Board of County Commissioners - Wakulla County, Florida

Board of County Commissioners

Date: Monday, November 15, 2010

To: Honorable Chairman and Members of the Board

From: Benjamin H. Pingree, County Administrator

Subject: Follow-Up to County Commission Meeting October 18, 2010


Commissioner Green

Pledge of Allegiance

Commissioner Kessler

Approval of Agenda:

(The Chairman and members of the Board will approve and/or modify the official agenda at this time).

Commissioner Stewart made a motion to approve the Agenda as is; Commissioner Green seconded and the motion passed 5/0.

Public Hearing

(Public Hearings are held as required to receive public comments on matters of special importance or as prescribed by law. Public Hearings shall be heard at 5:00pm, or soon thereafter. Individual speakers are encouraged to adhere to a three (3) minute time limit. The Chairman has the discretion to either extend or reduce time limits, based on the number of speakers).

Awards and Presentations

(Members of the Board will have the opportunity to acknowledge members of the community or commendable efforts at this time. Presentations will be made from individuals concerning issue of importance).

Announcement of Wakulla County Welcome Center Ribbon Cutting Ceremony – Pam Portwood

Pam Portwood invited the Board and citizens to attend the Welcome Center Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on October 28, 2010 at the Welcome Center in Panacea at 5:30p.m. Ms. Portwood also announced the event is combined with the Chamber Mixer which will take place at 7:00p.m.

Announcement of the Mighty Mullet Maritime Festival – Pam Portwood

Pam Portwood announced the Mighty Mullet Maritime Festival and invited all citizens to attend and participate in the event. The Festival will be held on October 30, 2010 beginning at 10:00a.m. – 5:00p.m. at Woolley Park, Panacea. The event includes a farmers market, mocked seinyard, silect auction, boat building, music, food vendors, and a masquerade contest.

Announcement of NOPE Task Force National Candle Light Vigil – Gayle Myers

Gayle Myers announced a Candle Light Vigil being held at Hudson Park on October 28, 2010 at 6:30p.m. and invited everyone to attend and become educated on substance abuse awareness.

Wakulla Gardens Announcement – Commissioner Kessler

Commissioner Kessler announced that the gravel work in Wakulla Gardens should begin this week and announced that the Board is pleased to see that activity is beginning.

Presentation by Big Brothers and Big Sisters – Meredith Crowe & Louis Garcia

Louis Garcia presented the Board with a PowerPoint regarding Big Brothers and Big Sisters of the Big Bend. The Big Brothers Big Sisters Mission is to help children reach their potential through one-to-one relationships with mentors that have a measurable impact on youth. Their vision is successful mentoring relationships for all children who need and want them, contributing to brighter futures, better schools, and stronger communities for all. This organization is aiming to open a youth mentoring program in Wakulla County. A fish fry is being held to assist this agency in raising the final dollars so that it can open the youth program in the County. The Charity Fish Fry will be held on Saturday, November 20, 2010 at 11:00a.m. – 2:00p.m. at Hudson Park and will include music and fun.

Commissioner Brock announced early voting and encouraged all citizens to vote early at the Supervisor of Elections Office.

(To ensure fairness and encourage participation, citizens who would like to speak on any item will need to fill out a speaker’s card and turn in to Ms. Welch prior to the beginning of discussion on that particular item.  Citizens are allowed a maximum of 3 minutes to speak. In the event a citizen requests to donate their 3 minutes to another citizen, the citizen must obtain approval from the Chairman prior to the date of the meeting and is at the Chairman’s discretion).


(All items contained herein may be voted on with one motion. Consent items are considered to be routine in nature, are typically non-controversial and do not deviate from past Board direction or policy. However, any Commissioner, the County Administrator, or the County Attorney may withdraw an item from the consent agenda, either in writing prior to the meeting, or at the beginning of the meeting and it shall then be voted on individually. Every effort shall be made to provide such a request to the Chairman at least 24 hours before the meeting).

Commissioner Stewart made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda with Tab #5 being pulled for discussion; Commissioner Brock seconded and the motion passed 5/0.

1. Approval of Minutes – October 4, 2010 Regular Board Meeting Minutes

(Brent X. Thurmond, Clerk of Court)

The Board approved Option #1 – Approve the October 4, 2010 Regular Board Meeting Minutes.

