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Fish farming business plan free download pdf

(No reviews yet) Write a Review Quantity price applied (No reviews yet) Write a Review Item: #389020 Weight: 1.00 LBS Author: Michael J. Roberts Best Seller: FALSE Classic: FALSE Copyright Perm Flag: TRUE Educator Message Flag: TRUE Exclusive: FALSE Pages: 7 Primary Category: Industry and Background Note Publish Date: August 23, 1988 Publish Date Range: Older than 24 months Related Topics: Start-ups Related Topics: Venture capital Related Topics: Business plans Related Topics: Financing Related Topics: Debts Source: Harvard Business School Special Value: FALSE Subcategory: Innovation & Entrepreneurship Subject: Innovation & Entrepreneurship SubjectList: Start-ups,Venture capital,Business plans,Financing,Debts Format Type Filter: Hardcover/Hardcopy (B&W) Format Type Filter: PDF Item: #389020 Pages: 7 Publication Date: August 23, 1988 Publication Date: August 23, 1988 Source: Harvard Business School Describes the various uses for a business plan and focuses on writing a business plan to attract financing for a new venture. Related Topics: Newsletter Promo Summaries and excerpts of the latest books, special offers, and more from Harvard Business Review Press. Loading shopping cart, please wait... Business planning is the magic bean for successful businesses. Use the business planning basics to put a plan in place, give it the continued attention it needs, and your business is going to grow stronger and better. Whether it grows bigger and stronger depends on the plan you've chosen, but the point is, without business planning, you have a fair chance of ending up with nothing but some churned up dirt to show for your efforts. This article shows you how to use the business planning basics to create an action plan that will provide your small business direction for the coming year -- or longer. When you've completed it, you will have a vision statement, a mission statement, and specific business goals that enable you to put your business planning into action. So let's start with the basics of business planning. The assumption of business planning is that you want your small business to be successful. So the first question is, "What do you want?" To answer this, you have to have decided how you're going to measure your success. For instance, do you want your small business to: Make x amount of revenue? Become the market leader in its marketing segment? Bring in enough money that your family can live off it? Bring a process or product you've created to market? Make you personally a well-known name? Become a well-known franchise? These are just a few examples of what a successful small business may mean to you. Notice how money may or may not figure prominently in your interpretation of success. Now that you've decided what you want your small business to accomplish, we'll formalize your desires into a vision statement as part of the business planning framework. First, though, because a vision statement is all about choosing a future destination, you need to articulate where you are now, giving your business planning a starting as well as an endpoint. You'll do this by writing a mission statement, describing what your company does and how you do it. Then shape your vision statement by applying the formula as directed. (Note that using a five-year timeline is not a requirement; you can certainly change this to any number of years that you wish.) Now you have a mission statement that says where you are and a vision statement that tells where you want to get to, so you're ready to flesh out the business planning framework by creating the business goals that are going to get you there. The right business goals follow three goal setting rules. 1) Business goals need to be relevant. Business owners sometimes make the mistake of choosing business goals that are pointless. For instance, one person I know once set a business goal to hand out one hundred business cards a month. Well he did, but so what? If his intention was to bring in more business, we all know that the way to do that is to establish relationships with people, and you don't accomplish that by just handing someone a card. The whole exercise was just a waste of time. To be relevant, a business goal has to be profitable in some fashion. That's not to say that every business goal has to be measurable in dollars and cents, but it does have to possess a clear advantage or benefit to your business. 2) Business goals need to be actionable. An even more common mistake when setting business goals is to choose business goals that are too vague or abstract. Business goals such as "Andy's Antiques will improve our customer service" sound nice ? but if Andy's Antiques is your business, how are you going to do that? When you're setting business goals, be sure that you have developed them from general statements, such as in the example above, to specific actions that can be performed and evaluated. (See Setting Goals Is the First Step to Achievement to learn how.) Goals without action plans are just pretty words. 3) Business goals need to be achievable stretches. The purpose of business goals is to move our businesses forward and to motivate us. So we have to position the bar very carefully when we're setting business goals. If the bar is set too high, we set ourselves up for failure and disappointment and many of us, recognizing this in advance, will just stop trying. On the other hand, if the bar is set too low, and all we have to do is step over it, we might not bother to do it as we won't get enough satisfaction or recognition from the accomplishment. A goal has to stretch us to be worth doing. Recognize that a business goal has to "feel" worthwhile and set goals that will accomplish the dual purpose. Follow these three rules when you're setting business goals and you'll find that you're automatically achieving more because you'll no longer be wasting time setting goals that defeat the purpose of the exercise. It's time to put your mission statement, vision statement and business goals to use by creating an action plan for your small business. Work through this quick-start business development plan for small businesses. (Although it's set up as two sessions, you should be able to complete the entire business action plan in one session, as you already have a vision statement, mission statement and business goals to work with.) When you're done, pay special attention to the last section about revisiting your action plan and evaluating your progress. You know what will happen to your magic bean plant if it doesn't get any care! If you want to start a small farm business, you may be wondering what step to take first. You might not even have land yet, but you are still thinking and planning for the time when you will make your move. And finding farmland is one important step in farming - one that you'll want to take after considering some other factors. You can't go wrong starting with this step. If you're new to farming, learn everything you can about it within the time you have. But be reasonable, too. You can't know everything there is to know. Some learning will have to be on the job, and trial and error is messy, time-consuming and sometimes costly. Yet it's inevitable with farming, so embrace the process. But learn some, too. Balance. If you can find a mentor - someone you can learn from directly, perhaps in your community now or where you hope to farm - it can be extremely helpful. If you haven't already, work on a farm. Volunteer. Gain experience before you begin. Erik Isakson / Getty Images An important part of starting your farm business is defining what it will be. Do you want to have a micro-scale vegetable farm? Do you plan to grow acres of hay for other farmers? Maybe you want to have a diversified farm - a small-scale operation that grows a variety of animals and crops. You might even be wondering how to start an ecotourism farm, where people will come to stay to see the workings of your farm and perhaps even participate in farm chores. You may wonder if you need a business plan. The short answer: if you want to start a business, you will need a business plan. In the writing of the business plan, you will consider markets, supply and demand, as well as anything and everything that pertains to your farm operations, management structure, financial analysis, products, and price points. You may cycle between this step and the previous one, designing and planning because they are interconnected. But a business plan is a significant enough part of starting a business to take up an entire step. It's where you take your dreams and brainstorms and make them a reality. Hero Images / Getty Images You might not have all the capital you need to start farming on the scale that you'd like. You can start small, dip a toe in the water and see how you enjoy farming on a micro scale, using whatever you can glean from your monthly household budget to invest in the farm. But it might take a long time to get anywhere using this method, as you may not be able to invest a significant amount, enough to bring product to market. Grants and loans aimed at young and beginning farmers are out there! Help is available for established farmers, too. Programs offer subsidized equipment like high tunnels, assistance in certifying organic, and more. Your local and state law may vary when it comes to the requirements for establishing a small farm business. But the basics are the same: you will probably need to register your business name, purchase a business license, get an employer identification number, and carry product liability insurance. You will also need to decide on your business structure. Will this be a sole proprietorship, an LLC or something else? Contact an accountant to get information specific to your situation. Financial planning should be in your business plan. It's very important to set up a system for bookkeeping and accounting from the start of your small farm business.

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