Soc 213 (003) Social Deviance Bogart Test02b 03/19/02

Soc 213 (003) Social Deviance Bogart Test03b 04/16/02

Part 01: Old Text (Thio) Items

Chapter 9: Heterosexual Deviance

Ch. 09: Heterosexual Deviance

01b. According to Thio, which country is the world's leading producer of hard-core pornographic videos? A. United States B. Denmark, C. Japan D. Germany E. none of the above. (p. 203)

02b. According to Labaton (1995) laws against which type of cyberporn has been actively enforced? A. bestiality, B. lesbian sex, C. sexually violent, D. child pornography, E. gay sex. (p. 211)

03b. An experiment was conducted on two groups of males, one group watched a film depicting sexual violence against women; the other watched a nonviolent film. After seeing the film, the males who watched the violent film were _____ to administer electrical shocks to women. A. less likely B. more likely C. not likely D. uncertain whether E. none of the above. (p. 204)

04b. Extramarital sex is considered more deviant than premarital sex because it A. promotes more infidelity B. leads to a greater risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases C. involves dishonesty and cheating D. leads to divorce E. none of the above (p. 193)

05b. Which of the following is true about social factors related to extramarital sex? A. extramarital sex is more common among those who have had premarital sex. B. men are more likely than women to have an affair. C. the less religious generally have a higher incidence of extramarital sex than the more religious D. all of the above, E. none of the above. (p. 207)

06b. Which definition of sexual harassment was accepted by the Supreme Court in 1993? A. any conduct leading to severe psychological injury B. any conduct that involves actual sexual contact in the workplace C. casual lewd remarks D. any conduct that makes the workplace environment hostile or abusive E. none of the above (p. 211)

07b. A _____ is a type of prostitute that is most likely to dress well and adhere to a code of ethics. A. call girl, B. child prostitute, C. street walker, D. house prostitute, E. none of the above. (p. 218)

Chapter 10: Homosexual Deviance.

08b. Which of the following statements about the differences between sexual orientations is TRUE? A. People are either completely gay or straight; B. If a person commits one or two homosexual acts, he or she is considered gay or lesbian; C. The difference between sexual orientation is actually a matter of degree; D. Sexual orientation is determined by biology; E. Sexual orientation is strongly related to being male or female. (p. 238)

09b. Research has documented that children raised by gay parents ______: A. are much more likely to become gay themselves; B. Are no more likely than children with heterosexual parents to become homosexual; C. Rarely have problems accepting their parents; D. Rarely have problems being accepted by friends and their friend's parents; E. Usually have psychological and school problems. (p. 247)

10b. Which of the following norms is used to define homosexuality as deviant? A. The norm of sexual exclusiveness; B. the norm that sex should involve people of different genders; C. The norm that married couples should produce children; D. The norm that love should precede sex; E. The norm that deviance will lead to crime. (p. 252)

11b. The majority of new AIDS cases today come from ______. A. Older homosexuals; B. younger homosexuals; C. lesbians; D. IV drug users; E. Prostitutes.(p. 258)

12b. In 1973, the American Psychiatric Associated began to refer to the problems that some gays and lesbians have with their sexual orientation as A. deviant sexual behavior B. temporary phase C. sexual orientation disturbance D. special sexual preference E. none of the above. (p. 262)

13b. Studies that seem to support the biological theory of homosexuality: A. Have clearly demonstrated that biological factors are a determinant of homosexuality; B. Strongly demonstrate that only biological factors can cause homosexuality; C. conclude that social factors are actually more important than biological factors; D. Have shown that homosexuality is associated with chromosomal defects; E. Can only suggest that biological factors create a predisposition toward homosexuality. (p. 263)

14b. According to social constructionists, which of the following overall statements about the causes of homosexuality is true? A. genetic and other biological factors cause homosexuality; B. the social environment causes homosexuality; C. homosexuality is simply a label that some persons place on others; D. Competent scientists know what causes homosexuality; E. sociology is responsible for the creation of a homosexuality label. (p. 263-264)

Chapter 11: Drug Related Deviance

Ch. 11: Illegal Drug Use

15b. According to Thio, what is the primary reason that heroin users continue to use the drug? A. withdrawal avoidance B. a sense of euphoria C. pursuit of normalcy D. analgesic benefits E. respect (p. 272)

16b. "Roofies" are over-the-counter prescription drugs for the treatment of A. insomnia B. weight loss C. sexual potency D. stomach disorder E. allergies (p. 276)

