Felix Cook, Jr

Parent/Student Handbook




Houston Independent School District

Non-Discrimination Statement

It is the policy of the Houston Independent School District not to discriminate on the basis of age, color, handicap or disability, ancestry, national origin, marital status, race, religion, sex, veteran status, or political affiliation in its educational or employment programs and activities.

Felix Cook, Jr. Elementary School

Elementary School Handbook

Student and Parent Agreement

I have read and discussed the Felix Cook, Jr. Elementary School Handbook with my child/children. We understand and are committed to supporting the school administration, policies, and programs outlined in it.

Please sign and return this sheet only to your oldest child’s classroom teacher.

_________________________________________ _____________

Parent Signature Date

_________________________________________ _____________

Student Signature Teacher

Please have all siblings attending Cook Sign Below:

_________________________________________ _____________

Student Signature Teacher

_________________________________________ _____________

Student Signature Teacher

_________________________________________ _____________

Student Signature Teacher


Felix Cook, Jr. Elementary School


Fine Arts Academy

Laquetta Kennedy, Principal

7115 Lockwood Street

Houston, Texas 77016

Main Office: (713) 636-6040 Fax Number: (713) 636-6088

School Administration & Support Staff

Stefanie Solomon, Assistant Principal

Arlyn Jackson, Magnet Coordinator

Yvonne Payton-Parks, Counselor

LaWanda Williams, Teacher Specialist

Sonya Hamilton, Teacher Coordinator

Carolyn Bailey, School Nurse

Margo Cook, Secretary

Sherry Starling, SIMS Specialist

Mascot: Stallion

School Colors: Black, Red & White

Dear Parents/Guardian & Students:

Welcome to the 2012-2013 school year! This parent/student handbook is designed to be a quick reference to answer most frequently asked questions.

Please note that the word “Parent” refers to the student’s legal guardian, or other persons who have agreed to assume school-related responsibility for a student. Both students and parents must be familiar with the policies and procedures of Felix Cook, Jr. Elementary School as they are outlined in this Student Handbook. Please be reminded that the handbook is updated annually, while policy adoption and revisions may occur throughout the year. Changes in policy that affect the student handbook will be made available to students and parents through newsletters and other communications.

I strongly recommend that parents review the entire handbook with their children and keep it as a reference during the school year. If you, or your child, have any questions about any of the material in this handbook, please contact your child’s teacher or the school. Also, please complete and return the Parent and Student Agreement Form to your oldest child’s teacher so that we may have record of your receipt.

Please note that the intent of this handbook is to promote school safety and an atmosphere for learning and is used in harmony with the HISD Policies & Procedures and the Student Code of Conduct.

We want each of you to feel that you are a welcome part of the school and that Cook Elementary School is your school.

Laquetta Kennedy, Principal

Felix Cook, Jr. Elementary School

Mission Statement

The Mission of our school is to educate the “whole child” assisting each student to develop to his/her fullest potential in all academic areas to become a productive and responsible citizen and/or individual.


• A positive self concept enhances the learning process.

• The faculty and staff have high expectations for each student.

• All students are capable of learning.

• It is the obligation of educators and parents to provide experiences and an environment conducive to learning.

• Self discipline is encouraged through modeling of proper behaviors.

• Every student should be challenged academically and socially through an integrated learning process.

• Interpersonal relationships are essential in a school facility to ensure a spirit of camaraderie and create an environment of security.

• We are committed to building leaders who think analytically and make appropriate decisions.

• An effective learning experience includes active involvement on the part of each student.

• Teaching strategies vary to accommodate learners at all levels.


School Hours

Breakfast In The Classroom 7:35 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.

Instruction Begins 8:05 a.m.

Students Dismissed 3:00 p.m.

Special Note:

• Students must not be dropped off before the building opens

at 7:15 a.m.

• Students are tardy after 8:00 a.m.


Regular school attendance is necessary for success in school. It is also essential for the student to make the most of your child’s education in order to benefit from teacher-led activities. It is important that students build each day’s learning on that of the previous day, and to grow as an individual. Absences from class may result in serious disruption of a student’s mastery of the instructional materials. Every student is expected to attend school every day. Each time a student is absent, a note must be sent by the parent on the first day the student returns to school, stating why the student was absent.

• Each day the student is absent, a phone call will be made from Connect-Ed (The Central Office).

• After three days of absences, without notification to the school, an attendance list will be given to the attendance officer of H.I.S.D.

• The attendance officer will make contact with the parent (usually at the residence) to find out why the student is absent.

• Students with more than 4 unexcused absences are subject to grade failure.

• Patterns of absences are subject to a phone call to the parent by a school administrator.

