support use of Tapped In, a web-based data management and communication software, created with the Curry School of Education’s Teachers for a New Era Initiative projects.

Grimes, P.P. (1999). (Ed.). Curriculum/teaching materials for the Georgia Geographic Alliance Teacher Resource Guide, underwritten by National Geographic Society’s Education Foundation.

Grimes, P.P. (1997-1999). (Ed.). Georgia Geographic Alliance newsletter. Published semi-annually for statewide network of educators supporting geography education; underwritten by Georgia State University and National Geographic Society’s Education Foundation



University of Virginia: Curry School of Education - Graduate level

EDIS 5340: Teaching Elementary Social Studies Methods - Charlottesville & Roanoke (VA) (2005-2017)

EDIS 5650: Cultural Geography (2005-2010)

EDIS 7600: Issues and Problems in the Social Studies Education

EDIS 7930: Independent Study-doctoral level

EDIS 8850: Research on Diversity in Teaching and Learning

EDIS 8850: Education and Cultural Diversity

EDIS 8970: Masters Thesis Supervision

EDIS 9650: Readings and Research in Social Studies Education

University of Virginia: College of Arts and Sciences – Guest Lecturer & Course Consultant

HIUS 1501: Uncovering Early UVA

HIUS 1559: Slavery & Freedom at UVA and in Central Virginia: History & Legacies

HIUS 4591: Virtual Vinegar Hill: Exploring History, Geography & Technology

HIST 9960: Independent Research-doctoral level

University of Virginia: School of Continuing and Professional Studies

ISLS 4140: Foundations in American Education (summers 2008, 2009, 2010)

Mercer University (GA): Tift College of Education

EDUC 460: Middle School Curriculum (fall 2002, 2004)

EDUC 485: Professional Practicum - fieldwork observations and supervision (fall 2003, 2004)

EDUC 492: Student Teaching - fieldwork observations and supervision (spring 2004, 2005)

Emory University: Graduate School of Arts and Sciences-Division of Educational Studies

Foundations in American Education, Social Problems Seminar: Social Studies (2002- 2003)


Commonwealth of Virginia (Postgraduate Professional Licenses, 2007-2012) Elementary Education: Pre-Kindergarten-6; Middle Education: Grades 6-8 English and History/Social Studies; Gifted Education: Kindergarten-12

State of Georgia (Professional Standards Commission): Early Childhood Education: Pre-Kindergarten-5 (2003-2007); Gifted Education: Kindergarten-12 (1997-2007); Middle Grades: 4-8 Language Arts and Social Science (1992-2007)

University of Georgia- Educational Technology Training Center, Athens, GA: In-Tech Professional Development Program, Middle Grades (2001-2006)


I advise 25-30 students each year in the dual degree B/MT elementary education program in addition to specialized academic advising below:

Doctoral Chair / Co-Chair

Erika Y. Powell. A performance and systems approach to expanding student connections to the University of Virginia community: Designing and measuring career development interventions for online engineering students. (Instructional Design & Teaching program: Ed.D. Co-chair with Stephanie Moore; faculty course adviser). Graduated May, 2015 – Independent Technology Consultant, San Francisco, CA.

John P. Broome. Approaching ‘The civic mission of schools’: Examining civic engagement in an alternative learning environment. (Social Studies education program: Dissertation adviser). Graduated May 2011 – Faculty, The University of Mary Washington.

Doctoral Committees

Lindsey E. Jones. “Not a place for punishment”: The Virginia Industrial School for Colored Girls, 1915-1940. (Social Foundations program: Dissertation committee member). In progress.

Katie Loftin. The university supervisor and post-observation conferences: Perceptions of

Utility from student-teaching triads. (Curriculum & Instruction program: Capstone committee

member). Graduated August 2017.

Davonda Smith. Relevance and care: Teacher practices that support African-American students as learners. (Educational Leadership, Foundations, and Policy: Capstone committee member). Graduated December 2016.

