Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Intervention Lesson Plan for K

Phonics Intervention Lesson Template

Instructional Focus:

|Component |Min |Instruction |

|Review of Prior Skills and sight words |2 |Focus: |

| | | |

|_________________ | | |

|Introduce New Sight Words |2 |Focus: Follow the same routine during the week using the words below: |

| | | |

|_________________ | | |

| | |MODEL - I DO: |



|Introduce New Phonics Skill: Letter sound |1 |Focus: |

|Correspondences & Rules | |Introduce the sound and phonics pattern rules |

| | | |

|_________________ | |I DO: |

| | |WE DO: |

| | |YOU DO: |

|Read New Words Using the New Skill |2 |Focus: Follow this routine during the week. Use the words below on Day1 |

| | | |

|( Precueing and Blending to read words) | |Use 2 or 3 steps |

| | |Sound? |

| | |Blend? |

| | |Word? |

| | | |

| | |[Unmixed and mixed words] |

|Fluency Building | |Reread words 2nd Time |

| | | |

| | |Stage one – Subvocalize Step |

| | |Think. |

| | |Word? |

| | | |

| | | |

|Fluency Building | |Reread words 3rd Time |

| | | |

| | |Stage two – Automaticity Step (Read Words the Fast Way) |

| | |Word? |

| | | |

|New Skill Applied to Reading Decodable Text |5 |Title of text: |

| | | |

|Reading _______ words | | |

| | |Use fluency-building techniques, e.g., choral reading, whisper reading, partner reading, timed |

| | |reading, etc. |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Friday: Progress monitor text reading________ using OCPS Phonics OPM |

| | | |

| | |Comprehension check: |

|New Skill - Applied |5 |Focus: Follow The Word Work routines during the week. Use the words below on Day1 |

|Activity: Word Building using Spelling, Writing | | |

|or Making Words | | |

| | |e.g., Spelling words with patterns, making words (chaining words in word building exercises), word |

|Writing words: ______________ | |sorts, and writing |

| | | |

| | |I DO |

| | |WE DO |

| | |YOU DO |

|Evaluate Using Progress Monitoring Assessment | |Lists the words on the Progress Monitoring Probe. |

|(1-minute probe) | | |

| | | |

| | |Time fluency on probes in unmixed and mixed presentations over the week. Graph performance. |

| | | |

| | |Discuss plan (frequency, type of words, procedure) to measure progress and graph performance |

|Restate Focus | | |


Phonics Intervention Lesson Plan – Lesson Example

Instructional Focus: a-r and o-r r-controlled vowels

|Component |Min |Instruction |

|1. Introduce New Irregular sight|2 |Focus: |

|words & review sight words | |We have two new sight words. Watch me. |

| | |First, I will say the word, and then I’ll spell it. |

|_________________ | |Word? |

| | |‘come’. |

| | |Spell ‘come’. |

| | |c-o-m-e. |

| | |Word? |

| | |come |

| | | |

| | |Now you say the word and spell it. |

| | |Word? (come) |

| | |Spell ‘come’. (tap under letters as they are spelled aloud). ( c-o-m-e ) |

| | |Word? (come) |

| | | |

| | |Next word. ‘said’. |

| | |Word? said. |

| | |Spell ‘said’. (tap under letters as they are spelled). |

| | |Word? (said). |

| | | |

| | |Now let’s review all the sight words. (develop probe/list) |

| | |come said I can |

| | |said come can a |

| | |is and said can |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Introduction of New Sound: |2 |Here is a new letter sound. |

|Advance Organizer with visual/ | |The letter(s) a-r say / ar /. |

|keyword mnemonic | | |

| | |(Show picture keyword or printed word as a mnemonic to remember the sound (add to word wall). |

|_________________ | | |

| | | |

| | |We hear the sound in the keyword represented by this picture _arm___. (emphasize sound in keyword). |

| | |We see these letters in this printed word (spell word and point to underlined letter sounds: arm). a-r says /ar/ |

| | |Knowing this sound can help you to identify new words that contain this pattern when you are reading. You can look at|

| | |this picture on our wordwall and remember that a-r says /ar/ |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |(Optional. Students will listen to words for target sound. (thumbs-up/thumbs-down) if the sound is heard in spoken |

| | |words in spoken words. ) |

|2. Introduce and Rehearse New |3 |Focus: |

|Sound: Letter Sound | |You’re going to practice saying this sound. |

|Correspondence | |When I touch under the letter(s) say the sound, |

| | |Say the sound as long as I touch under the letter. |

| | | |

| | |Model Response. I DO |

| | |Watch me. My turn. |

| | |Sound? (touch under the letter) (Say sound: /ar/) |

| | | |

| | |Provide Guided Practice |

| | |Your turn. Each time I touch under a letter, you say the sound. |

| | |(point to the left of the letter.) |

| | |Sound? (touch under the letter) |

| | |Yes, _____. |

| | | |

| | |(Model 1-2 new letter sounds for students). Then provide rehearsal practice with new and review sounds (see example |

