The Bluefield Daily Telegraph

Bluefield Daily Telegraph

Mercer County, West Virginia

News Articles

Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Diane C Robertson, Robertsdcr@ January 2006

Dates before news articles indicates date of newspaper publication.


Feb 8, 1902 - Born to Mr. & Mrs. J. P. Stuart, a son.

Sep 9, 1902 - Born to Mr. & Mrs. H. B. Ketts, a daughter.


Jan 30, 1897 – Frank L. Bonsack, the popular air inspector of the Bluefield machine works, was married January 30th 7:30 p.m. in the Methodist church on Jefferson Street, Roanoke, Virginia, to one of Roanoke’s fair damsels. Mr. Bonsack came home last night, but did not bring his bride with him. The Telegraph extends congratulations and wishes the happy couple a pleasant journey through life.

Feb 8, 1901 – A quiet wedding occurred yesterday when Miss Levici Dawson became the bride of Isaac Albert. The groom is a popular young carpenter of this city, and the bride is a sister of W. R. Dawson, foreman of the bridge force on the Clinch Valley division. The happy young couple left on No. 4 for an eastern trip.

Dec 1, 1904 - A quiet marriage, the announcement of which comes as a great surprise to the friends of the contracting parties, was solemnized at the home of Dr. W. O. Cochran, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, at Bristol Tuesday evening when Miss Bertha Senter became the bride of Owen T. Smith of this city. The ceremony was performed at 6 o’clock. Mr. Smith, who was in the Border City visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Smith of Third Street, and Miss Senter, accompanied by her sister, were out walking, and after securing license went to the home of Dr. Cochran on Anderson Street where they were united in marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Smith arrived in Bluefield yesterday and will make their home here. The bride is the daughter of Mr. Harvey Senter, of Bristol, and the groom is the some of Mr. N. H. Smith, foreman of the Bristol roundhouse and is a fireman on the Radford division.

Dec 1, 1904 - Vinton correspondence in Roanoke World: Miss Martha Gray, sister of George Gray, of this place, and James Preston of Bluefield went to Bristol yesterday and were married and then went to Bluefield, their future home.

Dec 1, 1904 - Mr. & Mrs. J. C. Jett returned to this city last night on No. 3 from Bristol, where they were married Tuesday evening, much to the surprise of their larger circle of friends. Many of the friends of the couple met them at the depot last night and showered them with congratulations.

Dec 1, 1904 - S. A. Hall and Miss Lula Gilmore were married at high noon in Graham. A number of friends of the contracting parties witnessed the wedding, which took place at the home of the bride’s parents in West Graham. Mr. Hall is of Radford, Virginia and his bride of Graham, where she has many admiring friends. The couple left last evening for Radford, where they will make their home.

Dec 1, 1904 - John Williams and Miss Lelia Parks, of Burke, went to Welch yesterday where they were united in marriage. The bride’s home is in North Carolina, but she had been visiting her brother, Mac Parks, for several months. They will reside in Burke.

Dec 3, 1904 – Bluefielder Married at Pearisburg – At Pearisburg yesterday morning at 10 o’clock, Mr. Dan M. St Clair and Miss Sarah Peck were married at the residence of the bride’s father, Col. Peck. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Dr. Hobson. The groom is a bookkeeper at the Flat Top National Bank in this city and is popular with all who know him. His bride is one of Pearisburg’s handsomest young ladies.

July 22, 1905 – Reading From the Book of Trouble – The following marriage licenses have been issued: Thomas W. Thompson, 20, to Bertha L. Tabor, 17; Oliver Akers, 19, to Ida Kidwell, 21; James H. Tickle, 47, to Halack(?) Huff, 31; Perry Hazelwood, 26, to V. E. Taylor, 31; Stewart G. White, 22, to Effie B. Hicks, 21; Clinton Settle, 24, to Bettie Boyd, 21.

Aug 13, 1905 – Short Chapter from the Book of Trouble – The following is a list of marriage licenses granted during the past week. James D. Wood, 21, to Eva J. Ferguson, 19; George W. Meadows, 19, to Alice P. Meadows; Frederick Ball, 19, to Willie Steel, 18; William Evans, 21, to Ada Moody, 19; Bailey Wyatt, 26, to Lake E. Cook, 19; Henry G. McDaniel, 22, to Lena Walker, 21.