• Attendance is checked daily, students must be present by 9:00 a.m. to be considered present for that school day. If for some reason your child will be late due to emergencies (doctor’s appointment etc.) you must call the school so the child won’t be marked absent.


All students must be picked up from the Main Office and signed out of school by the parent, guardian, or anyone else designated on the current year Enrollment Form. Photo Identification is required of all persons signing a student out of school. Parents should avoid checking out students before regular dismissal if possible.

*There will be no early release between 2:30 and 3:00 p.m.

Dress Code

The responsibility for appearance of students begins with parents and the students themselves. Students’ clothing and hair styles should reflect neatness, cleanliness and self-respect so that the school is a desirable place in which to promote learning and character development. A student who is not attired properly or exhibits grooming which is detrimental and /or distractive to the school environment shall be asked to refrain from wearing the inappropriate attire and shall be required to make arrangements for more suitable or appropriate dress. The principal shall make the final decision.

Uniform Policy


We require uniforms for the following reasons:

1. Ensure the health and safety of everyone in our school.

2. Maintain a positive, orderly school climate for optimal academic success.

3. To avoid any unacceptable disruptions or distractions to the learning environment.

4. Foster appropriate dress habits.


• Students must wear Black, Red or White Polo Style (Collared Shirts) or Oxford Style (Button Down) Shirts Only.

• No Sleeveless Vest or Crop Tops.

• All shirts must be worn tucked into bottoms

• Cook School Spirit T-shirts on Fridays.


• Students must wear Black or Khaki bottoms (shorts and skirts must be to the knees.)

• Girls may wear skirts, jumpers or skorts.

• All bottoms must be secured with a belt (NO SAGGING!!!)


Friday Attire:

• Students may wear blue jean pants with a Cook Elementary School Spirit Shirt.

Hair/Head Coverings:

• Hair must be neatly combed and clean in appearance. The following hair grooming items are NOT allowed: Metal Rakes, Combs, Brushes, Wrap Scarves, Bandanas, Wave Caps, Skull Caps or Hair Rollers.


• Hoods of jackets/pullovers/coats CANNOT be worn inside the building


• ALL shoes MUST be closed toe and closed back.

• NO Flip Flops or Sandals



• Expensive or Irreplaceable jewelry should not be worn.

• Jewelry depicting or suggesting drugs, alcohol or vulgar/obscene language may NOT be worn.


7115 Lockwood Street

Houston, Texas 77016

Laquetta Kennedy, Principal


2012-2013 School Year

Dismissal Group Dismissal Area

Day Care Vans and Private Bus Riders Lockwood Street Entrance

Pre-K – Kindergarten without siblings

Magnet Bus Riders, Life Skills, Special Bennington St. – Doors By

Education Bus Riders and BSC Main Office

Car Riders with out Siblings Bennington St. – Doors by

1st – 5th Grade Multipurpose Room

Car Riders with Siblings Cafeteria – Bennington Street Pre K – 5th Grade

All Student Walkers Multipurpose Room – Bennington St

All classroom teachers will escort students out to their dismissal area and remain with them until each student is picked up.

Non-classroom teachers are located at various points around the campus with Stop Signs to ensure student safety when crossing intersections, getting on buses, and walking home.

Adults picking students up early must present a Picture ID and must be listed on the Student Enrollment Form. Students will NOT be signed out between 2:30p.m. – 3:00 p.m. ALL STUDENTS WILL BE DISMISSED AT 3:00 P.M.

School Rules & Expectations

|Classroom Expectations |Playground Rules |

|Respect school property. |Respect yourself and others. |

|Use school materials and equipment appropriately. |No fighting |

|Keep hands, feet, and objects to self. |Use appropriate language. |

|Follow directions the first time given. |Stay in assigned area. |

|Walk and talk quietly inside the school building. |Use equipment properly. |

|Use acceptable language. |Remain outside during recess. |

|Dress appropriately. |Report all accidents to adult on duty. |

|Attend classes, be on time, and follow classroom rules. | |

|Cafeteria Rules |Multi-Purpose Room Rules |

|Enter and exit quietly |Enter and exit quietly with your class. |

|Move through the serving line only once during lunch |Keep hands and feet to yourself. |

|Wait quietly in line. |Sit flat and quietly in assigned places. |

|Use good table manners. |Listen with respect. |

|Eat only your lunch, no exchanging food. |Applaud when appropriate. |

|No throwing food in cafeteria. | |

|Clean up your area and clear tray properly. |Restroom Rules |

|No canned or bottled soft drinks, fast food, or chewing gum. |Use proper restroom manners. |

|All food is to remain in the cafeteria. |Keep walls and floors clean. |

| |Use quiet voices |

| |Use supplies wisely |

| |When finished, leave quickly. |

|Hallway Rules |Office Rules |

|No Pencils/Pens Allowed |Use office phone for school business only |

|Walk quietly at all times |Carry a hall pass when coming to the office. |

|Carry a hall pass when outside the classroom. | |

|Remain with your class. | |

|Walk on stairs one step at a time. | |

|Bus Rules | |

|Always remain seated while bus is in motion. | |

|Obey the bus driver. | |

|Do not disturb the bus driver. | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