17b. In San Francisco, the first attempt to battle drug use appeared in the form of a city ordinance against A. heroin B. crack cocaine C. marijuana D. alcohol E. opium (p. 288)

18b. According to Thio, which of the following theories is the LEAST credible in explaining drug use? A. cognitive association B. biological C. drug enslavement D. economic deprivation E. general deviance syndrome (p. 288)

19b. The U.S. government devotes most of its antidrug budget to A. the fight for legalization B. drug prevention programs C. congressional campaigns D. law enforcement E. school education programs (p. 288)

20b. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? A. All 50 states have legalized the smoking of marijuana by cancer and AIDS patients. B. Historically, the war on drugs has turned out to be a war on powerless groups. C. Detoxification, by itself, cannot cure addiction. D. Most Americans oppose legalization of drugs. E. Project DARE works only for children who are unlikely to use drugs in the first place. (p. 290-293)

Part 4: Old Video and Lecture Items

V08: Search for Satan

21b. What event in the community preceeded Mary's decision to seek treatment? A. a series of church sermons on Satanic cults, B. a fire in the apartment building her family lived in, C. a shooting at the school were she was a teacher, D. an increase in gang rapes, E. people moving out of the neighborhood because of the economy.

22b. Dr. Bennett Braun was responsible for establishing the what? A. Center for Study of Multiple Personality Disorders, B. Ritualistic Abuse Counseling Center, C. Abuse Trauma Clinic, D. Behavior Disorder Treatment Office, E. Dissociate Disorders Unit.

23b. In 1988 satanic ritual abuse was considered to be what? A. a hoax, B. the main cause of psychosomatic health problems for which there was no prescribed treatment, C. the leading cause of multiple personality disorder, D. a way for cult groups to get publicity for their causes, E. a major cause of violent criminal behavior.

24b. Mary S's had a sone admitted for treatment. What was his name and what was he treated for? A. Ryan; multiple personality disorder, B. Joe; manic depressive, C. John; learning disability, D. Cory; attention deficit, E. Michael; severe hypertensive.

25b. Who received an honor at the meeting of the International Society for the Study of Multiple Personalities and Dissociation? A. Dr Roberta Sachs, B. Dr Jack Leggett, C. Dr Judith Peterson, D. Dr Meredith Shriner, E. Dr Bennett Braun.

V10: The Transformation

26b. According to the video, what did Ricardo, mentor to Drag Queens, do as their mentor? A. introduce them to drag and to police procedures, B. introduce them to drag, crack and how to work the streets, C. introduce them to crack and street language, D. taught them how to be a woman and conceal their male sexuality, E. recruit immigrants to life in the Salt Mine.

27b. How did Jim and Bobby explain their decision to have Ricardo live with them? A. She worked at the church and felt obligated when no one else would take him, B. they thought it would help their pastor in his special ministry, C. they said they knew they were to take someone into their home, D. her brother was gay so they were sympathetic to Ricardo's problems, E. none of the above.

28b. Ricardo said as a transvestite people told him he was beautiful, but what did he really want at the period in his life? A. a lifetime partner, B. approval of his parents, C. a home, D. a successful career, E. a relationship with Jesus.

29b. According to the video, how long did it take a drag queen to come off of the streets and change his life style? A. 6 months, B. a year, C. 2-4 years, D. 3-5 years, E. 5-7 years. 74.

30b. How did Betty define love? A. good sex, B. long term commitment, C. economic stability, D. a short term fling, E. a family including children.

Video 12: The Godfather of Cocaine

31b. Escobar's move of the headquarters of the cocaine business to Nicaragua followed ______: A. the U.S. sponsored raid on his hacienda; B. Seals turning informant to avoid prison; C. threats from other members of the cartel; D. some of the above; E. None of the above.

32b. According to the video; what gap in the drug distribution was filled by the development of the drug cartel in the city of Medellin? A. Heroine; B. marijuana; C. cocaine; D. alcohol; E. None of the above.

33b. Tambs, the American ambassador, suggests that Colombians did not perceive cocaine as a Colombian problem because: A. Of Hispanidid; B. they didn't use cocaine; C. it was just another export product; D. the consumers were U.S. citizens; E. all of the above.