2. Approval of Payment of Bills and Vouchers Submitted for September 30, 2010 – October 13, 2010

(Brent X. Thurmond, Clerk of Court)

The Board approved Option #1 – Approve the Bills & Vouchers submitted for September 30, 2010 – October 13, 2010.

3. Request Board Approval of Road Closing on February 19, 2011 for Wakulla County Christian Coalition Black History Celebration and Parade

(Benjamin H. Pingree, County Administrator)

The Board approved Option #1 – Approve the temporary road closing request on February 19, 2011 to allow the Wakulla County Christian Coalition Black History to hold is celebration and parade.

4. Request Board Approval to Schedule and Advertise a Public Hearing to Adopt a Resolution of Intent to Use the Uniform Method of Collection for Assessments to Fund Fire, Solid Waste, Stormwater, Road Maintenance and Improvements, Clean Energy and Wind Resistance Improvements, and Other Neighborhood Improvements, Facilities, and Associated Services

(Heather Encinosa, County Attorney)

The Board approved Option #1 – Approve staff to schedule and advertise a public hearing to consider adopting a Resolution of Intent to use the uniform method of collection for assessments to fund fire, solid waste, stormwater, road maintenance and improvements, clean energy and wind resistance improvements, and other neighborhood improvements, facilities, and associated services.

5. Request Board Approval to Schedule and Advertise a Public Hearing to Consider Adopting an Ordinance Establishing a Process for Waiver or Reduction of Code Enforcement Liens

(Jaime Baze, Code Enforcement)

This item was pulled for discussion.

6. Request Board Approval of a Proclamation Declaring October 30, 2010 as Mighty Mullet Maritime Festival Day

(Pam Portwood, TDC Director)

The Board approved Option #1 – Approve the Proclamation declaring October 30, 2010 as Mighty Mullet Maritime Festival Day in Wakulla County.

12. Request Board Approval of a Resolution to Certify Tax Rolls for Issuance by November 1, 2010

(Cheryll Olah, Tax Collector)

The Board approved Option #1 – Approve the Resolution to certify tax rolls for issuance by November 1, 2010.

14. Request Board Approval to Contract with Edwin Brown & Associates to Prepare an As-Built Survey of the Rock Landing Dock, Approval of Funds to Remove a Derelict Vessel, and Approval of the Budget Amendment

(Doug Jones, Public Services Director)

The Board approved Option #1 – Approve the Contract with Edwin Brown & Associates to prepare an as-built survey of the Rock Landing Dock, approve the funds to assist with removing the derelict vessel not to exceed $5,000, and approve the budget amendment.

15. Request Board Approval of Road Closing for the 4th Annual Veterans Day Parade on November 6, 2010

(Major Larry Massa, WCSO)

The Board approved Option #1 – Approve the temporary road closing request for the 4th Annual Veterans Day Parade on November 6, 2010.

Consent Items Pulled for Discussion

(Members requesting further information on items placed under “Consent Agenda,” may withdraw those items and place them here, for further discussion).

5. Request Board Approval to Schedule and Advertise a Public Hearing to Consider Adopting an Ordinance Establishing a Process for Waiver or Reduction of Code Enforcement Liens

(Jaime Baze, Code Enforcement)

After discussion, Commissioner Stewart made a motion to approve scheduling and advertising for a Public Hearing to consider adopting the proposed Ordinance establishing a process for forgiveness or reduction of Code Enforcement Liens; Commissioner Green seconded and the motion passed 5/0.

Planning and Zoning

(Members will be provided with planning and zoning amendment requests five (5) business days prior to the scheduled meeting. To the maximum extent possible, all support information and documentation for P&Z items shall be made available through a variety of means including the County website that will provide the public with the greatest opportunity to review documentation at the date of advertisement pursuant to Resolution No. 04-43. “In accordance with Sec. 24.01 of County Code, for all quasi- judicial proceedings each Commission member must disclose all contact received from interested parties and/or their representatives, lobbyists, or any other third parties concerning any application and any personal investigation or knowledge being relied upon during the consideration of any quasi-judicial planning and zoning matters”.)

General Business

(General Business items are items of a general nature that require Board directions or pertain to Board policy

7. Board Update on the Equestrian Center Project

(Tim Barden, Assistant County Administrator)

This Item was Tabled to the November 1, 2010 Board Meeting

8. Update to the Board Regarding Housing Division Programs and Request for Board Direction on Corrective Actions

(Ben Pingree, County Administrator)

Commissioner Brock made a motion to schedule and advertise a Workshop on November 4, 2010 to allow the Housing Division to address concerns and present solutions, and to allow a presentation from Administration on the advantages of outsourcing all of the Housing Programs; Commissioner Stewart seconded and the motion passed 5/0.

