Homework for the week of September 7th


First Grade Homework for the week of April 14th-18th

Due on Thursday!


|Complete at least 3 boxes and put an x or an o on your 3 choices. The boxes that you choose do NOT have to be in a row, but |

|you must choose the center square every week. Have your parents initial when you have completed each box. Return this page and|

|the work that says, “*RETURN TO SCHOOL*” on Thursday. REMEMBER: 1. YOU MUST DO THE CENTER SQUARE! |

|2. Do your work neatly 3. Use complete sentences 4. Be creative 5. Make sure that your grown up initials your board. 6. Have |

|fun! |


|Math |

|We have learned how to add and subtract multiples of ten to two-digit numbers. |

|Write ten subtraction problems using only the following numbers: |

|10, 20, 30, 40, 50. Make sure and answer your problems. |

|Compare/Contrast |

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|Find someone in your family and make a double bubble map comparing and contrasting you and your family member. Write how you |

|are different in the two outside circles and how you are alike in the middle where the circles overlap. |

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|Sight Words |

|Among, none, another, instead |

|Sunday is Easter! Use each one of your sight words and write an Easter poem or story.(. Read your story to your family. |

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|Reading |

|This week we are reading a detective story!! Now find another detective story at home and read it with a grown up. Make sure |

|to make a prediction about what might happen before you read. Were you correct? Compare and contrast the ending that you |

|predicted with what really happened in the story. |

|Writing |

|Write a letter to one of next year’s incoming First Graders!!! Make sure to use your best First Grade Handwriting and tell |

|them the three things you liked best about first grade. Can you think of any tips that you can give them? Put that in your |

|letter too! |


|Science |

|Be a Nature Detective!! Put a cup of water outside today. Mark on the cup how high the water is. Now, check the cup every day |

|to see how much water is left. Where is the water going? Discuss your research with a grown up. |

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|Field Trip! |

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|Where should the first graders go on a field trip next year? Write down your choice and three sentences to convince Mrs. |

|Heeb, Mrs. Mills, and Mrs. Howey to take their classes there next year. |

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|Grammar |

|Pronouns : I and ME |

|I can say my ABCs. Me can say my ABCs. Hmmm…which sentence is correct? Use I and ME correctly in 5 sentences. Then switch the|

|correct pronoun out with the other pronoun and say the sentence out loud. See how funny it sounds! |

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|Phonics |

|bookcase |

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|Make a list of as many words as you can think of using only the letters in the word “bookcase.” |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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