Ice Breaker - Weebly

ABC District School Board

|Student: |Board ID # |

|Gender: |OEN# |

|School Year: |School | IPRC Date |

| |Principal | |

|Grade/ Class |Date of Birth: |IPRC Identification |

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|Reason for IEP |IPRC Placement & Date must be the first day of |

| |the current school year or the first day of |

| |placement of a new identification or change in |

| |placement |

|IEP Initiation Date: |Developed By: list staff members & role; at least one staff member must hold special education |

| |qualifications; parents can be listed in the Information Sources section but not this section. |

|Special Education Services Initiation Date Frequency/Intensity Location |

|Frequency must be specific, e.g. 10 minutes 3 times a week, 1 period a day in semester 1. |

|When trying to quantify services such as consulting or monitoring general terms such as weekly or once amonth are appropriate; however this|

|is not acceptable for direct service. |

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|Individualized Equipment: list items and funding source, e.g. Ministry, Board, School |

|If item was purshcase as a SEA claim (Special Equipment Amount) it must be listed here |

|Do not list equipment parents have provided for student’s personal use |

|Do not list equipment available to all students, e.g. computer lab |

|Health Support Services: circle answer |

|Personal Support Required: yes no |

|This section refers to services that are related to the student’s health needs that must be addressed on a scheduled basis to enable the |

|student to attend school, e.g. suctioning, tube feeding, personal care – lifting, toileting, feeding, etc. |

|List services that are provided by individuals who are specifically assigned to administer the required procedure |

|Do not use this section to list personal health issues or medication |

|If a student has a diagnosis, it may be listed as a result of a medical assessment, under Assessments |

|Do not include emergency plans or medical protocols in this section – they are not part of an IEP |

|Provincial Assessments: circle answer-if this is an EQAO assessment year for the student, this must be noted here |

|Exemptions from provincial assessments: yes no |

|Accommodations for provincial assessments: yes no |

|List types of accommodations allowed on EQAO here: |

|Elementary program exemptions/secondary compulsory substitutions: yes no |

|List subjects or courses and reason for exemption/substitution |

|If the student is on a completely alternate program no subjects need to be listed as exemptions. |

Subjects, Courses or Alternative Program to which IEP applies: summary

For secondary students, it must state the outcome the student is working towards e.g.OSSD, OSSC, Certificate of Accomplishment

|Accommodated only |Modified |Alternate |

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|Areas of Strength |Areas of Need |

|Think of strengths as learning strengths |Areas of need should make evident the reasons the student requires a |

|Maximum of 5 strengths |special education program and/or services |

|Developed based on appropriate educational, psychological and/or |Should be written without verb stems, e.g. “to develop social skills”|

|health assessments and observations of the student |should be “social skills” |

|May include preferred learning modality, previously acquired learning|Maximum of 5 listed |

|skills, strengths in areas such as cognitive processing and |Do not inlcude levels of human support, program or services |

|communication e.g. expressive language – speaking |requirements or specific subjects e.g. 1 to 1 support, small class |

|Do not put in student interests –a student may enjoy reading but this|environment, assistive technology, math support |

|may not mean it is a strength. | |

|Assessment Data: |

|Type Information Source Date Summary of Results |

|All clinical assessment with a date no more than 4 years old and more recent assessments must have a results statement listed – do not use |

|percentile or grade equivalent scores but rather phrases like “above grade” etc – this makes the results understandable to parents and |

|teachers. |

|Educational assessments, e.g. Woodcock Johnson, DRA, Gentry with dates older than 2 years should not be listed |

|This section is not meant to be a list of every standardized assessment ever completed on a student. It is a list of assessments that are |

|used in the development of the IEP. The question to ask is, “Is this assessment relevant and did it inform my thinking and programming for |

|this student?” |

General Classroom Accommodations (assumed across all subjects)

|Instructional |Environmental |Assessment |

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Specific Program Expectations

Only to be used for a subject area that is modified or alternative. For a student’s program that is only accommodated, this section is not completed. The goal must conform to the SMART goals strategy – posted in Study Aids.

|Program Area: |

|Goal: |

|Current Achievement Level |Methods of Progress Review |

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|Learning Expectations |Teaching Strategies |Assessment Methods |

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|Program Area: |

|Goal: |

|Current Achievement Level |Methods of Progress Review |

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|Learning Expectations |Teaching Strategies |Assessment Methods |

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Information Sources Used in Developing and Updating this IEP:

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|This section must be completed |

|A recommended minimum is OSR, report card and previous IEP |

|This is where a Student Safety Mangaement Plan is referenced |

|Consultation with parents, board and outside support staff are listed by name and title here |

Transition Plan for all students at multiple times during their schooling (K to 12) as per PPM 156/14.

|Goals |Actions |Person/agency responsible |timelines |

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Evaluation and Reporting Dates:

|Reporting dates (e.g. Term 1, semester 1, etc.) |Reporting format (e.g. provincial report card, etc) |

| |Either Provincial Report Card, Alternative Report Card – IEP |

|Elementary lists 3 reporting dates |When the IEP is used as a report card, a copy is filed in the OSR |

|Secondary lists 2 reporting dates | |

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Review and Updating: this section reflects the work a Special Education Resource Teacher or teacher of a self contained class does and the date they completed the task. This is an accountability feature that demonstrates the IEP has been reviewed.

|Date |Activity |Outcome |

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Parent / Guardian / Student (age 16 years or older)

I was consulted in the development of the IEP ___

I have received a copy of the IEP ___


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|Signature: Date |

Approved: _____________________________________ _________________________

(Principal’s signature) (date)

Note: the Principal is responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the IEP. When the Principal signs the IEP the following are affirmed:

• the plan has been developed according to Ministry Standards

• addresses the student’s strengths and needs

• the learning expectations will be reviewed

• the student’s progress monitored at least once every reporting period

• program accommodations and/or modifications listed are in place


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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