Chapter 3 Test

Semester Test Review

1. Who crossed the plains in 1540 with his conquistadors resulting in the beginning of recorded history in Oklahoma?

a. Christopher Columbus

b. Francisco Coronado

c. Amerigo Vespucci

2. Where was the land bridge “Beringia” located?

a. Between Russia and Alaska

b. Between Mexico and the United States

c. Between Canada and the United States

3. Where were the “Cross Timbers” prehistorically?

a. Western Oklahoma

b. Eastern Oklahoma

c. In the Panhandle

4. What type of land does Western Oklahoma generally have?

a. Cross Timers

b. Prairie land

c. Mountainous type land

5. What part of Oklahoma has the lushest vegetation?

a. Panhandle

b. Eastern

c. Western

6. What type of legacy did the Spaniards leave?

a. One of fame, fortune and good will

b. One of cowardice and unwilling to fight

c. One of distrust and hatred

7. What was the European policy concerning land ownership?

a.) The Nation that found the land should share it with the Indians

b.) The Nation that found the land had ownership

c.) All land should be commonly owned

8. What are inhabitants?

a. People who sold land after they had discovered it

b. People who discovered new land

c. The people that were on the land before discovery

9. Who instructed the French minister of finance to sell all of Louisiana?

a. Napoleon

b. Christopher Columbus

c. Amerigo Vespucci

10. Why did the French sell Louisiana?

a.) Because the colonies of America forced them to.

b.) Because they were constantly at war and needed money

c.) Because they no longer wanted to be imperialist

11. How much did the United States buy Louisiana for?

a. 15 Million dollars

b. 5 Million dollars

c. 15 Trillion dollars

12. What did President Jefferson commission Lewis and Clark to do?

a. To clearly find a passage from the United States to Mexico

b. To find a passage through the high mountains of the West

c. To Find gold to fund the purchase of Louisiana

13. Whose expedition was the first to include Oklahoma?

a. Lewis and Clark

b. Vespucci and Columbus

c. Wilkinson and Pike

14. Who found the Great Salt Plains?

a. Sibley

b. Coronado

c. Cortez

15. Name one effect the Doctrine of Discovery had on the Indian-U.S. Government?

a. The Indian nations were forced to join together as one tribe

b. The Indian nations were recognized as separate and sovereign nations

c. The U.S. claims to have conquered the Indian nations

16. Who made the final decisions about what to do with Indian land?

a. The U.S. government

b. The independent nations

c. The tribal councils

17. What did the Doctrine of Discovery do?

a. It gave individual ownership of land to the explorer who found it

b. It gave ownership of land to the natives that were already living on the land

c. It gave ownership of land to the government of the explorer who found the land

18. What happened to the natives after the land they lived on was discovered?

a. They became the rightful occupants of the land but did not own it.

b. They were immediately forced to move to reservations

c. They became the rightful owner of the land

19. Describe the Europeans views on land ownership.

a. They believed it was commonly owned for the greater good of all

b. They believed in individual land ownership

c. They believed that the Indians should be the rightful owner since they were the original inhabitants

20. Describe the Indians views on land ownership.

a.) They believed it was commonly owned for the greater good of all

b.) They believed in individual land ownership

c.) They believed that the Indians should be the rightful owner since they were the original inhabitants

21. What did the early land transactions between the colonists and Indians lead to?

a. It led to distrust on each side

b. It led to a strong trust between each side

c. It led to the Indian ownership of the land they occupied

22. What was President Jefferson’s beliefs about the solution to the Indian problem.

a.) He believed we should assimilate them into society through education

b.) He believed we should conquer them

c.) The Indians should be the owners of their land because they lived there first