Michael Salomowitz. Race and education in a Southern school system: An organizational history of Charlottesville (VA) city schools, 1985-2011. (Social Foundations program: Dissertation committee member). Graduated May 2013.

Kevin Hessberg. A case study of problem-based learning in a secondary civics course. (Social Studies education program: Dissertation committee member). Graduated May 2012.

Robert T. Izzo. Teachers’ deficit and dynamic thinking in AP classes: Exploring the nature of teacher-student classroom interactions. (Educational Foundations and Leadership program: Dissertation committee member). Graduated May 2012.

Marcus Ingram. Culture matters: A case study of organizational culture and strategy (Higher Education program: Dissertation committee member). Graduated December 2011.

Patricia F. Downey. The relationship between grade level of test administration and student achievement on the Virginia Standards of Learning assessment in United States history to 1877. (Administration and Supervision program: Dissertation committee member). Graduated May 2011.

Sara L. Cranford. Service learning: High school social studies students “building bridges” to the community. (Social Studies education program: Dissertation committee member). Graduated May 2011.

Sarah Brooks. An examination of the fostering and display of historical empathy in one secondary social studies classroom. (Social Studies education program: Dissertation committee member). Graduated May 2010.

Melissa K. Levy. Creating and resisting “girly” and “nasty”: A qualitative study of middle school girls constructing gender in single-sex mentoring groups. (Social Foundations program: Dissertation committee member). Graduated May 2010.

Craig C. Young. The creation of controversy: A case study of ‘And Tango makes three.’ (English Education program: Dissertation committee member). Graduated May 2010.

Richard Curby Alexander. Fostering student engagement in history through student-created digital media: A qualitative and quantitative study of student engagement and learning outcomes in 6th-grade history instruction. (Instructional Technology program: Dissertation committee member). Graduated May 2009.

Thomas C. Hammond. Media, scaffolds, canvases: A quantitative and qualitative investigation of student content knowledge outcomes in technology-mediated seventh-grade history instruction. (Instructional Technology program: Dissertation committee member). Graduated May 2007.

Master’s Thesis Committees

Leslie Marie Wills. Culturally relevant pedagogy in an elementary classroom. (Curriculum, Teaching and Learning: Masters Capstone project adviser). Graduated May 2012.

William C. Schaffer. Civic engagement of African American youth in the 20th century. (Social Studies education program: Masters’ thesis adviser). Graduated May 2009.

Steven Orzech. Virginia studies teachers: A case study for standards. (Social Studies education program: Masters’ thesis adviser). Graduated May 2008.

Undergraduate (Academic & Research)

Taylor Gordon. A pilot feasibility study to determine the effectiveness of diabetes education programs using tele-education and in-person delivery in the Appalachian region. (Reader). Graduated, May 2017.

Katherine Milkos. Historical and archival research methods. Undergraduate Student Opportunities in Academic Research (USOAR) Internship Program. Completed May 2016.

Fritz Bondoa. By us, for us: Mentoring Black youth for academic and professional success.

Distinguished Majors program for Politics: (Thesis adviser). Graduated with High

Distinction, May 2015.

JaeJi Cha. Qualitative research and interviewing methods. Undergraduate Student

Opportunities in Academic Research (USOAR) Internship Program. Completed May 2015.

Tatiana Matthews. The educational philosophy of John Dewey, the transcendentalists and

their relationship to current education reform. (Political and Social Thought program: Thesis co-adviser.) Graduated with Honors May 2012.

Milan Reed. What happens to a dream deferred? The Black-White achievement gap in one community (Political and Social Thought program: Thesis co-adviser). Graduated with Honors May 2011.

Michael Robinson. The Curry Desegregation Center Research Project. (Institute of Public History Summer Internship Program). Completed August 2010.

Jody Wheedlun. Raising adolescent boys’ reading interests and motivation through single-gender classes. (School of Continuing and Professional Studies Capstone program: Thesis adviser). Graduated May 2010.

