Med Pro Educational Services, LLC

Med Pro Educational Services, LLC

Medication Nursing Assistant

Student and Instructor Handbook

Twelve Edition- January 2021

Med Pro Educational Services

Admission Requirements

The following standards must be met prior to acceptance into the course:

➢ Employer recommendation

➢ Completed application

➢ Pass an entrance exam with no less than 90%

➢ Submit evidence of a current Mantoux testing

➢ Criminal Record form: Completed criminal record, free from any felony charges and any charges of abuse, theft or drug related charges.

*All felony and/or misdemeanor charges for abuse, theft or drug related offenses make an applicant ineligible for admission.

➢ Two-character references from supervisors

➢ Holds a valid and unencumbered nursing assistant license issued by the board of nursing

➢ Possesses proficiency in English and basic mathematics as determined by the sponsoring institution

➢ Proof of valid NH unrestricted nursing assistance license

➢ Proof of employment within the past 5 years with the equivalent of 2 years full time

*Prior experience and education as a Medication Nursing Assistance cannot be applied to programs and courses

Acceptance into the program will be determined by meeting all of the above criteria. Acceptance will not be influenced by race, color, religion, age, national origin, marital status, or sexual preferences. Students with disabilities will also be considered for the program provided they meet all eligibility criteria and can perform the functions of an MNA. All students will be given equal clinical opportunities.


MPES Acknowledges that:

Healthcare workers primary responsibility is to their clients. Our mission to provide expanded training in the function of a nursing assistant while recognizing that the basic attribute should include the following: to respect patient rights, to maintain dignity at all times, to foster independence, treat each patient with ethical conduct, maintain confidentiality, respect their varied experiences/cultures and provide optimum care. We recognize that caregivers have a responsibility to pursue continued education and to be a representative of their colleagues.

Payment of course

Refund and payment policy

Registration Fee: $150.00 (nonrefundable)

Tuition: $1580.00. Half is due upon application ($740.00), of which $150.00 is the nonrefundable registration fee

Uniform: Student responsibility

Lab fees: $100.00

Textbook: $150.00 through Med Pro Educational or Student responsibility

Drug reference book: Student responsibility

Unpaid balance due by 4th class or a $50.00 late fee will be applied

Additional fees:

Late fee $50.00

Makeup class and clinical hours $40.00 per hour must be paid in advance

Retake of final exam: $100.00 administrative fee PLUS $40.00 per hours for test x2 hours ($80.00)

Optional Private Tutoring is available at students request and/or will be offered for students based on performance on quizzes. Strongly recommended for students that do not pass the final exam on the first attempt: $40.00 per hour. Fees must be paid in advance.

Any buyer may cancel this transaction any time prior to midnight of the third business day after the date of this transaction.

Refunds will be based on Hedc 307.02 (b).  All other refunds will be in compliance with Hedc 307.03 Refunds.   

 Hedc 307.02 Full Refund.  A school shall provide a student with a full refund, of all monies paid within 30 days if:


          (a)  The school procured the student's enrollment as the result of any false representations in the written materials used by the school or in oral representations made by or on behalf of the school; or


          (b)  The student withdraws from the program or course on or before the first day of instruction, a full refund, less an administrative fee, not to exceed $150.


          Hedc 307.03 Other Refunds.


          (a)  A school shall provide a student with a partial refund of monies paid within 30 days if:


(1)  A student who withdraws or is dismissed before 50% of the instruction period shall receive a pro-rata refund, less an administrative fee, not to exceed $350;


(2)  A student who withdraws or is dismissed after more than 50% of the instruction period shall receive no refund.

Per Hedc 300 rules.

a.       All refunds shall be paid within 30 days upon written notification from a student of cancellation or withdrawal; and

b.       Students receiving benefits from federal programs shall be subject to federal refund policies, rules and regulations

All notice of withdrawal must be made in writing to the MPES to be considered for refunds


MPES does not accept transfers or credits from any other institutions.

Our expectation is that students will come to class prepared at the time designated by the instructor. It is the responsible of the student to know their schedule. Students are required to attend each class day.

MPES has a zero-tolerance policy on abandonment, defined by the Board of Nursing as

“Leaving an assignment without notifying your supervisor (instructor).” Immediate expulsion will result for abandonment of any reason.

