Monroe Township School District

Name: _____________________________ Date: ______________________________Emperors of Rome History Hunt Mystery Emperor #1 Who Am I? ____________________________________ I ruled from ___________ to _____________-I tried to make my horse a Senator and Consul-I provided great Gladiatorial Games and abolished sales tax______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Mystery Emperor #2 Who Am I? ____________________________________ I ruled from ___________ to _____________-My rule started and ended violently and ironically I banned capital punishment in Rome.- I had my own mother murdered______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mystery Emperor #3: Who Am I? ____________________________________ I ruled from ___________ to _____________I won a great victory at Actium, Greece verses Marc AntonyTo protect myself, I created the Praetorian Guard_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Mystery Emperor #4: Who Am I? ____________________________________ I ruled from ___________ to _____________The Senate at first did not want him as Emperor Thought to have been poisoned by his wife______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Mystery Emperor #5: Who Am I? ____________________________________ I ruled from ___________ to _____________Senate had to consult him by letter for most of his ruleFeared for his life and especially by his own Praetorian Guard.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Put the first five Emperors of Rome in orderBonus Question: Can you name our first five Presidents?Mystery Emperor #6: Who Am I ? ____________________________________ I ruled from ___________ to _____________Nika Riot took place during my period as Emperor I had problems with the Pope and strained relations between Eastern and Western Empires of Rome.I had restored the most important church in the East called the Hagia Sophia______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mystery Emperor #7: Who Am I ? ____________________________________ I ruled from ___________ to _____________-The Ruins of this building below was finished during my time as Emperor -The Eruption of Mount Vesuvius during my reign destroyed the towns of Pompeii, Herculaneum, Stabiae and Oplontis______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mystery Emperor #8 Who Am I ? ____________________________________ I ruled from ___________ to _____________-I converted to Christianity as a result of seeing a Flaming Cross with the inscription “In this conquer” before a great victory.- Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire-I changed the capital of the Roman Empire and named it after myself____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Mystery Emperor #9: Who Am I ? ____________________________________ I ruled from ___________ to _____________ I am on this coin that dates back to 300 A.D. (A time period during my rule) -I ordered the destruction of all churches and scriptures within the empire _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Mystery Emperor #10: Who Am I? ____________________________________ I ruled from ___________ to _____________-I was emperor before Hadrian-I had a prestigious military and political career.-I served as Army Commander, Senator and Governor of Upper Germany_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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