German 1 Oktoberfest curriculum

German 1 Oktoberfest curriculum

Oktoberfest first occurred in 1810 and its purpose was to commemorate the marriage of Princess Therese of Saxony and Prince Ludwig of Bavaria. At this time these two kingdoms were not part of the same government. The first event of Oktoberfest was a horse race, but the horse races do not occur anymore. Most of Oktoberfest occurs in September due to the fact that the weather is much better in September in Bavaria. The event takes place in a part of Munich called, “Theresienwiese” which means, “Therese’s meadows.” Oktoberfest has been cancelled 24 times over the years due to disease and war. The mayor of Munich starts the event by tapping the first keg in the Schottenhamel beer tent and shouts, “O’zapft is!” (Bavarian vernacular for “It’s tapped!).

Possible questions:

1. When did Oktoberfest first occur and what was its purpose?

2. What was the first event at Oktoberfest and does it still take place?

3. Why does most of Oktoberfest happen in September?

4. In what part of the city of Munich does Oktoberfest take place?

5. The Oktoberfest site location in Munich was named after what person?

6. How many times has Oktoberfest been cancelled over the years and why?

7. Who begins Oktoberfest and what does he say?

8. Where does the start of Oktoberfest take place within Munich?

9. Compare Oktoberfest to an American celebration of the same magnitude such as Mardi Gras. Are they both religious in nature?

10. Are there still royal figures in both Saxony and Bavaria? Why or why not?


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