|Chickenpox* (Varicella) |From 10-21 days, usually |From person-to-person by direct |Sudden onset with slight fever and itchy eruptions which |CASE: Exclude from school until all lesions dried |

| |14-16 days (May be |contact and droplets or by |become vesicular (small blisters) within a few hours. |and crusted . Obtain previous varicella hx. Report to|

| |prolonged by use of VZIG). |airborne spread of vesicular |Lesions commonly occur in successive crops, with several |BPHC, HS. |

| | |fluid or secretions of the |stages of maturity present at the same time. Communicable |CONTACTS: With BPHC (1) identify students and staff |

| | |respiratory tract. |for as long as 5 days (usually 1-2 days) before eruption of |who may have been exposed (contagious 1 day before |

| | | |vesicles until scabs have formed (usually 5 d.) |rash and until all lesions have dried and |

| | | | |crusted),(2) implement control measures (1e, exclude |

| | | | |susceptibles, recommend varicella vaccine within 3-5 |

| | | | |days of exposure, if susceptible, Identify known |

| | | | |susceptibles and refer to primary care, (3) identify |

| | | | |if streptococcal disease is in school. |

| | | | |Conduct surveillance for 42 days after last exposure.|

| | | | |CLEANING |

| | | | |LETTER: |

|Conjunctivitis, Acute |Usually 24-72 hours. |By contact with discharges from |Pink or red eyeball with swelling of the eyelids and eye |CASE: Exclude from school while symptomatic or until|

|Bacterial (Pink Eye) | |the conjunctivae or contaminated |discharge. Eyelids may be matted shut after sleep. |24 hours of antibiotic treatment has been completed. |

| | |articles. | |CONTACTS: School exclusion not indicated. |

| | | | |CLEANING |

| | | | |LETTER |

|Coxsackie (Hand Foot and |The incubation period is |Contact with secretions, feces | contagious when the first symptoms appear and may continue |CASE; exclude until fever free |

|Mouth) |3-6 days after exposure; | |until the blister-like skin lesions disappear. The virus has |CONTACTS:no exclusion if not ill |

| |contagious 2 days before | |been known to be shed in the stool for up to several weeks. |CLEANING: regular Universal Precautions |

| |to 2 days after the mouth | | |LETTER: not mandatory |

| |sores develop. | | | |

|Fifth Disease |From 4-20 days |Primarily through contact with |Mild illness without fever. Rash characterized by a vivid |CASE: Exclusion from school not indicated. Use |

|(Erythema Infectiosum) | |respiratory secretions. |reddening of the skin, especially of the face, which fades |standard infection control measures. |

| | | |and recurs; classically, described as a “slapped face |CONTACTS: School exclusion not indicated. Pregnant |

| | | |appearance.”Frequently6 associated with lace-like rash on |women and immunocompromised persons should seek |

| | | |trunk and extremities that fades and may recur. |medical advice. |

| | | | |CLEANING |

| | | | |LETTER |

|Measles* |From 7-18 days, usually |Airborne by droplet spread or |Prodrome characterized by fever followed by reddened eyes, |CASE: Exclude from school until at least 4 days |

|(Rubeola, Red Measles) |8-14 days. |direct contact with nasal or |runny nose, cough. Dusky-red blotchy rash appears on day 3 |after appearance of the rash. Check immunization |

| | |throat secretions of an infected |or 4 and lasts 4 -7 days. Highly communicable from 4 days |records of all students. Immediately report to BPHC |

| | |person. |before rash appearance to 4 days after appearance of the |and HSA |

| | | |rash. Immunocompromised people can be infectious throughout |CONTACTS: Check records of all students/staff, |

| | | |illness. |including volunteers, (2) implement control measures |

| | | | |as per BPHC, (3) refer pregnant women, |

| | | | |immunocompromised people or infants ................

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