23. Who was the primary creator of the Indian removal as the answer to the Indian Problem?

a. Thomas Jefferson

b. George Washington

c. John C. Calhoun

24. How many Indians were rounded up for the first removal?

a. about 2000

b. about 10,000

c. about 18,000

25. How many Indians died on the first removal?

a. 250

b. 2500

c. 25

26. Who had to walk in the second removal?

a. All Indians

b. The non elderly and healthy

c. No one

27. What disease struck the second removal?

a. The black plague

b. The bubonic plague

c. Cholera

28. Compare the human pain and suffering in the second removal as compared to the first?

a.) There was less human pain and suffering

b.) There was more human pain and suffering

c.) It was about the same

29. Describe the views of many of the Choctaws about the Third removal.

a.) They refused to go

b.) They demanded to be sent on train

c.) They were happy to go to get away from the english settlers

30. What name was the removal journey given?

a. The Indian Removal

b. The Trail of Tears

c. They Indian Trail

31. What happened to Indians when they were given credit at Trading Posts?

a. They bought white land

b. They refused to use the credit

c. They piled up huge debts

32. Where did the Natives move from and where did they move to in the first removal?

a. From Tennessee to Oklahoma

b. From Memphis to Arkansas

c. From Memphis to Oklahoma

33. Where were the Chickasaws placed before they were removed?

a. In jail

b. On reservations

c. In emigration camps

34. How were the Chickasaws in the second removal going to be removed initially?

a. By foot

b. By Riverboat

c. By Train

35. What happened to the Native Americans after they arrived on their new land?

a.) They found the land lush and easy to farm

b.) They found that Western tribes were already living on the land

c.) They found that the land did not exist

36. What was the main disease killed several Chickasaws and Choctaws?

a.) Smallpox

b.) Cancer

c.) Chicken Pox

37. Where were the Seminoles located before their removal?

a. Florida

b. Tennessee

c. Georgia

38. Describe the Seminoles relationships with their slaves.

a. They were very close with their slaves in comparison with other slave owners

b. They treated their slaves very poor in comparison to other slave owners

c. They did not own slaves

39. Name one famous Seminole leader?

a. Geronimo

b. Cochise

c. Osceola

40. Name one thing the discovery of gold in California did?

a. It sped up the Western movement

b. It allowed the Indians to stay on their land in the East because so many settlers moved west to find gold

c. It made the Native Americans rich because they owned a lot of the land the gold was found on.

41. Where was no man’s land?

a.) On the Eastern border of the Louisiana territory

b.) In Southeastern Oklahoma

c.) In the panhandle of Oklahoma

42. Which of the Five Civilized tribes adapted to the “white” way the fastest?

a. Choctaw

b. Chickasaw

c. Seminole

43. Which type of Native American hid and lived as the natives always had?

a. Mixed Bloods

b. Native Bloods

c. Full Bloods

44. Which type of Native adapted the best through education?

a. Mixed Bloods

b. Native Bloods

c. Full Bloods

45. Name an occurrence that prompted some “whites” to write the government about the treatment of the natives.

a. The natives were starting to win the battle against their removal

b. The natives were becoming too prosperous in the west

c. The Georgia guard committed crimes against the natives when removing them

46. Who were the Seminoles governed by?

a. The Spanish

b. The French

c. The British

47. What were the years between the Indian removal and Civil War called?

a. the removal years

b. the Reservation period

c. The Golden Years

48. What were the governments that the Five Civilized adopted like?

a. Very much like the one of the U.S. Government

b. They did not have constitutions due to wanting to be separated from the white settlers

c. They completely separated them from the U.S. government, thus giving the United States no power over them

49. What was the main factor that helped the Indians “deal” with the white settlers?

a. They became advanced enough to fight them off and remain independent

b. Education

c. Although they were outmatched they were better “warriors” thus keeping their independence

