NHHS Attendance Policies


• Come in after bell (before 5 minute point) – counts as a tardy and will warrant a deduction from responsibility grade. A detention will be assigned for every tardy after the second one each term.

• 5 minutes late (without pass) – counts as an absence for class, but must stay in class so it doesn’t count as a cut. Will call home and take tardiness deduction from responsibility grade.

• Come in after 20 minutes late (with or without pass) – counts as an absence for the class, but must stay in class so it doesn’t count as a cut. Will call home and take tardiness deduction from responsibility grade.


• It is their responsibility to get the class notes and homework for the missing class(es). They can get information from my website, from the teacher or from their classmates.

• If a student is absent when a test or quiz is given in class – they must make up the assessment within 5 SCHOOL DAYS.

• Students are permitted up to and including 12 absences per year in this class. Very few absences are excused – but if you wish to bring in a note (doctor’s note, note from home) to excuse an absence you must bring it in within 5 school days to your assistant principal.

• Students with more than 4 absences in this class per marking period will receive a maximum of 50% of their earning participation grade.

• A field trip is NOT AN EXCUSE TO NOT HAVE HOMEWORK THE NEXT CLASS MEETING. See me before the field trip day to get the information on the class activities and the homework assignment.

• Students are expected to have the hand in the homework that is due on the field trip day BEFORE they leave. Students must show the new homework THE CLASS AFTER THE FIELD TRIP. Projects due on field trip days must be turned in that day or earlier to get full credit.


• Any quizzes or tests given on that day and any work due on that day will earn a grade of a ZERO, in addition a referral is processed for the cut.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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