In order to graduation, the student must complete a total of 60 hours, 30 in theory/classroom and 30 clinical hours. Students that miss any hours in the program must make them up at the discretion of the Director and all hours must be completed by the students scheduled graduation date. There is a $40.00 per hour make up fee that must be paid before the hours are scheduled. Students that miss theory may not proceed to clinical until the theory hours are completed. If there is not time for the completion of the theory hours before the next scheduled clinical, the student will also be responsible for make hours for the clinical that is missed at $40.00 per hour. Students missing any portion of the clinical may not take the final exam until the hours are completed. If a student misses the last class for any reason, they have one week to pay the makeup fees and two weeks to complete the missed class. If the hours are not completed within two weeks, the student forfeits all fees and will be required to take the course again in full at the full tuition cost. If a student has an unpaid balance on the last day of class, they may attend the clinical portion, however may not sit for the final exam. The balance must be paid and the final exam taken within two weeks or the student will forfeit all fees and receive an incomplete for the course. An incomplete, although is not considered a failing grade, will result in the student needing to retake the course again in full and will be responsible for full tuition.

Observed Holidays

New Year’s Day, Presidents Day, Easter Sunday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas eve (evening classes only), Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve (evening classes only)

Dress Code

Students are expected to present themselves in a professional manner at all times, including their appearance. Per Board of Nursing regulations, student must be easily identifiable. For this reason, MPES has established the following dress code for students.

➢ Name tags will be worn at all times

➢ A white top and uniform of any color is the dress code

➢ Watch with a second hand is required

➢ Large jewelry, dangling earrings and necklaces are discouraged for safety reasons. Visible body piercing and offensive tattoos are not acceptable.

➢ We discourage acrylic nails. Nails are to be trimmed, clean and free of chipped polish

➢ Hair longer than shoulder length will be pulled back

Any student coming to class/clinical without proper attire will be sent home to change.


Students will be given one 15 -minute break for any class day less than 6.5 hours long. One 15 minute and one 30-minute break will be given for classes lasting six to eight hours. All students will be given the opportunity for a 10-minute break each hour in addition to the regularly schedule breaks outlined above. Smoke breaks will be taken in the location designated by the facility.

Code of Conduct

MPES reserves the right to refuse a student in class if alcohol, drug, or any substance abuse is suspected. MPES reserves the right to request voluntary drug or blood alcohol levels at the expense of the student if impairment is probable (suspected by two Licensed staff, one being the instructor). Refusal will result in expulsion of the class. Positive findings will also result in expulsion.

Any student bringing weapons of any type to a class/clinical will be expelled from the class and the police notified as appropriate.

MPES will not accept behavior that interferes with the learning processes of fellow students, infringement of other rights or degradation of any other member. This includes sexual harassment, threats, insults, profanity and offensive jokes.

Any student that witnesses or is subjected to this behavior should report the behavior to their instructor immediately.

It is expected that students will present themselves in a positive, helpful manner at all times. Students will abide by a code of ethics that fosters personal growth, responsibility, confidentiality, and professional conduct at all times. Any student that impedes on the rights of others, or acts in an unprofessional manner will proceed through the progressive disciplinary process.

Release of Responsibility

Students are discouraged from bringing money or valuables to class. MPES or the host facility will not be responsible for any lost items/monies.

Organizational Information

Director: Pamela Meyer MS, APRN, FNP-C

Students report directly to their instructor for absences or classroom concerns

If issues are not resolved in a manner acceptable to the student, they may file a grievance directly with the Director

Grievance Policy

MPES adopts the following grievance policy:

If a situation occurs while in class/clinical where a student feels there is a need for the instructor to assist them with conflict resolution, the students will provide in writing their complaint.

The instructor has 3 weekdays to investigate and attempt to find an agreeable resolution in writing. If the student is unsatisfied with the resolution, they have the option of notifying the program coordinator. The student will forward all original written complaints to the program coordinator. The program coordinator has additional 3 weekdays to investigate, and provide written attempt of resolution to the student.

All grievance resolutions will be forwarded to the program coordinator to keep on file.

If the student’s concern is related to the instructor, they will provide written documentation to the program coordinator directly.

All grievances should be emailed to MedProEducational@ to allow for immediate investigation.

If a student has exhausted the complaint process of the school, and said process was found in favor of the school, the student may then ask that the Department of Education assist with the grievance policy by contacting:

Department of Education

Division of Educator Support Higher Education

Office of Career School Licensing 

101 Pleasant Streets

Concord, NH 03301

Phone (603) 271-6443

Progressive Disciplinary Procedure

It is anticipated that all students will adhere to the codes established by MPES. In the event this is not achieved, disciplinary action up to and including termination from the program may occur.