50. What percent of Indians owned slaves?

a. About half

b. More than half

c. Very few

51. Describe the conditions for most of the Indians after their removal.

a. Most lived in poverty

b. Most lived in prosperity with their new land

c. Most became slaves

52. What were the main crops in the south?

a. Wheat, corn and Beans

b. Cotton, tobacco and rice

c. Soybean, sugarcane and tea

53. Name one thing each constitution for the five civilized tribes contained.

a. An amendment declaring the Indian’s loyalty to the confederate states

b. A Bill of Rights

c. An amendment declaring the Indian’s loyalty to the union states

54. What was most of the Indian Territory a replica of?

a.) The American South

b.) The American North

c.) The same as it was before the removal

55. Where did the first territorial battle of the Civil War take place?

a. Battle of Round Mountain

b. Battle of Honey Springs

c. Battle of Gettysburg

56. What were the results of the first battle of the Civil War?

a. The Indians were able to make the Union soldiers retreat

b. The Indians were able to make the Confederate soldiers retreat

c. The Indians were overtaken by the Union troops

57. Where was the Indians loyalty in the Civil war.

a. They wanted to remain neutral

b. With the Confederacy

c. With the Union

58. What eventually happened to the Indians during the Civil War.

a. They eventually gained their independence from the Union

b. They were overtaken and enlisted as Indian Home guards

c. They eventually gained their independence from the Confederacy

59. What battle was the turning point of the war in Indian territory?

a. Battle of Vicksburg

b. Battle of Rock Springs

c. Battle of Honey Springs

60. Who was the only Indian to gain the rank of General?

a. Chief John Ross

b. General Stand Waite

c. General George Custer

61. Who won the Civil War?

a. Union

b. Confederates

c. Indians

62. 4 out of 5 of the Civilized tribes provided warriors for who during the Civil War?

a. The Union

b. The Confederates

c. The Slave owning states

63. What happened to the Indians in regards to their lands after the Civil War?

a. The Union allowed them to keep most of their land due to their loyalty

b. The Confederacy allowed them to keep most of their land due to their loyalty

c. The Federal Government forced them to forfeit their lands although they were loyal to the union

64. What were the Cherokees, Creeks and Seminoles forced to do with their former slaves?

a. They were forced to give them to Southern slave owners

b. They were forced to give them to Union slave owners

c. They were forced to make them citizens

65. Name a result of the Medicine Lodge Treaties.

a. It created peace and stability while maintaining the boundaries of Indian Territory

b. It further reduced Indian Territory lands

c. It led to beginning of trust between the Indian nations and the U.S. Government

66. Name the biggest reason the U.S. Government wanted the Indians to farm?

a. Because it would reduce the Indians exposure to the “White” settlers

b. Because the buffalo was going extinct.

c. Because the U.S. Government needed another cheap source of food from the Indians.

67. What General led the seventh cavalry that attacked and killed 102 Indian warriors?

a.) General Stand Waite

b.) General George Custer

c.) General Stonewall Jackson

68. Why were some Indians not opposed to white settlement?

a. They did not want to be responsible for so much land

b. They believed that hunting and gathering would be better under the new conditions

c. They thought it would bring economic growth

69. What was the name of the group of people led by David Payne who created excitement about opening up the Indian territory for settlement?

a. Boomers

b. Reservationists

c. Sooners

70. What continued to happen to Payne’s group that entered the unassigned land?

a. They were continually forced to retreat back to Kansas

b. They were able to buy the land they wanted

c. They were able to force the U.S. Government to open the Cherokee strip

71. Who take over the Boomer Movement for Payne when he died?

a. William Couch

b. Stand Waite

c. Grover Cleveland

72. How much land could each entrant claim in the Landrun?

a. 80 Acres

b. 320 Acres

c. 160 Acres

73. How old did a person have to be to enter the landrun?

a. 16

b. 21

c. 18

74. What was the name of the people who plotted land too early in the Land Run and hid until it was time for the race?


75. Where was the closest court that originally had the authority to try cases in the Indian Territory?

a. Oklahoma City

b. Guthrie

c. Fort Smith

76. Who was known as the “Hanging Judge”?

a. Judge David Payne

b. Judge Isaac Parker

c. Judge William Couch

77. Name a famous outlaw that found refuge in the Indian territory?

a. Jesse James

b. Ulysses S. Grant

c. Stand Waite

78. How many people did the “Hanging Judge” sentence to death by hanging?

a. 88

b. 66

c. 44

79. What act took portions of Indian land and allotted it to individual land owner?

a. The Reconstruction Act

b. The Dawes Allotment Act

c. The Organic Act

80. Which act set up the government in Indian Territory?

a. The Reconstruction Act

b. The Dawes Allotment Act

c. The Organic Act

81. What is Oklahoma known as?

a. The Sunflower state

b. The land of the Redman

c. No Man’s Land

82. When was the First Land opening?

a. April 22, 1889

b. April 22, 1907

c. April 23, 1889

83. What act set up the first Government in Oklahoma?

a. Dawes Allotment Act

b. Curtis Act

c. Organic Act

84. When did “No Man’s Land” become part of the Oklahoma Territory?

a. When the Organic Act was passed

b. When the Dawes Act was passed

c. When the Curtis Act was passed

85.) How many original Counties were there?