Jul 4, 1905 – The following marriage licenses have been issued by the county clerk during the past week: John Caldwell, 24, to Cornella Hollingsworth, 19; Robert N. Holland, 26, to Emma Peters, 22; Lewis S. Bailey, 21, to Nannie Profit, 17; William Fletcher, 21, to Ethel Bailey, 17; Chester Steele, 20, to Viola Wiley, 21; Elijah Harvey, 25, to Bertie Gunoe, 24; John Lawrence Kersey, 25, to Blanche R. Biggs, 22; William B. Thomas, 21 to Chappy Hager, 19; L.W. Huffman, 23, to Dellie Basham, 16; Joseph Evans, 62 to Annie Fisher, 24; Flood Edmonds, 22, to Lurinda Robinson, 22.


Jan 23, 1897 – Death of a Worthy Colored Man – Thomas Fuqua, colored, died at his home in Coopertown, at 6 o’clock yesterday afternoon. He had been a trusted employee of the Norfolk & Western for many years. He is survived by a large family, most of whom are self-supporting.

Jan 28, 1897 – Prof. J. J. D. Medley, principal of the public school of Bluefield, died yesterday at 10 a.m. of pneumonia at his home on Tazewell Street. Mr. Medley was a devoted church member, belonging to the First Baptist Church of this city. He was a member of several organizations and was secretary of the Masonic Lodge of this city. The deceased leaves a wife and three children, two of whom are quite ill, their recovery being despaired of. The funeral service will be held at the Missionary Baptist Church at 3 p.m. today. The services will be conducted by the Rev Taylor Frazier. Immediately after the funeral ceremonies the remains will be taken to the city cemetery for internment. This family are certainly experiencing their share of sorrow, as it has only been about 3 weeks since George Whittaker, a younger brother, succumbed to this same dreadful disease. The bereaved family has the sympathy of all good people in their bereavement. (see next article regarding the funeral.)

Jan 29, 1897 – Gone to His Last Reward – Was a Mason and a Member of the Junior Order United American Mechanics - ….The church was filled to overflowing—a mark of high esteem in which Prof. Medley was held by the people of Bluefield. Rev. Taylor Frazier conducted the services at the request of Rev. W. A. Pearson, the Pastor, who was ill, and delivered a powerful, sympathetic and touching discourse. Each order marched from their hall to the residence of the deceased in column of twos, the Junior Order and Masons having previously selected twelve pallbearers, six from each order. On arrival at the residence the pallbearers of the Jr. Order took charge of the remains and conducted them to the church, the Masons marching in front, followed by the Junior Order. At the church the Masons opened the column facing inward, the Jr. Order marching between them preceded by the remains, into the church, where seats had been reserved on the right and left aisles for the Orders, the front seats of the center aisle being reserved for family and friends. Soon after the arrival of the procession at the church a profusion of wreaths of beautiful flowers were placed on the casket, the last tribute of respect paid to Professor Medley by the teachers and children of the Public School, of which he had been principal for 2 years. Rev. Frazier took for his lesson the words, “Get thine house in order, for they shall die and not live”. Brother Frazier said in his preliminary remarks that he would not attempt to preach, but desired to address his few remarks to the living and in his own inimitable way he talked for about 30 minutes, giving a brief history of the deceased, his family ties and relations and the high esteem in which he was viewed by all who knew him; and lastly he pointed out to those living the uncertainty of life and the necessity of preparation, for “death comes as a thief and in a moment that ye think not”. At the conclusion of the services at the church, the remains were reviewed by the congregation, and it was a pathetic scene indeed, to watch the throngs of little children, who had learned to love him, as they eagerly crowded the aisles to catch a last glimpse of their beloved teacher on whom they would no more gaze on this side of the crystal shores of the eternity. After the remains were reviewed they were conveyed to the cemetery, preceded by the Orders and many friends of the deceased. The Masonic Order took charge of the burial at the grave with their usual rites and ceremonies, which were beautiful and impressive. Prof. Medley was born in Bedford County, Virginia in 1861 and was therefore 36 years of age—just the meridian of useful life, and the future held many bright prospects for him. He was a consistent member of the Missionary Baptist Church and leaves behind to mourn his untimely departure, a wife and two bright little children; but they should take comfort in the knowledge that the tender Shepherd who “doeth all things well,” has merely said to him “come up higher.” He was a kind and devoted husband, a tender and loving father and a worthy and esteemed citizen; and while his devoted wife and little ones will miss him most, the Community will greatly feel the loss of one of its best citizens. We learn the Prof. Medley carried a life insurance policy of $1,000. (see next article)