Coordinator, (1992-1999). Social science fairs. Annual school interdisciplinary research project event for DeKalb County (GA) fifth and sixth grade students. Supervised over 700 individual research papers and student projects at Terry Mill Elementary and Kittredge Magnet Schools during seven year period.


Professional Service

Membership in Professional Organizations (current)

American Educational Research Association (AERA) – Divisions F & K, Research in Social Studies SIG

Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH)

National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS)

NCSS College & University Faculty Assembly (CUFA)

Virginia Consortium of Social Studies Specialists and College Educators (VCSSCE)

Virginia Council for the Social Studies (VCSS)

Virginia Geographic Alliance (VGS)

Service to Academic or Professional Associations

AERA: Award Committee Reviewer, Division G (2016)

Invited program proposal reviewer, Division F (2012)

Session Chair, Division F [History & Historiography] (2009)

NCSS: Publication Select Sub-Committee (2006-2009)

Teacher Education & Professional Development Governance Sub-Committee (2006-2009)

NCSS/CUFA: College and University Faculty Assembly (CUFA)

CUFA is an affiliated organization within NCSS. CUFA consists of higher education faculty working with and in social studies education.

Executive Board member (2007-2010; 2016-2017)

Founding Member – CUFA Scholars of Color Forum (2014)

Annual Conference Session chair, discussant, panelist (2008-2010; 2015-2017)

Proposal & Award Committee reviewer (2006-2011; 2016)

Publication Select Sub-Committee (2006-2009)

Teacher Education & Professional Development Governance Sub-Committee (2006-2009)

CUFA Social Justice Committee (2006-2009)

Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE):

Conference Session presider (2007)

Program Committee (2006)

Other Service to the Field

Editorial Boards/Panels:

Theory and Research in Social Education (2007-2010)

Social Studies Research and Practice (2007-2010)

Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Educational Issues (2008-2011)

Manuscript Reviewer:

Chapter Reviewer for Handbook of Social Studies Research (2015)

Journal Reviewer:

Educational Researcher, Journal of Moral Education, Social Education, Teachers College Record, Theory and Research in Social Education, Urban Education

Conference Proposal Reviewer: American Educational Research Association (AERA),

Research in Social Studies Education Special Interest Group (2006-2009; 2014-2016)

Division F: History and Historiography (2008, 2009)

Division K: Teaching and Teacher Education (2007-2009)

Biographical and Documentary Special Interest Group (2008, 2009)

Lives of Teachers Special Interest Group (2007-2009)

Division C, Section 2: Learning and Instruction Executive Review Board (2007)

National Council for the Social Studies (2006-2009, 2014, 2017)

International Conference on Civic Education Research, Reno, NV: Panel chair and discussant (2004)

State and Local Service to the Field

Virginia Consortium of Social Studies Specialists and College Educators -

Board member-at-large (2008-2011)

College and University Service

University Service

Associate Dean – Office of African American Affairs (OAAA)

Reporting to the OAAA Dean and the University of Virginia Vice President of Student Affairs, I direct three culturally responsive programs through the office that supports the university’s 1,400 undergraduate students of African descent: Raising-the-Bar (tutoring), Faculty-Student Mentoring program (mentoring) and Pathways (professional skills development). OAAA also engages with major stakeholders across the university to enact strategic directions for our service unit. I have direct management responsibilities for two office staff and maintain active communication with university faculty and staff, alumni, and parent stakeholders in the region.

I am also the managing editor of OAAA E-Weekly, an electronic newsletter published 26 times a year that highlights news, events, and opportunities for students of African descent in the University community. Access online:

Service Committees

Member, University Financial Aid Committee (2014-present)

Invited Commission Member (2013), President’s Commission on Slavery and the University. This multi-year commission appointed by the University President is exploring the University’s historical relationship with slavery. The charge: to design and support the implementation of an institutional plan to highlight the contributions of the University’s enslaved laborers and workers.

Member, Global Affairs / International Study Abroad Planning Committee (2015-2016)

Faculty mentor (2006-2015), Office of African American Affairs Faculty/ Undergraduate Student Mentoring Program.