a.) 6

b.) 7

c.) 8

86. Name two of the original counties

87. What is the current day name of the first three universities set up in Oklahoma Territory.

a. OU, OSU and UCO

b. OU, OSU and Tulsa

c. OU, OSU and NEO

88. What city was the original capitol of Oklahoma?

a. Oklahoma City

b. Kingfisher

c.) Guthrie

89. How much land was each man, women and child going to get if they opened up their land for settlement?

a. 160 acres

b. 80 acres

c. 40 Acres

90. Who became the first territorial governor of Oklahoma?

a.) George Washington Steele

b.) Stand Watie

c.) Charles Haskell

91. Name the two territories that were being combined to form the State of Oklahoma?


92. What act combined the two “twin” territories into one state?

a. Organic Act known as the Hamilton Bill

b. Dawes Act known as the Hamilton Bill

c. Oklahoma Enabling Act known as the Hamilton Bill

93. What laws allowed for segregation and stated that “separate but equal” was legal?

a. Indian territory laws

b. Jim Crow Laws

c. Hamilton Bill Laws

94. What date did Oklahoma become a state?

a. December 16, 1907

b. November 16, 1907

c. September 16, 1907

95. What was prohibition?

a. Prohibiting and segregating African Americans from the white community

b. Prohibiting and segregating Native Americans from the white community

c. The banning of the transport, sale, consumption or distribution of alcohol

96. What does the statue in front of the Territorial Museum represent?

a.) The union between the two territories

b.) The military defeat of the Indian Territory

c.) The success of the land rushes in Oklahoma territory

97. What did Oklahoma become the leading producer of?

a. Corn

b. Petroleum

c. Cotton

98. Name one voting requirement that indirectly was aimed at keeping African Americans from voting.

a. You had to pass a literacy test

b. You had to be a prominent business owner

c. You had to be a land owner

99. Which former Governor supported the “Better element” during this period?

a. Alfalfa Bill Murray

b. Stand Waite

c. Will Rogers

100. What was a system where farmers would live on and work land that they did not own?

a. Single crop farming

b. Rent farming

c. Tenant farming

101. Why did the prices of agricultural products start to decline?

a. They were producing too much

b. They were not producing enough

c. There were not enough farmers

102. Name a major riot in Oklahoma that occurred due to racial tensions?

a. The Guthrie Race Riot

b. The Oklahoma City Race Riot

c. The Tulsa Race Riot

103. What group threatened, intimidated and sometimes were violent towards the African Americans and people who did not show their “Americanism”?

104. What district was destroyed during one of the largest Race Riots in Oklahoma history?

a. The Greenwood District in Tulsa

b. The Latin American District of Tulsa

c. The Greenwood District in Oklahoma City

105. Showing your pride towards your country is considered a show of what?

a. Socialism

b. Patriotism

c. Federalism

106. Currently, what party does Oklahoma support the most?

a.) Democrats

b.) Federalists

c.) Republicans

107. Who was the state’s first governor?

a. Alfalfa Bill Murray

b. Charles Haskell

c. G.W. Steele

108. Where is the Oklahoma State Penitentiary?

a. McAlester

b. El Reno

c. Oklahoma City

109. What were Stillwater, Edmond and Norman given to satisfy them in the fact they weren’t getting the capital?

a. They were given colleges

b. They were given the promise of gaining control of the capital through future elections.

c. They were going to be given 1/3 of the profits of the oil industry in the state

110. How were the state seal and recording books hidden during their removal?

a. In a suitcase

b. In the secretary’s purse

c. In a bundle of laundry in a laundry bag

111. Name one town that was built due to the oil boom and brought several major companies to Oklahoma?

a. Stillwater

b. Glenpool

c. Shawnee

112. What term is used to describe a town where most people left after the oil went dry?

113. When did WWI end?

a. On the 9th day of the 9th month at the 9th hour

b. On the 10th day of the 10th month at the 10th hour

c. On the 11th day of the 11th month at the 11th hour

114.) What amendment allowed women the right to vote?

a.) 13th

b.) 15th

c.) 19th

115. What did Dick Rowland do that started the Tulsa Race Riot?

a. He stumbled and stepped on Sarah Page’s foot

b. He shoved Sarah Page out of the Elevator

c. He held Sarah Page hostage and demanded that African Americans be treated equally

