Beginning Teacher Time Allowance: first year

Beginning Teacher Time Allowance application

The Beginning Teacher Time Allowance is available to boards employing New Zealand or overseas trained year one teachers within their first 12 months of teaching. The allowance is available for a maximum of 12 months. Teachers are only eligible for the Beginning Teacher Time Allowance within their first 12 months of teaching, i.e. eligibility for the allowance ceases when 12 months teaching has been completed.

For the school to receive a Beginning Teacher Time Allowance, the employed teacher must meet all the following criteria:

• have completed less than 12 months teaching

• be employed for at least 0.50 full-time teacher equivalent (FTTE) from within the school’s staffing entitlement ie Teachers’ Salaries

• be appointed to a position for a minimum of 10 weeks/1 term

• have completed a course of teacher training, or NZQA equivalent, recognised by the Secretary for Education.

Boards appointing a beginning teacher to a full-time position (1.00 FTTE) from Teachers’ Salaries are entitled to 0.20 FTTE allowance, while teachers employed part-time (0.50-0.99 FTTE) from Teachers’ Salaries attract 0.10 FTTE support.

For further information, please refer to the Funding, Staffing & Allowances Handbook at

Send to the Resourcing Contact Centre:

Postal address: PO Box 1666, Wellington 6011

Fax: (04) 463 8374


|School details |

|School name: | |School number: | | |

|Contact details (email or phone): | | |

| | | |

|Teacher details |

|Teacher’s name: | | |

|IRD number: | |OR | |

|MOE number: | |(If known otherwise leave blank.) | |

| | | |

|Education and employment |

|Name of institution issuing Diploma of Teaching: | | |

|Year teacher education qualification completed: | | |

|Tenure: | LTR Long-term Reliever | PER Permanent |

|Start date: |_____ / ______ / ________ |End date (if teacher is a LTR): |_____ / ______ / ________ |

|FTTE status: | |1.00 if full time; decimal equivalent if part-time. |

| | | |

|Previous teaching experience |

|Write nil if this is the teacher’s first teaching experience |

|School |Start date |End date |Tenure |Beginning Teacher Time Allowance |

| | | | |Used? |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Certification |

|This section needs to be completed by the principal. |

|I certify that the above-named teacher meets the criteria outlined on Page 1 of this application. Should the employed teacher become ineligible at any |

|stage, the allowance will be removed and backdated to the date at which the teacher became ineligible. The Beginning Teacher Time Allowance approved |

|will be used to support the beginning teacher’s professional advice and guidance programmes. |

|Principal’s name: | |Date: | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Principal’s signature: | | | | |

| |

|Ministry of Education Use Only |

___ / ___ / ___ to ___ / ___ / ___0.10 FTTE / 0.20 FTTEApproved / DeclinedPeriodEntitlementSTEER


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