Feb 2, 1897 – Editor Telegraph: You will please allow me space in your column to return my sincerest thanks to the Masons, Junior Order of American Mechanics, my friends and neighbors for their extreme kindness during my husband’s illness. Respectfully, Mrs. Minnie J. Medley

Jan 29, 1897 – Mr. D. K. Whittaker who had been very low for some time with pneumonia, died at 9:20 last night at the home of his parents, Mr. & Mrs. G. K. Whittaker in the west end. Mr. Whittaker was born and raised in Washington County, Virginia, having moved with his parents to Bluefield about 4 years ago. The deceased was a brakeman on the Pocahontas division of the N&W and has many friends in the employee of the company who will be pained to hear of his death. The funeral service will be held at 9:30 today at the Catholic Church, after which the remains will be conveyed to the city cemetery for internment.

Morristown, Jan 29, 1897- Michael McDermott, a hired man, and William Hall, a patient at the State Hospital for the insane, were instantly killed is afternoon. The men with a number of other laborers and patients were engaged in unloading coal, the empty cards being switched off on a siding. A car had just been emptied and sent back over the siding. McDermott and Hall were engaged pushing a loaded car toward the scale when the wind overcoming the momentum of the empty one sent it back in the direction whence it had just come. McDermott and Hall, owing to the high winds, did not hear its approach and were run over. Charles West, the weigh clerk, hearing their cries, ran to give assistance, but the men died before he could extricate them.

Feb 6, 1897 – George W. Thornton, ticket agent at Fluney, Virginia, brought his little child here for internment at the Frenchville Cemetery. After a brief life of five months its little spirit was called to its Maker.

Mar 2, 1901

The remains of the late John N. Bowie were interred at Graham yesterday. A large number of sorrowing friends followed the body to its final resting-place.

Farris Hill died at Kenova Thursday morning from injuries sustained Tuesday. The streetcar company is building a trestle across Twelve Pole Creek, and young Hill was at work on the structure. Some timbers were being moved, and in attempting to get out of the way, he fell about 40 feel, landing in a pile of scrap iron. One arm and four ribs were broken and one ear torn off. He lived two days in terrible agony.

Jul 12, 1902 - Garland Owens, nephew of Mrs. G. J. Holbrook, of this city, died yesterday at noon at the home of his father, D. C. D. Owens at Wytheville, Virginia, aged about 9 months.

Jul 12, 1902 - The infant child of Bertha King died yesterday morning and was buried yesterday afternoon.

Dec 1, 1904 – News was received in the city yesterday of the death of another of Bluefield’s pioneer citizens - Mr. N. Scanland, a well known and highly esteemed city of some fifteen years residence, died at the resident of his daughter, Mrs. G. Montgomery Barger, at Blacksburg Sunday evening at 9 o’clock, age sixty-eight years. Mr. Scanland had been in failing health for several months. He leaves three sons and two daughters, his wife having died several years ago. The funeral took place at Blacksburg Monday afternoon. Mr. Scanland was a stone contractor and was a man of many estimable traits of character, and a good citizen. He was a member of the Lutheran church.

Dec 6, 1904 – The seven-year-old daughter of General Manager A. D. Rice of the Vulcan Coal and Coke Company died at the home of her parents and the remains will be taken to Salem, Virginia for internment, passing through Bluefield on No. 4 Sunday.

Jun 24, 1905 – News of Maybeury – News has reached us of the death of Mr. Will Meadows on June 17th. It will be remembered that Mr. Meadows taught school here about 5 years ago. He was at the time of his death a bright young lawyer and had many warm friends here who are grieved to learn of his death. He went to Texas some months ago in the hopes of regaining his health. His mother was with him.

Jul 1, 1905 - Pocahontas – The funeral of the infant child of Charles Maxey took place Sunday from the residence. A large number of friends of the family attended.

Jul 1, 1905 - Pocahontas – The 18-month old child of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Mulholland died Tuesday after a short illness. The funeral services were held at the residence. Internment was made in the Pocahontas Cemetery.