Disciplinary action will be based on the severity of the transgression. MPES recognizes two varying degrees of infractions. The lesser degree being those, which do not result in, physical or mental harm to others or result in damage to property due to, purposeful or negligent acts.

Lesser infractions may include but are not limited to the following:

❑ Excessive use of the telephone

❑ Loitering

❑ Unauthorized breaks

❑ Wasting facility supplies

❑ Failure to maintain personal appearance

❑ Tardiness

❑ Personal discussions during class. The intention is for the classroom to be a positive learning experience for all. Personal conversations/information will take place only at scheduled breaks.

A first offense may result in counseling from the instructor. The area for concern will be brought to the LNA’s attention. The LNA and the instructor will work together to problem solve towards a positive outcome.

A second offense may result in a written warning. The LNA and the instructor will discuss the need for immediate improvement and a formalized plan of correction will be developed. A copy of the plan of correction will be given to the student with measurable goals and a time frame in which to demonstrate improvement.

Depending on the severity of the violation an LNA may be expelled from the program without delay. Such actions of gross misconduct may include but are not limited to:

❑ Abuse of care recipients

❑ Attending class/clinical under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other substance

❑ Falsifying records

❑ Performing duties outside of established parameters

❑ Breach of confidentiality

❑ Abandonment

❑ Missing an hour in the program

❑ Intentional mishandling of Controlled substance

Cell phones, pagers, blackberries or any communication device

Under no circumstances are communication devices allowed on during class. Nor will they be allowed on the nursing units. Although the risk is low, they do emit radiation than can interfere with pacemakers and other medical monitoring devices on the units. Students should take care of personal calls on their breaks.

Failure to comply will result in the progressive disciplinary process. Students that post anything with regard to patients, facility or class information on Facebook, Twitter or other social media will be violating HIPPA regulations and will expelled immediately.


The instructor will arrange a conference with the LNA. At this time the LNA will be informed why he/she is being considered for dismissal.

The LNA will have the opportunity to defend his/her actions.

The instructor will bring all information before the admissions council for review. A written binding decision will be forwarded to the LNA within two (2) working days.

Expected Outcomes of Students

Training will be conducted in a Board of Nursing Approved environment that fosters growth and where students are given the opportunity to succeed. The classroom preparation will include theory, and lab as well as clinical experiences.

During the clinical and theory, student outcomes will include the following:

➢ Demonstrate comprehension of training and provide care through a holistic approach.

➢ Demonstrate strong interpersonal skills with both patients and the healthcare team to ensure optimum care is provided.

➢ Demonstrate sound decision-making abilities and provide safe practices based on direction from a registered or licensed practical nurse.

➢ Demonstrate understanding of importance of reporting significant information regarding their clients.

➢ Demonstrate understanding of the importance of the role of the caregiver and to maintain professionalism at all times.

➢ Demonstrate safe administration of medications, to include sound understanding of resident rights, Pharmacology, drug actions, basic math, administration procedures, body systems, and different drug therapies.


Teacher to student ratio will be one instructor in the classroom and lab portions with no more than one instructor per 4 students in the clinical setting. Students may not move into the clinical program unless they have passed all lab skills with 100% accuracy. Students that successfully complete the program must pass the final exam with at least a 90%.

Theory will consist of the body system, Pharmacology, Pharmokinetics, Forms of medication, routes of medication, standard abbreviations, 5 rights of medication administration, infection control, use of equipment and methods of assessment, review of various drug types, disease process, working with the geriatric client rehab, and communication skills through a holistic approach.

Lab will include completion of a skills checklist to evaluate the student’s understanding and safety practices.

Clinical experiences will allow the student to work directly with the geriatric population administering medications under the supervision on the instructor only.

Need for accommodations for students with learning disabilities

MPES will make every effort to provide reasonable accommodations to students with learning disabilities. It is however, the student’s responsibility to alert the instructor on the first day of class of any learning disability. The student must provide official written documentation of the disabilities and any accommodations that the student requires to assist them in the program. Should additional theory or clinical hours be required, they must be completed in a program that has space available, and does not exceed four students in clinical. Although MPES makes every effort to allow students to complete hours in a location close to home, there are times when that area does not have space available or a class in progress. Therefore, students may be required to attend programs in other areas of the state; transportation is the student’s responsibility. Students must have additional hours completed prior to their graduation date to enable MPES to evaluate their potential for certification and graduation. Graduation dates will not be extended in order for a student to complete additional hours. Students are evaluated on the performance of the hours/test scores completed to be considered for graduation. Should a student prefer private tutoring, there is an hourly rate of forty dollars per hour, to be paid in advance by the student.

