All Night Volleyball Captain Packet.docx

 20th ANNUALALL-NIGHTVOLLEYBALLTOURNAMENT JANUARY 19-20, 2013 Benefiting KEY CLUBCHARITIABLE PROJECTSIncludingHABITAT FOR HUMANITY,THE ELIMINATE PROJECT, CHARITY WATER, PETS COME FIRST, AndOTHER CHARITABLE CAUSES TEAM CAPTAIN PACKET All-Night VolleyballCaptain Instructions 1. Give a registration packet to each member of your team. 2. Hand in your team’s registration forms, fees, and team roster as a complete packet. (SIX forms are required to reserve a spot as a team, and additional players up to NINE may be added after) 3. All packets and registration money are due on a first come, first served basis but won’t be accepted after January 4th. 4. Bring the money your team raises (at least $110.00 per player) to Room 8N by January 9th. State College Key Club 20th Annual All-Night Volleyball Tournament January 19-20th, 2013 General InformationThank you for your participation in the State College Key Club 19th Annual All-Night Volleyball Tournament. The funds you raise will benefit the Key Club charitable projects including The Philadelphia Project and the Eliminate Project. *Registration will be held during lunches December 10th by 3:16 January 4th. All registration forms and fees must be turned in at this time. The teams who turn in their registration fees and packets first will have first priority. We will NOT accept more than 30 teams.You must turn in your forms and registration fees EARLY to reserve your spot in the tournament. All forms and registration fees due January 4th, although spots may fill up before this date. *Registration fee is $25.00 per participant to cover the cost of the tournament. *Each participant must have a signed medical form/ permission slip to play in the tournament. *Each team must have a minimum of 6 players and a maximum of 9 players. *Each team can have a maximum of 3 State High Volleyball players. Please understand that we are trying to make the tournament fun and fair for everyone. *Each participant is expected to raise a minimum of $110.00. If your team has six people, you must raise a minimum of $660.00, for seven $770.00, and so on. This amount DOES NOT include the registration fee. Any money from the registration fee that is not used in the cost of the tournament will go directly to the total money given to Key Club’s charitable projects.All money raised must be in by 3:16 Wednesday, January 16th. Any teams who do not get all money in by this date will be disqualified. If your team is on hold and gets in later, be prepared to raise money the week before the tournament. There will be awards given to the teams and individuals who raise the most money. PLEASE NOTE: STATE COLLEGE BOROUGH AND SOME TOWNSHIPS REQUIRE SOLICITATION PERMITS FOR THIS TYPE OF FUNDRAISING. PLEASE CHECK THE WEBSITE FOR YOUR AREA AND COMPLY WITH THEIR REQUIREMENTS. *Checks can be made out to the SCASD Activities Fund. Check in for the tournament will run from 6:00-7:00 p.m. on January 19th. The tournament will begin at 7:30 and continue until 6:00 a.m. on the 20th. Participants are expected to remain for the entire tournament. Visitors must leave the building by 10:30 pm. The doors will be locked from 10:30 pm until 6:00 am. If you have a conflict or concern about the time restraints, see Mrs. Everhart in room 8 North. Parents with questions can contact the State College Key Club at statecollegekeyclub@ Students who require confirmation of participation for community service hours, must sign in and out if you leave for any reason.PLEASE NOTE: THERE IS A NO REFUND POLICY ON THE $25 REGISTRATION FEE.Key Club All-Night Volleyball TournamentJanuary 19-20, 2012Permission Form _________________________ has my permission to participate in the Key Club All Night Volleyball Tournament on January 19-20, 2012. Check in for the tournament will run from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. on Friday January 13th. The tournament will begin at 7:30 and continue until 7:00 a.m. on Saturday the 14th. Participants are expected to remain for the entire tournament. Visitors must leave the building by 10:30 pm. The doors will be locked from 10:30 pm until 6:00 am. If you have a conflict or concern about the time restraints, see Mrs. Everhart in Room 8 North. Any questions can be addressed to the State College Key Club at statecollegekeyclub@ I understand there is a $25.00 registration fee and that my son/daughter is expected to raise $110.00 for Key Club’s charitable projects and must stay at school from sign-in on January 19th until 6:00 a.m. on January 20th. PLEASE NOTE: STATE COLLEGE BOROUGH AND SOME TOWNSHIPS REQUIRE SOLICITATION PERMITS FOR THIS TYPE OF FUNDRAISING. PLEASE CHECK THE WEBSITE FOR YOUR AREA AND COMPLY WITH THEIR REQUIREMENTS. Parent’s Signature ____________________________________________________ Date ________________________________ If your son/daughter needs to follow a different time schedule (conflict due to work, sports, etc.) please give the following information: My son/daughter will arrive at ____________________________________________ My son/daughter will leave at _____________________________________________ Parent can be reached at this phone number __________________________________Please be aware that Mrs. Everhart, the Key Club Advisor, may call to confirm this information. PLEASE FILL OUT THE EMERGENCY FORM ON THE BACK OF THIS SHEET. Key Club All-Night Volleyball Team Registration Team Name: Team Captain: 1. Name: Grade: Address: Phone Number: T-Shirt Size: 2. Name: Grade: Address: Phone Number: T-Shirt Size: 3. Name: Grade: Address: Phone Number: T-Shirt Size: 4. Name: Grade: Address: Phone Number: T-Shirt Size: 5. Name: Grade: Address: Phone Number: T-Shirt Size: 6. Name: Grade: Address: Phone Number: T-Shirt Size: 7. Name: Grade: Address: Phone Number: T-Shirt Size: 8. Name: Grade: Address: Phone Number: T-Shirt Size: 9. Name: Grade: Address: Phone Number: T-Shirt Size: ................

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