| | |below). |

| | | |

| | |Rehearsal Practice (rehearse new and review sounds) |

| | | |

| | |ar or a ar |

| | |or o ar a |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Error Correction Procedure |

| | |To correct students: |

| | |Say: My turn. |

| | |Sound? /___/ |

| | |Your turn. |

| | |What Sound? /ar/ |

| | |Yes, /ar/ |

| | |Back up two letters to repeat trial. |

| | | |

| | |Individual Turns |

| | |Call on individual students in an unpredictable order to evaluate mastery. |

| | |Sound? Mary. |

| | |Sound? Paul. |

|3.1 Read New Words: Word Reading|3 |If students need to learn to sound blend, Model continuous blending (Card #9) |

|using Blending routines | | |

|3.2 New Skill applied to Reading|5 |Now I’ll use the pattern to read some words. My turn. |

|New Words: Precueing (focusing) &| |• Sound? /ar/ |

|Word Reading | |• Blend? /f/ /ar/ /m/ [Optional step if students need more support] |

| | |• Word? • “farm” |

| | | |

| | |Your turn. [Or say it with me.] |

| | |• Sound? /ar/ |

|Note. | |• Blend? /f/ /ar/ /m/ |

|Precueing helps student to focus,| |• Word? (signal) |

|process, and think about the new | | |

|pattern before they are asked to | |(Note. If students are strong in blending and they can blend in their heads, you can omit the Blending step. Then you |

|read the word. | |will simply cue practice using two prompts: Sound? (/ar/) Word? (farm). |

| | | |

| | |unmixed practice - probe (-ar, -or new sounds) |

| | |card farm barn |

| | |born con corn |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |mixed practice – probe (-ar, a, -or, -o) |

| | |bad barn cad mark |

| | |card had hard harm |

| | |form cod cord con |

| | |corn cot torn tom |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Error Correction. |

| | |My turn. |

| | |Sound? /_____/ |

| | |Blend? /f / - /ar/ - /m/ |

| | |Word? _____. |

| | |Your turn. |

| | |Sound? /_____/ |

| | |Blend? |

| | |Word? |

| | | |

| | |Back up two words and re-present. |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Individual Turns |

| | |EX: Sarah. Sound? Word?. |

| | |Thomas. Sound? Word? |

| | | |

| | |(Note. If students do not need extra support, you can progress from precueing to word reading in a 2-step routine by |

| | |simply saying:) |

| | |Sound? |

| | |Word? |

| | | |

| | | |

|4. Fluency Practice - |3 |Stage One. Subvocalization Stage |

|Subvocalization | | |

| | |Let’s read the words more quickly. This time I’ll simply point to the left of the word and say Word? I’ll pause for a |

|Note. | |second, and give you time to think or blend the word in your head. Then I’ll signal, and you will say the word. |

|It’s important to build fluency | | |

|so that students progress beyond | |● Word? (pause. signal) |

|sound-by-sound decoding to | |● Yes, _______. |

|automatic word recognition. This| | |

|involves repeated reading | |mixed practice – probe |

|practice on the same words 2-3 X | |bad barn cad mark |

|in the lesson. | |card had hard harm |

| | |form cod cord con |

| | |corn cot torn tom |

| | | |

| | | |

|5. Fluency Building – Reading |2 |Stage Two. Automatic Stage. Read Words the Fast Way (No Sounding out). |

|Words Automatically (tThe fast | |Let’s read the words again even more quickly. (Note this is the third practice). This time I’ll simply point to the |

|way) | |left of the word and say Word? Try to keep up with my signal. |

| | | |

| | |We’ll do the first two rows together. Then I’ll give you individual turns. |

| | |● Word? |

| | |● Yes, _______. |

| | | |

| | |mixed practice – probe |

| | |bad barn cad mark |

| | |card had hard harm |

| | |form cod cord con |

| | |corn cot torn tom |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Individual Turns |

| | |Call on individual students in an unpredictable order to evaluate mastery. |

|6. New Skill Applied to Reading |5 |Title of Decodable text: |

|Text: Text application | |Use one of the following options to have students read and reread the story at least |

| | |two more times: |

|Reading words in (decodable) | |1. Provide extra choral reading practice using the signaling procedure in Card #12. |

|text. | |2. Provide extra individual turn reading practice using the procedure above. |

| | |3. Partner Read – Students read with a partner following procedure below. |

| | | |

| | |Say: |

|See Card #12 for more supported | |You’re going to practice reading a story with a partner. |

|practice | |When you are the listener, touch under each word your partner is reading and read along silently to yourself. If the |

| | |reader makes a mistake, say the correct word. When you are the reader and your partner corrects you, repeat the |

| | |correct word. |

| | | |

| | |Teach students how to correct partners/students: |

| | |Say: My turn. That word is ____. Your turn. What’s the word?____ |

| | |Go back to the beginning of the sentence and reread. |

| | | |

| | |(Then go back to the beginning of the sentence and read the |

| | |sentence again. Take turns reading sentences/ paragraphs/ pages with your partner.) |

