Writing Response #1 – Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven”

Writing Response #1 – Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven”

due on Tuesday, February 11, 2014 at the beginning of your class period

Using the text and any resources available to you, respond to ONE of the following writing prompts in a TYPED response of at least 300 words. Be sure to explain WHY and include examples from the text to support your ideas.

Choice Topic A: Is the raven real? Or is the narrator merely imagining a raven is speaking to him because of his grief?

Choice Topic B: Poe claimed he wrote “The Raven” logically and methodically, intending to appeal to both critical and popular tastes. Do you think Poe achieved his goal?

Writing Response requirements: Typed responses should be double spaced. 12 point Times New Roman or Arial font.

This assignment is worth 20 points. Rubric items include:

• Is there a THESIS statement?

• Does the EVIDENCE (examples from the text) support the THESIS statement?

• Does the writer EXPLAIN how and why the EVIDENCE supports their THESIS?

• Does the writer properly CITE the text?

• Spelling, grammar, writing convention structure (no use of first or second person pronouns)

Writing Response #1 – Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven”

due on Tuesday, February 11, 2014 at the beginning of your class period

Using the text and any resources available to you, respond to ONE of the following writing prompts in a TYPED response of at least 300 words. Be sure to explain WHY and include examples from the text to support your ideas.

Choice Topic A: Is the raven real? Or is the narrator merely imagining a raven is speaking to him because of his grief?

Choice Topic B: Poe claimed he wrote “The Raven” logically and methodically, intending to appeal to both critical and popular tastes. Do you think Poe achieved his goal?

Writing Response requirements: Typed responses should be double spaced. 12 point Times New Roman or Arial font.

This assignment is worth 20 points. Rubric items include:

• Is there a THESIS statement?

• Does the EVIDENCE (examples from the text) support the THESIS statement?

• Does the writer EXPLAIN how and why the EVIDENCE supports their THESIS?

• Does the writer properly CITE the text?

• Spelling, grammar, writing convention structure (no use of first or second person pronouns)


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