Reasonable accommodations include: allowing additional theory hours in another program as outlined above, offering additional clinical hours in another program as outlined above, and private tutoring as outlined. Request for accommodations outside of these parameters will be forwarded to the NH Board of Nursing’s ADA committee. Students should be aware that the board meets on specific dates only, should their case not be heard during their program, they may have to stop attending class until the Board has had the chance to review their files and make a determination


Examinations will be as follows: the program consists of 30 hours of theory. During the theory portion of the course, students will take six (6) quizzes and a final exam. Quizzes will be done in class and reviewed at the end of each day. Quizzes not graded, however, will allow for discussion. A minimum of 90% must be obtained on the final in order to receive a graduation certificate. Exams are formulated from the program objectives and expected outcomes.

Students failing the final may take a separate and different final exam; the retake must be at least one week after the previous test to allow for additional studying, but no later than two weeks after the first final was attempted. An administration fee of $100.00 will be billed to the student or the sponsoring facility as well as $40.00 per hour for the instructor’s time.

If a student fails the exam on the second attempt, they will be required to retake the course at their own or their sponsoring facilities expense.

The program provides 30 hours of clinical time. Should a student fail to demonstrate clinical competence and meet NUR 804.2 after completion of those hours, they will have the option of attending an additional ten hours of clinical. Specific outcome will be given to those students from the Director in writing. The student will pay a rate of $40.00 per hour in advance for administrative fees. If they are able to meet the requirements consistently prior to the ten hours, a refund to the student will be mailed within 7 business days. Students who not able to meet the requirements will not be issued a certificate and will be offered to retake the program at their expense.

A portion of test and quiz questions are credited to “Administering Medications, Pharmacology for Health Careers”, eighth edition. Written by Donna F Gauwitz RN, MS and Phyllis Theiss Bayt, RN, BS, CMA. Glenco McGraw – Hill Publishers, NY, NY

Lab will be evaluated from the Training Skills Proficiency Check, with 100% accuracy expected before moving into the clinical program. Students who are not able to attend clinical with their original class, will be scheduled with the next available course.

Clinical competence will be evaluated through accurate completion of and direct observation of the instructor. The Training Skills Proficiency Check List will be reviewed each class by the instructor. All students must demonstrate proficiency in all mandatory skills in order to be eligible for certification.

Student Files

At the end of each graduating class, the following forms will be shredded and no longer available to students: Criminal Record Check, TB testing.

After completion of the annual review by the NH Board of Nursing; the remainder of the student’s file will be shredded, with the exception of the following information: original student application, certificate of completion, any disciplinary forms, and skills checklist. The student’s final grade and attendance record will be noted on the instructors’ class record. After four years, only the following forms will be maintained at the school: Student application and certificate. Final grades will be maintained on an Excel spread sheet.


Pamela Meyer MS, APRN, FNP-C- Director

Patricia Morrissey RN, BSN-Instructor

Jennifer Guthro RN, BSN- Instructor

Yvonne DeCesare RN, BS

Our Education programs are licensed by:

Department of Education

Division of Educator Support and Higher Education

Career School Licensing

101 Pleasant Street

Concord, NH 03301

Phone 603 271-6443

Med Pro Educational Services

I __________________________acknowledge that I have received a

(Print Name)

Copy of the Medication Nurse Assistant Training Student Handbook.

I have read the handbook and I agree to abide by the policies of the program.

__________________________________ _____________

Student Signature Date

__________________________________ ______________

Instructor Signature Date

Supplemental Handbook Policy during Covid 19 Pandemic.

This attachment is in addition to the Med Pro Handbook and all policies outlined are still applicable if they fall outside of the supplemental policies.

During Covid 19 restrictions, Med Pro Educational will be providing MNA training via Zoom on line learning

In order to participate, students must have a computer with both audio and video capability.

Zoom invitations will be emailed in advance of each class and it is the student’ responsibility to ensure they do not delete the emails so they can join as scheduled.

Prior to the first day of class, students will be invited to attend a Welcome meeting, this will allow students to meet the instructor and their peers and work with Zoom to ensure there are no technical difficulties before classes begin.