116. What happened to African Americans who were taken prisoner?

a. They were disarmed and sent home

b. They were searched and put in holding camps

c. They were lynched

117. What happened to the “White” rioters who were disarmed?

a.) They were disarmed and sent home

b.) They were searched and put in holding camps

c.) They were lynched

118. What laws allowed for illegal liquor traffickers?

a. Prohibition

b. Jim Crow

c. Organic Laws

119. Name a famous bootlegger and mafia leader.

120. What was the name of a person who made his or her own liquor?

a. Bootlegger

b. Abolitionist

c. Moonshiner

121.) What was the name of a place where people illegally sold and drank alcohol?

a.) Underground Caverns

b.) Prohibitioners

c.) Speakeasies

122. On what date did the Stock Market crash?

a. October 29, 1929

b. October 28, 1928

c. October 27, 1927

123. What was the name given for the day the stock market crashed?

a. Bloody Sunday

b. Terrible Monday

c. Black Tuesday

124. What was the stock crash generally considered the start of?

125. What did Murray think about President Roosevelt’s New Deal Program?

a. He tried to keep it out of Oklahoma

b. He wanted Oklahoma to be the first to receive its benefits

c. He did not care one way or the other about it

126. Name a major event that happened in result of the drought the hit in 1933?

127. Describe what Will Rogers was famous for.

128. How did Will Rogers die?

a. He was shot and killed while bootlegging

b. He was shot and killed while robbing a bank

c. He was killed in a plane crash

129. What was Woody Guthrie’s main reason for leaving Oklahoma?

a. He had an acting job opportunity in California

b. He, as well as many other Okies, had to leave due to the drought and unemployment

c. He was invited to tour with Will Rogers

130. What type of songs did Woody Guthrie become famous for?

a. Folk songs about the depression and events in Oklahoma

b. Folk songs about the trials and tribulations of the slaves during the civil war

c. Folk songs about the treatment of the Five Civilized Tribes

131. Why did the 45th infantry’s original insignia get changed?

a. Because it had too much resemblance to the insignia on the confederate flag which stood for slavery

b. Because it had too much resemblance to the insignia British flag, and people wanted to separate from them.

c. Because it had too much resemblance to the rise of Hitler’s and the Nazi swastika

132. Why was this division known as “gainers”?

a. They were the only division that never lost ground in WWII

b. They were the only division that gained a new insignia during WWII

c. They were the only division to gain it’s own name during WWII

133.) What company controlled the plant by Crescent where Karen Silkwood worked?

a.) Kerr McGee

b.) Phillips 66

c.) Texaco

134. What field did McGee find oil in where nobody thought there was oil?

a. The Glenn Pool

b. Oklahoma City Oil Field

c. The Cushing Oil Field

135. Who did Dean McGee merge with to make Kerr McGee?

a. Robert Kerr

b. Dean Kerr

c. John McGee

136. What is the name of the company that Kerr and his partner formed?

a. Texaco

b. Phillips 66

c. Kerr McGee

137. What was the most notable weapon that was used for the first time in World War II?

138. Who did the United States use this weapon against?

a. China

b. Japan

c. Germany

139.) What conflict broke out just five years after WWII had ended?

a.) The Vietnam War

b.) The War in the Pacific

c.) The Korean War

140. What three Interstates was the Governor in question 2 instrumental in getting built?

1-35, 1-40 and ________________

141. What court case made segregation in schools illegal?

a. Plessy vs. Ferguson

b. Roe vs. Wade

c. Brown vs. Board of Education

142. What was Karen Silkwood going to accuse Kerr McGee of?

a. Falsifying records of carelessness

b. Drilling offshore without licenses

c. Drilling sideways under ground and getting oil that was on land they hadn’t leased