Search committee member (2007), Assistant to the Vice President for Faculty Advancement, Office of the Provost

Committee member (2006-2007), Diversity Initiative, Office of the Provost for Faculty Advancement

Invited Speaker

Panelist. (2015). Where do we go from here? Race & mutuality in the wake of Ferguson. Sponsored by Theological Horizons & Westminister Presbyterian Church, Charlottesville, VA.

Keynote lecturer. (2011). Persevering towards excellence. Fourth Annual Image Awards Dinner co-sponsored by the Black Student Alliance, Black Leadership Institute and the UVA chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Harrison Small Special Collections Library.

Member, UVA Health Professions Advisory Board. (2010-2011). Office of African American Affairs representative to the University Career Services team to support UVA students applying for admission to dental, medical and osteopathic graduate school programs.

Panel moderator. (2009). The legal campaign against segregated schools symposium, commemorating the 100th anniversary of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Carter G. Woodson Institute.

Panelist. (2009). “Is grad/professional school right for me (right now)?” Multicultural Professional Development Conference, UVA University Career Services.

Invited presenter. (2007, 2009). Graduate Student Diversity Orientation Retreat; Invited panelist (2009)

Invited luncheon keynote speaker. (2007). Black Greek Pan Hellenic Council Workshop, “Working with Children in Schools”

Curry School Activities

Academic Committees

Curry Legacy Research Committee (2016-present)

Elementary Education Curriculum Program (2005-present)

Curry Faculty Diversity Committee (2005-2016)

Search Committee Member:

Director of Student Programs, 2016

Social Foundations tenure track and non-tenure track positions, 2012-2014

Youth-Nex Research Associate (2012)

Center Faculty, Center for Technology and Teacher Education (2005-2010)

Curry Foundation Board:

Faculty Representative (2010-2013)

Member, Foundation Community Engagement Committee (2010-2013)

Search Committees: Executive Director, Curry Foundation (2010) &

Director of Development, Curry Foundation (2006)

Curry School/Foundation Scholarship Awards Committee (2007, 2012)

PhD Training Program Review Committee (2007-2008)

Education Planning Committee, Virginia School-University Partnership (2007)

Curry faculty representative, All-University Retreat on Enhancing Student Faculty Engagement (2007)

Teachers for a New Era Technology Project “Tapped In” (2006-2007)

Invited Speaker

Keynote panel moderator. (2015). Youth of Color matter: Reducing inequalities through positive youth development. Fifth Annual Youth-Nex Conference, Alumni Hall, Charlottesville, VA. 

Preston-Grimes, P., & Bach, D. (2011). Faculty self-study on diversity in teaching and learning. Academic symposium: Using evidence to improve teaching and learning in higher education, Presidential Inauguration Program, Central Grounds.

Invited presenter. (2010). Interactive presentation: Job talks-Graduate student mentoring. First Annual Curry Research Conference, Newcomb Hall Ballroom.

Curry representative. (2009). UVA School of Nursing Diversity Day Dialogue/Luncheon with guest speaker Dr. Carlos Cortes, Professor Emeritus, U of CA-Riverside

Guest speaker. (2009). Summer AP Challenge Program: Teaching diversity in gifted/high achieving classrooms. Grant funded workshop for VA Beach area advanced placement teachers and school counselors and Curry’s Department of Educational Development, Leadership and Foundations (EDLF)

Invited speaker (with Center for Teaching and Technology in Education faculty). (2006). Technology and Teacher Education: New Directions in the Millennium. Curry School of Education Foundation.

Moderator. (2005). At the crossroads of hope and habit. Curry Centennial Conference.


Co-program coordinator & co-moderator (2012) Trailblazers for civil rights: Educators who made a difference. Community symposium sponsored by the Curry School of Education for the 2012 Martin Luther King Community Commemoration, Holloway/Bavaro Hall.