Feb 14, 1897 – WEST VIRGINIA: At rules held in the clerk’s office of the circuit court of Mercer county, on first Monday in February, 1897. William F. Smith, Plaintiff, Against Merica Smith, Defendant. The object of this suit is to obtain a decree of divorce from the bonds of matrimony for the plaintiff from the defendant and for general relief. And it further appearing from affidavit made and filed with the papers in this cause that Merica Smith, the defendant named in the foregoing cause, is a non-resident of the state of West Virginia; it is therefore, on motion of the paintiff, by counsel , ordered and said defendant appear at the clerk’s office of the circuit court of the county of Mercer within one month after the date of the first publication of this order and do what may be necessary to protect her interest in this suit. Attest: W.B. HONAKER, Clerk

Feb 21, 1897 – WEST VIRGINIA: At rules held in the clerk’s office of the circuit court for the county of Mercer, on the first Monday in January, 1897. Ella Ould, Plaintiff, Against Garland W. Ould, Defendant (In Chancery). “The object of this suit is to obtain a decree of divorce from the bonds of matrimony for the plaintiff from the defendant; and for general relief.” And it appearing from an affidavit made and (plea) with the papers of this cause that Garland W. Ould, the defendant named in the foregoing cause, is a non-resident of the State of West Virginia; it is therefore, on motion of the plaintiff, by counsel, ordered that said defendant appear at the clerk’s office of the circuit court of Mercer county, within one month after the date of the publication of this order and do what may be necessary to protest his interest in this suit.

Attest: W. B. HONAKER, Clerk

JOHNSON & HALE p.q. To Garland W. Ould: You will take notice that on the 8th day of February, 1897, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. of that day, at the law office of Johnson & Hale, in the city of Bluefield, in the county of Mercer, state of West Virginia, I will proceed to take the depositions of W. E. Blane and others, which said depositions when taken are intended to be read as evidence on behalf of the plaintiff in a certain suit in chancery now pending in the circuit court of the county of Mercer and state of West Virginia in which I am plaintiff and you are defendant. If from any cause the taking of said depositions be not commenced, or if commenced, not completed on the day and year aforesaid, the taking of the same will be continued from day to day and from time to time until completed. By Counsel. ELLA OULD.


Mar 23, 1897 – W.A. Stout who was sentenced to the penitentiary for shooting J.A. Vest in Coopertown, has for good behavior had his 2 years cut down considerable. He has been discharged from the penitentiary and is now a free man.

Dec 1, 1904 – John Hutson, who was stabbed by an Italian locally known as “Big John,” at Maybeury last Sunday evening, died as a result of his injuries at the Miner’s Hospital at Welch yesterday morning at 2 o’clock, after suffering indescribable agony. The Italian, whose correct name as given in the commitment is Sam Louvi, was given a preliminary hearing before Squire White, and remanded to jail at Welch to await indictment for murder at the next session of McDowell criminal court.

Dec 1, 1904 – Victim of Careless Shooting May Be Dead – Last night B. F. Roberts, who was shot by John Thompson, colored, during a pistol duel between the latter and a man named Will Wiles, at the operation of the Cherokee Coal and Coke Company, on the North Fork branch, Saturday night, still lived, but could only survive for a few hours, and it is feared ere our readers see this he will have succumbed to his injuries. He has made a brave fight, exhibiting wonderful vitality, as the average man with the same injuries could have lived only a few hours. This is a sad but good example of the danger of the promiscuous shooting of firearms, showing that we know not when danger is near, and the most dramatic measures should be taken by our authorities to put a stop to the practice.

Dec 6, 1904 – B. F. Roberts, who was shot by a colored man accidentally at the operation of the Cherokee Coal and Coke Company, on North For, and who was taken to the Miner’s Hospital at Welch, where six inches of his intestines were removed, he is reported much better and his recover is expected…

Dec 7, 1904 – The special term of the county court, which convened in Princeton on Monday, adjourned yesterday. The case of Henry Taylor, convicted in the criminal court of murder in the first degree and sentenced to a life term in the penitentiary, came up on appeal and the judgment of the criminal court was affirmed. The case of Robert Calfee, who killed Gus Godfrey, at Giatto, and who was convicted in the criminal court of murder in the first degree and sentenced to the penitentiary for life, also came up on appeal, and the judgment of the criminal court was affirmed.

Dec 7, 1904 – At Stone Cliff, two miles above Thurmond, Sam Miller and an accomplice murdered George Dane by beating out his brains with an iron bar. The two men then boarded a passing freight train and attempted to escape. Miller’s accomplice was arrested and taken to jail at Hinton but Miller is still at large. No cause has yet been ascertained for the killing, but it is said the motive was robbery, Dane having a small sum which the pair coveted.