Grading Scales/Report Cards/Progress Reports


A = 100-90

B = 89-80

C = 79-75

D = 74-70

F = Below 69

Ancillary grading SCALE

E = Excellent

S = Satisfactory

N = Needs Improvement

U = Unsatisfactory

Conduct SCALE

E = Excellent

S = Satisfactory

P = Poor

U = Unsatisfactory

Homework & Homework Request

Regularly assigned homework is desirable in assisting pupils to achieve satisfactory school progress and develop good study habits. Assignments are an extension of classroom work to provide drill and to help students to become more proficient with objectives.

If specific assignments are not made by the teachers, standing assignments may include the following academically constructive activities: reading library books, newspapers, magazines, reviewing spelling words, handwriting, or math facts with flash cards.

Students who are absent three days or more may request homework to be picked up by parents. Requests must be received in the office before 10:00 a.m. and may be picked up after 2:00 p.m.

Care of Books

Textbooks and library books are the property of the Houston School Board of Education. They are provided to educate children. Each student is responsible for the proper care of all books issued to him or her. We urge all students to take proper care of books.

Damaged books must be paid for by the parent or guardian of the child. The school is given authority by School Board policy and state law to refuse to issue report cards to students who owe money to the school and school organizations. Examples: lost or damaged textbooks, library books or library fines. Neither additional books nor report cards will be issued until payment is received for lost books.


Volunteer’s In Public Schools (VIPS) is the Houston ISD Volunteer Program. They are caring adults who tutor students, serve as classroom assistants to teachers, provide enrichment and hands on experiences with computers, work in the library, clinic, office, cafeteria, and provide other support.

All parents interested in becoming a VIPS volunteer must register at under the V.I.S.I.T.S. Program and complete a background check. Parents may also pick up the volunteer form from the Main Office.

HISD Disclaimer Statement:

In accordance with the HISD Board Policy, the district will obtain a background check from the appropriate enforcement agencies prior to your volunteer service. Furthermore, please understand that you must provide photo identification to the school’s Main Office in order to complete the application. Finally, all information you provide is confidential and will not be released to any other governmental entity.

Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) & Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)

The PTO & PAC provides a strong bond for you as parents, to become involved in your child’s education and school. Please contact the school to become involved and watch for fliers with meeting dates.

Student Discipline

The effective enforcement of the HISD Code of Student Conduct and the School-Based Discipline Management System is essential in keeping our school/school-related activities free of disruption. Our school embraces the philosophy of assertive discipline. This approach includes both positive rewards and negative consequences. Each teacher will post and reinforce expected behaviors (rules) which enhance the learning process. Every student is expected to comply with these rules which basically fall into three categories: respect for self, respect for others and respect for property. When compliance of rules does not occur, a progressive discipline approach is used.

To maintain an effective learning environment we require the commitment of parents, teachers and students. A copy of the HISD Code of Student Conduct is sent home at the beginning of the year for your information.

School Wide Agreement

1. Respect Yourself

2. Respect Others

3. Respect Your Property and the Property of Others

4. Observe Quiet Zones

5. Bring Supplies needed for school daily.


Cook Elementary School is not responsible for lost or stolen personal belongings brought to school! If any of the following items are brought to school, they will be taken by the Principal, Assistant Principal or Counselor and returned only to the parent upon request. Parents will be notified in advance, after approval has been given to students for special projects or classroom activities. The following items should not be brought to school:

Sports Equipment Hard balls or bats, basketballs, footballs

Musical Equipment Radios, CD’s iPods, MP3 Players

Toys Trading cards, board games, card games, or “toy” weapons

Pets Animal Control will be called if pets follow students to school and remain at school.

Grooming Make-up, perfume, nail polish

Weapons Pocket knives, firearms, matches, guns, darts, bullets, arrows, caps, firecrackers, stars, poppers

Food Chewing gum, bottled soda, candy

Money Large amounts that tremendously exceed lunch money or other special purchase orders.

Inappropriate Reading Material


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Cell Phones cannot be visible, turned on, or used anytime during the school day!


