CHC 2P - Weebly


First Nations Study






First Nations Study


1. Find the Meaning in English.

|Term |English Translation |

|Eskimo | |

| | |

|Inuit | |

| | |

|Wendat | |

| | |

|Metis | |

| | |

|Ashinabe | |

| | |

|Iroqu (ois) | |

| | |

|Onokenoga | |

| | |

|Kitchi-Manitou | |

| | |

|K’aaw | |

| | |

2. Who was more powerful in an Iroquois clan – the Gontowisa or the sachem? Define each term and explain your answer.

3. In the Iroquois Confederacy, how were the roles of men and women in providing food different?

4. Use three examples to prove that Native people were actually very skilled engineers. (Example – an igloo could support over 3300 pounds)

5. Use two examples from the text that demonstrate the development of scientific knowledge of native people. (ie - medicine)

6. Why did it become a criminal offence to practice the Sun Dance?

7. How do you feel about the government making it a criminal offence to practice the Sun Dance? (50 Words)

8. The Ojibwa celebrated two thanksgivings per year. Why?

9. How does the idea of thanksgiving fit in with the Native belief system?

10. Who were the Beothuk?

11. Name four famous Canadians of Native ancestry and describe their claim to fame.





|Criteria |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |

|Knowledge/ |( shows limited understanding |( shows some understanding of |( shows considerable |( shows thorough understanding|

|Understanding |of key features of the work |key features of the work |understanding of key features |of key features of the work |

|• key features (e.g., ideas | | |of the work | |

|and themes; form and | | | | |

|structure; language) | | | | |

|Thinking/Inquiry |( few analyses are logical and|( some analyses are logical |( most analyses are logical |( all or almost all analyses |

|• analysis |insightful |and insightful |and insightful |are logical and insightful |

|Communication |( thoughts and feelings are |( thoughts and feelings are |( thoughts and feelings are |( thoughts and feelings are |

|• clarity |communicated with limited |communicated with some clarity|communicated with considerable|communicated with a high |

| |clarity | |clarity |degree of clarity |

| |( applies grammar, usage, |( applies grammar, usage, |( applies grammar, usage, |( applies grammar, usage, |

|• language conventions |spelling, and punctuation with |spelling, and punctuation with|spelling, and punctuation with|spelling, and punctuation with|

| |limited accuracy and |some accuracy and |considerable accuracy and |a high degree of accuracy and |

| |effectiveness |effectiveness |effectiveness |effectiveness |

|Application |( makes connections with |( makes connections with some |( makes connections with |( makes connections with a |

|• making connections |limited accuracy and |accuracy and effectiveness |considerable accuracy and |high degree of accuracy and |

| |effectiveness | |effectiveness |effectiveness |



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