STUDENT NAME (Please print) Grade. _ HOMEROOM TEACHER _ATTENTION PARENTS/GUARDIANSPLEASE RETURN THE ATTACHED PACKET TO YOUR CHILD'S HOMEROOM TEACHERBY FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 2015DO NOT REMOVE STAPLES ALL ITEMS MUST BE RETURNEDItems Attached:1. Parent Contract2. Dress Code3. Internet Use Form4. Student Code of Conduct Acknowledgment Forms (To view the Student Code of Conduct in its entirety, please go to)Please frequent our website for ongoing news and other important information at CORAL SPRINGS CHARTER SCHOOL PARENT CONTRACTI (We) the parent(s)/guardian(s) of ------:---:----:-::,.--------'grade .agree that:(please print)WHEREAS, in order to provide my (our) child with a unique educational opportunity;WHEREAS, by choosing to enroll my (our) child at the Coral Springs Charter School is a decision of my(our) personal choice and not a privilege;WHEREAS, my (our) desire to enroll my (our) child at the Coral Springs Charter School is premised upon my (our) desire to become an active partner in the education of my (our) child;NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing:1. As a parent of a student at the Coral Springs Charter School, my (our) commitment is to abide by the following resolutions:A. To recognize and embrace my role as the primary educator of my child.B. To abide by the Broward County Student Code of Conduct and the CSCS Addendum thereto.C. To attend all conferences scheduled with any member of the Coral Springs Charter School staff. D. To provide transportation to and from school for my child. I understand that if I am late pickingup my child, Coral Springs Charter School is not responsible for my child's safety. If my child iscontinually tardy, I understand that for the benefit of my child's education, he/she may be required to transfer to a school that is more accessible for my child.E. To purchase uniforms for my child from the Coral Springs Charter School approved supplier.F. To supply a lunch, either brown bagged or purchased from the Coral Springs Charter School approved vendor, each school day for my child.G. To be responsible for timely payment of any fees accrued to my account at the Coral SpringsCharter School.H. To participate in at least one of the many parent groups i.e. PTSO, School's ImprovementCommittee, Booster Clubs, etc.I. To read and use information sent home by the school for the purpose of keeping parents informed of the academic topics to be introduced and studied in the classroom.I (we) understand that by not fulfilling my contractual obligation to the School and to my (our) child, this may result in my (our) child losing the opportunity to recommit for placement for the following school year or withdrawn and sent to a regular Public School at the sole discretion of the Principal as approved by the Coral Springs Charter School Governing Board.As a CSCS parent, I agree to participate in the Parent Volunteer Program (a minimum of 20 hours per school year for one child, 30 hours per school year for more than one child enrolled).I (we) understand that by not fulfilling my contractual obligation to the School and to my (our) child, this WILL result in my (our) child losing the opportunity to recommit for placement for the following school year or withdrawn and sent to a regular Public School at the sole discretion of the Principal as approved by the Coral Springs Charter School Governing Board.***Parent volunteer hours for the 2015-2016 school year are due no later than May 10, 2016.***Signature of Parent/Guardian Date _Acknowledged by:--::--:--:-=-=-:--:--------------Date. _ School OfficialCORAL SPRINGS CHARTER SCHOOL DRESS CODEA higher standard of dress encourages greater respect for individual students and others and results in a higher standard of behavior. It also prepares students for the dress code requirements of the workforce. Our dress code guidelines indicate appropriate school dress for normal school days. CSCS reserves the right to interpret these guidelines and/or make changes during the school year. Students are expected to follow these guidelines. Every student in attendance will wear a school uniform. Failure to wear any part of the school uniform will result in a disciplinary action.+Hair: Hair must neat and clean with only one color (no "unnatural" colors, i.e. bright colors). Modified fauhawks are permitted . Mohawk cuts, blowouts, spiked looks or any other unnatural cuts (i.e., designs in scalp) or excessive attachments will not be permitted. No hats, or headbands may be worn. Braided hair must be neatly braided down.+ Notched eyebrows are prohibited.+ Tattoos: Must not be visible.+ Shoes: Students must wear closed shoes at all times. No slippers (with or without backs), "slides," or"Crocs-style" shoes may be worn. No heavy military type boots, shoes with metal tips or steel toes may be worn. Tennis shoes (sneakers) are preferred.+ Socks: Solid, matching color socks must be worn. Fishnet stockings, knee high socks or otherinappropriate leg wear is not acceptable.+Shirts: All shirts must be uniform shirts purchased from the school store. Shirts cannot exceed mid-thigh length. Only one solid white (long or short sleeve) T-shirt can be worn underneath polo shirts. T?shirts may not be visible below the hem of the shirt.. Jackets, if worn, must be purchased through the school store, concession area or through a team. ALL CSCS zippered jackets must be worn with a CSCS collared school shirt underneath. ABSOLUTELY NO hooded shirts, jackets or sweatshirts are permitted. Sweatshirts worn on Monday through Thursday MUST be purchased through the school store only…NO EXCEPTION! Any previous years’ Senior Jackets are NOT PERMISSIBLE!!!+ Slacks/Shorts: "Dickies" brand UNIFORM with the CSCS LOGO is the mandatory uniform bottom forCSCS. No other brands are accepted. All uniform slacks & shorts must be worn with a belt through the belt loops, worn at the natural waist, be in good repair and be the appropriate size. All pants must be purchased through the school store. Tight fitting, capri's rolled-up and short shorts are not acceptable.