Timing - Oregon Reading First Center

| |Timing |Hesitation |Prompt |Discontinue |Scoring Tips* |

|Letter Naming Fluency |Start timing after saying “Begin” |After 3 seconds, provide the |“Remember to tell me the letter name |No letters correct in the |Draw a line through a skipped row and do not count|

|(LNF) |and stop at 1 minute. (]) |correct letter name and point to |and not the sound.” (One time only) |first row (10 letters). |in scoring. |

| | |the next letter. | | |A response of either “I” or “l” is correct. |

|Initial Sound Fluency |Start timing after question and |After 5 seconds, score as 0 and |“Remember to tell me the picture that|Score of 0 on first 5 |Record number of seconds and calculate the fluency|

|(ISF) |stop when student responds. |present next question. |begins with the sound ___.” |questions. |score. |

| | | | | |The child can respond with the first sound or |

| | | | | |initial sounds (in the correct order). |

|Phoneme Segmentation |Start timing when first word is |After 3 seconds, provide next |“Remember to tell me the sounds in |No correct sound segments in |If student repeats the entire word with no |

|Fluency |presented and stop at 1 minute. |word. |the word.” |first 5 words. |segmentation, circle the word and do not give any |

|(PSF) |(]) | | | |points. |

|Nonsense Word Fluency |Start timing after saying “Begin” |After 3 seconds, score the sound/word as incorrect and provide the |No correct sounds in first 5 |Underline blended nonsense words with one |

|(NWF) |and stop at 1 minute. (]) |correct sound/word. If necessary, point to the next sound/word, and |words. |continuous line. Mark individual sounds with a |

| | |say, “What sound/word?”* Depends on whether student is reading “sound | |short line under each letter. Draw a line through |

| | |by sound” or “word by word”. | |a skipped row; do give points for skipped “words”.|

|DIBELS Oral Reading |Start timing after student says |After 3 seconds, provide the next | |No words read correctly in |Do not read the title to the student. |

|Fluency (DORF) |first word and stop at 1 minute. |word. | |first row. *If ................

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