No Cell Phones Should Be Used During The School Day

The School/District Is Not Responsible For Preventing Theft, Loss, or Any Damages To Any Devices.

Students must request permission from their teacher to use the school telephone for any reason.


Cell Phones

Cannot be visible, turned on or utilized anytime during the school day!

Class Parties

All class parties and celebrations must be approved by a School Administrator. Birthday Parties will not be held on the school campus. There will only be 2 parties per year for Grades K-5. They are Christmas & Valentine’s Day. Pre-Kindergarten & Special Education Classes are allowed additional celebrations selected by the classroom teacher and approved in advance by the Principal or Assistant Principal.

Deliveries To Students

Delivery of commercial products (balloons, flowers, etc.) to students is prohibited. Items such as lunch, textbooks, supplies, assignments, clothing, projects and glasses are to be left in the school office for delivery by an office assistant.

Field Trips

Official field trip forms must be completed, signed and returned to the student’s teacher before the date of the planned trip. No child will be allowed to leave school without a permission slip from the parent. Children are not allowed to call home on the day of the scheduled field trip to make last minute arrangements. Telephone calls from parents cannot be accepted as a form of permission to attend a field trip. Since it is necessary to have tickets purchased in advance, we may/may not be able to refund field trip money. Permission slips and money must be turned in to the office before the day of the field trip.

Illness At School

If your child becomes ill at school, every effort will be made to contact the parent/designee to pick the child up from the Main Office. It is very distressing, not only to the school personnel, but also to the child, not to be able to contact anyone. Please notify the office of any updated emergency numbers. Students will not be allowed to walk home alone under any circumstances. The school/district requires that you or someone you designate, pick your child up.


The school may not give medication to the students. Parents must pick up a medication form from the nurse and have the form filled out by a physician for all medications. All medication is to be turned in to the school nurse, who will be responsible for dispensing the medication to the students. Students should never have medication in their possession. All medication must come to school in the original container.

Lost & Found

A “Lost and Found” box is located in the multi-purpose area. Parents and/or students may retrieve lost articles. It is a good idea to clearly mark items with the owner’s name and grade so they can be returned without delay. This also discourages unauthorized borrowing. Eyeglasses and jewelry are not routinely placed with other articles, so please ask for these items specifically in the school office.

Physical Education

We have planned a well-rounded instructional physical education program for you throughout the school year. It will be necessary for each student to participate in order to fully benefit from the program. The activities used in class will increase your endurance, flexibility, strength and coordination, as well as provide a better understanding and appreciation of various sports. All students should have soft sole shoes for this class. A doctor’s excuse is required for non-participation.


Students will use the telephone only in case of an emergency. To reduce confusion and interruptions, please make arrangements for unusual situations. Students are not to use the phone for social reasons. Neither teachers nor students will be called to the telephone during instructional time.


Parents, you are welcome anytime, however, it is expected that any person entering the school check in at the main office and receive a visitor’s pass. If you desire more than just to visit, such as a conference with your child’s teacher or an administrator, please call ahead to schedule a convenient time to meet.

Walking To/From School

Students will be held responsible for their conduct going to and from school. They are also expected to maintain good behavior during the school day that will positively impact the school climate, classroom instruction, and student/staff welfare and safety. Students are to show respect for school and community property. Students may be held responsible for any property they damage or deface traveling to or from school.


Students are allowed to ride bicycles to school. Students are not allowed to ride scooters, skateboards, “heelies” etc. on school grounds. Any wheeled equipment must be walked/carried while on school grounds and properly stored. The school/district is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Students who violate the rules may be prohibited from bringing wheeled equipment to the school in the future at the discretion of school administration.


Store Hours:

8:00 a.m. – 8:15 a.m. Monday – Friday

Supply List

Writing Tablet 1.00

Bound Notebook Paper 0.75

Spiral Composition Book 1.25

Folder-brad, pocket/combo 0.50

Colored Pencils 2.00

Pencil Grip 0.30

Pencil 0.25

Designer Pencil 0.50

Erasers 0.25

Glue (4oz. or Stick) 1.00

Scissors 1.00

Crayons (Regular-16) 1.50

Science Display Boards 5.00

Project Titles 1.00

Student Planners 5.00


7115 Lockwood Street

Houston, Texas 77016

Main Office: (713) 636-6040

Fax: (713) 636-6088

Administrative Offices

Hattie Mae White Educational Support Center

4400 West 18th Street

Houston, Texas 77092

Main Number: (713) 556-6005


Terry Grier

Superintendent of Schools

Mr. Samuel Sarabia

CSO – Elementary Schools

Ms. Rhonda Skillern-Jones

HISD Board Trustee-District II




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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