34b. Escobar got his start in the drug trade by ______. A. supplying ether; B. driving coca paste; C. serving as in-house counsel to the Ochoa family; D. flying heroin and marijuana between Colombia and the U.S.; E. Hiring himself out as a contract killer.

35b. Escobar's political power base had its roots in ______. A. La Catedral; B. the DEA; C. Tranquilandia; D. the Palace of Justice; E. The barrios.

Lvii: Conflict Theory

36b. Vold, in Theoretical Criminology, argues that society's essential existence and processes is dependent upon what? A. societal norms and values, B. strong central leadership, C. criminogenic subcultures, D. group conflict, E. police powers.

37b. One possible theory of criminalization states that when normative conflict has been interpreted by authorities in legal terms, the probability that opposition members will be officially dealt with as criminals depends on all the following EXCEPT what? A. the status of the legal norm in the culture of the opposition, B. the status of the opposing norm or illegal attribute in the culture of the opposition, C. the congruence of the legal norm with the cultural and social norms of those specifically charged with enforcement, D. the relative power of enforcers and resistors, E. the realism of moves made by the conflict parties.

38b. Liazos in his work The Poverty of the Sociology of Deviance: Nuts, Sluts, and Perverts, analyzedwriters who favored the labeling approach. These writers, he argues, claim to humanize the deviant, but tend to neglect what? A. homosexual deviance, B. mental illness, C. institutionalized violence, D. heterosexual deviance, E. addiction.

39b. The 1966 work, Conflict and Criminality, by Turk, argues that the relationship between conflict and crime has been conceptualized in all the following basic ways EXCEPT what? A. criminal behavior as expression of participation in a criminogenic subculture, B. criminal behavior resulting from socialization in a different culture, C. accepted criminal behavior on the part of those in power, D. the violation of laws by basically normal persons in the course of realistic conflicts of interest, E. criminal behavior as an indicator of conflict within the person.


The 1963 work, Symbolic Crusade by Gusfield looked at what organization in the U.S. because of its persistence and power? A. Temperance movement. B. Ku Klux Klan. C. military-industrial complex. D. Mormon Church. E. Civil Rights movement.

Part 3: New Text (Thio) Items

Ch. 9: Heterosexual Deviance

41b. Today, _____ has become by; far the world’s leading producter of hard-core videos. A. the United States, B. Denmark, C. Holland, D. China, E. Japan. (p. 203)

42b. In many _____ towns on the _____ coast, virtually every married man has a lover whem he visits regularly. Most of these affaris are between men and women who are married to others. A. Nigerian, Southern; B. Argentine, Andean; C. Italian, Adriatic coast; D. Turkish, Mediterranean; E. Japanese, Pacific. (p. 207l)

43b. Cyberporn has become big business, raking in some $_____ a year. A. 700 thousand, B. 7 million, C. 70 million, D. 700 million, E. 7 billion. (p. 210)

44b. More than other prostitutes, _____ are often abused by customers, pimps, and even police. A. child prostitutes, B. house prostitutes, C. call girls, D. massage parlor girls, E. street walkers. (p. 215)

45b. Using what she considered a representative sample of women in the sex business, Perkins concluded that compared to conventional women they are most likely to differ in terms of the probability of A. being raped; B. less education; C. being friendless or loveless; D. being promiscuous in their private lives, E. all of the above. (219)

46b. The most famous prostitutes’ rights organization is A. SNYC, B. COYOTE, C. Daughters of Bilitis, D. OPA, E. NOW. (p. 223)

47b. In the early part of the twentieth century, various organizations such as _____ and _____ mounted an increasingly powerful campaign against prostitutions. These vice crusaders eventually won. A. Roman Catholic Church, WCTU; B. YMCA, American Purity Alliance; C. Billy Sunday Christian Crusade and Billy Graham Inc. ; D. ACLU, Margaret Sanger campaign; E. NOW, Southern Baptist Convention. (p. 227)

Ch. 10: Homosexual Deviance

48b. According to Blumstein & Schwartz (1990), compared to straight men, gay men have _____ frequent sex while compared to straight women, lesbian women have _____ frequent sex. A. more, more; B. more, less; C. less, more; D. less, less; E. about the same , less. (p. 238)

49b. In Troiden’s (1979) four stage model of identity development in gay men, the second stage (at about 17) is called A. curiosity, B. sensitization, C. panic, D. dissociation, E. coming out. (p. 243)