(Ben Pingree, County Administrator)

(Alfred Nelson, Housing Director)

(Jessica Welch, Policy & Public Information Coordinator)

In addition, Commissioner Artz made a motion to direct staff to develop a draft RFP to outsource all programs within the Housing Division to include retaining staff on a trial basis; Commissioner Stewart seconded and the motion passed 4/1.

(Ben Pingree, County Administrator)

(Alfred Nelson, Housing Director)

(Jessica Welch, Policy & Public Information Coordinator)

9. Request Board Consideration and Authorization to Procure Grant Development and Administration Services within a Grant Application to the Florida Department of Community Affairs, Community Development Block Grant Program (DCA/CDBG) for the Construction of a Fire Station to be Located in the Wakulla Gardens Area

(Scott McDermid, Public Safety Director)

This Item was Pulled from the Agenda.

10. Request Board Consideration and Authorization to Repair Station 8, Crawfordville Volunteer Fire Department, and Authorize Staff to Seek the Preliminary Engineering Costs and Necessary Loan Funding to Complete the Proposed Renovation

(Scott McDermid, Public Safety Director)

Commissioner Stewart made a motion to authorize staff to obtain an updated site evaluation and preliminary cost estimate from one of the County’s contract engineers to repair and/or construct a new building for the Station 8 Crawfordville Volunteer Fire Department; work with the Clerk’s office to obtain a low interest, short-term loan rate estimate; and directed staff to purchase a metal shed not to exceed $10,000 to park the fire truck in; Commissioner Brock seconded and the motion passed 5/0.

(Scott McDermid, Public Safety Director)

13. Request Board Consideration of Fee Waiver for the Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment(s)

(Melissa Corbett, Planner II)

Commissioner Stewart made a motion to approve the Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment(s) fee waiver and vote to waive all County fees regarding the Tiger Hammock Road properties in order to bring into compliance; Commissioner Brock seconded and the motion passed 5/0.

Citizens to be Heard

(Citizens will be heard between 6:30p.m. and 7:00p.m., or if the meeting concludes prior to 6:30p.m. or 7:00p.m. citizens will then be heard at the end of the meeting where applicable. Three (3) minute time limit; non-discussion by Commission; there shall be no debate and no action by the Commission).

Cheryll Olah, Tax Collector, addressed the Board to announce she will be returning excess budget money of $3,620.06 to the Board. Ms. Olah has completed some repairs in and around her office that totaled $2,237.71 to include moving an air conditioner from the courthouse to her office, new sidewalk, gutters, and painting driver license lines. She also stated that she has trained additional staff for driver license and has added a drop box at her office.

Jim Porter on behalf of theWakulla County Horsemen’s Association addressed the Board in regards to the Equestrian Center Project.

Laurie Westbrook addressed the Board regarding her concern with Equestrian Center Project and would like to know the status of the project.

Dana Peck expressed concerns regarding County budget and the need to stop spending.

Hugh Taylor addressed the Board regarding Campaign tactic polls.

Renee Calhoun addressed the Board in regards to the Affordable Housing Committee and the issue with not being able to find minutes, meeting reports, meeting notices, etc.

W. D. Lansford addressed the Board regarding a letter in the local newspaper regarding the County Administrator bringing the County into the 21st Century and his opinion that the Commissioners are not representing the citizens, as they have not done an investigation of Administration.

Steve Fultz presented a PowerPoint Presentation regarding oversight responsibility for County Administration and the need for the County Attorney to investigate purchases from Inspired Technologies.

Commissioner Agenda Items

(Items with supporting documentation shall be provided by a Commissioner to the County Administrator three (3) business days prior to the scheduled meeting. Items that are agendaed by Commissioners and fail to gain approval may not be replaced on the agenda by a Commissioner on the non-prevailing side for a period of six (6) months without approval of the Chairman unless there is substantive new information to present).

11. Commissioner Kessler –

a. Tax bill limitation

Commissioner Brock made a motion to direct the County attorney and staff to analyze the billing process for sending out County tax bills and bring back recommendations to the Board on findings; Commissioner Stewart seconded and the motion passed 5/0.