143. What was Silkwood going to do when she was run off the road?

a. Give her evidence to a NYC reporter

b. She was running from Kerr McGee who she thought was trying to kill her

c. She was running from her boyfriend who was abusive

144. Name one major problem law enforcement had with Prohibition?


145. What amendment to the Oklahoma constitution ended prohibition?

a. 18th

b. 21st

c. 27th

146. What industry benefitted the most in Oklahoma from peri-mutual betting being made legal?

a. Horse Racing

b. Slot machine gambling

c. Casino gambling

147. What was the name of the bank that failed damaging Oklahoma’s econmy?

a. First Capital Bank

b. Penn Square Bank

c. Oklahoma State Bank

148. What was the main reason that this bank failed?

a. It did not have enough customers

b. It would not loan out enough money the economy needed circulating

c. It made very risky loans that businesses could not pay back

149. What facility was built in Oklahoma City after Pari-Mutual betting was made legal?

a.) The Bricktown Ballpark

b.) The Ford Center

c.) Remington Park

150. On what date was the Oklahoma City Bombing?

a. April 19, 1995

b. December 7, 1941

c. July 4, 1976

151. What building was bombed in the Oklahoma City bombing?

a. Murrah Building

b. Penn Square Bank

c. The Ford Center

152. Who was responsible for the Oklahoma City bombing?

153. On what highway was this person traveling on when he got caught?

a. 1-40

b. 1-35

c. I-44

154. In what town was this person placed in County jail after his arrest?

a. Stillwater

b. Oklahoma City

c. Perry

155. What was this person’s sentence?

a. Life in prison with parole

b. Life in prison without parole

c. Death by lethal injection

156. What other person was found guilty in the OKC bombing?

157. What is the number one cash crop in Oklahoma?

158. Which governor instituted the lottery?

a. George Nigh

b. Brad Henry

c. Henry Bellmon

159. What were the proceeds of the Lottery supposed to go towards?

160. How big is Oklahoma in terms of population?

a. It’s in the top twenty of population of states in the United States

b. It’s one of the top ten smallest states in the United States

c. It’s close to an average size state in the United States

161. What type of weather events is Oklahoma proned to?

162. Why does Oklahoma have so many storms?

163. Which part of the state receives the most rainfall?

a.) The southeast

b.) The western panhandle

c.) The southwest

164. What month averages the most amount of rain in Oklahoma?

a.) April

b.) May

c.) June

165. What part of the day is most likely to produce severe weather?

a.) The morning hours into early afternoon

b.) Overnight into the morning

c.) The afternoon into early evening

166. Describe the May 3, 1999 tornado. Make sure and list the names at least one town that was hit?

167. Describe Jim Thorpe’s parents?

a. Dad was Indian mom was Irish

b. Dad was Irish mom was Indian

c. Both parents were Irish

d. Both parents were Indian

168. In what town is Jim Thorpe thought to have been born by?

a. Prague

b. Guthrie

c. Oklahoma City

169. At what school did Thorpe play his college Football?

a. University of Oklahoma

b. Canton University

c. Carlisle University

170. Who was Jim Thorpe’s college football coach?

a. Pop Warner

b. Bud Wilkinson

c. Knute Rockne

171. Name another sport that Thorpe competed in while in college.

172. In what two events did Thorpe win gold medals in the 1912 olympics?

a. Long Jump and High Jump

b. Decathlon and Pentathlon

c. 1500 Meters and 50 Meter dashes

173. Why did Thorpe’s Olympic medals eventually get taken away from him?

174. Who did Thorpe play most of his professional baseball career with?

a. New York Giants

b. Cincinnati Reds

c. Brooklyn Dodgers

175. In which team did Thorpe play his professional football for when he gained his most fame?

a. Carlisle Tigers

b. Canton Bulldogs

c. Tulsa Hurricanes

176. What was the first shopping cart made out of?

a. Folding chair with two baskets and wheels on it

b. Two baskets and wheels attached to a bench

c. A bar stool with two baskets and wheels attached to it

177. Where was the first yield sign used?

a. At an intersection in Downtown Oklahoma City

b. At an intersection in Guthrie

c. At an intersection in Tulsa

178. Where was the first parking meter used?

a. In downtown Tulsa

b. In downtown OKC

c. In Guthrie Public Schools

179. Why was the Ditch Witch invented?

a. To dig trenches in the oil field more efficiently

b. To dig the trenches used in World War I more efficiently

c. To increase the efficiency of installing underground irrigation systems

180. Name the Hall of Fame catcher known as the Stinger from Binger?

a. Garth Brooks

b. Mickey Mantle

c. Johnny Bench

181. Name the Hall of Fame outfielder for the New York who was known as the Commerce Comet.

a.) Garth Brooks

b.) Mickey Mantle

c.) Johnny Bench


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