+Belts: Students are required to wear belts. Belts/belt buckles displaying offensive symbols, as deemed inappropriate by CSCS faculty or administration, are not to be worn. Additional adornments, such aschains, are not permitted.+In General: Earrings and single nose studs are permitted. No other body piercing (including lip, tongue or eyebrow piercing) or cartilage piercing is allowed. At no time are students to wear anything offensive, immodest or deemed inappropriate by the faculty or administration. No "Gothic" looks, dog collars, spikedjewelry, etc. or any other accessories deemed inappropriate by the faculty and administration.+Uniforms: Students not wearing the appropriate uniform will be written up. Progressive disciplinary actions will be taken for repeat offenders.+Exceptions: No special interest groups/clubs will be allowed to deviate from the uniform dress code except on Fridays (or on other specific days that are announced by administration) at which time students will be allowed to wear SCHOOL APPROVED T-shirts with uniform pants.Although we tried to be specific to all dress code issues, there may be issues not included in this handbook that are left to the discretion of the faculty and administration of the school.427990-3175004987290-762000Student's Name (Please Print) Student's Grade432435-3175004996815-762000Parent/Guardian Signature Date Coral Springs Charter School Internet Use And Promotion 1024255-571500Name of Student (Please Print) GradeStudent/Parent AgreementAs the parent or guardian for the aforementioned student, I do understand and agree to abide by the terms and conditions for use of the school-based computers, all network and internet systems. I further understand that violation of these terms or conditions may cause my child to forfeit further use of the technology provided by the school.I understand that this access is designed solely for educational purposes and the school has taken reasonable precautions to supervise usage. I also recognize it is possible for the school to restrict unsupervised access to all information or materials and I will not hold them responsible for materials acquired on the network. I also accept full responsibility for supervision of my child or ward that may access the resources of the school from outside of the school setting.I also give the school pennission to publish pictures ancl/or print work of or by my child that promote the best interest of the school and its accomplislunents in or on:a.Dedicated webpage b. Newslettersc. Brochuresd. Cable televisione. Other media resourcesYour signature below does not indicate that you agree or disagree with the rules, but rather that you have received a copy of these rules: Return this fonn to school.1005840-10160005184775-1651000Parent/Guardian Signature DateThis booklet lists the District's rules in Policy 5.8, for students in Broward County Public Schools. The rules apply to all activities occurring on school grounds, on other sites being used for school activities, and on any vehicles authorized to transport students. Your signature below does not indicate that you agree or disagree with the rules, but ra!lwr that you have reviewed the electronic copy of these rules (inclex.asp). Return this form to school within 3 days from the first day of school or from the date of enrollment.Parents need to be involved in the education of their children and have the responsibility to:? Know that for school safety, schools are not required to provide supervision more than 30 minutes prior to the official starting time, nor are they required to provide supervision for more than 30 minutes after the official closing time (F.S.1003.31 (2)). Know that for school safety, for students who ride a school bus, drivers are NOT permitted to let students off the bus except at the designated stop.? Provide the school with the names of current emergency contact person(s) and/or telephone numbers on an annual basis and when there are changes.? Notify the school of anything that may affect their child's ability to learn, to attend school regularly, or to take part in school activities.? Be aware that medicine must be administered in accordance with SB Policy 6305, as may be amended, and that consequencesfor transmittal and/or sale or attempted sale of over-the-counter medications and possession and/or use of unauthorized medications can be found in SB Policy 5006. SB Policy 6305 outlines the rules regarding over-the-counter and prescription drugs and SB Policy 5006 outlines the consequences for violating those rules. You may view the complete health and suspension and/or expulsion policies, as well as all School Board policies, on the Web at: Be aware that parents have rights with regard to the privacy and confidentiality of student records that are maintained byschools as defined in Section VIII of this booklet.? Neither the School Board of Broward County nor its employees will be held liable for items that are prohibited and are lost, stolen, or confiscated; or for wireless communication devices or other personal technology that is lost, stolen, or confiscated.? Be aware that confiscated items not claimed by the end of the school year will be donated to local charities.? Recognize that they are responsible for their student's behavior on the way to and from school and at the bus stop. A safe and respectful learning environment is key to academic achievement; therefore any student's off campus actions that seriously affect a student's ability to learn or a staff member's ability to teach may be handled as a disciplinary infraction. For serious incidents that occur at bus stops and/or that are not on School Board property, parents should contact law enforcement directly. For bullying incidents (see bullying definition, Section II), school officials should be notified and will investigate and/or provide assistance and intervention, as the principal/designee deems appropriate, which may include the use of the School Resource Officer.? Ensure their child demonstrates legal, ethical and responsible use of technology including networks, digital tools, the Internet,and software, as defined in Section IV of this booklet.? Parents will continue to maintain responsibility for students who reach the age of majority, (18 years or older), for all educational and