(Heather Encinosa, County Attorney)

(Tim Barden, Assistant County Administrator)

b. Paperless System for Commission Agenda’s

Commissioner Artz made a motion to direct the County Attorney to review whether the Purchasing Policy was followed regarding the Paperless Agenda System with Inspired Technologies and provide an Opinion to the Board; Commissioner Green seconded and the motion passed 5/0.

(Heather Encinosa, County Attorney)

c. Spring Creek Marina/Boat Ramp

Commissioner Artz made a motion to affirm that the action to consider obtaining the Spring Creek Marina and Boat Ramp for public use is worthy of staff time and resources, and to direct the County Administrator and staff to explore the various options in order to secure the marina and boat ramp; Commissioner Stewart seconded and the motion passed 5/0.

(Doug Jones, Public Services Director)

(Ray Gray, Parks & Recreation Director)

County Attorney

(County Attorney items are items of a legal nature that require Board direction or represent general information to Board Members, staff or the public).

Discussion Item Regarding Rural Area of Critical Economic Concern

The County Attorney discussed the Rural Area Critical Economic Concern (RACEC) and requested the Board to determine if they wanted to proceed with this project. The Board agreed they wanted to continue the project and directed to move forward with the North Central Area designation for Wakulla County.

County Administrator

(County Administrator items are items that require Board direction or represent general information to Board Members, staff or the public).

Discussion Issues by Commissioners

(The purpose of this section is for Commissioners to request staff action on various issues, including scheduling of a future agenda item for later Board action, based on the approval of a majority of the Board. No assignments or request for agenda items shall be given to the County Administrator or County Attorney without the express approval of the majority of the Board. The Board shall take no policy action without an agenda item unless such is accomplished through a unanimous vote of the Board. The remarks of each Commissioner during his or her “discussion items” shall adhere to Robert Rules of Order, for proper decorum and civility as enforced by the Chairman.

Commissioner Brock reminded everyone of early voting and invited all citizens to attend the BBQ on October 23, 2010 to celebrate the paving of Old Bethel and Gavin Roads.

Commissioner Stewart directed the County Administrator to task the Parks & Recreation Director to prepare an update to the Board on the Equestrian Center Project.

(Tim Barden, Assistant County Administrator)

(Ray Gray, Parks & Recreation Director)

(Eva Thorpe, OMB Analyst)


(Any departure from the order of business set forth in the official agenda shall be made only upon majority vote of the members of the Commission present at the meeting).

The Board adjourned at 7:56p.m.

The next Board of County Commissioners Meeting is scheduled for

Monday, November 1, 2010 at 5:00 p.m.

|Regular Board Meeting and Holiday Schedule |

|January 2010 – December 2010 |

| |

|January 2010 | |February 2010 | |March 2010 |

|S |M |T |W |Th |

|S |M |T |W |Th |

|S |M |T |W |Th |

|S |M |T |W |

| |Special Meeting | |

| |Holiday | |


2010 Tentative Schedule

All Workshops, Meetings, and Public Hearings are subject to change

All sessions are held in the Commission Chambers, 29 Arran Road, Suite 101, Crawfordville, FL. Workshops are scheduled as needed.

|Month |Day |Time |Meeting Type |

|TBA |TBA |TBA |Proposed Workshop: To Discuss Land Quality and Land Designations |

| | | |(date may be subject to change) |

|October 2010 |Thursday 7 |5:00 P.M. |Workshop to Discuss the Roads Clean Action Plan Committees Final |

| | | |Report and Recommendations |

| |Thursday 7 |6:00 P.M. |Workshop to Discuss Mt. Beasor Rd. |

| |Monday 18 |5:00 P.M. |Regular Board Meeting |

|November 2010 |Monday 1 |5:00 P.M. |Regular Board Meeting |

| |Thursday 4 |5:00 P.M. |Workshop to Discuss the Proposed Solid Waste Licensing Ordinance |

| |Thursday 4 |6:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M. |Workshop: To Discuss the Improvements to our County’s |

| | | |Infrastructure (Including Paving and Maintaining of Roads) |

| |Monday 15 |5:00 P.M. |Regular Board Meeting |

| |Tuesday 16 |5:00 P.M. |Swearing-In Ceremony for New Commissioners |

|December 2010 |Monday 6 |5:00 P.M. |Regular Board Meeting |

| |Thursday 9 |4:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M. |5th Annual Board Retreat (To Be Held at the Public Library) |


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