| | | |

| | |During partner reading, each student should have their own copy of the |

| | |decodable book. Teacher moves from pair to pair listening and monitoring. |

| | | |

| | |Fluency check: |

| | |Comprehension check: |

| | | |

| | |Use your Keywords. Think of a word that you already know. |

| | |If this word is ________, then this word is _______. |

|7. New Skill |5 | |

|Activity: Word Work, Word | |Let’s write some words with our new sound(s). |

|Buiilding, and Writing | |First I’ll say the word. Then I’ll say the sounds slowly, and write the letter for each sound I say. |

| | |‘farm. |

|Spelling and/ writing words; or a| |Echo? (farm). |

|word building or Word Sort | |Now I’ll say the sounds slowly and write the letters for each sound I say. |

|exercise | |/fff/ /arrr/ /mmm/ (write the letters as you make the sounds). If you use Elkonin sound boxes, be sure you write a-r|

| | |in the second box. ) |

| | |I wrote ‘farm’. |

| | |I wrote the letters f-ar-m because those are the sounds in ‘farm’. |

| | | |

| | |Your turn. The word is ‘cart’. |

| | |Echo. |

| | |Now say the sounds slowly and write the letters for each sound you say. |

| | |What word did you write? |

|Note | |What letters did you write? |

|Spelling deepens students’ | | |

|awareness of the sound-spelling | |Next word is ‘fat’. |

|pattern and relationship. It | |Echo. |

|supports reading and writing | |Now say the sounds slowly and write the letter for each sound you say. |

|skills. | |(students sound out the word.) |

| | |What word did you write? |

| | |What letters did you write? |

| | | |

| | |Next word is ‘corn’. |

| | |Echo. |

| | |Now say the sounds slowly and write the letter for each sound you say. |

| | |What word did you write? |

| | |What letters did you write? |

| | |What letters make the /or/ sound? |

| | | |

| | |Last word is ‘con’. |

| | |Echo. |

| | |Now say the sounds slowly and write the letter for each sound you say. |

| | |What word did you write? |

| | |What letters did you write? |

| | |What letter makes the /o/ sound? |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Repeat with other a-r and o-r words, together with some nonexamples that are review sounds (e.g., short o, short a) |

| | | |

| | |Word Sorts |

| | |Today during center time, you will sort pictures and words into two piles. In one pile, you will put pictures/words |

| | |with the /ar/ sound under the picture of the ‘arm’; in a second pile, you will put the /or/ pictures/words under the |

| | |picture of the corn. In a third pile, you will put pictures/words that do not belong with /ar/ or /or/. “Odd word” |

| | |pile. |

| | | |

| | |Word Building: Making Words (use magnetic letters, elkonin boxes, letter tiles, dry erase boards, etc.) |

| | |Alternative exercise: Word Building Words: Chain 1: barn-born-corn-con; Chain 2: charm – harm – ark – park – pork - |

| | |cork; |

|8. Restate Focus | |Write script for this section. Review skill and how it can be used to support reading performance. |

| | |What (phonics skill) |

| | |How |

| | |When |

| | |Why |

|9. Progress Monitoring |3 |Provide a probe with /ar and /or// words and take a 1-minute sample of students reading final r-controlled words. You |

|Assessment | |can precede the 1-minute probe with whisper reading or partner reading. When students are very consistent and fluent |

| | |in reading words in the 1-minute probe (over several days), present a mixed probe with the target spelling pattern |

| | |mixed with other review words and patterns, including some words that follow a short vowel pattern. The words can be |

| | |in different order on the different students’ probes so that they do not echo each other. You can find some examples |

| | |of probe sheets on the OCPS website. |

| | | |

| | |EX: |

| | |card |

| | |born |

| | |hard |

| | |fort |

| | |dart |

| | | |

| | |barn |

| | |dark |

| | |cork |

| | |harp |

| | |form |

| | | |

| | |harm |

| | |fork |

| | |port |

| | |yarn |

| | |cork |

| | | |

| | |farm |

| | |form |

| | |born |

| | |cart |

| | |port |

| | | |

| | |yard |

| | |corn |

| | |hard |

| | |pork |

| | |ford |

| | | |

| | |port |

| | |tarp |

| | |lard |

| | |mart |

| | |cork |

| | | |

| | |dart |

| | |dorm |

| | |torn |

| | |lark |

| | |core |

| | | |

| | |fork |

| | |sort |

| | |bark |

| | |cart |

| | |port |

| | | |

| | |harp |

| | |pork |

| | |tarp |

| | |fort |

| | |dart |

| | | |

| | |torn |

| | |harm |

| | |born |

| | |dark |

| | |cork |

| | | |

| | |hark |

| | |port |

| | |bars |

| | |cork |

| | |cart |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |____% accuracy |

| | |____ wcpm |

| | | |

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