discipline purposes, with exceptions as provided by statute.808990-34925004530725-3746500Student Name (PRINT)Student Signature808990-37465004530725-3937000Parent Signature DateviiiAs a parent of a student in Broward County Public Schools, I understand that my student may be photographed, videotaped or interviewed by the news media or by the School District to promote Broward County Public Schools. I understand that pictures and interviews may be used on the District's Web site, in School District publications, external publications and electronic media, as indicated below.51181012954000You Must Mark a GhoiGe in Both SeGtion A and SeGtion BPlease Check Choice #1 or Choice #2(If no choice is marked, then it will default to Choice #1.)1. I WILL permit my student to be photographed, filmed or interviewed by the news media or by the School District to promote Broward County Public Schools.2. I WILL NOT permit my student to be photographed, filmed or interviewed by the news media or by the SchoolDistrict to promote Broward County Public Schools.Please Check Choice #1 or Choice #2(If no choice is marked, then it will default to Choice #1.)1. I WILL permit my student to be photographed, videotaped or interviewed for school publications, such as school yearbooks, school newspapers, class pictures, or other school communications tools. I understand the District is required to release this information if requested by the media or other members of the public (i.e., public records requests).2. I WILL NOT permit my student to be photographed, videotaped or interviewed for school publications, such as school yearbooks, school newspapers, class pictures, or other school communications tools. I understand my student will not be included in school publications, such as school yearbooks, school newspapers, class pictures or other school communications tools.488950-46355003040380-43815005449570-3937000Student Name !PRINT) Student Signature Date488950-36195003035935-31115005445125-3111500Parent Name (PRINT)Parent Signature DateATTENTION! Checking items below will prevent the selected information from appearing in school publications, including, but not limited to, the yearbook, even if you select the "I Will" option on the Media Release Form.Note: Checking "Student's Name" below will also prevent the student's photograph from appearing in the yearbook.Directory information is personally identifiable information that would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. Pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the School Board of Broward County, Florida may disclose in its discretion directory information of a student in any grade level, without prior consent only to (a) colleges, universities or other institutions of higher education in which the student is enrolled, may seek enrollment or may be recruited, (b) for school publications, instructional materials and other school communication tools (including, but not limited to, yearbooks, athletic programs, graduation programs, recruitment brochures, theatrical programs and websites), and/or (c) agencies that provide food, shelter or clothing to students and their families, as determined by District Family Counselors, District Guidance Counselors and District Social Workers.Parents/guardians of students in any grade level, or eligible students (those over the age of 18, emancipated, or attending a postsecondary institution), may opt out of having any or all of the following types of directory information disclosed by indicating, with a check mark (v), those items NOT TO BE DISCLOSED:Student's NameResidential AddressAwards Received_Telephone Number Date Of Birth Place Of Birth_Major Field Of Study_School-SponsoredActivities And Sports_Height and Weight OfAthletic Team MembersDates Of School Attendance _ Degrees Received Name Of The Most RecentSchool Or Program AttendedNOTE: This form must be completed and submilled to the school on an annual basis regardless of whether any of the above items were checked or not, WITHIN 10 DAYS FROM THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL or from the date of enrollment if a student enrolls after the start of each school year.Student Name------------------------------ School _Parent/Guardian/Eligible Student's Name (Print)----------------------Parent/Guardian/Eligible Student's Signature ---------------------- Date _Pursuant to the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), the School Board of Broward County, Florida may disclose student name, address, and telephone number without prior consent to armed services/military institutions for recruitment purposes and to postsecondary educational institutions (colieges, universities, and institutions of higher education), when requested.However, parents/guardians and eligible students (those over the age of 18) may opt out of having this information disclosed by indicating their choice rmation disclosed to armed services/military recruiters:1. I WILL permit the limited directory information listed above to be disclosed to armed services/military recruiters.2. I WILL NOT permit the limited directory information listed above to be disclosed to armed services/military recruiters without my prior rmation disclosed to postsecondary institutions:1. I WILL permit the limited directory information listed above to be disclosed to postsecondary institutions.2.I WILL NOT permit the limited directory information listed above to be disclosed to postsecondary institutions without my prior permission.NOTE: This form must be completed and submitted to the principal on an annual basis, regardless of the chosen option, WITHIN10 DAYS FROM THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL or from the date of enrollment if a student enrolls after the start of each school year.In addition to this form, all 11th and 12th grade students must also complete the FERPA Opt Out Notification Form/ All Grades provided in the Code for Student Conduct.Student Name-------------------------------- High School _Parent/Guardian/Eligible Student's Name (Print)---------------------- Parent/Guardian/Eligible Student's Signature _ Date _ ................

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