Aug 17, 1905 – Did Not Seem To Do Him Good – J. D. Bailey, recently out of the penitentiary, is in the tolls again and will no doubt soon great his old friend at Moundsville. On the night of June 24th a number of checks were stolen from the office of the General Foreman Staley. The Baldwin detectives were put on the case and yesterday got a tip that a man named Bailey had endeavored to cash one of the checks at S. Aaron’s. John Copenhaver, of the detective force, aided by the city police, scoured the city for the much-wanted man and finally found him at the depot. He was taken before Squire Godbey and held for the grand jury on the charge of forgery. Several days ago Bailey cashed one of the stolen checks at Bailey and Cook’s store at Giatto and it was returned, as payment had been stopped at the banks. It is likely that several indictments will be found against Bailey, one of the charges being house breaking. He but recently completed a sentence of one year in the penitentiary for robbing the store of Yost & Lowder in this city.

Jun 10, 1940 (Charleston Daily Mail) – Princeton (AP) – Family Fight Ends Fatally – Friends and neighbors rallied today to the defense of 14-year old Doyle Shrewsbury who Sheriff G.H. Crumpecker said “doesn’t seem to be worried” about killing his coal miner father. Residents of the mining town of Dott, Crumpecker related, told him they would testify on behalf of the sandy-haired schoolboy who admitted firing a fusillade of pistol shots into the body of 40-year old McKinley Shrewsbury Saturday night. Officers quoted Doyle as saying he shot his father “because he was abusing mother.” A story of frequent beatings administered to members of the family of eight children and Mrs. Shrewsbury was told by the boy, three of whose bullets struck his father, the sheriff added. Crumpecker said Doyle told him the elder Shrewsbury, intoxicated, attacked Mrs. Shrewsbury and a 15-year old son. The son picked up a chair and Doyle ran for the gun, firing three shots as his father advanced toward a screen door and then loosing three more in a retreat to the kitchen. There is one married sister and the 15-year old boy older than Doyle in the family. The other five boys all are younger. Prosecutor Roscoe H. Pendleton said he probably would file a murder charge against Doyle today. (see next article)

Jun 11, 1940 (Charleston Daily Mail) – Young Patricide to Face Charges – Prosecutor Roscoe H. Pendleton today prepared to file murder charges against 14-year-old Doyle Shrewsbury, who reportedly admitted killing his father, Kinley (McKinley) Shrewsbury, 40, to prevent him from beating the boy’s mother. Pendleton said he expected to make the formal charges after funeral services for the dead miner today. Sheriff G.H. Crumpecker said that Doyle confessed shooting his father in the presence of his mother and six other children. The fatal shooting took place at the Shrewsbury home at Dott, a small mining village at the southern tip of West Virginia.


Feb 8, 1901 – We regret to announce that there is no improvement in the condition of E. P. Godbey, who has been dangerously ill for several days.

Mar 2, 1901 - Pitiable Sight – Mutilated Body of William Craft Lying by Rail Road Tracks - Thursday night, a short distance west of Welch, William Craft was struck by freight engine No. 213 and instantly killed. It seems that Craft had been working in the mines on Tug River, and on Thursday came to Welch on No. 12 in search of whiskey. After tanking up, he secured a two-gallon jug of the fiery fluid and started to walk to Tug River. This was the last seen of him until his mangled remains were found and nearby the two-gallon jug. The accident happened about 10 o’clock Thursday, and at a later hour yesterday no inquest had been held. When passenger train No. 12 passed the scene about 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon, a pitiable sight was presented. The mutilated trunk had not been moved, and it could be seen that the body was literally torn to pieces. Nearly half of the head was gone, and the poor fellow was completely disemboweled. Craft was about forty years old, and his home was Ingleside. His mother, Mrs. Sallie Craft, and several brothers and sisters survive him, all of them living at Ingleside.

Jul 12, 1902 - The many friends of Capt. C. Heck will be pleased to learn that his little son, C.V. Jr., who has been critically ill for some days, is rapidly recovering.

Aug 7, 1902 - B. P. Lester, who it will be remembered sustained a severe burn and scald while on duty at the N&W shops during March and from its effects his life was again thought to be almost hopeless, is now thought by his physician as having made the past three weeks good gains in strength.

