2015– 2016 Junior Varsity and Varsity

Cheerleading Tryouts

Tryouts are MANDATORY and will be held April 20-24, 2015 from 3:30-6:30 pm. On Friday, tryouts for JV and Varsity will start at 4:00 pm and last until they are completed and scores are finalized. These are closed tryouts, therefore no one is allowed to watch tryouts except for the judges, score talliers, and others allowed by the coaches.


If you are a dancer, gymnast, play an instrument, sing in the choir, are heavily involved in church, or some other activity, please consider your commitments carefully!!!

▪ Many things can conflict with cheer. This is EXTREMELY hard on the other members of your squad when or if practices and games are not made a priority.

▪ If you make the Varsity line, you need to be even more cautious. The schedule for JV & freshmen is essentially set once the games and competitions are established. However, the Varsity schedule is constantly changing – playoffs, special assemblies, etc.

▪ If you must miss a competition, you may be removed from participation in all subsequent competitions, or from line if not properly approved by a coach.

▪ If at any time a member is removed or voluntarily leaves their position on the squad, they will NOT be allowed to tryout the following year.


▪ Practices will be Tuesday and Thursday next year from 3:30-6:00.

▪ There will be a Wednesday practice scheduled for squads as we get closer to the times of competition

▪ 24 Hour notice will be required (unless an illness occurs that day). Absences NOT reported 24 hours prior to the absence will be considered an unexcused absence. Three unexcused absences will result in probation for the member.

o This is out of respect to the coaches and girls on the squad, especially the captains who have to make changes at the last minute.

o Absences due to illness will be checked with the office that day.

▪ Excessive absences by members for practices, games, etc. EVEN WHEN EXCUSED BY A PARENT, will be seen as a lack of commitment to their team and may result in removal from their squad. Rules will be spelled out at the You-Made-It meeting.

▪ Parents, we need your help in doing ALL THAT YOU CAN to get your daughter to practices, games and all other events on time and ready.

Physicals/Equipment Cards

• Girls on the 2014-2015 line are cleared through tryouts but they must complete a NEW physical by May 1st to be cleared for Summer practice.

• Girls presently attending DVHS NOT on last year’s line: You MUST have a physical dated after March 1st, 2014, and an equipment card.

• An original Birth certificate MUST also be on file. (I will make copies of those not on file on Monday and return them to the girl the same day.)

o ** An official NOTARIZED copy is acceptable.

You may acquire your equipment card by transferring your physical form and paperwork from a previous Desert Vista sport or by presenting a physical form dated after March 1st, 2014 and notarized medical card to Ms. Slavin in the athletic office (480.706.7913).

• Please notice that the physical form requires ONE notarized signature – on the 3-ply form ONLY. The DVHS front office can notarize the forms.

• Forms MUST be signed by a Doctor (MD or DO) or a nurse practitioner. Nurse’s signatures will NOT be accepted – per district policy.

*** Students MUST be enrolled as full-time students at DVHS to be eligible to tryout. Therefore, students MUST have a schedule currently in the system. These will be checked the first day of tryouts.

Activity Fee

Do NOT pay the activity fee to the Bookstore before line results are posted. If you pay them and do not make it, we cannot guarantee that you will get your money back. IF you make it, you will pay this fee to the bookstore prior to the You Made It Meeting.

How many members will be selected?

We are often asked this question for each squad. The answer is simple. The number of members selected for each squad is left to the coach’s discretion and will be determined on the basis of talent – per district policy.

Which line can I be on?

At Desert Vista High School:

• Next year’s sophomores – juniors: can be on Junior Varsity or Varsity depending on which box they check on their application, their talent and how they do at tryouts.

• Next year’s seniors – can only make Varsity.

Are back handsprings required to make Varsity?

• NO, but if you can do one – DO IT! (ONLY if you know how. – Do NOT hurt yourself! – SAFETY FIRST!!!!!!)

• We are looking for the BEST ALL-AROUND cheerleaders we can get. We have had Varsity members in the past that could barely do a back handspring, but all their other skills were top notch.

• Gymnastic skills do NOT guarantee you anything!!! In contrast to the bullet above, I have had many girls tryout that have beautiful and difficult tumbling passes, but their other skills were poor. They did not make it.

What are we looking for?

Here are just a few of the things we look for when we are judging (not in any particular order):

▪ Arm placement and angles!!!!!!!!!!!!

▪ No bent wrists

▪ Quality jumps and toe touches!!! – not leaning forward (chest up), pointed toes, hips rotated out, arms and legs parallel to the ground, height of toe touch and clean landing with legs snapped together.