50b. According to Shenon (1999) and Weiner (1998), in the last decade, gays in the military have been being discharged from the military at _____ rates than before because _____. A. lower, Clinton’s “don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy; B. about the same, an increase in gay recruits; C. higher, an increase of gay recruits; D. higher, commander illegally “asked” if they were gay; E. lower, a decrease in gay recruits. (p. 248)

51b. _____ percent [of Americans] say that gays and lesbians should have equal rights in job opportunities, health insurance, inheritance, and social security (Berke, 1998; Kantrowitz, 1996; Kpalan and Klaidman, 1996). A. Less than 25, B. Less than 50, C. Less than 75, D. More than 80, E. More than 90. (p. 253)

52b. [In the U.S.] When AIDS first broke out in the early 1980’s, virtually all of the victims were _____. The majority of NEW AIDS cases [in recent years] appear among _____. A. gay men, gay men; B. Immigrants from Haiti, gay men; C. gay men, intravenous drug users; D. gay men, those suffering from hemophilia; E. gay men, children born of AIDS infected mothers. (p. 258)

53b. LeVay’s (1996) controversial study (and interpretation) reported that a sample of gay men who died of AIDS had significantly smaller _____ than did a sample of straight men. A. penises, B. hypothalamuses, C. prostates, D. testicles, E. left brains. (p. 262)

54b. Sociologists who think homosexuality is like being left handed (i.e., a tendency which can be accepted or forced to change) are _____, who regard same-sex orientation as real and therefore seek to explain how it has come about. A. essentialists, B. constructionists, C. dualists, D. epigeneticists, E. sophists. (p. 263)

Ch. 11: Drug Deviance

55b. _____ typically commands a significantly higher price than marijuana because it comes from the _____ of the Indian hemp plant. A. Cannabis sativa, lower; B. heroin, flowers; C. Mary Jane, seeds; D. hashish, top part; E. P-dope, fermentation. (p. 270)

56b. Learning that a movie star was hospitalized for “freebasing” cocaine, you would most accurately infer that s/he A. used a form of cocaine purified through with ether, B. smoked the drug, C. intravenously injected the drug using an impure base such as tap water, D. A & B, E. A & C. (p. 274)

57b. Goode and Ben-Yehuda (1994), among others, have described the tendency of national leaders to exaggerate the dangers of drugs even as the problem is declining, as a form of A. symbolic crusade, B. cultural vigilantism, C. moral panic, D. collective witch hunt, E. secular demonism. (p. 278)

58b. Among the users of illicit drugs, _____ users seem most likely to escalate into the fourth stage (Chen et al., 1964) of addiction. A. cocaine, B. heroin, C. marijuana, D. LSD, E. qualude. (p. 283)

59b. Lindesmith’s “cognitive association” theory implies that addiction is more likely among those who A. are poor, B. identify drug use with a positive self image, C. understand the source of their withdrawal symptoms, D. lack attachments to conventional role models, E. are low in intelligence. (p. 286)

60b. In the state of New York in 1988, over _____ percent of the prisoners serving time for drug felonies were African Americans and Hispanics (Currie, 1993). In 1995, _____ percent of those convicted of crack cocaine offenses in federal court were African Americans. (same answer in both blanksl) A. 90, B. 80, C. 70, D. 60, E. 50. (p. 290)

V08: The Search for Satan

61b. Before being committed to psychiatric treatment, Mary worked as a _____. A. store clerk. B. small business owner. C. fulltime housewife and mother. D. telecommunications technician. E. school teacher.

62b. At Rush North Side Presbyterian Medical Center, Mary was evaluated by _____ who used an analogy of _____ to describe Mary's condition in lay terms. A. Dr Bennett Braun, rolling marbles B. Dr Roberta Sachs, shattered vase pieces C. Dr Judith Peterson, scattered toothpicks D. Dr Meredith Shriner, crashing waves D. Dr Jack Leggett, blowing leaves

63b. After evaluation, Dr Sachs concluded that Mary had _____ child alters and _____ cult alters within her. A. 13, 11 B. 8, 14 C. 15, 7 D. 4, 10 E. 12, 7

64b. According to Dr Cory Hammond, Dr. Green also developed a(n) _____ to determine if one's cult loyalties were still active. A. Cult Exposure Code B. Satanic Ritual Scale C. Alpha Exposure Code D. Gamma Erasure Code E. Internal Erasure Code

65b Patty Burgess became suspicious of Dr Braun's treatment when the doctor discussed her son's description of how he _____. A. ritually sacrificed small animals near his home. B. was physically abused by his father. C. taken part in sacrificial cross burnings. D. was sexually abused by Patty. E. had stabbed a man in the belly and his guts popped out.