Aug 7, 1902 - The little 3-year old son of Mr. And Mrs. Robert King, of Ada, who at noon on Friday last, happened to drink quite an amount of concentrated lye, causing considerable destruction of tissue in the mouth, throat and stomach, developed such symptoms by midnight that no hope whatever was entertained by any that he would live. However, to the surprise of all, he now appears much improved, so that the family and their physician, Dr. F. W. Smith, now entertain a faint hope of the child’s ultimate recovery.

Sep 19, 1902 – Yesterday at noon Charley Plaster, who was working at the excavating on Bluefield Avenue on the McCue lot, was covered over by a cave-in of dirt and severely injured.

Dec 1, 1904 - Tony Banks, colored, while employed on the large railway cut being made by McClaron & Beury, at Welch, was struck in the head with a rock sustaining a compound fracture of the skull. He was injured Tuesday and taken to the hospital in that city, where he has remain in an unconscious condition since and slight hopes are entertained for his recovery.

Dec 1, 1904 - Sam Dew, a colored miner in the employ of the Algoma Coal & Coke Company, was caught by falling slate Monday and suffered a broken leg. He was brought to the Miner’s Hospital here for treatment.

Dec 1, 1904 - Kenner Starling, who was struck by a streetcar in Graham Monday night, was able to return to his home here yesterday after being in the Bluefield Sanitarium for several days for his injuries. When Starling was hit, he was dragged along the ground for some distance and his clothing was badly torn. He received a very severe cut over his left eye and his right leg is badly bruised.

Dec 1, 1904 - Mildred, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomas, has been very ill for several days but is now reported better.

Dec 1, 1904 - Mrs. L. L. Chambers left Tuesday morning for Huntington in response to a message stating that her daughter, Miss Inez, who is attending college, was seriously ill.

Dec 1, 1904 - Max, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Matthews, while at play Tuesday evening, fell and broke his arm. The little one is doing nicely and will soon be out again.

Dec 3, 1904 - Bramwell – The many friends of Mrs. Karl Schoew will be sorry to know she is very ill with typhoid fever.

Dec 3, 1904 - While removing slate from the roof of the mines of the Polaeki Company, at Eckman yesterday, Wade Keslin, and a colored man whose name was not learned, were caught and sustained a broken leg. The men had removed the pillars that supported the slate when it fell before it was expected. Mr. Keslin is a brother of Postmaster Keslin of Eckman.

Dec 6, 1904 - While in a gristmill near Beartown Thursday, John, aged ten years, son of E. M. Evans, became entangled in the running gear of the mill and had his left foot so badly crushed that amputation was necessary. The operation was performed by Drs. Lucas and Hardy.

Dec 6, 1904 - Boys Returning From Hunting Meet With Serious Accident – A most distressing accident occurred near Bramwell Saturday afternoon, as the results of which one little boy is minus two toes and another youth is in the hospital in Welch. Charles Asbury, aged fourteen years, and a son of J. S. Asbury, a timber man for the mining operations at Freemen, and Kyle Lee, and two other youths about the same age, had been about hunting. On their return, when they had approached near the home of young Asbury, Kyle Lee was considerably in front, and in going down an incline he dropped the gun, which was a double barrel shotgun, from his shoulder. The gun slid down the hill until the hammer struck a rock discharging one of the barrels. The Lee boy was struck in the foot and sustained injuries which necessitated the amputation of two toes. Charlie Asbury was quite a distance up the incline, the shot having time to scatter before reaching him. However, he was seriously injured. Several shot entered his chest and eyelid and two entered his abdomen. He was taken to Miner’s Hospital at Welch Sunday, accompanied by his mother and Mr. Lee, father of the other injured boy, where an operation was performed. The wound in the abdomen was the only one that it was feared would prove fatal, but after the operation, which was very successful, it was announced that he would recover. The Asbury boy’s mother is still attending him and will remain by his bedside until he is out of danger.

Dec 6, 1904 - Miner Loses Arm in Railway Accident – James Tabor, who was struck by a passenger train near Bluestone Junction Sunday afternoon…. Was taken to the Miner’s Hospital at Welch. It was found that he had sustained the fracture of three ribs and his left arm was so badly crushed that amputation at the shoulder was necessary. He is getting along nicely and will recover. Mr. Tabor is married and has four children. He was a miner in the employ of the Caswell Creek Company and was on his return from Pocahontas when run down by the train.

