First Grade Team - Oregon Reading First Center

First Grade Team

Activity #1: Year 1 Grade Level Outcomes:

Materials Needed: Grade Level Histogram Report, Oregon Reading First Outcomes

Grade 1 Goal(s): 40 cwpm (correct words per minute) on Oral Reading Fluency

50 cspm (correct sounds per minute) on Nonsense Word Fluency (in winter of first grade

| |Winter |Spring |

| |Record Percent of students at each status for Progressive |Record Percent of students at each status for Benchmark |

| |Benchmark (ORF) and Benchmark Goals (PSF, NWF) |Goals (PSF,NWF,ORF) |

|PSF |Established: |Emerging: |Deficit: |

| |Performance |Status |Performance |Status |Performance |Status |

|Phonemic |PSF 35 |Established |PSF > 35 |Established |PSF > 35 |Established |

|Nonsense Word |NWF < 13 |At Risk |NWF < 30 |At Risk |NWF < 30 |At Risk |

|Fluency |13 < NWF < 24 |Some Risk |30 < NWF < 50 |Some Risk |30 < NWF < 50 |Some Risk |

| |NWF > 24 |Low Risk |NWF > 50 |Low Risk |NWF > 50 |Low Risk |

|Oral Reading Fluency| |ORF < 8 |At Risk |ORF < 20 |At Risk |

| | |8 < ORF < 20 |Some Risk |20 < ORF < 40 |Some Risk |

| | |ORF > 20 |Low Risk |ORF > 40 |Low Risk |

Compare Outcomes to overall Oregon Reading First outcomes:


Activity #2: Grade Level Growth Towards Successful Outcomes: (Percent of students that successfully met Spring Benchmark Goals)

Materials Needed: Grade-level Summary of Effectiveness Reports, Oregon Reading First Summary Reports

(a) Benchmark student status to subsequent Benchmark success:

Fall to Winter_____% Winter to Spring____%

(b) Strategic student status to subsequent Benchmark success:

Fall to Winter_____% Winter to Spring____%

(c) Intensive student status to subsequent Benchmark success:

Fall to Winter_____% Winter to Spring____%

(d) Intensive student status to subsequent Strategic Status:

Fall to Winter_____% Winter to Spring____%

(e) Total (c + d) Intensive students to subsequent Established/Emerging Status:

Fall to Winter_____% Winter to Spring____%

Compare grade level growth to Oregon Reading First Norms. Based on this comparison:

Discuss areas of strength: (e.g. Compared to the project wide data, our grade has a higher percentage of strategic students meeting spring time benchmarks.)

Discuss areas of needed student support (e.g. Compared to the project wide data, our grade has a lower percentage of intensive students meeting spring time benchmarks).

Activity #3: Transitioning Activity:

Materials Needed: Class reports, Summary of Effectiveness Reports

Join with the Kindergarten Team and discuss Kindergarten students transitioning to first grade. Discuss possible grouping strategies for fall that could maximize instructional intensity.

Activity #4: Discussion Points

* How did fall, winter, and spring Benchmarking Assessment plan work this year? Discuss ideas for next year that could improve plan.

* How did the Progress Monitoring Plan work this year? Discuss ideas for next year. If the teachers were not involved this year, how could they get involved next year?

*Do we need brush-up DIBELS training next fall? Could we train our EA’s, parent volunteers? How will we train new staff?

Activity #5: Rescore Assessment section of the Planning and Evaluation Tool (PET)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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