V10: The Transformation

66b. According to the video, what did Ricardo, mentor to Drag Queens, do as their mentor? A. introduce them to drag and to police procedures, B. introduce them to drag, crack and how to work the streets, C. introduce them to crack and street language, D. taught them how to be a woman and conceal their male sexuality, E. recruit immigrants to life in the Salt Mine.

67b. How did Jim and Bobby explain their decision to have Ricardo live with them? A. She worked at the church and felt obligated when no one else would take him, B. they thought it would help their pastor in his special ministry, C. they said they knew they were to take someone into their home, D. her brother was gay so they were sympathetic to Ricardo's problems, E. none of the above.

68b. Ricardo said as a transvestite people told him he was beautiful, but what did he really want? A. a lifetime partner, B. approval of his parents, C. a home, D. a successful career, E. a relationship with Jesus.

69b. According to the video, how long does it take a drag queen to come off of the streets and change his life style? A. 6 months, B. a year, C. 2-4 years, D. 3-5 years, E. 5-7 years. 74.

70b. How did Betty define love? A. good sex, B. long term commitment, C. economic stability, D. a short term fling, E. a family including children.

V11: The Godfather of Cocaine

71b. According to the video, The Godfather of Cocaine, Pablo Escobar was the most successful criminal in history having amassed a fortune of _____, and gaining a reputation in his hometown as _____. A. $2 billion; an organized crime leader B. $950 million; just a normal guy C. $5 billion; a brutal thug D. $675 million; a ruthless murderer E. $3 billion; folk hero.

72b. The video, The Godfather of Cocaine, states that Escobar's operation was most efficient and that a pilot could earn _____ per flight smuggling cocaine into the Unites States with only a _____ chance of being caught by law enforcement agents. A. $500,000; 1 in 20 B. $1 million; 1 in 100 C. $750,000; 1 in 30 D. $2 million; 1 in 10 E. $1.5 million; 1 in 50

73b. According to the video, The Godfather of Cocaine, _____ was the person who convinced Pablo Escobar to buy _____ as a transshipment point. A. Carlos Leyter; an airstrip on Grand Cayman B. Ron Pettingill; an airstrip and dock facilites on Grand Turk Island C. Max Merlestein; villa in the Bahamas D. Barry Seal; an airstrip in Nicaragua E. Robert Vesco; Norman's Key

74b. The video, The Godfather of Cocaine, states that according to the former US Ambassador to Columbia, _____, the Columbian government viewed the cocaine situation as _____. A. Harry Fullet; an evil inflicted upon their country. B. Ron Pettingill; an industry which needed to be regulated. C. Carlos Leyter; a situation that was beyond their control. D. Lewis Tames; a United States problem. E. Barry Seal; as an industry which was completely harmless.

75b. According to the video, The Godfather of Cocaine, the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) used _____ to initially locate cocaine production facilites in Columbia. A. surveillance spy planes B. intercepted communications C. transponders in ether shipments D. paid informants E. combined U.S. and Columbian military patrols.

Lecture VII: Conflict theory

76b. The general conflict theory model of social deviance is most clearly congruent with the view that those who become proficient in understanding this theory should pay particular attention to the sociology of A. education, B. the family, C. religion, D. organizations, E. politics.

77b. Vold (1958): "Behind many kinds of criminal acts which appear to be the acts of individuals lie A. groups struggling for power." B. the ideologies in which individuals have been indoctrinated." C. the distortions and misinformation supplied by the mass media." D. the pathological histories of these individuals." E. the distorting forces of collective behavior."

78b. According to Turk (1966), norms are seen as "legal" to the degree that A. they orginate in popular opinion, B. they are congruent with the self interest of the population as a whole, C. the norm of deference to authority has been established, D. their enforcement is almost certain, E. they are infrequently violated.

79b. Gusfield (1963) argued that status threatened classes in America elected to use the temperance movement to achieve A. religious reform, B. educational reform, C. assimilative reform, D. coercive reform, E. voluntary reform.

80b. According to Liazos (1972), the sociological of deviance has been disinclined to focus on A. deviance by the clergy, B. deviance of the powerful, C. ethic deviance, D. victimless deviance, E. "pseudo-deviance".


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