Faculty recruiting with Trent, S. C. (2008, January). Holmes Partnership annual conference, Orlando, FL.

Service at Other Universities

Tift College of Education, Mercer University, Atlanta & Macon, GA.

Committee Member: Associate Dean Search (2004), Media and Technology (2002-2005) Undergraduate Curriculum (2002-2005)

Emory University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Atlanta, GA.

Committee chairperson (2001), Dogwood Educational Conference, Division of Educational Studies,


Mentor. (2012-present), African-American Teaching Fellows, Charlottesville / Albemarle County, VA.

Keynote speaker. (2013). National Ground Intelligence Command Center / US Army. At the crossroads of freedom and equality. African-American History Month observance, Nicholson Auditorium, Charlottesville, VA.

Board member. (2008-2012). Orange County (VA) African American Historical Society. Membership secretary (2009-2011).

Member. (2010). Dialogue on Race focus group, City of Charlottesville (VA). City-wide initiative designed to improve race relations and understanding of local cultural and racial communities.

Member. (2007). Montpelier (VA) slave descendent reunion committee. Planned program, schedules and logistics for weekend event underwritten by the Montpelier (VA) Foundation, Orange County (VA) African American Historical Society, Virginia Foundation for the Humanities, Wachovia Bank, Gilder Foundation and the Inez Duff Bishop Charitable Trust.

Judge. (2007). We the people: The citizen and the Constitution, Virginia state high schools final competition, Charlottesville, VA, and Summer Seminar for Educators, Montpelier, VA.

Project collaborator and researcher. (2006). This common feast: The Thanksgiving project. Oral history and web-based regional folk life preliminary study conducted by the South Atlantic Humanities Center at the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities.

Member. (2006). The Yorktown project: Revolutionary Day planning committee for the 225th commemoration of the Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route and the Battle of Yorktown. Educational events sponsored by Alliance Francaise of Charlottesville, Ash Lawn-Highland Educational Association, Charlottesville-Central Virginia Planning Committee, and Virginia School-University Partnership.

Coordinator. (2002-2005). Emory University’s Partners-in-Education Program. Coordinated communications, plenary sessions, board meetings, and partnership activities among four DeKalb County (GA) public schools, Emory University’s Division of Educational Studies (Graduate School of Arts and Sciences) and Office of Governmental and Community Affairs.

Judge. (2001-03). Local, Regional and State Social Studies Competitions, DeKalb and Henry Counties, GA.

Moderator/facilitator. (2000). Georgia State Geography Bee.

Steering committee member. (1996-99), Georgia Geographic Alliance.

Coordinator. (1994, November). Georgia Geography Awareness Week campaign. Statewide professional development and public outreach program that served 2,000 teachers and 30,000 students with educator training, field studies and content materials to support the Georgia Quality Core curriculum learning objectives (QCCs) in geography for Grades K-12.


Educational Consultant / Exhibit Advisor. (2010-present), The Mere Distinction of Colour, James Madison’s Montpelier, Orange County, VA.

Research Consultant. (2011-present). Jefferson School City Center Project, Charlottesville, VA. Provided research and program development expertise during the restoration and re-development of the city's major African-American public school (1896-1951). The site, now known as the Jefferson School African-American Heritage Center, is a multi-million dollar public multi-purpose facility that serves the greater Charlottesville community.

Film Advisor. (2016). Albemarle’s Black Classrooms. Producer: Maupintown Media, Lorenzo Dickerson.

Evaluator. (2010). Engaging middle school learners in discovering the Christiansburg Institute’s place in history. Reviewed curriculum/materials on the history of a Southwest Virginia segregated school that educated African American children from 1866 to 1966. Total funding ($5,834) received through Virginia Foundation for the Humanities and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Project Consultant. (2008-09). The Vinegar Hill Renewal Project: Urban renewal, public housing and the politics of race and place in Charlottesville, VA, 1945 to the present. Provided content, teaching and technical assistance for U.Va. / civic partnership integrating digital technology, historical and geographical resources for online archive and virtual historical tour of a local residential-business district.