▪ SHARP moves!!! – chants, cheers AND the dance

▪ Not bouncy

▪ No “wooo”s

▪ Jumping, tumbling, and kicking on your entrance

▪ Neatly put together: no loose fitting clothing, clean pulled back hair, appropriate cheerleading attire.

▪ Showmanship: Good recovery, confidence, energy, LOUD, spirited, fun to watch!

What should I wear?

The present seniors/graduates will model the appropriate attire throughout the week of tryouts.


• Pull your hair back from your face in traditional cheerleader style.

• Wear shorts that are neat, loose enough to move in and about the length of P.E. shorts so that judges may see your leg movements.

• Dancewear if fine as long as it is not too revealing.

• Be neat and clean.

• Shoes should provide good support to arches and ankles athletic shoes are ideal. They should provide good traction. (To prevent slipping on the gym floor.)


• Buy a new outfit just for tryouts.

• Wear any jewelry – earrings, belly button rings, etc.

• Chew gum!!!

• Wear anything that shows bare midriffs or too much skin in any particular area.

Final Cuts

• Friday April 24th starting at 4:00 pm for JV & Varsity

▪ You MUST be in ALL classes the day of final cuts and have your grade check signed on that day.

▪ They will be held in the small gym. Due to callbacks and the decision process of the coaches, we cannot guarantee what time the results will be posted.

Tryout Checklist

Monday (should be done earlier than 6:30)

• All paperwork for ATHLETIC CLEARANCE should be submitted to Ms. Slavin in Athletic Office prior to start of tryouts.

• Paperwork to Turn In

▪ Informed Consent Sheet (attached at back of this packet)

▪ Line Preference Sheet (’15-’16 Sophomores and Juniors ONLY)

▪ Fight Song will be tested once paperwork is submitted

▪ Introduction of Seniors (who will be running tryouts)

▪ Material Preview

Tuesday and Wednesday: 3:30-6:30

• interviews with coaches

• standing tumbling scoring

• all material will be covered and taught (jumps, chants, cheers, and dance)

Thursday 3:30-5:00

• Material Review

Friday 3:30-?

• Girls should arrive at 3:30 with grade checks ready

• Grade Check – With current 4th Quarter grades

o It MUST be signed and dated by ALL teachers the day of final cuts to ensure that you are in classes that day.

o Report cards will NOT be accepted.

• Tryouts will begin at 4:00

• Grades do NOT contribute to you making or not making the Spiritline.

DVHS Fight Song

Cheer, cheer for DVHS,

We all know the Thunder is Best.

As a team we work and strive,

Showing our talent, focus & drive.

Shake the thunder from the sky,

Desert Vista stands on high.

Noble thunder strong and bold,

Victory for blue and gold.

---- ’15-’16 JV & Varsity members (already on campus) -----

There will be a meeting in ROOM C110 on Tuesday, April 14 at 3:15 pm.

Summer Camp

If you become a member of the Desert Vista Spiritline, it is MANDATORY that you attend camp with the rest of the squads. Camp is key to camaraderie, skills and the overall outlook by the members.

• This year camp will be at NAU.

o July 6-9

• As always, exceptions may arise.

Camp will be discussed further at the “You-made-it” Meeting.

The “You-Made-It” Meeting

If you make the Desert Vista High School Spiritline, you and a parent MUST attend a meeting on:

Wednesday April 22, at 6:30 pm in Cafeteria

You and the parent MUST bring a planner or digital calendar that will cover the rest of the year 2015. That means bringing 2 planners/digital calendars, one for the parent, and one for the student. Parents, please bring your checkbook. Sorry! Please also bring an updated copy of your student’s insurance card (for paperwork purposes).

The meeting will cover:

• Introduction of your coaches

• The summer and school practice schedules

• Camp dates, clothes, transportation, etc.

• Captain applications

• The benching system

• Commitment to the Spiritline

• Fundraising for both parents and Spiritline members

• Booster Club

Some of the expenses to be paid the night of the meeting include, but are not limited to, the following:

**** Costs are based on previous years and are approximate at this time.

YOU MAY want to consider using the tax credit form to cover as many of these costs as possible!

Payment due at YOU MADE IT MEETING

• $100 deposit for camp (OR $375 in full – includes the bus) THE BALANCE WILL BE DUE FOR CAMP by June 25th in order for team to attend.

• $150 For camp clothes

• $50 Booster and Thunder Board Dues

• $70-$400 for LINE CLOTHES (this can be broken down and paid in installments)

o $70 1 pair of shoes (you may want to order 2 pairs) I am asking that all returning girls please purchase a new pair so we have nice white shoes for competition.

o $25 Under Armour navy spanks/shorts for under skirts and cheer shorts (usually the girls like to have 2 pairs)

o $10 socks

o $100 warm-up

o $25 ½ top

o $15 required sparkle and white bows

o $35 Name Embroidered Polo

o $35 cheer bag or cheer bag replacement (if needed).

