Basic Information: 1st Grade, Math, 9:00 a

Sarah Sandoval

Basic Information: 1st Grade, PE 9:45 AM 03/10/14, Whole Group

Summary of the Children’s Characteristics and Needs

• The students have been exposed to the use of their journals.

• The students have been partially exposed to the relationships such as up, down, through, over, under, behind and in front of.

• I have English Language Learners that speak Spanish.


• Label the activities on the “trail” in English and in Spanish for ELLs.

• Provide a YouTube video of the story “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” for students whom are visual learners.

• Provide the words of the song “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” on the board.

Connection to Theory

• Jean Piaget and Howard Gardner are both theorists whom believe that children learn through physical and sensory experiences.

• The students are learning the language by physically “doing”; the students are acting on their knowledge, which is the basis for kinesthetic learning.

• Verbal language and movement are combined for the younger student, thus helps children develop literacy.

• The students are building their knowledge based off of their experience, this ties into Piaget’s cognitive constructivism theory.

Prior Knowledge

• The students have been exposed to the relationships such as up, down, through, over, under, behind and in front of.

• Students will read the “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” By: Michael Rosen.

Multicultural and Anti-bias

• The teacher will model the correct way to go through the activities on the trail.

• Provide an example of what their journal should look like at the end of the activity to ensure that they have a full understanding of what is expected from them for this assignment.

• Instructions were given in Spanish and English.

Intended Outcomes

• TEK PE 1.b.1F, TSWBA to demonstrate competency in fundamental movement patterns and proficiency in a few specialized movement forms.

• The student will be able to demonstrate a variety of relationships such as, under, over, behind, through, right, left, next to, up, down, forward, backward and in front of by completing their journal with 100% accuracy.

Materials & Resources

• “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” book

• There will be an English and Spanish version of the “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt”. The student who speaks Spanish at home will benefit from the connection of the two languages.

• Nylon Tunnel

• String w/ Green pieces of paper hanging

• Blue Butcher paper (for the water)

• Grey Butcher paper (for the rocks)

• After reading the “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” the students will be able to go through their own “trail” in the classroom to build a deeper understanding of going “over, under, through, or around” the different objects within the classroom.

Developmentally Effective and Culturally Relevant Approaches

• This movement lesson plan engages the students to get out of their seats and get a physical understanding of going “under” or going “through”. After the class completes the “trail” within the classroom the students will then need to write in their journals about these words and draw a picture. They can draw themselves as they did the activity in the class or they can relate it back to the story, “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt.”

Guidance Routines and Learning Environment

• We will read the story in a group setting, after the story I will model to the students how to go through the trail.

• The class will then quietly line up outside of the classroom. When the students come into the classroom they will begin their trail by singing the song “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” and go through the trail as the lyrics go. Each station will be labeled in English and Spanish.

• Students will be able to sing while completing the trail.

• The “trail” will already be set up for the students when they come in.

• At the end of the “trail” activity the students will be responsible for putting the classroom back in order before being released.

Instructional Procedures

• Engagement: I will have the “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” book on the board. I will also have a few pictures on the board of examples of going through something, going over, and going under something. The students will also be able to see some parts of the trail in the classroom already set up.

• Exploration: The student’s will perform the actions from the song “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” as they sing and go through the classroom trail.

• Explanation: As the students are demonstrating the relationships between under, over, through, behind, in front of by going through the trail correctly. If the students are having problems with performing the movement I will ask the student a variety of questions to get them thinking about how they want to go through the activity. For example: If we have a river going through the entire class, and the student wants to go around it I will describe to the student that the river goes on and on and there is no way around it. Hopefully the student will go “through” the river. As the class is going through I will ensure to point out the words placed by the activities through the trail, such as Under, Over, Through. These will be found in English and in Spanish.

• Elaboration: The students will be introduced to an alternate version for the song “We’re going on a bear hunt” and the students will be able to use their own movements as they act out the different words in the new song.

• Evaluation: Students will have completed their journals with the word of the relationship, a sentence, and then a picture of that relationship. For example, the student should have the words; through, under, over, behind, in front of, and then a sentence to go with that word. The picture can be of them doing the activity in the class or a picture from the story.


• Students will use their journals to explain the relationships of under, over, through, and forward. The student will write the word and draw a picture to go along with the word. They may use pictures from the story.

• Students will have a rubric on the board to show what is expected to be in their journals.

• During the activity I will be able to visualize their understanding as they go through the “trail”.

Post Lesson Reflection

What were the strengths of your lesson? Allowing the students to get up out of their seats and get a deeper understanding of the vocabulary words is the best thing for the child to be able to relate to at a later time. What worked well? Having the class sing together as we go through the trail was fun and interactive.

What were the weaknesses of your lesson? It can get crowded depending on the size of the classroom.

Was the implementation of the lesson effective on student learning? Why or why not? Yes because the students were able to get up and go “through” the tunnel rather than just working on worksheet or looking at pictures.

How did the students perform? Did they meet expectations? Students exceeded expectations and completed their assignments with 100% accuracy.

How would you reteach this information to those students who did not master the material from your first lesson? Provide more visuals throughout the class before the activity took place.

How would you improve your future teaching based on what you learned about yourself during this lesson? Find other activities to complete before we did the interactive trail just to give the students more prior knowledge.


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