Consultant. (2009), Evaluation Systems Group, Pearson Publications, St. Louis MO. Reviewed and recommended items for social science educator licensure assessments.

Academic Advisory Board Member. (2009-2010) McGraw Hill Higher Education Continuing Learning Series. Taking sides: Clashing views on educational issues, 15th ed. Reviewed items for forthcoming book revision.

Consultant/Trainer. (2008). Loudon County (Va.) Public Schools. Designed and presented all-day professional development workshop for K-12 elementary and social science teachers in curriculum and instruction methods and practices.

Educational Consultant. (2007). A living legacy: Montpelier slave descendants’ oral history project, Montpelier Foundation, Orange County, VA. Designed and implemented training and materials for summer graduate school interns for an oral history project of the Orange County community.

Consultant/Trainer. (2004). Atlanta Public School summer professional development for middle grades social studies teachers in curriculum and instruction.

Teacher Consultant. (1998). Georgia Geographic Alliance Summer Institute, Atlanta, GA. Invited as resident faculty for a 2-week professional development program on urban geography for 20 Georgia educators.

Teacher Consultant. (1996), National Geographic Society Summer Institute, Washington, DC. Invited as resident faculty for a 3-week residential professional development program on physical geography for 105 educators from the US, Canada, and Puerto Rico.

Teacher Consultant. (1996-2000), National Geographic Society-Georgia Geographic Alliance. Conducted professional development workshops in K-12 geography education school districts throughout northern and central Georgia.


VA Professor Offers Insight on Addressing Politics in the Classroom. UVA Today, October 16, 2016.

How Montpelier's The Mere Distinction of Colour Can Change Your View Of Slavery. Blavity (weblog), June 2017.

Albemarle’s Black Classrooms (ABCs) [video].

Apropos of Something [podcast]: A Look at Segregation, Black History and the Refugee Experience. Charlottesville Podcast Network, March 4, 2017.

Why Finding a Faculty Mentor Might be the Best Thing You Do On Grounds. UVA Today, February 8, 2017.

Graduation Is the Floor, Not the Ceiling, for African-American Students at U.Va. UVA Today, September 2, 2014.

School Desegregation Honors Activists. NBC-29 News, Charlottesville, VA, June 2, 2014

Experts Explore New Segregation in Schools. Richmond-Times Dispatch, March 15, 2013.

A Curry Role in Virginia School Desegregation. Curry [School of Education] Magazine, Spring 2012.

Curry Hosts Four Heroes of School Desegregation. Curry School of Education website, January 26, 2012.

University, Community Collaborate on Jefferson School City Center Project. U.Va Today. October 31, 2011.

Noticing their Efforts: U.Va. Beginning to Share History of School’s Desegregation Center.The Daily Progress, Charlottesville, VA, November 19, 2010, pp. B1, B5.

Symposium Celebrates 100 Years of Trials, Successes for NAACP. The Daily Progress, Charlottesville, VA, October 30, 2009, pp. A1, A7.

Montgomery Co. Teachers Learn about Race. The Roanoke Times, New River (supplement), May 1, 2009.

Dimensions of Diversity @ U.Va. (March 2008, online issue)

School Segregation (2007, October 26) Inside U.VA., 37(17), pp. 6-7

School Segregation of the Past Yields Lessons for Today. U.Va. Today, August 22, 2007.

‘This Common Feast’ – of stories! Inside U.VA, December 1, 2006, p. 10. Also published as How Different Cultures View Thanksgiving. Culpepper VA Star-Exponent. (November 20, 2006).

Breaking Down the Ivory Tower. The Washington Post, October 31, 2006, p. A8.

(9/11) Attacks Reshape History Classes. Daily Progress, Charlottesville, VA, September 11, 2006, p. A1.

Making Sense of 9/11: Different Methods Used to Teach Grade Schoolers. Daily Progress, Charlottesville, VA, September 10, 2006, pp. A1, A8.


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