Expenses due shortly after making team

• $90 1 Day - Home stunt camp

• $100 Coaching stipends

• $50 Activity Fees (this will be paid to the bookstore)

** You MUST pay for the $50 activity fee (per district policy) **This will be paid when picking up books in the bookstore. You will not be cleared to practice until this fee is paid

• $350 For the student Funds account –OR- raise $350 in fundraising with team and individual fundraising opportunities

• There WILL BE additional costs but these are the foreseen and known costs.

***Fundraising opportunities & payment plans are available, but only upon request and discussion with booster treasurer. ***

Desert Vista High School Parental Information

& Permission for Cheer Tryouts

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Please read the following guidelines and rules, which have been taken from the Desert Vista High School Constitution. Copies of the DVHS Constitution have been made available to all girls trying out for the Desert Vista Cheer Line.

After reading this information carefully, please sign the attached form indicating that you have been informed of these rules, regulations and requirements.

General Requirements

1. Each squad member is to participate in all fundraising activities planned by the coaches and squad members.

2. Squad performances and practices take priority over all other sports/activities and job requirements.

3. Each squad member is expected to attend all classes the day of a performance/activity (this includes the day of Final Cuts for tryouts). “Ditching” classes will result in benching and is grounds for dismissal from the squad.

Financial Obligations

1. Each squad member will need to pay for camp at approximately $375.

2. Out-of-pocket expenses for things other than camp including camp clothes, shoes, bloomers and warm-up can run from $70-$400 per cheerleader.

3. We plan to compete in California. This will be an additional cost of approximately $350 per girl if they would like to attend. Fundraising and payments plans are available.

Academic Eligibility

1. As a participant in an extra-curricular activity, the student must meet the AIA requirements.

2. Requirements are processed and accounted for through the athletic and counseling departments. As well as through our own requirements of C or better.

Time Commitment

1. As a member of the Spiritline, the member will need to make cheer their top priority. They are required to attend all practices, games, pep assemblies, fundraisers, performances, locker decorating, and service projects.


1. At Desert Vista High School, we pride ourselves on good sportsmanship, therefore derogatory remarks towards the teams they support, other members of the squad, faculty, staff or administration, or other school teams/organizations will not be tolerated.

2. Any conduct deemed unbecoming of a cheerleader by the coaches or administration will result in immediate removal from the squad. Whether in or out of uniform, this may include, but is not limited to the following; fighting, innapropriate use of social media, the use of drugs or alcohol, etc.

* Please refer to the constitution for the complete rules and regulations of the Desert Vista Spiritline. If you (parent or child) feel you cannot hold up to those standards, please reconsider trying out for the Desert Vista Spiritline *

Tryout Number ______

Informed Consent for Tryouts

(to be turned in Tuesday April 10th)

I have attended the informational meeting and have read and understand the rules and regulations of being a part of the Desert Vista Spiritline Organization. I have been presented the expectations of being a member of the program and understand the possible consequences for not meeting these expectations. I will attend the “You-Made-It!” meeting with a parent to learn more of the specific guidelines, rules & regulations of the program if I make the squad.

___________________________________________ __________________

Applicant’s Signature Date


Applicant’s Name Printed

I have attended the informational meeting and have read and understand the rules and regulations of being a part of the Desert Vista Spiritline Organization. My daughter & I have been presented the expectations of my daughter being a member of the program and understand the possible consequences for not meeting these expectations. I agree to support my daughter in fulfilling these responsibilities and obligations as designated by the coaching staff. I will also fulfill my obligations for fundraising. I will attend the “You-Made-It!” meeting with my daughter to learn more of the specific guidelines, rules & regulations of the program if she makes the squad.

It is my understanding that the school or coaches may not assume any responsibility for any accident or injury that may happen during the instructional clinic or tryouts anywhere at school or away from school grounds. I understand that if my child is selected, she MUST have proper insurance.

___________________________________________ __________________

Parent’s Signature Date


(be sure this is legible this will be how we contact you after tryouts)

Parent (1) Name: _______________________________

Parent (1) Email: _______________________________

Parent (1) Phone: _______________________________

Parent (2) Name: _______________________________

Parent (2) Email: _______________________________

Parent (2) Phone: _______________________________

Potential Cheerleaders Name: _____________________________

Potential Cheerleaders Email: _____________________________

Potential Cheerleaders Phone: _____________________________


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