First Grade Homework Policies and Schedule

First Grade Homework Policies and Schedule

Mrs. Walker and Mrs. Windom

Dear First Grade Families,

We wanted to explain our grading scale and homework policies, as well as, our expectations for homework assignments. As a first grade team we will use the same grading scale and will weight student grades as follows:

Tests = 50%

Classwork = 25%

Homework= 25%

Total Grade = 100%

Please note that homework is worth one fourth of your student’s final grade. Homework is not optional!

General Homework Info.: Homework will be given out each week on Monday. It will NOT be collected until Friday. If your student chooses they may complete one page per day in each subject OR may choose to work at a faster pace. If they complete all work early it still will NOT be collected until Friday.

Math Homework: Each week your student will receive a packet of math work (1 page per day, Monday-Thursday). This packet will contain materials that are being taught and reinforced during the school day. It will not be collected until Friday and it is the student’s responsibility to place their HW packet in the designated homework bin.

Reading Log Calendar: To encourage student’s love of reading, it will be required that 15 minutes per night at home students will read (or be read to if they are not capable). They will have a calendar log to record the name of the book and number of minutes read each night. This log will be kept in their binders and checked on the last school day of the month. We will be looking for the name of the book read each night, the number of minutes read each night, and a parent signature for each night of reading.

Weekly Words: These will include spelling words, high frequency sight words, and oral vocabulary words.

-Oral Vocab. Words:

In this homework assignment the oral vocab. word will be given along with its definition. A question will be asked that the student must answer. (It is part of the assignment that they use the Oral Vocab. Word in their answer to the question.) These responses must be in complete sentences and they need to have correct use of capitalization and punctuation.

-Ex: Respectful

Definition: thinking of others feelings

Question: Can you think of a time when you were respectful to someone?

(Example) Answer: I was respectful when I opened the door for my teacher.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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