Attendance is mandatory for all classes via zoom format. If for any reason a student misses time, we will refer them back to the student Handbook for policies related to make up hours and hours required for graduation.

Med Pro will not be held responsible for missed hours due to technical difficulties that are related to student’s computer, internet connection, inability to visualize or interact with the class or instructor and such missed hours will fall under the attendance policy.

Section: Progressive Disciplinary Section of the Handbook.


We ask the students attend zoom class in a private, quiet area without distractions. 

Distractions and interference of the learning environment will be addressed as a warning via the Handbook policy.

We request that students keep their audio on mute during class to prevent background noise from interfering with the learning process.

There will be time allotted for questions at the end of lecture section, at which time students can raise their hands and the instructor will instruct that student to unmute during the question.

The instructor reserves the right to remove any student from the session for the rest of the class if there is compromise to the learning process of others. Missed hours will be made up per the attendance policy.


Med Pro reserves the right to video tape any and all classroom sessions to be used as proof of conduct in the event that disciplinary action is required.

Under no circumstances may students’ video any session via a phone, laptop or other device.

Theory: students will receive a calendar with required readings for each class. The expectation is students come prepared to class. Lectures will address the reading material as well as lab and quiz administration.

Quizzes and Final Exam:

Per policy, quizzes are not graded and are meant to evaluate how well the student understands the material and to determine if there is any content that needs to be reviewed.

Links to the quizzes will be emailed to the students one week ahead of time and students will receive feedback on their scores with incorrect answers. There will be time allotted during theory for students to ask questions they may have about the incorrect answers.

Before the final exam, students will be emailed two separate emails. One for the zoom meeting, and one for the final exam link. It is imperative the zoom meeting is entered first then the test link. This meeting will be recorded so MPES can insure the integrity of the exam. Students will not receive a score for the final until all forms are returned to Med Pro as instructed.

Students will show the instructor their work space. There may be no signage on the walls that may assist with the test questions, the desk must be clear of all items. Students must be visible the entire time they are taking the exam, therefore, there we cannot allow students to get up and leave the view of the instructor.

Per policy, students have two hours to complete the Final exam.

If the instructor suspects a student suspicious activity or the student moves out of the field of observation they will be removed from the session without explanation and will not be allowed back into that session. Med Pro Director will review the video within three business days to determine if the student is eligible to return to class or if expulsion is warranted. If the student is allowed to return, they will be given a new and separate final exam.

Under no circumstances are students allowed to video or tape any portion of class, lab or testing. This will result in expulsion without recourse and the student will not be allowed into another course.


As clinical is now via lab simulate and to prevent reusing of labs supplies during the Pandemic, students will be required to purchase labs/clinical supplies. To ensure uniformity of supplies, these will be provided by Med Pro for an additional lab fee of $100.00 and is due with submission of the original application. This fee is refundable if supplies have not been mailed to the student, otherwise, the fee is nonrefundable. The fee covers the cost of all supplies, forms and postage. Students may not begin class if supplies are not present for each session. A rush fee will be billed as applicable.

There are some skills that the students will not be able to demonstrate, in order to meet the requirements of the graduation, students will be assigned a clinical skill to present to the class via posterboard each session.

The print should be large enough for all to see, cover infection control, the skills step by step administration to include the rights of administration.

We encourage students to be creative with demonstrations of said skills. Under no circumstances will photos of patients , live models or human photos of anatomy be allowed.

For the final check off each student will demonstrate all skills required if lab supplies are available and/or present a posterboard presentation on the skill (s). You will have 30 minutes to present all skills.

Students should plan ahead and be ready to present each skill and/ or posterboard with 100% accuracy in order to pass the clinical/lab portion.

Posterboard presentations required for the course include but are not limited to administration of:

Rectal medications

Vaginal medications

Enteral tubes medication administration

Auricular medications

Eye medications

The following medications will be demonstrated in lab via supplies from Med Pro and be able to speak to the entire process including infection control practices.

Narcotic administration

Inhalation of medications

By mouth medications

Topical (students should have regular non medicated lotions available to demonstrate)

Installation of eye medications *simulation on self

Administration of nasal drops *simulation on self

Spraying medication on mucus membranes *simulation on self

Completion of incident report

Under no circumstances are students to ingest or self-administer any medicated or OTC products for the purpose of demonstration

I understand and agree to the above policies:

Student signature and date:



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