Baby Shower Policy for Grace Christian Fello

Baby Shower Policy for Grace Christian Fellowship

By Judy Farley for the Elders

At Grace Christian Fellowship we are very excited about new babies being added to our church. We see children as an amazing gift from God to us. In light of this, we like to celebrate new additions to our church family through baby showers. This is a way to welcome these precious little ones along with showing love and support to their families. The following guidelines are a way to honor moms and new babies without putting unnecessary financial burdens on anyone. It is our sincere desire to be gracious with all attendees of GCF. These guidelines are in no way meant to become legalistic rules but instead are intended to be used as an aid for those planning showers.

Any mom who has been regularly attending GCF and has her first baby will be given an All Church Shower hosted by the Home Group she attends or plans to start attending. An All Church Shower will be announced on Sunday either through a bulletin insert or in the list of announcements in the bulletin. The Home Group hosting the shower is responsible for the announcement. Any bulletin announcement must be given to Michelle early in the week. Invitations for All Church Showers may also be passed out to the ladies of the church on Sunday morning. All Church Showers may be hosted in the Church Fellowship Hall. The hosting Home Group is responsible for clean up when done. Please check with Michelle on the date before you plan an All Church Shower to make sure the Fellowship Hall is available.

Due to increased growth at GCF, all other showers (including a first boy or first girl) will be handled at the Home Group level. This means it is up to the Home Group of the mom to find a home where the shower can be held. The Fellowship Hall will only be available for All Church Showers of first babies. It will be up to the Home Group to email or give out invitations. Invitations for these showers will not be announced on Sunday or put in the Sunday bulletin. We suggest that anyone who wants to attend a shower get in touch with the Home Group Leader’s wife or the mom and let them know. We do not want anyone left out who would like to be at a shower. We encourage showers for all women who have babies. It is a wonderful way to support moms and celebrate the birth of a new baby. A “Pamper Shower” with gifts for mom is a great way to show love and support to a mom who doesn’t need baby items but may need a post partum “lift”.

There may be times when an exceptional need is present and an all church shower is deemed helpful to a mom. Please be patient with those making decisions regarding needs and trust that prayer and consideration will go into any deviation from the above guidelines.

Flowers for new Moms

Each woman who has a baby at Grace Christian Fellowship will receive flowers from the church within the first few days after delivery. These will be purchased by the Home Group Leader’s wife. Please try to spend no more than thirty dollars. One way to keep the price down is to buy them at a grocery store and hand deliver them to the new mom. You can receive reimbursement from the church by writing the recipient’s name on the receipt and submitting your receipt to Michelle. Please be sure that the mom knows that the flowers are from the whole congregation at GCF.


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