Jul 4, 1905 – Hon. Thomas Reed Killed on Double Track Near His Home – A distressing accident occurred yesterday morning about two and a half miles east of Ingleside. Thomas Reed, one of the most widely known and best citizens of the county, was instantly killed by a passenger train. “Uncle Tom” as Mr. Reed was familiarly called by those who knew him, had been to see a sick neighbor and was returning to his home near Oakvale. An eastbound freight train came up with him and he stepped on the westbound track to let it pass. The noise made by the freight and the fact that there was a short curve at that point, it is thought, prevented Uncle Tom from observing the approaching passenger train. He was knocked from the track and down an embankment, killing him instantly. The back of his skull was crushed in, one arm and his hip broken. The body was picked up and laid beside the track and those living nearby notified. The hour for the funeral could not be learned last night. Thomas Reed was about eighty years of age. He was a native of Campbell County, Virginia, coming to Mercer County over a half century ago, where he has lived ever since, holding the esteem and confidence of all who knew him. While he had no educational advantage he was one of the most remarkable men in the state. He was an orator of some statements, and could repeat almost word for word any speech that he heard. He could remember statistics, and had a wide knowledge of current politics in state and nation. He was a Republican from the organization of the party, and several years ago the Republican leaders thought it would be a fitting compliment to a life spent in working for the party to send him to the legislature. He was nominated and the people entering into the spirit of the leaders, elected him by a handsome majority. He was ill during the greater part of the regular session, but the short time he attended gained a statewide acquaintance. He was present at the extra session when the new tax laws were passed. He leaves a wife and a number of children and grandchildren. One of his sons, R. E. Reed, is postmaster at Oakvale.


Jan 23, 1897 - By mutual consent we, the Bland Street Drug Store, this day dissolve partnership. The books of the late firm are in the hands of John L. Crockett to whom all settlements must be made.

Jan 23, 1897 - Machinist W. R. Young, who has been working here for some time, left yesterday for Salisbury, North Carolina to accept a position there.

Jan 24, 1897 – Joel Chandler Harris says that his “Uncle Remus” is a composite of three or four old Negroes whom he had known as a boy, and his “Brer Rabbit” stories are for the most part plantation tales.

Jan 29, 1897 – TRUSTEE’S NOTICE - TO THE PUBLIC: Whereas the firm of C. L. Shelton and Sons, of Bluefield, W. Va., have made an assignment to me for the benefit of their creditors, by deed dated the 23rd day of December, 1896. All persons owing debts to said firms are hereby notified to come in and settle same without delay. As trustee I can allow no indulgence whatever. I will open up the stand of said C. L. Shelton & Sons on Monday, Dec. 28th, and commence to sell the large stock of goods AT COST, and I respectfully solicit the patronage of the public. W. L. MEADOR, Trustee.

Feb 2, 1897 – I am now sleeping in my drug store and cheerfully answer all night calls. – E. Leslie Day

Dec 1, 1904 - After years of struggling for a mere existence, Mrs. Roten, an aged lady living with her son, James Roten, near Graham, has come into possession of $2,500 and an income of $13 a month for the remainder of her declining years. Several days ago a pension agent came to the place in search of the old lady and after some little difficulty, located her and proved her identity so that she will receive the long needed help that comes at a time when most needed. Mrs. Roten’s husband was a Civil War veteran, during which contest he fought on the Union side. Years after the war he applied for a pension and arrears, but through some of the red tape did not become aware of the fact that he had been awarded the same. Shortly after this time, he left his first wife and went to Missouri where he married again, without going through the formality of securing a divorce from his first wife. Some time ago he died and his second wife made an attempt to get the pension that years ago he had applied for. Investigation soon brought to light the fact that Roten was a bigamist and a search for the rightful wife was instituted, with the above result. Mrs. Roten will receive her money in a few days.

Dec 1, 1904 - Governor White has conferred on Charles W. Dillon the office of tax commissioner of the State of West Virginia… Mr. Dillon is a prominent lawyer of Fayettesville, and has taken an active part in the West Virginia politics. He was one of the picturesque figures at the last session. Special offices will be provided for him in the state house… (see next article)

Dec 1, 1904 - Sketch of the New State Tax Commissioner – C. W. Dillon, the newly appointed tax commissioner, was born in Giles County, Virginia thirty-nine years ago. His early life was spent on a farm, where he received scant education at a country school. He left the farm in early life and worked at day labor on a railroad grade to earn money to complete his education. He took a law course at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute at Blacksburg, Virginia. He went to Fayetteville thirteen years ago to practice his profession. In order to earn a livelihood while working up a practice sufficient to sustain him, he taught high school for two years. He was elected prosecuting attorney in 1892 and retired in 1896. He has earned a large practice in his profession and stands at the head of the local bar and has been eminently successful in business ventures. His appointment by Governor White to the position of Tax Commission is well received in his home county. His neighbors, who are well acquainted with his capabilities and character, feel sure he will meet all the requirements of this responsible office.

Dec 3, 1904 - Because her husband failed to kiss her good-bye when he started on a hunting trip, Mrs. Lonnie Atkins of Huntington swallowed a half-ounce of strychnine and is not expected to live. Atkins, when notified that his wife attempted suicide, saying, “he did not say good-bye and don’t love me,” wept like a child. He now sits at her bedside and refuses to eat or sleep.

Dec 3, 1904 - The following is a list of petit jurors drawn for the January term:

Plymouth – D.C. Pettrey, Russell Gautier, William Hopkins, Henry Keatley, W. A. Bird, Mack Bolin, Henry Noble, F. A. Bolin, S. F. Clegborn, S. W. Hunt, Allen C. Cook, Willis White, Noal Shorter, James Alvis, Albert Wiley.

Jumping Branch – Bart Farley, J. R. Richards, H. H. Meadows, Herbert Ellison, L. S. Meadows, Herbert Ellison, Erastus Basham, L. H. Epling, Hiram Meadows.

East River – J. H. Pletcher, E. E. Rand, James H. Meador, Granville Fielder, Green Pennington, Mastin Bailey, C. W. Caldwell.

Rock – W. H. Rumberg, L. A. Thomas, M. C. Worrell, T. Boyd Cook, James Worrell, Chapman Kester, J. O. Scott, William Purdy, Field Dillon.

Beaver Pond – George Tuggle, Ed Harvey, C. B. Fink, R. B. Bird, Thomas Hunt.

List of Grand Jurors for the criminal court:

Jumping Branch – John Croy, C. S. Hedrick

Plymouth – D. A. Sloan, S. T. Vermillion, Henry Keatley

East River – W. C. Oliver, L. H. Davis, W. R. White

Rock – J. H. Hurst, Frank Mabe, R. L. Davis, B. W. Walker.

Beaver Pond – Grisnold Hagar, John Wilson, J. B. Kable, R. W. Tuggle

Jul 4, 1905 – Former Bluefielders Resolve To Disagree - Mr. and Mrs. Harm Have Trouble Over Their Matrimonial Venture – Mr. and Mrs. Harm, who ran the Banner Agency in this city and moved from here to Charleston, have decided to disagree and Mrs. Harm is suing for a divorce. The Charleston Mail says: “Another chapter enacted in the case of Mr. and Mrs. Harm, closed Friday when George W. Roberts, grandfather of little Elsie Harm, 12 years old, departed for Philadelphia with the child. Roberts is the father of the mother of the girl, Harm’s first wife, and he is wealthy. It will be remembered that he several days ago secured possession of the child only with the greatest difficulty, as she declared to remain with the present Mrs. Harm, who also very much desired to keep her. She was turned over to Roberts only after the aid of an attorney had been secured. “When Roberts secured the child he went to the Elk Hotel, taking her with him. Thursday night the child disappeared. She quietly left her room at the hotel and went back to her stepmother, who resides on Quarrier Street in a flat. When the grandparent appeared at the place Friday and demanded the child he was told that she had not been there and had not been seen. The story was not believed, however, and Attorney J.H. Hunt was again secured in an attempt to get the child. “After he had threatened prosecution on the charge of kidnapping, the pretty little girl was turned over to him. She reluctantly departed with her grandparent for his home, where it is stated she will be given every comfort.”

July 9, 1905 – Graham Gossip – C. B. Bailey has purchased the Baldwin property on Walnut Street and will conduct a grocery store and meat shop. Jack Thornton has accepted the position as clerk in the new store.

Aug 13, 1905 - The Vote for the Mirror Contest – Interest is increasing in the free mirror contest at Greenspoon’s Soda Fountain. The voting until August 11th at 6 p.m. is as follows:

1. Miss Alleen Akers – 176

2. Miss Ethel Stovall – 493

3. Miss Lizzie Baker – 412

4. Miss Florence Mann – 376

5. Miss Bessie Otey – 234

6. Miss Lillian McCray – 188

7. Miss Mary Douthat – 161

A free vote for the most popular young lady of Bluefield is given at Greenspoon’s Fountain with each glass of soda water.


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